Chapter 122 The Finger of Death

The lava crystal dragon raised its head and swept across with a mouthful of dragon's breath, spraying as far as more than 400 meters away, and the undead within the range were washed away by the dragon's breath and quickly turned to ashes.

Even if large resurrected monsters, abominations, etc. are brushed by the dragon's breath, they will turn into fireballs and burn.

In just a dozen seconds, more than a thousand undead army and two abominations were melted.

But Saral, the Scourge Lord, didn't have any anger on his face. Instead, he smiled happily and said to his subordinates:

"It is indeed a lava crystal dragon of the high-ranking dragon clan. Although it cannot fly, its physique and strength are stronger than other high-ranking dragon clans that can fly. When we catch the giant war beast that transforms into me, this invasion will be considered complete."

He looked up and down the heroic appearance of the lava crystal dragon with admiring eyes, and after a few words of admiration, he said to his subordinates:

"Get ready, send some flesh and blood puppets, and also call the steel golems behind, only this guy can barely block it."

One led the order to leave, and the other Lich hero said:

"Although the steel golem is strong, it is also irresistible."

Salar nodded and said:

"Of course we can't stop it, but we can stop it together. As long as we can catch this high-ranking dragon, no matter how big the loss is, it will be worth it."

"But don't worry too much, I know it well, and if it's really difficult to deal with, I won't be stingy."

Seeing him say this, the subordinates naturally had nothing to say.

At this time, the Lava Crystal Dragon received another voice transmission from Li Qing, and after a mouthful of dragon's breath, it rushed straight to the commanding force of the Scourge.

Rampaging like a heavy tank, a large number of skeletons were knocked away, and a large number of abominations rushed up, and the huge bodies collided together, making heavy muffled noises, full of power.

The lava crystal dragon's current size is about 30 meters long, and its strength is extremely astonishing. To him, general hatred is like a praying mantis blocking a car, and the hatred is easily knocked away when the two sides collide.

However, as the lava crystal dragon gradually rushed into the undead army, more and more abominations approached.

Heads of abominations hit the lava crystal dragon one after another, and after the continuous muffled sound, his speed inevitably slowed down.

The blocked lava crystal dragon roared, the dragon scales on its body burst into flames, the fiery force field surrounding itself condensed into substance, the surrounding temperature increased sharply, and a large number of nearby skeleton bones quickly turned yellow and black, and then burned out of thin air.

A large number of zombies are visible to the naked eye, and as the skeletons burn, they coax them to burn like a primer.

You don't need to do anything, just stand there motionless with this fiery aura, these skeleton zombies can't be moved, and they will die as many as they come.

Salar quickly realized this, and after thinking about it for a while, he began to dispatch troops.

Transfer the cannon fodder skeleton zombies to attack the city, leaving only a large number of abominations and flesh and blood golems, as well as some powerful undead to continue to encircle.

The huge lava crystal dragon claws slammed down hard, smashing a four-meter-high flesh and blood puppet flat with one blow. The flesh and blood filled in the steel frame flew away under the terrible weight, leaving only a deformed steel frame.

A head of abomination rushed forward, slashing at the belly of the lava crystal dragon with a three-meter-long bone-chopping knife in its hand.

A burst of sparks flew, and the bone cutter slid down.

Can't break the defense at all, not an opponent of the same level.

But there were too many abominations. After the skeletons and other cannon fodder were transferred away, hundreds of abominations and hundreds of flesh and blood golems all surrounded them, attacking frantically in turn.

Even though the lava crystal dragon is powerful, it is still difficult to move in the face of so many abominable squeezes, and it takes several times the usual strength to move every step.

The angry lava crystal dragon spewed out another dragon's breath, and immediately a dozen abominations and more flesh and blood golems were engulfed in flames.

But this time, Saral, the Scourge Lord, did not remain indifferent. Instead, he took out a scroll and murmured something. A white light flew out and hit a large abomination ignited by the dragon's breath, and then a circle of white starlight exploded in a ring.

A layer of white light immediately appeared on the affected abomination, and the burning dragon's breath shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

War magic: Anti-magic magic, which greatly increases the resistance of troops to magic.

The magic to resist includes all hero skills, war spells, warrior combat techniques, various spells, spell-like spells, etc., all of which are included.

Strictly speaking, the dragon's breath of the dragon clan is a kind of magic, and it is also affected by the anti-magic magic.

Although this thing can't make the subordinates immune to spells, but the powerful magic resistance provided and the vitality of the abomination, although it looks miserable after being burned and melted into a human shape, it still survives with the breath of the dragon.

Seeing this scene, Li Qing was quite surprised at the net worth of this disaster lord.

You must know that the anti-magic magic is a third-order war magic, which is already very powerful, and it can be called the nemesis of the magic system.

A burst of dragon's breath did not drop the hatred in seconds, and the lava crystal dragon that had entered the cooling state of the dragon's breath was trapped in the encirclement of the hatred, and it was difficult to escape for a while.

Saral, the Scourge Lord, was overjoyed, and even impatiently ordered another ghost warrior hero under his command to take action.

The ghost warrior is a special kind of ghost, which can freely transform between nothingness and reality. It is born with the ability to hide its body, and it is a powerful assassin.

The ghost warrior hero quickly disappeared into nothingness after receiving the order, and slowly approached the battlefield.

But Li Qing saw all this. After the ghost warrior disappeared, he turned around and said to Long Shou and Long Fa behind him:
"In the past, on the basis of protecting yourself, try to attract the heroes around the Scourge Lord to leave."

Long Shou and Long Fa nodded, and jumped into the air towards the direction of the battlefield.

When they flew over the lava crystal dragon, the two separated one from the left and the other from the right. After a short charge, each of them spewed the breath of the dragon to the group of abominations and flesh puppets below.

"Where did this come from?"

Salar took a step forward unexpectedly, frowned and thought for a while, and contacted the leader of the Sky Ghost Legion, another ghost hero, through his God's Domain channel, ordering him to lead the ghost army to intercept the two flying dragon vein warlocks.

Thousands of ghost legions quickly approached the battlefield and rushed towards Long Shou and Long Fa.

After a mouthful of dragon's breath, Long Shou and Long Fa looked at each other and flew towards the dome in the sky at the same time.

Flying to the top of the underground space in one breath, Long Fa stretched out his hand, and a string of fireballs flew into the ghost group, with a series of explosions.

Long Shou held two long swords with elemental power in both hands, turned around and rushed into the group of ghosts, fighting into a group in an instant.

At this moment, Li Qing twisted his neck vigorously, and thick dragon scales quickly appeared on his body, a pair of curved dragon horns on the top of his head slowly protruded, and a pair of broad dragon wings "swish" behind him unfolded, and he patted lightly. soar into the air.

"it's time!"

He whispered to himself, and quickly blessed himself with a series of spells, including a large number of buffs, a human reduction technique, which reduced his size by half.

Then he said to all the apprentices in the Shenyu LAN:
"I'm going to make a move, don't worry about my safety, even if you can't kill me, you can come back, just guard the domain of God."

Then directly shut down the communication, and finally cast an invisibility technique, and with a flap of wings, he flew into the air and disappeared in a flash.

Everyone looked at the place where he disappeared for a long time, and someone said:
"Your Excellency Li Qing is truly a warrior!"

Some people are also surprised:
"Your Excellency Li Qing has such strength, why is he not very famous? I have never heard of it before."

Zhang Chunyi touched his head and said:
"Is it possible that we are ignorant and ignorant. We have been staying underground and have no information. Perhaps Your Excellency Li Qing is already very famous on the surface."

"Makes sense!"

At this time, under the blessing of invisibility, Li Qing quietly passed the undead army attacking the city, and passed a large number of abominations and flesh and blood puppets besieging the lava crystal dragon, and quickly approached the disaster lord.

Soon, he came to the mid-air less than 300 meters away from the Scourge Lord Saral. He took a deep breath to accumulate energy, and opened his mouth to spray a fiery dragon's breath.

At the moment when the dragon's breath erupted, the invisibility technique failed due to the powerful impact of the dragon's breath, and his figure was revealed, which shocked the disaster lord Saral below.

When he felt the suffocating breath contained in the breath of the dragon, Salar paused without hesitation with the staff in his hand, and jumped a hundred meters away with a flash technique, and then the little finger of his right hand wore a The gemstone ring lit up, and the second flash technique continued, jumping 200 meters away in an instant.

Li Qing ignored Salar, and sprayed a dragon's breath on the lord's guard who stayed in place.

Anyway, the natural disaster lord has reached the sixth level of strength, and he has so many treasures in his hand, he didn't think about it for a second at all.

Salar reacted quickly and escaped, but the many guards under his command could not run so fast.

A mouthful of pure dragon breath from the ancient ancestor dragon sprayed down, and most of the guards within a radius of several hundred meters turned into burning torches.

Salar, who escaped from the sky, immediately took out a war magic book and opened it, and cast the second anti-magic magic at super fast speed.

The previous anti-magic magic came from a scroll, and this one came from a war magic book, and the CDs of the two were not shared.

However, this is of no use.

Li Qing's dragon breaths are all real damage, real damage can ignore any resistance, even if the real god is sprayed, he will be burned, and the anti-magic method is useless.

The white anti-magic halo exploded in the torch pile, but it had no effect. Salar could only watch helplessly as his elite guards melted into the transparent flames.

After a mouthful of dragon's breath, Li Qing didn't even look at the ground, he spread his wings and rushed towards Salar.

The disaster lord had already summoned his scattered subordinates to support him after casting the anti-magic magic. With a flick of the staff in his hand and a flash of gemstone in his middle finger, a transparent mask rose to protect himself.

At the same time, the huge jewel at the top of the staff in his hand lit up, and a flash of black light hit Li Qing and wrapped it up.

When Li Qing jumped down, he fell suddenly, but the black light surrounding him melted quickly in the next second, and he stabilized his figure in mid-air and continued to jump down.

Salar was a little surprised, and waved his staff, with a muffled 'bang', Li Qing hit his head on the invisible force field, he turned around without hesitation and continued to pounce.

Several black tentacles flew out and entangled Li Qing, but the tentacles broke after only one pause.

Then the jewels at the top of several magic rings in Salar's hand lit up one by one, and six or seven negative spells acted on Li Qing in just a few seconds, including two heroic spells, but none of them worked. The speed barely stops.

At this moment, Salar's complexion finally changed. Before Li Qing rushed forward, he quickly chanted the incantation, pressed his right hand falsely, and a prism-shaped crystal light curtain rose to protect his whole body in all directions.

Li Qing bumped his head on it and made a loud muffled sound, and was bounced several meters to the ground by the huge anti-shock force.

Salar raised his left hand, index finger a magic ring embedded with several gems, several gems on it shattered in an instant, and several spells took effect.

Six-ring spell: anti-magic field, eliminating magic within a certain range.

Six-ring spell: high-level dispel magic, dispel the magic effect on the target.

Sixth-ring spells: Spell ineffective enchantment, prohibiting any spells below the fourth ring within the range.

Six-ring spell: repel, so that creatures cannot approach themselves.

At this time, Li Qing, who landed on the ground, flashed several magical auras, and a series of buffs that had been blessed were all released. Shaped crystal light curtain.

When the dragon's breath ray passed through the area between the two, various colors of light appeared in the air, and the colors were extremely beautiful.

The blazing dragon's breath ray forcibly passed through the colorful prismatic crystal, and the crystal melted a gap at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This prismatic crystal light curtain is not a defensive enchantment, but a real force field for all-round defense. After passing through the defense, the inside is not empty, but a real force field.

After the blazing dragon's breath ray penetrated the prismatic crystal, it quickly melted through the depths of the transparent crystal and approached Salal as if melting into an ice cube.

Salar's expression was extremely solemn at this time, and he did not hesitate to mobilize the God's Domain energy pool that he had already deployed in another underground space not too far away, and forcibly increased the power of many spells that he would cast next.

Six-ring spell: Commanding spell, controlling an enemy whose rank is lower than oneself.

Ineffective, Li Qing didn't even blink.

Although he didn't have the feat to be completely immune to this spell in his series of talents, his physique and resistance were too strong, so he was directly exempted.

Six-ring spell: petrification, petrify the target.


Six-ring spell: dissociation, which can decompose matter.

A green light bombarded Li Qing, and the dragon scales where hit were as shiny as new.

"how can that be?"

Salar was not reconciled, almost without hesitation, decisively mobilized the limited death power in the energy pool of God's Realm, and cast a seven-ring spell: Force Field Prison.

An invisible force field intercepted Li Qingji's blazing dragon's breath, but soon the dragon's breath caused ripples in the transparent force field, as if it was about to shatter at any time.

Salar immediately mobilized a little divine power and cast the second seven-ring spell: Symbol of Weakness.

A death talisman appeared above Li Qing's head, and circles of invisible halos of weakness spread out.

Then, Salar gritted his teeth and mobilized the remaining four points of divine power. At the same time, the gemstone on the magic ring on the big finger of his right hand shattered, and a raging force of death surged out, converging with the divine power on his finger and slowly pointing towards Li Qing. :

Seven Rings Spell: Finger of Death!
The dark green light hit Li Qing's chest in an instant, a circle of black spread rapidly, and a piece of dragon scale changed color for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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