Chapter 139 The Snake Man's Destiny Card

It took less than an hour to destroy the defense and resistance of the snake people, but after destroying the resistance of the snake people, it took almost three days to completely capture the city.

It was the sixth day of the one-week period when the loot was obtained, the battlefield was cleared, and the entire city was razed to the ground.

So far, a native city that had been besieged by millions of undead souls for several months was broken in a few days under his command.

It's not that the Scourge Lord is not strong enough, but mainly because his level is too high, crushed from a higher dimension, this plane does not have the power to compete with the ancestor ancient dragon.

When a huge monster with a wingspan of 200 meters is pressed down, how can the snake natives who don't even have the strongest in the sanctuary block it?How can this be stopped?
The millions of undead souls of the natural disaster gods are indeed exaggerated, but he has no decisive high-level force to break the deadlock, and can only rely on cannon fodder to consume. This is destined to be a very time-consuming siege, and it is normal for him to be unable to conquer it in half a year.

Of the 1 cannon fodder, only about [-] came back alive, and all the others died in battle.

At any rate, there were nearly [-] snakemen defending the army. Even if they collapsed, there was nowhere to escape. They were trapped in the city and were struggling to die.

But the cannon fodder that can survive can all be upgraded one or two levels.

After a short rest day, An Erqiu led the troops to approach the natural disaster god descendants, and Li Qing followed behind, counting the spoils.

Li Qing was full of anticipation for this, even more than when he captured the mage city-state.

You must know that this is the king's capital of the snake people, the last hope of the main civilization of this fragment of the plane, and it will definitely produce good things.

After praying routinely, Li Qing rubbed his hands excitedly, opened the treasure chest to take a look, and then froze.

Because the number of cards inside is much less than he imagined, there are only five cards, which is half less than that of the mage city-state.

"How can there be so much less?"

He wasn't depressed, what was condensed was the essence, and since it was so much less, it meant that there must be super-level good things in it.

Pursing his lips, he picked up the first card.

Source quality card: Contains 660 points of source quality.

This is no problem, if you capture the Snake King City, you will definitely have source quality.

The second card: Snake Civilization Destiny Card, which contains the Snake Civilization Destiny.

There is no problem with this, there were cities and towns that were captured before, and it is necessary to capture the King City of the Snake now.

The third card: Inheritance of the Snakeman Civilization, which contains all the cultural and knowledge inheritance of the Snakeman Civilization.


Li Qing pinched his brows. This seems to be similar to the inheritance of the academy in the mage city-state, including knowledge about making mage towers, magic runes, some war magic, and so on.

It's not bad, but this is the third card, and there are only two after it.

Touching his head in a complicated mood, Li Qing looked at the fourth card.

God's Domain Building: Snakeman's Lair, invest in resources, and summon the Snakeman.

Li Qing was speechless. He already had one of this thing, so he could only sell it or exchange it for other applicable God's Domain buildings.

After pressing the center of his eyebrows, Li Qing looked at the last card again:
Hero skill card pack*50 points: Contains 50 hero skill points.

"That's unreasonable!"

"660 points of source quality!"

"Snake Civilization Destiny Card!"

"Snake people civilization inheritance!"

"Snake Man Lair!"

"50 hero skill points!"

The five items are indeed good items, but the total value is a bit far from what he imagined.

Compared with destroying the mage city-state, it seems that the harvest of the mage city-state is not comparable.

"Not right!"

Li Qing frowned and checked the five cards back and forth. They were clearly in front of him, and there was nothing wrong with them.

At this time, Zhao Dingzhen saw his frowning and asked:

"What's the matter? Are you struggling with how to distribute?"

Li Qing shook his head and said:
"It's just a little strange, the value of this loot is lower than expected."

As soon as he said this, his eyes skipped the cards for the second time, and when he scanned the second card, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Immediately took out the card and placed it in his hand, flipped through it left and right, and polished it carefully for a while, his eyes fell on the name of the card, and he suddenly realized:
"So it is!"

"Snake Civilization Destiny Card!"

"Snake Human Civilization Luck Card!"

What he got this time was not the Snake Civilization Fortune Card he subconsciously thought, but a card called the Snake Civilization Destiny Card.

He immediately focused his attention on the card, and immediately a paragraph of information about this card appeared in his mind.

After reading the function information of this card, Li Qing's pupils subconsciously opened slightly.

"Lying in a trough!"

Snakeman Civilization Destiny Card: Its function is very simple, it is to endow a snakeman group with destiny and have the possibility of competing for the dominance of the plane.

To put it simply, it is to give destiny to any snake-human group in any plane, to become the patron of the plane, and with the luck of the plane, the group will grow rapidly, and the strong will emerge in endlessly, thus becoming the ruler of the plane .

The Luck Card, which is equivalent to the fragments of the Destiny Card, only has the effect of enhancing luck, and has no possibility of granting destiny.

These are two different concepts. Even if you pile up [-] luck cards, it will only increase the luck of the race temporarily, but it will not last long, and there will be no destiny.

Of course, if the ethnic group is strong enough, the plane is not big, and the other races are not very strong, they can also defeat other races and become the masters of the plane with the sudden increase in the luck and strength of the race.

Having said that, what effect does this destiny card have on warlords like them?

Useful, and very useful.

It's not very clear how to completely attack Li Qing, but he knows a few kinds.

One usage is that the war lord enters a foreign plane, which can be used in the current plane to counteract the rejection from the will of the plane.

In layman's terms, it means bribing the will of the plane and canceling the rejection.

Without the rejection from the will of the plane, war lords can quietly open channels in the plane, build bases, slowly conquer the surrounding areas, and finally conquer the entire plane.

During the effective period, no matter how big a war is launched, it will not cause the rejection of the will of the plane.

And this validity period depends on the size of the plane, if it is a small plane, the validity period is more than ten years to a maximum of 50 years.

If it is a large plane with a powerful plane of a true god, the validity period will be shorter, at least one year.

For war lords who are fighting on foreign planes, the most difficult thing is how to stand firm in the early stage. With the strength of a formal war lord, if there is a buffer period of more than ten years, it is enough to establish a stable base and stand firm.

So this thing is definitely the best treasure for the war lord, and its value is very high.

The second usage is to increase the upper limit of the family's overall qualifications and reproductive ability when determining the race of the main family members of the God's Domain.

In addition to these two, there are other uses, but Li Qing doesn't know it yet. You can ask the instructor when the time comes, and the instructor will definitely know.

After making sure that he didn't suffer a loss, Li Qing felt much better.

Think about it for a while, take out 10 hero skill cards from the hero skill point card pack, and 100 points of source quality, and then add the snake man's lair, a mage tower construction blueprint, a four-star hero transfer card, 50 units of dragon blood, There are six things in total.

It's all his excess.

He now has extra ordinary hero skill cards, and what he lacks most now are extraordinary hero skill points.

The source quality now has more than a thousand points, and it is nothing to spend a hundred points.

There is already one in the snake man's lair in God's Domain.

He has more than one set of blueprints for the construction of the mage tower.

The four-star hero transfer card is also useless.

He can refine the dragon bloodline at any time, and he can refine it in large quantities after the experience is over.

It is not useful for him, but it is definitely a good thing for Zhao Dingzhen, and I believe it can greatly enhance his strength.

Although Zhao Dingzhen didn't give him many good things, but he has always had this heart, and he has always remembered his brother. Based on this, it is reasonable to give him some benefits.

When he handed these things over, Zhao Dingzhen took a look, his pupils dilated obviously, and raised his head in surprise and asked:
"Damn it, where do you get so many hero skill points?"

"Of course it's from the booty."

"That's too exaggerated. I got so many loot from this experience, and I only got three hero skill points."

"Uh, maybe I'm lucky!"

"Fuck, that's too good."

Li Qing smiled and said nothing, how could it be easy to say such a thing.

I, Li Qing, have never cheated, I just had better luck.

Zhao Dingzhen did not refuse. After putting away the things, he thought for a while and took out a card and handed it to Li Qing, saying:
"Your things are indeed very useful to me, let's not say anything else, this thing should be very useful to you, take a look."

Li Qing shrugged, took the card casually, and glanced at it casually.


He didn't care at all when he saw the name of the card, it firmly attracted his attention.

Fragments of the Broken Godly Warrior Magicweave Construction Fragment: Imitate the legendary hero Godly Warrior, and endow the loader with the power of the Godly Warrior.

Attributes: Loaded with magic pattern structure, constitution +100%, movement speed +20%, pain reduction by 75%, chance to obtain hero skill - Spear of Boiling Blood.

Spear of Boiling Blood: The Spiritual Warrior burns his own life on the weapon, the blood of the attacked enemy boils and burns, and suffers the same damage as the burned life of the Divine Warrior, lasting for 7 seconds.

Note: The Spear of Boiling Blood can be superimposed infinitely, it is not affected by magic resistance and damage reduction, and the burning time is reduced by resistance.

Reminder: This is a fragment of the magic pattern of the god warrior. Most of the effects have been lost, and the residual effects have become extremely unstable. There are certain sequelae. Please load it carefully.

Tip: You can ask the magic pattern constructor to extract the intact part of the fragments.

Tip: You can ask a senior magic pattern builder to restore the magic pattern structure to reproduce the powerful power of the high-level magic pattern structure.

To be honest, if it wasn't for goodbye, Li Qing would have almost forgotten that he had a fragment in his hand.

He took out his previous piece from the space in his palm, and when the two were put together, a faint glow immediately lit up, and there was a faint gravitational force between the two, as if they wanted to merge into one.

Li Qing looked at the two pieces and found that there was a small part of the tear between them that could be put together.

He tried to fit the two gaps together, and found that they did match.

And as he put the two gaps together, a faint light radiated from the cracks, and his super soul perception made him realize that the broken magic patterns inside seemed to be automatically recombining.

"What an advanced magic pattern suit!"

Zhao Dingzhen laughed when he saw Li Qing took out another very similar fragment:

"It seems to be a coincidence. You must use this thing."

Li Qing also said with a smile:

"It's really useful, so I'm not going to be polite."

It's luck, it's also a coincidence, Zhao Dingzhen didn't know that he had another fragment in his hand, if he didn't take care of his brother, Zhao Dingzhen wouldn't be able to take this fragment out on his own initiative, it could only be said to be fate.

In exchange for this fragment, it will definitely not be a loss for him.

High-level magic pattern construction fragments, this is definitely a top-notch good thing, if there is a chance to repair it, it will be great.

After putting away their things, Li Qing and Zhao Dingzhen were ready to rush to another battlefield not far away.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the treasure chest of loot, a large amount of steel, gold and silver, as well as fine gold, mithril, and various magic gems and magic materials were collected when searching the Snake King City.

Among them, 658 kilograms of fine gold and 336 kilograms of mithril were obtained.

In addition, two special treasures that were not included in the loot box were found. One is a special void magic circle, which is embedded on a huge diamond plate at the bottom of the snake king's city. Through this thing, the unknown in the void can be communicated. exist.

The Snakeman King used this to communicate with the Lord of Death in the Wind of Natural Disasters, and at the last moment wanted to sacrifice the entire royal city like the mage city-state.

The result was naturally unsuccessful. Li Qing was too strong after incarnating as the ancestor of the ancient dragon. A dragon's breath cut the king's city in half, and directly killed the snake king.

Now this thing can still be used, but he didn't use it. Now it can only communicate with the Lord of Natural Disasters in Undead Wind.

Another thing is called Ancestral Totem, which has two functions.

One function is to store the power of faith.

The second function is to sacrifice the souls of the ancestors with the power of faith.

This snake-man king city had been using the power of faith to sacrifice a powerful ancestor soul before, which was the trump card they were going to use to deal with the ancestor ancient dragon. As a result, the ancestor soul was exiled by Li Qingyi before it was summoned. Went outside the plane, and has not returned yet.

Although there are no ancestors, this ancestor totem is still somewhat useful. You can take it back and modify it to make a god statue to collect the power of faith from believers.

As we all know, the war lord's followers in the future will not be limited to his family members in the domain of the gods. If he conquers other planes and alien races in the future, he will definitely find a way to harvest his faith.

However, it is impossible for a warlord to stay in a foreign plane all the time, and most of the power of faith of a believer will be lost after crossing the plane, and when reaching the warlord in the tree of eternity across hundreds of millions of kilometers of planes, there may be nothing left One, the waste is too serious.

With this ancestral totem, it is changed to a statue of faith and placed in the plane, which can collect the power of faith of believers.

Warlords only need to go there every few years to harvest the power of faith, and there will be no waste.

In addition, this thing can also use the power of faith to nourish the incarnation of God, and the incarnation of God can protect believers in the current plane when he is not around.

Of course he can't use it now, but with his growth rate, it is estimated that he will be able to use it in a few years.

The same is true for the Snakeman Civilization Destiny Card. When he officially descends into the Void Plane, this thing will give him a perfect start for his first descent.

The harvest of the pure loot treasure box is a bit thin, and the proportion of loot occupied by the snake man's destiny card is too large.

But if you add all kinds of magic materials and these two special props, the rewards for the Snake King City are not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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