Chapter 140 Reappearance of Meteorite Art

Li Qing came to the place where his troops were assembled, a temporary camp five kilometers away from the coalition forces of the natural disaster and the academy.

The reason why they don't move forward is that the Scourge is at war with the academy's coalition forces.

To be precise, the Scourge is launching a fierce attack on the academy coalition forces.

Obviously, they were not just waiting to die. After discovering that the Snake King City was in danger, they decisively launched a fierce attack on the academy's coalition forces.

However, they obviously underestimated Li Qing's strength. In less than a week, the snake king city they had surrounded for so long was completely gone.

After a brief observation, Li Qing decisively ordered the troops to assemble and form an army to approach the coalition forces, while he led three of his men into giant dragons and went straight to the core of the Scourge.

The overwhelming flames and dragon's breath washed the ground, and a large number of undead were burned to death.

The breath of the dragon was sprayed for almost half a minute, and plowed to the depths of the Scourge five or six kilometers away in one breath. I don't know how many undead died under the breath of the dragon.

After spraying this, Li Qing turned his head around, and was surprised to find that he did not see the headquarters of the Scourge.

His gaze had a real perspective, and he scanned around and found no particularly powerful soul fire.


Neither of the two Scourge Lords was seen.

Although the camp of the natural disaster army is large, he can quickly turn around at his speed, but he did not find it.

Li Qing returned to the camp of the joint team with doubts in his heart, and turned into an ordinary human form under the complicated eyes of all the apprentices.

Although they already knew that Li Qing was very cute now, they were still shocked and unbelievable when they saw this mountain-like giant dragon transform into a person in front of their own eyes.

"Do you know where the Scourge Lord is?"

Li Qing asked questions as soon as he landed.

All the war lord apprentices were stunned for a moment, and Wu Jiuyuan said in amazement:
"Not in the army?"

Li Qing shook his head, looked straight at Gu Qingxin who was walking from the gate of Daying, and asked:
"do you know?"

She nodded:
"Their breath began to weaken four days ago, and they disappeared the day before yesterday. At the same time, the Scourge launched a fierce attack on us again the day before yesterday."

Li Qing frowned, a little speechless.

This move was beyond his expectations.

In the past two days, the disaster lord felt that he could not stop Li Qing's beheading, so he quietly left the camp and continued to attack the city under remote control.

The distance is too far to finely control the troops, and it is difficult to respond in time if any accident occurs, but this is the undead army, and there is no need for fine control. As long as the attack order is given, it can be ignored later.

As long as the Scourge Lord survives, this order will continue until the task is completed or the troops die.

If things like the undead are hidden, you really won't be able to find them.

Just find a deep mountain and old forest to dig a hole and bury yourself in it, and then the fire of the soul is temporarily extinguished. This is no different from a stone. How do you find it?
At this time, Gu Qingxin said:
"Don't worry about this, I have a way to find them."

Li Qing raised his eyebrows, and was about to ask how to find it, when Gu Qingxin said:
"First wipe out this undead army and then talk about it."

Li Qing shrugged:

"no problem!"

Then, the two armies besieged the stiff and rigid undead army.

Li Qing asked the coalition forces and his own troops to prepare for the impact, then flew to an altitude of 20 to [-] meters, took out a steel ball with a diameter of [-] meters and threw it down.

It's been a long time since I dropped a meteorite.

Without being intercepted by the Scourge Lord, the ball of steel turned into a huge meteorite and fell from the sky without hindrance. The indescribable flame impact exploded in the center of the Scourge, and quickly extended several kilometers away.

Regardless of the size or height of this meteorite, the impact power is also far greater than before.

The terrifying flames swept across, whether it was skeletons, zombies, ghosts, etc., all melted in the flames.

In less than 10 minutes, most of the hundreds of thousands of Scourge legions were reduced to ashes, leaving only marginal and a few abominations and other huge undead barely alive.

Annihilation in one wave!
"Ma's, even if you can transform a dragon, you can also summon such a terrifying meteorite, it's too perverted!"

The enemies that I have so many troops who have been struggling for more than half a year and cannot be defeated are all wiped out in just one wave, which makes many apprentices of war lords begin to doubt life.

Although the Scourge Lord was absent this time and did not intercept the meteorite, what's the difference?Just the difference between dying fast and dying sooner.

Without strong men of the same rank to intercept them, no matter how many undead are, they are nothing more than cannon fodder to Li Qing.

In this plane, he has no opponents.

It took only two hours to kill the remaining undead, and the huge battlefield streamers gathered to form a huge loot ball of light.

Li Qing didn't take the trophy light ball.

Although he completed the kill, according to the agreement, the Snake King City has already belonged to him, and whoever kills on this side belongs to the joint team.

When the battlefield returned to calm, Li Qing left with his subordinates.

Before leaving, he asked Gu Qingxin how to find the descendant of the natural disaster god, she showed him a wisp of gray breath, and Li Qing instantly understood.

She didn't know what the method was. When she fought with the two natural disaster lords several times, she secretly collected a trace of their escaped breath. With this thing, she could locate their positions.

As long as they are not dead, as long as they are still on this plane, they can be located with this.

If they temporarily extinguish the power of the soul to hide, the positioning effect of this thing will be greatly weakened, but as long as she takes this thing and turns around in the plane, as long as the distance is not very far, she can lock the target.

Back in the fortress, the cannon fodder troops were temporarily disbanded and returned to the original owner.

They still took advantage of this batch of cannon fodder, as long as they were not dead, they could be promoted to the first or second level, and some could be promoted to the third level in one go, directly turning from cannon fodder to elite.

So far, Li Qing has no desires or desires in this plane.

The result is the first in the game.

There are no opponents in the plane, and everyone who can be killed has been killed. The next time is to wait until the end of this experience.

Well, by the way, study and digest the knowledge inheritance of the mage city-state and the snake-man civilization, and use the nearly [-] kilograms of fine gold and mithril to make all of them into steel golems.

Just taking advantage of the fact that there is still more than a year left, we can accumulate more and prepare for the summer camp after the experience.

On the second day after his return, Li Qing dived headlong into the God's Domain located underground, planning to stay out of the world for a while.

He specially made a daily work schedule for himself, got up in the morning to meditate routinely, and then studied the inheritance knowledge of the mage city-state and the snake-man civilization.

Meditate for a while after eating at noon, and then take some time to walk around the God's Domain to deal with official business.

Then began to work on the iron golem, and kept busy until the evening.

After dinner, I started to study other things, meditated routinely until late at night, slept and rested, and a full day passed.

Although after awakening the blood of the ancestor ancient dragon, now you can increase a little bit of mana and a little bit of spiritual power by doing nothing every day, even if you do nothing and sleep every day, your strength will increase, but you still need to meditate for a while, the effect of meditation at this stage Still very strong.

Generally speaking, after being promoted to Legend, the effect of meditation will not be so good at that time.

At that time, bloodline talent will be greatly improved when promoted to legend. After legend, the main way to increase mana is to rely on bloodline, and meditation is just a supplement.

The days of researching magic knowledge are still very fulfilling, especially when the nature of talent has changed and he has a super talent, Li Qing is full of interest in learning more knowledge.

He doesn't hear anything outside the window, doesn't care about the war situation on the surface, and stays between the laboratory and the study every day.

Learn new rune knowledge every day, create a steel golem every two days, and add a new war magic to your war magic book every few days.

Most of the magical inheritance of the snake-man civilization overlaps with the mage city-state, but there are also many new things that just complement his heritage.

There are 66 new base runes, 28 new rare runes, and 2 new ultra-rare runes.

In addition, there is a new three-star magic pattern, two new two-star magic patterns, and one-star basic magic pattern.

In addition, the Snakeman civilization also has a magic pattern suit, but like the mage city-state, it is also a battle mage suit, which is quite embarrassing.

Other than that, most of the golem crafting packs, magic technology packs, etc. are the same.

The only thing that made Li Qing quite gratified was that the war magic package of the snake civilization gave him a surprise, which contained several good war magics that were beyond his expectations.

In total, there are 2 new Tier 1 war magics, 2 new Tier [-] war magic, and [-] new Tier [-] magics.

First-order bloodthirsty thaumaturgy (primary): Consume 1 point of war mana, after casting, bless 100 soldiers with bloodthirsty thaumaturgy, movement speed +20%, attack speed +50%, pain perception -50%, slightly reduce sanity, last 15 minutes, chill 15 minutes.

First-order Summoning Airship (Basic): Consume 1 point of war mana to summon a war airship. The airship lasts for 2 hours and cools down for 15 minutes.

Tier 100 5% Medium (Elementary) consumes 200 points of mana, greatly increases the hit rate of up to 30 long-range troops of one's own side, lasts for 1 minutes, and cools down for [-] hour.


Tier 20 Anti-Magic Magic (Elementary): Consume 500 points of war magic, increase powerful spell resistance for up to 30 allied troops, immune to spells of fifth ring and below, damage of spells above sixth ring and legendary below are halved, lasts for 1 minutes, cooldown [-] hour.

It took Li Qing almost a month to learn all five new war magics and add them to his war magic book.

So far, there are 23 war magics in his war magic book, 17 first-level war magics, three second-level war magics, and three third-level war magics.

All are beginners, no intermediate, and no advanced.

If you want to upgrade your war magic, there is no so-called intermediate war magic book, you can only rely on yourself.

When you have enough magic knowledge and can expand and strengthen the war magic rune array you have mastered by yourself, you can upgrade.

This means that the middle and high-level war magic of different war lords are different.

Even with the same first-level attack acceleration magic, when different war lords are promoted to intermediate and high levels, the effects are different.

There may be some main strengthening spell effects, which will increase the movement speed and attack speed to 30%, or 40%, or even higher.

However, some main strengthening spells can increase the range of 500 people, 1000 people, 3000 people, or even tens of thousands of people at a time.

Li Qing's current accumulation is only considered top among apprentices, but he is still far from reaching the step of independently expanding and strengthening war magic, and needs to accumulate more magic runes.

But he is not in a hurry, the road needs to be taken step by step, and the food needs to be eaten bite by bite. Now the accumulation is not enough, if you play around more, you can always complete enough accumulation.

There are new gains every day, and new knowledge is mastered every day. This kind of life is quite fulfilling. Li Qing is a little bit reluctant to leave, and wants to keep going.

However, this is a foreign plane after all, not a safe academy, accidents always come.

One day two months later, An Erqiu told him two news from the surface.

The first news is that Gu Qingxin found the whereabouts of the escaped descendant of the natural disaster god, and it was hidden under a swamp. After it extinguished the fire of the soul, it sank deep into the swamp mud, and covered up its breath with mud and water. The plane turned twice before discovering the anomaly when it happened to fly over its head.

After finding the trace, there is naturally nothing to say.

Without the help of his subordinates, this descendant of the natural disaster god is definitely not Gu Qingxin's opponent, he was hammered to pieces.

Another big news is that the last missing Scourge Lord has appeared.

Coming out of a collapsed underground passage, there is also a huge army of undead.

He should have wiped out an underground city-state, and when he came out, there were a large number of fresh Gnoll zombie troops in his army.

As soon as he came out, he went straight to the only battlefield in the plane, and joined forces with another natural disaster god to defeat the coalition forces of the chief Wu Mayun under the name of the five-star mentor Xiao Zhenqian.

The current news is that the joint team suffered a disastrous defeat, with huge losses, and a large number of warlord apprentices either died in battle, fled, or disappeared.

Chief Wumayun is also on the missing list, and there is no news yet.

The latest news is that the rout has already approached the plain where the Snake King City is located, and many of them are applying for asylum in Li Qing's fortress, but there is no news about Zhao Dingzhen and the two previous joint teams.

They don't seem to have any intention of fighting another Scourge Lord.

An Erqiu asked Zhao Dingzhen, and Miss Gu didn't seem to have any ideas.

They had dealt with the natural disaster god descendant and the snake-man king city for more than half a year before, and they were exhausted. The special forces lost a lot, and their subordinates were very war-weary. They didn't want to fight another half-year stalemate.

They didn't have any ideas, and only Li Qing had this ability in the entire plane.

Li Qing thought for a while and decided to take on this task.

But not now, he asked An Erqiu and Xie Zhu to visit other apprentices first, and borrow a troop to serve as cannon fodder.

Then contact Zhao Dingzhen, together with Zhang Jishan and others, and prepare to gather a certain size of troops.

This time he did not use the beheading tactic, he was going to assemble an army of more than [-] to wipe out the Scourge Legion head-on, drawing a complete end to this experience.

(End of this chapter)

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