Chapter 142 Making a Magic Pattern Construct
Malicious Transfiguration: A five-ring spell that can transform the target into a harmless small animal.

Converted into a hero spell, and point to LV5, during this period, he focused all five specialties on spell enhancement, that is, increasing the penetration ability of spells, so that this hero spell can take effect on existences below the ninth level.

The specific change time depends on the strength of the opponent and one's own resistance. Like a strong existence, it takes at least one second, and if it becomes an ordinary person, it can reach up to several ten minutes.

If Li Qing's horror bonus is added, the transformation time is at least 7 seconds, and the longest is one or two hours.

Steel Wall: A five-ring spell that uses the power of magic to turn a large area into an impenetrable magic field.

After transforming into a hero spell and reaching LV5, not only the strength of the force field soars, but the range also increases significantly, and when it reaches LV5, it gains a powerful secondary magic-proof feat, which prohibits the effects of spells with three rings and below within a range of 300*300 meters .

Chain Lightning: Six-ring spell, launching a powerful chain lightning.

Chain Lightning itself is a very powerful lethal spell. After converting it into a hero spell and reaching LV5, all specialties will increase the number of bounces.

At LV5, a hero chain lightning can jump fifty or sixty times, after a 600% bonus, it can jump more than 300 targets, a strong one.

Disintegration: Six-ring spell, which can decompose matter. The so-called killing people to scum refers to this. If the physique is not strong enough and the resistance is not enough, a dissociation can directly decompose your body into powder.

After converting it into a hero spell and reaching LV5, all five points of expertise are focused on reducing the enemy's resistance.

Coupled with the 600% extra bonus of talent, the power of a dissociation technique has become extremely outrageous.

Petrification: A six-ring spell that turns the target into stone.

Like disintegration, the five feats of this spell also focus on reducing enemy resistance.

Trigger technique: Six-ring spell, with a preset spell effect, which is triggered when receiving any predetermined effect.

Generally speaking, the preset effect that mages like to set is to immediately trigger the spells stored in it when they are attacked, such as flash to escape, or a fireball to counter the opponent.

Six-ring spells can only store one spell, and after being converted into hero spells, two spells can be stored in advance.

The next five feats all add extra spell slots, and when the feat is +5, a total of 6 extra spell slots are added, and a total of 8 pre-stored spell slots.

This stored spell level can exceed the level of the trigger spell, but not the individual level.

There are no restrictions on the pre-stored spells, any spells are fine, but generally they are various defensive spells and escape spells.

Some ruthless people can also block all offensive spells, such as triggering eight chain lightnings. Once the attack exceeds the threshold, eight chain lightnings blast out at the same time, the power is outrageous.

Of course, Li Qing wouldn't use all offensive spells in such an extreme way, but he didn't need to use defensive spells either, as his body was much stronger than the mage level.

After consideration, the eight spells he stored in it were: Advanced Flash, Advanced Any Door, Space Lock, Space Confinement, Space Confinement, Space Exile, Space Exile, Space Exile.

There are repetitions, because I am afraid that one exile will not succeed, or be resisted, and it will always succeed after several more times.

The trigger condition is very simple, it must be in the human form, and the physical attack received can reach the magnitude of the nine-ring spell, or the nine-ring spell will be triggered.

The ancestor ancient dragon was gifted with the ability to be immune to spells of the same rank. With his physique, spells below nine rings were basically not fatal, and legendary spells above nine rings were enough to be fatal.

After doing this, there are only 1 skill point left for ordinary heroes.

"Next time I open a treasure chest, I hope to get some extraordinary hero skill points."

It is best to open both, the superhero skill points are for their own use, and the ordinary hero skill points are saved, and used to train the heroes who will be transformed later.

With the destruction of the Scourge Legion of the surface legion, the surface of the entire plane fragments returned to calm. After a few months of recuperation, a large number of warlord apprentices left the fortress with their teams.

The main purpose is to collect resources such as wood and stones, and to suppress some wild undead by the way.

This time the experience basically came to an end, and most of the war lord apprentices had nothing to hope for, they could only collect more basic materials.

But there are also quite a few war lord apprentices who are unwilling to have nothing to do for the next half a year. They have teamed up and entered the underground world, planning to go around the underground world to see if they can get some benefits.

By the way, look for some natural disaster heroes hiding underground, and the two-day disaster lord who fled underground.

Li Qing had put out a reward early on. No matter who found the trace of the Scourge Lord, it was confirmed that it was true, and he would be rewarded with ten points of source quality.

If you can stop them and wait until they arrive, you will get 100 points of source quality immediately, and you will never regret it.

They don't need to do anything, just go around more, and anyone can do it.

It's a pity that even if so many people entered the underground world, with the passage of time, they still haven't been found, and they don't know where they are hiding.

Li Qing had no choice but to wait.

On a certain day again, after a routine meditation, Li Qing returned to the laboratory, thought about it, and took a piece of animal skin that he didn't know and spread it out on the table.

Take out a box and open it, inside is magic ink with a faint aura.

Picking up the special magic pattern drawing pen and filling it with magic ink, he stared at the patterns on the processed animal hide and fell into deep thought.

Grasping the origin of space, Li Qing's sense of space has reached its limit at this time. When this piece of animal skin passed his gaze, a virtual model appeared in his mind instantly, and countless lights emerged, quickly sketching out a complex model of the rune circle.

It may be a sudden burst of inspiration, or it may be a long-term accumulation of bursts.

At this moment, a strong desire to draw suddenly appeared in Li Qing's heart.

He quickly took out a metal box half a meter long and wide from the storage room on the other side of the study, with four big characters made of magic patterns on it. He opened it and there were many layered grids filled with various bottles and jars. The materials, judging from the different lusters they emit, belong to different types of magic inks and various materials.

This box is the various materials he prepared for drawing the magic pattern structure.

Li Qing has always had the idea of ​​becoming a magic pattern constructor, but has always been insufficient in strength, accumulation, and preparation.

The most important thing is the lack of talent.

In the past, he thought that as long as he had the space in his palm to open and hang, he could succeed as long as he succeeded once.

But as his accumulation became richer and his understanding of the magic pattern structure deepened, he found that things like the magic pattern structure seemed to be unable to be opened with the space in his palm.

Because this thing requires superhuman magical talent, superb control and creativity, super mental acuity, spiritual perception, soul acuity and soul perception, super spatial perception, etc.

Magic pattern construction involves dozens of magical disciplines, including plane geometry and space geometry, and involves all kinds of magical knowledge. The magic circle that constitutes the magic pattern construction alone involves knowledge of three-dimensional geometry.

In addition, drawing an ultra-complicated magic circle requires many different magic nibs, different magic materials mixed with magic ink to overlap each other, which is extremely complicated.

During the drawing process, it is necessary to constantly change the angle, change the magic pen, change the ink, etc., which is not easy to operate in the palm space.

Combining many harsh conditions, even with the space in his palm, Li Qing has never succeeded before, and he couldn't even start.

It wasn't until he mastered the origin of space that his talents such as space perception reached the limit that he began to consciously increase research in this area.

He had tried many times before, but was never sure.

But today, he suddenly felt that he was in a very good state, and his heart was full of inspiration.

In a flash of inspiration, Li Qing impulsively took out the materials he had prepared for a long time, and began to draw the magic pattern structure.

Taking out a magic pen made of mithril nibs, he took out all the materials in the box and laid them out in one breath. Li Qing took a deep breath, and fixed his eyes on the animal skin.

As time passed, the soft light in the room remained the same.

Li Qing was so immersed in the drawing that he completely forgot about the time.

He changed 32 different types of magic pens successively, used 200 different magic inks with no less than 32 different combinations of magic materials, and took more than a dozen pure soul essences to restore his spiritual power and mana. After five hours, a super complicated magic circle was finally drawn on the animal skin.

When the last stroke was made, the entire magic circle suddenly lit up, and a super-complex magic circle that was obviously drawn on the surface of the animal skin, but which seemed to be a three-dimensional magic circle structure jumped out of the animal skin.

When he input a little bit of mana, the light in the magic circle circulated and began to work automatically.

At the moment of operation, Li Qing could clearly feel the slight power strengthening effect given to him by this super complicated three-dimensional array.

Looking at this animal skin, Li Qing let out a long breath, with uncontrollable joy on his face.

Years of accumulation and outstanding talents are finally merged into one today and transformed into results.

If you don’t consider the material of the animal skin, and you haven’t started cutting it, all of this is not as big as a palm, but the three-dimensional super-complex magic circle that actually integrates thousands of magic circles has a famous name——magic pattern construction .

Magic pattern construction: first-order power.

Attribute: Strength +17%.

Occupancy value: 11 points.

According to the standard bonus of 20% for the first-order magic pattern structure, his magic pattern structure is obviously unqualified.

But this is his first magic-weave construction, the first successful magic-weave construction. After a successful start, as he continues to become more proficient in technology, his level will naturally become higher and higher.

As for the occupancy value, it refers to the occupancy value of the loader's highest tolerance.

Because the magic pattern structure has the power to strengthen itself, different users are affected by their physique and talent, and the upper limit of what they can carry is different.

The occupancy value of a standard first-order magicweave structure is about 10 points. If a person has a carrying value of 50 points, it means that he can load five first-order powers in one go, and get a 5% strength bonus.

If you have a carrying value of 100, that's a 200% strength bonus.

That's great.

The bonus of the magic pattern structure is an additional plug-in bonus, which belongs to the extra combat power. When everyone is at the same level, one has no magic pattern structure, and the other is equipped with a magic pattern structure. Very exaggerated.

Li Qing let out a long breath, lying on the sofa with his head raised and motionless.

That is to rest, but also to reminisce about the drawing just now.

After resting for almost two hours, Li Qing got up again, took out the scissors and began to cut out the animal skin with the first-level strength tattoo, and then called two recruits of the same level.

Called one of the soldiers to the front, then took out a sharp knife, peeled off a piece of skin on his chest that was as big as the animal hide, and then pasted the animal hide on it.

The blood seeped into the animal skin, and the animal skin immediately glowed with a faint blood, and the magic circle in the magic pattern structure began to activate.

With this kind of plug-in use, this piece of animal skin will grow together with the soldier's flesh and blood. To replace it, this piece of flesh and blood needs to be peeled off again.

But there is no way, there are two ways to use the magic pattern structure.

One is the current fusion.

The other is to draw directly on the body of the person who needs to bear it, and hand-paint the ultra-complex three-dimensional magic pattern structure directly on the target, just like drawing a tattoo.

This kind of requirement for the magic pattern constructor is very strict, because once it fails, the skin in the drawing area will be directly scrapped due to the influence of disordered magic materials and potions, and it will not be able to draw here in the future.

This means that the drawn person permanently loses a position where they can draw the magic pattern structure, which has a great impact on the strong.

Therefore, ordinary magic pattern constructors make the first type of plug-in type. If the strong cannot find a powerful magic pattern constructor, they will mostly use the first type. Re-grow healing, does not affect the next drawing.

After loading the magic pattern of the first level of strength, Li Qing asked two recruits to wrestle.

The winner was decided almost instantly. Loading the first level of strength increased the strength by an additional 17%, which was very obvious in the recruit stage.

With a successful experience, Li Qing started a second attempt after a day's rest.

Although there was a successful experience once, but that time was a burst of inspiration, with a lot of accumulation. At that time, the state was very good, and it took only five hours to complete the drawing. Concentrate.

It took him a full eight hours to finally successfully complete the first-order power magic pattern for the second time.

A success.

And this time it took longer, but it was more focused and careful. The first-order strength bonus of drawing was 18%, which was one percentage point more than last time.

With a good start, Li Qing stayed in the tower of God's Domain every day, trying to draw a magic pattern structure every day.

Not every time, it failed every time, and all materials were wasted when it failed the fourth time.

But Li Qing is very good at summing up experience. He spent two days thinking about his previous mistakes, learning from experience, and succeeding again next time.

Unknowingly, after being busy for half a month, one day Li Qing walked out of the tower of God's Domain, holding a total of thirteen magic pattern structures in his hands, all of which were first-order powers.

The reason why I stopped was mainly because I ran out of materials.

He didn't have many materials himself. These materials were all dug out from the ruins of the mage city-state and the snake king city. However, the magic pattern construction of these two civilizations has long been lost, and there is no special material library.

These are still patchwork, the total amount is not much, and it has been used up now.

(End of this chapter)

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