Chapter 143 The experience is coming to an end and the mentor's message
If there are not enough materials, there is no way. Without enough materials, many fixed magic lines cannot be drawn.

Maybe in the future, when the ability becomes stronger, you can choose to replace it with other materials, or even design a new magic pattern by yourself, but it is definitely not at that level now.

There is no need to expect to find other materials to replace it now. This plane itself lacks resources, otherwise the natives of this plane will not be lost.

However, Li Qing did not sit still, and asked Xie Zhu and Xie Jin to go down and ask other apprentices to see if they had stored these materials.

As for the thirteen Tier [-] power magic patterns in hand, they are temporarily saved, and they haven't figured out how to deal with them yet.

The main reason is that this thing cannot be reused after loading, which is equivalent to being useless.

And he wasn't ready to form a Constructed Knight Troop, so using it would be a waste.

The so-called constructed knights are the large-scale extraordinary arms in the hands of war lords.

There are two methods of cultivation. One method is to select a group of soldiers who have been promoted to the fifth rank, and then equip each of them with a set of magic pattern structure, which will fully increase their physical fitness, and force their combat power to exceed the fifth to sixth rank. The level hurdle, coupled with the additional configuration of more sophisticated weapons and equipment, artificially promoted the sixth-level combat power.

This kind of construction knight cannot continue to be promoted, and the strength is limited by the influence of equipment and magic pattern construction.

And there is a problem with this kind of constructed knight, that is, generally speaking, the upper limit of the magic pattern that can be carried is not very high. Generally speaking, the standard is at least 50 or more, and the higher the better.

The upper limit of the load capacity of the natives themselves is not high. If you want to cultivate a knight of construction, you usually have to make preparations from the beginning.

Generally, the arms that are converted from white names can carry up to 50 or less.

Only green-name-transformed arms can carry more than 50. This means that if you want to train Constructed Knights, you must prepare a large number of excellent population-converted arms at the beginning, and then work hard to upgrade to level five, and then load the structure. Equipped with excellent weapons and powerful war mounts.

Yes, Constructed Knights are knights, of course they have mounts, and they are very powerful war mounts.

For example, a war horse with the blood of a monster, or a direct mount of a monster.

These war mounts can also be loaded with magic pattern reinforcements. The stronger the bloodline, the more magic patterns that can be loaded.

Of course, if you don't take the route of constructing knights, but simply follow the route of constructing warriors, you don't need to prepare war mounts.

The second training method is to take the direction of professionals.

Select professionals, teach them various combat skills, and then carefully cultivate and upgrade them. After reaching level five or above, you can start preparing for the magic pattern construction.

Because they are professionals, unlike arms that have a level cap, they can independently rise to the sixth level or above.

Moreover, a professional is equivalent to a blue name or above at the beginning. If they have a bloodline, they can also awaken the bloodline and have higher talents. Their structural load limit is at least 100 or above, and the excellent ones are above 150+.

Think about it, if you have a rank above Tier [-] plus a higher upper limit of magic patterns, coupled with higher intelligence, you can also learn combat skills. Isn't this stronger than a soldier-promoted Constructed Knight?
But this route has a problem that cannot be ignored, that is, professionals have a sense of autonomy, loyalty cannot be guaranteed, and it is difficult for them to treat death as home on the battlefield.

As long as you give an order, the soldiers of God's Domain will die without frowning.

Professionals can't do this. If you ask him to die, he will refuse, and if you ask him to perform a task that is too dangerous, he will bargain.

Of course, there are also professionals who absolutely obey orders, but they are too rare to see.

Don't say that they are bound by a contract, they won't sign it, and they are not stupid.

This is the pros and cons of the two kinds of knights. Most of the war lords choose the first one. Only the very powerful war lords, or gods, are eligible to choose the standard one from a large number of professionals under their command. Two kinds of costume knights.

Li Qing doesn't need to worry about this now, he has enough time to think about it.

And he has options.

Although this Dragon Vein Snake is not a professional, it is between a professional and a soldier, and can be promoted to the sixth level.

Perhaps it is possible to build his unique Dragon Armor Warrior based on the Dragon Vein Snake Man.

And if he forms his own constructed knight, he will definitely not use the basic first-level magic pattern construction, at least the second-level basic magic pattern plus suit combination, so as to exert the greatest power.

So, at this stage, it is better to practice skills first.

He has too many things to prepare.

Insufficient materials do not prevent him from continuing to practice proficiency. Who can draw void symbols?

And now is just a good time to give full play to one's talents. Since there is a lack of materials, it is just time to explore and try to reassemble the structure of the magic pattern.

Using his super talent for space, he disassembled and reassembled the countless magic circle structures inside this super complicated magic pattern structure.

Similarly, this is also an attempt to develop its own mid-to-high-level war magic.

Both runes and magic circles are common. Even the ultra-complicated three-dimensional composite magic circle like the magic pattern structure can be disassembled and reconstructed. Things like war magic are easier to solve.

Li Qing was soon immersed in it, and had a great time tearing it apart.

Time passed unknowingly, and when he himself had forgotten how long it had been, suddenly An Erqiu came to remind him that the training was almost over.

Li Qing froze for a moment, then said in surprise:
"So fast?"

"By the way, the disaster lord hasn't been found in those two days?"

An Erqiu shrugged, shook his head and said:

"I didn't find it. I searched the entire surface and underground world, but I just didn't find it."

Li Qing pinched his eyebrows and asked:

"Have you searched for other underground city-states? Deep underground, where are the fourth and fifth floors?"

An Erqiu also shook his head:

"The other underground city-states have long since disappeared, and have been defeated by other teams. Even the mind flayer kingdom on the fourth underground floor has been wiped out, and the fifth underground floor has reached the edge of the plane."


Li Qing was a little speechless, he was surprised that he had hidden it so well and hadn't found it.

He looked at the time, and it was only about a month away from the end of the experience, and it was really coming to an end.

Although the two-day disaster lord who escaped was not found, it was not perfect, but there was no way.

The two-day disaster lord was also a living self-awareness, with both ability and wisdom, and it was normal for him to concentrate on hiding, so he couldn't find it.

Standing up from the desk, coming to the window, spreading his arms, twisting his body, Li Qing said to An Erqiu:

"Notify the fort to prepare to clean up, and the fort will be demolished after a while."

He didn't have the idea of ​​looking for it again in the last month. There was no need for that. With so many subordinates and so many warlord apprentices, he couldn't find it after searching for so long, and there was a high probability that he couldn't find it himself.

Next he began to shrink his troops and call back his scattered men.

He came to the original snakeman castle by himself and began to demolish the huge fortress.

The city walls and buildings were all put away and piled up on the third floor of the God's Domain Ranch.

Now the third floor of Shenyu Ranch has not been developed, but it is used as a warehouse, which is specially used to store such large items and piles of wood and stones.

It took a week to dismantle the fortress, complete the relocation, and then put away the God's Domain, brought the men down to the surface, built a small temporary castle at the original fortress location, and waited for the end of the experience.

As time passed, and the end of the experience was getting closer, there were more and more warlord apprentices who stopped doing anything and began to return here.

Maybe they subconsciously learned that this place is the safest place, and most of them gathered here. They put away the God's Domain, and the troops also put away, and gathered in the castle with only a few entourages.

Chat, summarize this experience, or exchange resources and information.

Some war lord apprentices or heroes who are sure that they can't continue their studies and have to graduate after this experience is over, are discussing whether to form a team of adventurers and come to the plane to take risks on their own.

Of course, they are not qualified to open plane passages by themselves, and can only enter the passages opened by other war lords.

You can choose to work for the master of the plane channel, you can also hire, or you can go alone, but part of the harvested materials must be handed in.

Of course, some apprentices approached Li Qing and wanted to serve him.

Some powerful war lords will take in some juniors to help him and do some dirty work.

Some specialize in logistics supply routes, and the God’s Domain building slots are all farms and pastures, which are dedicated to farming and provide food support for the superiors.

Some specialize in the artisan route, specializing in training various craftsmen, from carpenters and stonemasons to various blacksmith shops, weapon forging, and so on.

There are also those who specialize in the auxiliary battle route, train low-level troops, part-time cannon fodder, clean up the battlefield, suppress uprisings in occupied areas, and so on.

In exchange for the price, the superior will provide them with shelter and upgrade resources.

If the high-ranking person is doing well, this is naturally not a big deal. For example, if you can completely capture a plane with relatively abundant resources, just a little bit of leakage will be enough for the younger brother to eat.

If the superiors do not mix well, the subordinates will be a burden.

The resources paid by your subordinates do not mean that you will not give them if you do not do well.

In addition, when the level of the God's Domain reaches a certain level, for example, after the Lord of the God's Domain becomes a god, it can be merged with other God's Domains to form a joint God's Domain, which is also the prototype of the God's Throne.

The huge kingdoms of some gods are formed by the merger of multiple large gods, especially after the master of the gods becomes a god, he can turn the gods into a kingdom of gods. At this time, these younger brothers can become his gods.

Generally, after the Lord of the Divine Realm confers a god, it is not a big problem for the younger brother to be promoted to a demigod.

After thinking about it seriously, Li Qing finally refused.

In the future, I may take in some younger brothers to share some pressure.

It's too early now, and I haven't figured out my situation yet, so what kind of younger brother should I accept.

As it got closer and closer to the end of the experience, Li Qing could clearly feel that the undead air enveloping the plane began to gradually fade away, which meant that the undead wind enveloping the plane was slowly leaving the plane.

As long as the wind of the undead is completely separated, it means that this experience is officially over.

As the wind of undead left, the aura of death gradually faded, and no new wild undead were born in the plane.

At the same time, when the wind of the undead broke away to a certain extent, the suppression of the academy's Blackstone Tower began to weaken.

One day, all the apprentices suddenly discovered that they were able to communicate with the black stone tower of the college, and communicate with all planes through the black stone tower.

The moment he was able to communicate, Li Qing received a communication from Mentor Nie Yang. When Li Qing got through the communication, the tutor immediately sent him a map marked with red dots, and said to him:

"Quick, those two Scourge Lords are hiding at this coordinate, under the edge of the plane."

Li Qing
He glanced at the markers on the virtual map and was speechless.

No wonder I couldn't find it all the time, how could I find it hidden here.

But he didn't do it immediately, but scratched his head and asked:

"Teacher, the wind of the undead is leaving now, is it right for me to do it now?"

Nie Yang immediately shook his head:

"As long as you haven't completely separated from it, it's fine."

"Will the Lord of Natural Disasters and other Lords of Natural Disasters interfere?"

This is what he is most worried about. It is on the edge of the plane, and beyond the crystal wall of the plane is the wind of the undead. There may be a Scourge Lord watching from the edge of the plane, killing a Scourge God right under his nose. Afraid of offending the boss inside, I gave it to him.

Although he is very strong now, and the descendants of the natural disaster gods can be suppressed head-on, but it is still not enough for those powerful war lords.

Nie Yang naturally could see the worry of his beloved disciple, and he packed the ticket for him and said:
"Don't worry, your performance this time is very good. You are the first in this year's experience fault. You have already received the attention of the high-level of the academy. Even the world master has heard about it. You can rest assured that as long as they dare to make a move, His Royal Highness the Vice President will make a move." protect you."


Li Qing's eyes lit up immediately, if that's the case, then don't be afraid.

Without hesitation, he ordered his subordinates to assemble, all of them were included in the God's Domain, and then soared into the sky alone, flying towards the edge of the plane in the direction of the coordinates.

At the same time, he heard the mentor's exhortation in his ear:
"By the way, the disaster lords were there for those two days, but you can only kill the descendants of the disaster gods, and the other disaster lords will be handed over to Gu Qingxin."

Li Qing

It is obvious that the higher education of the college is optimistic about him and Gu Qingxin this time, and the final benefits will be divided between them.

As for the chief Chu Gongkao of the five-star mentor Tai Shujing, this time he has killed several natural disaster heroes, wiped out a snake city, and wiped out an underground tribe. Overall, it's not bad, but it's not as good as the two of them. Far.

As for the other five-star mentor Xiao Zhenqian's chief Wu Mayun, it is now confirmed that he fell in the previous defeat.

This time, Xiao Zhenqian can be regarded as nothing, and the overall score of the apprentices under his name is in the top three.

It took Li Qing only ten minutes to arrive at the destination even after flying and teleporting, and saw a slim figure on the edge of the plane.

As if sensing his arrival, the girl turned around, revealing an extremely delicate and beautiful face.

The young girl was already youthful and beautiful, and with the phantom of the beautiful Yujie behind her, Li Qing couldn't help feeling a little lost.

When Li Qing approached, Gu Qingxin said:
"The mentor told me that the two natural disaster lords will be divided by us, and the natural disaster gods will belong to you."

Li Qing restrained himself and lost his mind for a moment, nodded, took out the virtual map again, looked at it, pointed to the bottom and said:

"Right here, I'll go down first, and you follow behind me."

The girl didn't refuse, but nodded.

With a thought, Li Qing swelled rapidly, turning into a 20-meter-tall half-dragon man, spreading his broad dragon wings, and plunged down along the edge of the plane.

(End of this chapter)

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