Chapter 153 Summer Camp Rules and Rewards


The sound of muffled gun salutes exploded over the square, and the colorful light burst into the square below.

Li Qing walked across the square to a huge portal in the center of the Floating Void City, and a beam of light fell right in front of him.

There are two rows of men wearing uniforms of the organizing committee standing at the entrance of the portal. They are all professionals above the sixth level. The two middle-aged men who are responsible for verifying their identities at the door are two heroes of the tenth-level sanctuary.

From time to time, young teenagers and girls came to the square with various flying props, and entered the square after verifying their identities.

When Li Qing came to the door, a mirror standing at the door shot a beam of light onto him, scanning it up and down, one of the men nodded and bowed:
"Student Li Qing, please come in."

Li Qing nodded in return, passed between the two staff members and came to the portal.

Looking up, this portal looks like a portal of darkness, but the outer frame is not a stone, but a steel gate. The portal is about 20 meters wide and nearly 30 meters high, enough for a giant dragon to drill out of it.

There is a layer of rippling space light film between the gates. Li Qing stepped into it and immediately felt that he was being teleported.

Obviously, the real summer camp is not held in this floating city.

Li Qing didn't care. As long as he has the strength, he can go anywhere.

However, the time of this teleportation was still longer than he imagined. After a certain period of time, Li Qing realized that the location of this teleportation was definitely not inside the Eternal Tree. plane.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Qing felt that the teleportation was about to end.

When the whole body is lightened, the feet are on the ground, and you can see clearly in front of your eyes, you can see a huge black muzzle that looks like a black hole not far away, and you are moving quickly away from the muzzle.

Li Qing lowered his head, and found that he was standing on a metal platform with a diameter of only about two meters, and was flying towards a super mobile fortress beyond his imagination.

Just like the interstellar fortress in the science fiction novels I saw in my previous life, it is a huge man-made mechanical object with a diameter of at least tens of kilometers.

Although the appearance is very sci-fi, it is not a technological route, but made with magical technology.

To put it bluntly, this thing is a kind of floating city.

The natives of foreign planes are still cutting off mountains to build floating cities in the traditional way. The masters of human destiny civilization have already built the interstellar battleships and mobile fortresses in the science fiction novels of the last era.

Based on the Floating Void City, all-round transformation and expansion.

As long as the technical level is sufficient, as long as there are sufficient resources, as long as the energy core is sufficient to support it, any fortress base of any size can be built.

Streamers of light landed on the small platforms surrounding the floating fortress, and then were pulled towards the hatches around the fortress.

During the flight, Li Qing discovered that the platform was not just supporting them, but a combat system.

The top of the platform is flat, but it looks like an upside-down pyramid underneath. Inside is a combat system, with many forts on it, surrounded by complex magic patterns, and the aura rotates like a streamer.

This combat platform is fully automatic control, there is no driver inside.

Fly quickly to the hatches around the fortress that look like the entrances and exits of fighter jets. There are huge passages inside, and the surrounding metal sections are smooth to the end of the passages.

The platform carried them quickly through the passage, and soon came to a berth on the edge of the passage and stopped.

Standing on the edge of the platform was a row of Tier [-] Imperial Dragonscale heavy infantry. Many staff members of the organizing committee were introducing the situation here to the students who came one after another. As soon as Li Qing stepped down from the platform, there was a staff member holding a tablet came up and said to him:
"Student, please receive the map of the base fortress, as well as the flow chart and precautions. If you have any questions, you can consult the nearest staff at any time."

Li Qing nodded, opened his personal panel, and saw a transmission data waiting to be received.

In less than ten seconds, a series of standard materials had been stored in his folder.

Open the base map first, and found that there is no complete map, only a part of the circled map is quite detailed, and it is located in the lower right corner of the fortress he is allowed to enter.

Then the staff said:
"Student, please go to the auditorium after confirmation. The organizing committee will announce the theme of this summer camp when everyone is ready."


Li Qing thanked the staff, looked at the map carefully, blessed himself with a flying technique, and flew to the other side of the passage.

The passage is very large, with a diameter of about ten meters. Along the way, I saw many young and handsome teenagers of the same age, all of them were imposing, heroic, and full of vigor.

The translation is the kind that no one is convinced.

There is a transparent light film at the end of the passage. Behind the light film is a huge square. At this time, many young men and women have gathered in the square. Most of them are chatting together in twos and threes, or standing alone in a corner. There are only a few people. gather together.

Li Qingfei landed on the square, looked up and looked around, but didn't recognize anyone.

After thinking about it, she thought about contacting Gu Qingxin, and soon she responded:

"Stay still at the door, I'll come find you."

After turning off the communication, he soon saw Gu Qingxin's figure approaching, the two of them looked at each other from a distance, smiled and walked together, their fingers interlocked.

Regardless of the surprised eyes around them, the two held hands and came to the edge of the square to lean together. Gu Qingxin said to him:
"Father God told me that you must get the top ten this time before we can be together."

Li Qing said with a smile:

"You know my strength. It may be difficult for me to take the first place, but it's not a big problem for me to be in the top ten."

"I know, but I can't be careless. The theme of this summer camp is different from the past."

"rest assured!"

"By the way, come with me, and I'll introduce you to some people."

Gu Qingxin took his hand and walked in the direction she came from. Li Qing let her hold her hand and asked strangely:

"Who is it, is it your friend?"

There is one thing to say, ordinary people really can't be her girlfriend, her power is too strong, and now she has been adapting to her natural divine power, and her every move is like a giant dragon rushing back and forth.

It was also because of his abnormally strong physique that he could let him drag him as if nothing had happened.

If it were an ordinary person, his hand would have suffered a comminuted fracture.

She shook her head and said:

"It's the people from the War College of the Supreme Order. They are all from the same school. You will live there for a long time in the future. It would be better to make some friends."

Li Qing was a little surprised, this was different from her past.

It can only be said that after a woman has a true lover, she will be willing to take the initiative to change.

Coming to the other side of the square, there are more than a dozen people chatting together, all of them are handsome men and beautiful women, all of them have extraordinary temperament and strange appearance.

Soon someone noticed the two of them coming, and their eyes were instantly attracted by the hands they were holding.

Some were surprised, while others looked gloomy.

One of the men pushed his companion with his shoulder and said in a low voice:
"I said why I didn't respond to brother Chu's overtures. It turns out that I have a boyfriend. I don't know who is talented and how strong is it."

Gu Qingxin pulled him to the front of the crowd, and introduced him seriously:

"My boyfriend, Li Qing!"

Li Qing clasped his hands together:

"Li Qing!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and returned a salute one after another.

The circle fell silent, and no one spoke for a while.

After a while, suddenly a young man whose hair stood on end, like a flame, smiled and cupped his hands to Li Qing, saying:

"Yu Lan, the second subsidiary realm of the highest order realm, Tianlan Yushi."

"I just found out that brother Li Qing is also a freshman of the War College of the Supreme Order. I don't know which world's talents he is from."

Li Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, and bowed his hands in return:
"Li Qing, the Blackstone Realm, Mrs. Li."

"Blackstone Realm, Mrs. Li?"

Almost half were muttering to themselves.

"Haven't heard of it."

"I've heard of the Blackstone Realm. In a small realm, except for the family of the world master, there are no decent families. The Li family of the Blackstone Realm has never heard of it."

"No way, this Miss Gu seems to come from an extraordinary family background, how could she fall in love with a small ordinary family?"

"Who knows, it may be the right eye, or it may be true love. Women's minds are hard to guess."

"It's such a pity, brother Chu. It's rare to see one, and there is an owner."

"That's hard to say. A couple with a huge gap like them will break up after a long time. It's like this summer camp. If Ms. Gu can get a good ranking, but he won't be able to get in the top [-]."

"And when he enters Zhanzheng College in the future, his grades are at the bottom every time. After a long time, he himself has no face to continue to delay Miss Gu under repeated blows."

Their discussion is a small inner circle of several people, neither Li Qing nor Gu Qingxin know about it.

But undisguisedly indifferent, no one spoke after Li Qing introduced himself.

In addition, the teenagers can't completely hide their thoughts and expressions, so it can be seen at a glance that they have no intention of making friends with Li Qing.

Li Qing didn't feel much. He never thought of making friends with these nobles who were born in wealthy families and descended from the true gods. They were destined to be different from each other.

Gu Qingxin could also see that, she took his hand and left here.

Hearing the voice behind them after they left, she shook Li Qing's hand and said comfortingly:

"Sorry, I didn't think of them"

Li Qing reached out and touched her head, and said with a smile:
"It's okay, I'm not the same as them."

"Don't introduce this to me in the future. It's useless. As long as I can show my strength, they don't need an introduction. They will come by themselves."

Li Qing knew very well in his heart that it was never worthwhile to post something like this on his own initiative, and it would not be valued by others.

He doesn't need to do this at all, as long as he gets stronger and stronger, and shows his talent and strength far beyond ordinary people, others will take the initiative to curry favor with him and surround him, this is what he wants.

The two came to the other side and whispered against the wall.

Rather than worrying about it, it's better to talk about love.

Time passed, and half an hour later, the two who were chatting affectionately suddenly felt a strong coercion sweep over them. Li Qing stood up like an electric shock, and looked towards the center of the square with everyone.

At this time, a loud voice sounded in the square:

"All the students look over and gather in the center of the square."

The two held hands and came to the center of the square, and saw a huge golden ball of light floating in the center, and the coercion and voice came from the ball of light:

"I am the host of this summer camp. After the joint discussion between the organizing committee and the sponsoring colleges, this summer camp will be held at this mobile fortress base. I would like to thank the venue provider and sponsor—His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an."

"This summer camp is divided into two parts, one part is the routine leaderboard competition."

"The other part is proposed and supported by the sponsor, His Highness Chunyu'an. In this plane group in front of you, a large number of war lords from the Illithid Empire of Destiny have descended. You need to go to the planes in this plane group to find spirits. For a monster-sucking warlord, every time a spiritithid warlord is hunted down, an additional 10-100 points will be awarded depending on the target's strength."

"The organizing committee will use the power of the Eternal Tree to monitor accurately, and there will be no injustice."

"It should be noted that you are both hunters and prey, and they can also hunt you."

"In the final settlement, the top ten in total points will receive a large amount of extra points, and the top three will each receive an extra gift."

"In addition, the best performers among them will receive the promise of His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an that within ten years, they will be rewarded with a complete small plane suitable for the survival of intelligent races such as humans in this plane group."


Everyone was amazed by the generosity of this reward.

This reward is not insignificant, the top three each have a divine favor, but the most valuable reward is the reward from the last plane.

Although it is only a small plane, it is a complete plane that has been completely occupied and is suitable for the survival of intelligent life such as humans.

Plane resources are secondary. In fact, measuring the total value of a plane's resource output has never been the point. The point is how high the plane's energy level is, which will determine the upper limit of the strength of the strong in the plane.

If the energy level is not high, it means that a strong person cannot be born.

Another important point of measurement is whether the plane is suitable for the survival of intelligent species such as humans, and whether there are enough plains for farming.

Food production directly determines the upper limit of the population that can be accommodated in the plane.

For war lords, after completely conquering a plane, they will basically emigrate in large numbers and vigorously develop the population.

It doesn't matter if the resource output is not enough, the main thing is whether the plane can accommodate a large number of people to survive.

If the plane can accommodate a large number of people to survive, and the food can be self-sufficient, this plane has value.

Population is the greatest value.

For the legendary and above powerhouses, the most important value of the plane is the population, which is not only the soldiers, but also the source of faith.

The next step for the legendary and above powerhouses is to prepare to collect beliefs, condense divinity, condense priesthood, and finally hold high the throne to enshrine the gods.

The most critical step in this is to have enough power of faith.

Whether it is to condense the divinity, ignite the divine fire, or condense the priesthood, establish the kingdom of God, or transform the characteristics of the kingdom of God from the domain of the gods, and finally condense the godhead, all these require the power of faith to transform.

(End of this chapter)

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