Chapter 154 Summer Camp Demon Altar

Even in the future, if one can successfully become a god, a lot of power of faith will be needed to maintain one's own godhood.

The power of faith is the most versatile, most important, and most critical resource for the strong, not one of them.

The war lords fought against the planes and plundered resources. The population of these intelligent races that can generate the power of faith is one of the resources, and it is also the most valuable resource.

After Li Qing is promoted to legend in the future, he will also find a way to conquer some planes, establish his own plane of faith, and harvest the power of faith.

After introducing the theme of the summer camp, a voice came from the golden ball of light in the center again, this time introducing the challenge rules of the first stage, Li Qing listened carefully.

The rules are quite simple. In this fortress base, there is a special God's Domain building called [Devil God Altar], which was directly moved from the summer camp organizing committee. It is equivalent to a large arena, which can support them to challenge each other at the same time.

After introducing these, the host’s passionate voice came from the square:

"Now, please come to the Demon Altar!"

As soon as the words fell, a little golden light suddenly appeared in the sky above the square, which quickly expanded into a huge golden vortex, and then a giant wrapped in dazzling golden light landed from the sky in the center of the square.


Li Qing squinted slightly and waited for the golden air wave to sweep away. He saw a huge pyramid full of rare and exotic beasts appeared in the center of the square. There were nine floors in total, each floor was nearly ten meters high, and each floor had thrones made of glass crystals. .

There are the most thrones at the bottom, and there are fewer and fewer as you go up, until there is only a huge glazed throne at the top, condescending and overlooking all living beings.

Each throne has a huge number number, the only one on the top is number one.

At this time, the host's voice sounded again:

"Now, all contestants can choose a seat, and other participants can challenge them at any time. Each contestant starts with ten points, and needs to pay one to ten points for each challenge. Winners will get points equal to the payment points and replace the opponent's position. , the failure challenge points belong to the victor.”

"Individual strength, the strength of the heroes under his command, and the strength of his troops have three rankings. Each ranking lasts only one month, and the first month challenges personal strength."

"Each type is only allowed to take the initiative to challenge ten times a day, and the challenged person can only be challenged ten times for each type, but the challenge can be scheduled in advance. If the scheduled challenger loses, the next scheduled challenger will be the winner. "

"Only allow to challenge contestants whose rank is higher than yourself."

After talking about the rules, Li Qing saw many contestants who were closest to the altar of the devil rush forward to compete for the vacant seats.

Li Qing understands their thoughts, there are only a hundred seats, there are always three to four thousand players in this hall, and most of the players will not be able to sit in the end, it is better to go up and sit in the first place, just to get addicted.

But this is only a small number, most of them still hold their own identities and did not grab the position.

Especially those positions at the top are still vacant at this time, a bunch of people are crowded below to fight for it, and no one is going to grab the positions above.

Li Qing and Gu Qingxin didn't even move, and most of the people around them didn't move, and many of them looked at the players who were fighting for positions with sarcasm.

"I have never seen the world before!"

Li Qing turned his head in surprise, and saw a young man with blue pupils burning with his arms around him, looking at him shamelessly.

Noticing Li Qing's gaze, seeing that he didn't go up either, his face softened a little, and he nodded.

Li Qing nodded with a smile and bowed back. When he turned around, he saw a golden light flashing on the Demon God Altar, and it exploded. Many contestants who touched the Demon God Altar were bounced to the ground by an invisible force.

And the pyramid-like altar of the demon god was shining with light at this time, rising slowly.

At the same time, each floor is also separated from each other, from the previous pyramid to the current nine-story glazed ring, the bottom floor is the largest, and the seats between each floor are also adjusted accordingly, shrinking inward.


With a crisp sound, the glazed rings shattered one by one, and each throne was separated independently, connected by invisible beams of light.

In just a short while, the nine demon altars have been divided into a hundred parts one by one, and each throne exists independently.

The height of the storey is more than 20 meters, and the light in the middle is distorted and rippling.

Each throne is surrounded by infinite spiritual light, and the divine light above the head soars into the sky.

"So this is what the Demon Altar looks like."

When it was not turned on before, Li Qing felt weird that this pyramid that could be climbed at will dare to be called the Demon God Altar.

Looking at it now, the Demon God Altar only looks like that at this time.

With the launch of the Demon God Altar, the host who didn't know where to go announced the official start of the summer camp, but the scene became quiet.

Everyone looked at the first batch of contestants who sat on the demon altar, their eyes flickered, and they were all thinking about which position to challenge.

Although there is no limit to the challenge, as long as you have enough points, you can challenge, but the challenge is life and death.

It’s fine to take the initiative and surrender early. If you would rather die than surrender, or surrender not in time, you will really be beaten to death in the arena on the spot, and then revived in your own God’s Domain. This requires the consumption of a large amount of pure soul essence and source quality. class resources.

Most of these rare resources have limited storage, and it is impossible for them to die indefinitely.

And no one is willing to keep challenging, how tiring it is.

There are more than 3000 and nearly 4000 contestants in the entire summer camp. Even if there are more than 100 positions, the challenge will not be completed in a short time. In addition, this stage has a whole month.

Li Qing thought about it, and said softly to Gu Qingxin:

"You go back first, I'll go up and earn some extra money first."

Gu Qingxin immediately understood what he meant, she pursed her lips and nodded with a smile:

"I'll take a look."


Li Qing let go of her hand and looked in the direction of the Demon God Altar. With a thought, a light curtain popped up in front of him, showing the floor plan of the Demon God Altar. Most of the positions had already been occupied, and most of the contestants had collected ten challenges. For the quota, there are dozens of people waiting in line behind many, and now they choose to challenge this ranking and they will not be able to make it for a few days.

These challenged players can watch the game, and they only need to pay a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 100 million to enter their duel space to watch the game.

After the war, 100% of the 50 million will be paid to the winner, 25% will be paid to the loser, and the remaining 25% will be paid to the organizing committee.

Li Qing chose a seat ranked 84 and had already started to challenge, and paid 100 million to watch the match.

Then the light in front of his eyes began to distort, and after calming down, he found that his consciousness appeared in the spectator seats on the edge of a huge ring.

The arena is two kilometers in diameter, and there are many spectators who can't see clearly at the edge of the auditorium. Roughly, there are hundreds of them, which means that there are hundreds of millions of tickets alone, and 5000 million points for winning.

"Really profitable!"

Li Qing smacked his lips and looked towards the center of the ring.

The challenge this time is about personal strength, so the two who participated in the battle were both apprentices of the war lord himself.

The ring master directly turned into a giant with a height of 18 meters. His body surface was bronze-colored. There were complex magic lines in several places on his body. With the transformation, the aura lit up, and the magic pattern structure began to take effect.

The challenger turned into a green dragon with a wingspan of nearly 22 meters and dark green scales all over his body.

Giants and giant dragons are very powerful existences, widely distributed in the chaotic void sea, and their blood essence is rich in sources. It is one of the bloodlines that war lords like to fuse most, and it can be called the bloodline of the masses.

But the public does not mean mediocrity. Dragons and giants who have reached the level of real dragons are high-ranking bloodlines, and they are still the best among the same high-ranking bloodlines. Few can beat them.

Both sides showed their real bodies at the same time, and the green dragon sprayed over with a mouthful of corrosive dragon's breath.

The copper giant didn't dodge or evade, let the dragon's breath wash his face, the copper on his body was even brighter, and he grabbed the ground with both hands, and a large piece of hard soil under his feet turned into soft mud. When he scooped up with both hands, a large ball of soil on the round table was scooped up, and quickly hardened into a stone .

This is the talent of the giants of the earth, turning fossils into mud, and then turning mud into stone.

The stone the size of the round table was extremely light in the hands of the giant, and it was thrown into the sky with all its strength.

The green dragon flapped its wings and wanted to dodge, but as the copper giant clasped its hands, the boulder turned and drew a small upward arc in the air. The green dragon thought it would be too late to dodge. Was hit by a boulder.

With a muffled "bang", a large piece of dragon scales shattered, and the green dragon rolled and fell in the air roaring in pain.

But when it was more than 200 meters away from the ground, it managed to stop and flapped its wings trying to lift up.

But at this time, the copper giants rushed over in large strides, raised their arms and burst into yellow light, and pressed down hard, an invisible distortion exploded, spreading to the green dragon in the blink of an eye.

The green dragon, which was trying to raise its height, sank violently, and plummeted downward as if being pulled by strong gravity.

When he came back to his senses, the copper giant leaped tens of meters high, grabbed a wing of the tumbling green dragon with his big hand, and pulled it down forcefully.

The green dragon fell like an arrow, and fell heavily on the ground with a 'bang'. The copper giant fell heavily, and stepped heavily on the green dragon with both feet.


The green dragon was too careless, thinking that he could fly and win, but the copper dragon seized the opportunity and fell down.

Of course, there are also some gaps in strength.

But the dragon has the advantage of flying.

On the whole, it is still careless.

The battle ended before the green dragon was killed, and the space changed, and Li Qing's consciousness returned.

There was no reference value for this challenge. Both of them were levels that he could easily kill with one paw. He needed to see the strength of the strongest players in the summer camp.

But in the early stage, no one has chosen the top two rows of the Demon God Altar. There are a few brave ones in the top ten to occupy the seats, and no one in the top three has dared to go up to occupy the seats.

Li Qing pinched his chin and thought for a while, then said to the girl next to him:
"Say, should I take the top spot right now?"

Gu Qingxin raised her head in surprise, looked at him seriously, and nodded after a few seconds:
"You are the strongest I have ever seen, you can."

Li Qing chuckled, stretched out his hand to touch her smooth face, and said with a smile:

"Then I'll go."

Open the panel, put your finger on the throne with '1' written on it, and click on it heavily.

In the next second, his figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already on the top of the demon altar.

Look around, condescending, overlooking all living beings.

"Very cool!"

Li Qing patted the Liulijing golden throne and looked down. As he suddenly appeared in this position, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

[-]% surprised.


The dozen or so men and women from the War College of Supreme Order also saw Li Qing sitting on it at this time, and they were all stunned.

After a while, someone said in surprise:

"If I'm not mistaken, that's Miss Gu's boyfriend, right?"

"You read that right, I saw it too."


"It seems that although some people have good backgrounds, they don't have the vision to find a boyfriend."

The one who spoke was a girl with a magic pattern on her arm and shoulder. The others glanced at it and turned their heads as if they didn't hear it.

A man leaned behind a handsome man whose pupils glowed with metallic golden light, like two golden eyes, and whispered:

"Brother Chu, you can see that a flamboyant man like him won't last long."

The man glanced at him blankly, and said coldly:

"I, Chu Zhengyu, never make friends with villains who slander others behind their backs. In addition, if I want to pursue women, I, Chu Zhengyu, will only compete openly and aboveboard, and never disdain conspiracy methods."

The face of the scolded person was ugly, but facing the man in front of him, he didn't dare to get angry at all. He could only turn around silently and stared at Li Qing who was at the top of the demon altar, as if he wanted to blame all the resentment on him.

Of course Li Qing didn't notice someone's resentful gaze. At this moment, the light curtain in front of his eyes had automatically popped open, and several challenge applications appeared in front of him.

A man suddenly smiled while the others were still surprised, and said to the two companions beside him:
"Brother, I'll challenge him first, and watch me take the first place whoring for nothing."

The friend subconsciously asked:
"Then lose?"

The man waved his hand and said:
"It's impossible to lose. Those who go up now are all mixed positions, and it's impossible to be strong."

The two friends thought for a while and nodded.

"Indeed, the real strong will not go up now."

"You two come to watch the battle and see how I can blow him up."

Before the voice finished speaking, the space distorted for a while, and the person disappeared.

Reappeared, it was already a huge challenge space, surrounded by a layer of space barriers, and there was a line of prompts on the light curtain in front of me, which read:

"According to the rules, you will pay 10 points, the challenge will start in 1 minute, the countdown is 59 seconds, 58 seconds, 57 seconds,,,"

The 1 minute ended quickly, and the space barrier in front of him disappeared. Li Qing blessed himself with a flying technique and quickly rose up. He saw a figure at the other end of the ring two kilometers away rapidly inflated, and soon turned into a statue more than ten meters high. The black-scaled snake demon with eight arms exploded with a black force field centered on the snake demon.

Abyss high-ranking demon, eight-armed snake demon, professional sword master.

The eight arms hold eight sharp long swords, and the body is covered with a full-body armor made of fine gold. The powerful physique of the upper demon can easily carry the tens of thousands of kilograms of armor without affecting flexibility.

On each exposed arm, there is a magic pattern structure that Li Qing has never seen before. As the eight-armed snake demon swings the long sword, the magic pattern emits ghostly light, and circles of invisible fluctuations spread throughout the body.

"Eight-armed snake demon and sword master?"

This combination aroused Li Qing's interest.

(End of this chapter)

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