Chapter 157 Ancestral Ancient Dragon Body LV6
On this super fortress base, the exchange system can be communicated at any time.

In fact, it is the exchange system of the Eternal Tree. The organizing committee does not know where the authority came from. It borrowed the Eternal Tree to open up a special exchange interface for the summer camp. It only needs to have the points of the summer camp to exchange.

There is no difference between exchanging at ordinary times and exchanging at the Eternal Tree, except that the items that can be exchanged are limited, unlike directly exchanging everything with the Eternal Tree.

Li Qing communicated with the Eternal Tree, opened the exchange page, and began to browse.

Don't say anything else, check the price first, and set the price from high to low.

Soon I saw an item that ranked first in price: a divine favor, which can be exchanged for [-] points.

There are only ten courses in total, and there are no supplements.

Li Qing clicked his tongue, looked away, and looked at the second high-value item below.

During the entire summer camp period, there were only ten divine favors that could be exchanged, which was much less than expected.

With so many top elites gathered, I heard from the instructor that there are more than a dozen of them who are born holy alone, which is not enough.

The second-ranked item is also exchanged for [-] points. It is a second-level magic pattern construction suit called the Horror Knight.

This is a set of eight magic patterns for a knight, plus five magic patterns for his war mounts, a total of thirteen magic patterns.

The configuration requires a minimum of fifth-tier warrior arms, plus a war mount, a war horse with the blood of a monster, or a mount of a monster.

After being promoted, the comprehensive strength is equivalent to the sixth rank, because there is a war mount to assist, and the combat power is also outstanding among the sixth rank.

A simple magic pattern construction is nothing, but if it is a complete set of magic patterns, then the value is high.

If you use this as a reference, the benefits Li Qing obtained in the previous experience are still quite high, not more than [-] favor points, and the battle mage magic pattern suit alone is more than [-].

It is worth mentioning that this horror knight build is just a noun, describing the promoted knight as strong, and has nothing to do with the undead hero professional horror knight.

Li Qing had an idea, but he didn't have enough points.

Next, browse through the many exchanges, and the front row is all top-notch goodies worth [-] points.

What top-level hero treasures, high-level relics, top-level gods' buildings, top-level hero inheritance, and even a troop brood inside.

The so-called arms nest is the arms system, such as the imperial arms system.

As long as this thing is included in the Tower of Eternity, no matter where it is, as long as the preset resources are invested, the arms in this arm system can be promoted. Generally, it can be promoted directly by using money.

Theoretically, as long as many people buy this type of arm, they will receive a steady stream of income.

But the problem is that if you want to develop a military system, you have very strict requirements for personal capital.

Through the power of the Eternal God Tree, after the war lords buy your arms, they only need to pay a certain amount of money to be promoted.

But this promotion did not come out of thin air, but through the channel of the Eternal Tree to summon new weapons and armor from the owner of the arms system.

This means that the owner of the arms system must have massive resources to supply many buyers.

If the weapons and armor stored are not enough, people spend money to upgrade the arms, but the weapons and armor are not upgraded after the promotion
This is not an embarrassing question.

People may need to upgrade their troops to improve their strength to face a dangerous situation. If such a problem occurs at a critical time, your reputation will be directly stink, and this arms system will be abandoned by the war lords.

In addition, this arms system is not complete. Li Qing checked it briefly and found that it should be that a certain boss wanted to create a arms system for his own use, but failed.

Although there are three levels of promotion upper limit, the highest level can be promoted to the third level of shield infantry, but there is no special feature, and it is not even comparable to the imperial arms system.

The only advantage is that it can be used as cannon fodder. If you don’t want to make money from this, it’s good to be self-sufficient.

After all, if the territory becomes large in the future, such as occupying a plane, a large number of troops will be needed to garrison and suppress the rebellion. It would be too wasteful to keep the main force to guard, and this kind of cannon fodder will come in handy.

Li Qing really wanted it, but he couldn't afford it now.

I browsed for almost two hours in one breath, basically fast-forwarded after too many things, and kept seeing the back.

This exchange list is basically related to apprentices, and the best things are only those batches. The level is not too high, and they are just right for them.

Li Qing didn't think about those things for the time being, he went directly to the part where the foreign heroes who sold the captives were sold, and started buying these spoils.

The price varies from high to low, with a minimum of one point and a maximum of forty or fifty points.

Li Qing directly purchased ten [-]-point foreign hero captives in one go, and then communicated with the Tower of Eternity to sacrifice and extract their hero skill points.

Because it is designated to extract hero skill points, it is equivalent to the same as opening loot that only gives out hero skill points. Additional points need to be paid, about one-tenth of the value. He spent 50 points to sacrifice all of them in one go, and then got 50 Point hero skill points.

"55 points for 5 hero skill points"

The price must be expensive, but normal heroes can't get a lot of hero skill points like Li Qing, and can only get a lot of them in this way.

This is a complete seller's market and there is no room for haggling.

With 260 points remaining, Li Qing began to browse through various combat hero inheritances or powerful hero skills.

But after looking at it for a while, he didn't see any hero inheritance that could make his heart flutter.

There are several powerful hero inheritances, but none of them are suitable for him.

There is no choice but to settle for the next best thing and find a few powerful hero skills to make do with.

This is quite convenient, there are a lot of individual hero skills, and there are some very powerful ones in them.

Li Qing browsed back and forth twice, and found three hero skills that seemed to suit his current form.

Destroyer Strike: Lock on the target and charge for 1-5 seconds, causing 200% base damage + 50% of the charge per second to the target for a huge amount of damage.

Li Qing once obtained a heroic skill called Terror Strike. Its power is no different from this one, except that Terror Strike is limited to long-range throwing weapons. This is not limited to weapons, which is equivalent to the general version of Terror Strike.

This skill is very powerful, so it needs to consume 2 hero skill points to upgrade.

Li Qing didn't hesitate, and spent 10 hero skill points to upgrade to LV5.

Destroying Blow LV5: Lock on the target and charge for 1-5 seconds, causing 400% base damage + 100% huge damage per second to the target, with special effects of sure hit, penetration, armor piercing, and tearing.

Specialty +1: Base damage +30%, additional damage per second 5%.

Specialty +2: Base damage +50%, extra damage per second +10%.

Specialty +3: Base damage +120%, extra damage per second +15%.

Specialty +4: Ignore 25% of defense and resistance.

Specialty +5: When the target suffers from moderate or above injuries, there is a probability of causing double damage. The more serious the injury, the higher the probability. In the state of serious injury, there is a very small probability of ignoring all instant kills.

The second hero ability is very common, mirror image.

Mirror Image LV1: Create 2 indistinguishable mirror images, which will disappear when attacked, last for 15 seconds, and cool down for 180 seconds.

The hero skill of mirror image itself is not strong, but it is very easy to use, very popular, and the price has remained high.

Mirror image LV5: Create 6 indistinguishable mirror images, which will disappear after 5 attacks, last for 40 seconds, and cool down for 120 seconds.

Expertise +1: The number of attacks received +1.

Expertise +2: The number of attacks received +1.

Specialty +3: Mirror image +5% own physical quality.

Specialty +4: Mirror image +10% own physical quality.

Feat +5: Can control the behavior of the mirror image through the mind.

The third hero skill, Reality Rift, is a displacement skill.

Reality Rift LV1: Teleport the target to the middle position between the two, and strike the target ignoring any defense. The longest distance is 100 meters, and the cooling time is 1 minute.

Consume 10 hero skill points to directly upgrade to LV5.

Reality Rift LV5: Teleport the target to the middle position between the two, and strike the target ignoring any defense. The longest distance is 500 meters, and the cooling time is 1 minute.

Feat +1: Longest Range +20 meters.

Feat +2: Longest Range +50 meters.

Feat +3: Longest Range +120 meters.

Feat +4: Ignore Defense Strike Double Damage.

Expertise +5: The unit pulled over is imprisoned by space for 2 seconds and cannot move.

These three hero skills can only be used in the normal state and half-dragon state, and cannot be used in the state of the ancestor ancient dragon.

After clicking on the three hero skills, Li Qing still had 20 hero skill points on hand, so he simply put the several space skills acquired by his mastery of space origin to LV5.

They are advanced flashing LV5, and now the longest flashing distance is 1000 meters.

High-level space lock LV5, the locking effect is greatly enhanced after strengthening.

Space Imprisonment LV5: Imprisonment strength soars.

Space Exile LV5: The ability to exile has also soared.

These abilities are actually very strong, but because they are their own spells, the demand for hero skill points is not that high, only a little.

After clicking these hero skills, it can be regarded as making up for a lot of shortcomings.

There is no other shortcoming for the time being, and we can only find a way to make up for it later.

If nothing else, these hero skill points will reach the peak at LV5, and it is unlikely to be above LV6, because there are too few extraordinary hero skill points.

Li Qing gained 8 extraordinary hero skill points in the previous experience, but he didn't expect that the demand for extraordinary hero skill points would be so high after his talent points reached LV6.

Among them, the three talents of the ancestor ancient dragon all need 5 points of extraordinary hero skill points to be upgraded to a level, which is even more outrageous than the previous level of 5 points before level 3.

The four talents of the descendants of the gods require 2 points of extraordinary hero skill points to upgrade to one level, and it is only temporary. As his divinity level increases in the future, it will be readjusted.

That is to say, now only need 2 superhero skill points to increase the god-born talent by one level. When the divinity level is raised to LV5 in the future, which is equivalent to the first level of a true god, the upgraded god-son talent needs to be replenished with superhero skill points.

This is outrageous.

But there are even more outrageous.

The extraordinary talents of hero skills are not the same at every level, but increase in increments.


So now Li Qing's 8 extraordinary hero skill points have not been used, and he hasn't considered where to add them.

Anyway, the first ancestor Gu Long's talent is so powerful, a moment's absence will not affect his ability to look down upon Tongji.

However, this situation can't last long. When those who are born holy can make a move half a month later, their current strength may not be stable.

"I still have to add it."

And it must be added to the several talents of the ancestor ancient dragon, and the four talents of the descendants of the gods will be discussed later.

As for the target, there is nothing to worry about, there is only one choice - the dragon body of the ancestor ancient dragon.

Dragon's breath and dragon language magic are completely sufficient now.

Opening the panel, Li Qing cast his gaze on the body of the ancestor ancient dragon without hesitation, and with a thought, the skill icon began to distort.

But it only twisted a bit and returned to its original shape.

Li Qing stretched out his hand and opened the door of God's Domain with a pull, and went back into God's Domain.

You can't be promoted in the room. The movement of the extraordinary promotion is too big, and you will definitely reveal your true body at that time. It is a trivial matter if the house is broken. If the movement is too big, it will cause too much unnecessary movement.

Back on the third floor of the God's Domain Ranch, Li Qing opened the panel again, and his will fell on the body of the ancestor ancient dragon, and the skill icons began to distort.

Accompanied by a deep dragon roar, Li Qing's figure swelled involuntarily, and soon turned into an ancient ancestor dragon that covered the sky and hovered on the third floor of the Shenyu Ranch.

At this time, the ancient dragon body LV5 on his panel has turned into a mass of chaos. Even at this time, the ancient dragon feels extremely powerful. Start to swell.

The giant dragon closed its eyes, slowly realizing and sensing the expanding power in its body.

In his perception, this power comes from the depths of the dragon's flesh and blood, as if born out of thin air.

But Li Qing knew that this was not born out of thin air, there must be a source, but with his current strength, he still can't see where the source is.

200 meter.
210 meter.
220 meter.
240 meter.
The wingspan of the ancestor ancient dragon continued to grow and swell, and the dragon scales covering its body also continued to grow and become larger. At the same time, there seemed to be many mysterious waves flowing in the crystalline texture.

At first glance, it looks like ripples, but if you look closely, you will find that it is not ripples, but countless transparent and fine runes flowing.

It seems that there are some changes in the dragon scales, but if you look closely, you can't see any special changes.

However, Li Qing has a clear realization in his heart that some kind of change is indeed taking place in his dragon scales. It is just because the level of his ancestor ancient dragon body is not enough. If he rises to LV7, LV8, or even higher, this change will happen. Improve slowly, and then you will know exactly what the change is.

The increase in size lasted for almost an hour, and the strength slowly disappeared when his size expanded to a wingspan of about 300 meters.

The newborn ancestor ancient dragon's real body has a wingspan of about 250 meters, and its head and tail are about 280 meters. The scales on its body are thicker and bigger.

The back is sharper, sharper and thicker, looking like a mountain range.

His huge body was lying on the ground, and it was as huge as a mountain itself. It was like a hurricane howling between breaths, and the indescribable coercion was almost substantive.

"Not bad!"

Li Qing felt his physical strength several times higher than before, and opened the attribute panel.

(End of this chapter)

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