Chapter 158 The Son of Destiny Is Born Sacred
Ancient Dragon Body LV6 (Extraordinary): Constitution*300, Stamina*300, Strength*300, Recovery*300, Speed+700%, Resistance+500%, Damage Reduction+75%, Immune to any hostile skill effects below legendary.

Additional feats: Perfect Regeneration +1, Extraordinary Dragon Scale +1, Space Dragon Wings +1, Ancient Dragon Power +1, Half-Dragon Transformation +4, Dragon Transformation +2.

Feat +1: Unlimited Poison Immunity (Mythic): Immune to any form of legendary poison damage and effects.

Feat +2: Unlimited Fire Immunity (Mythic): Immune to any form of legendary fire damage and effects.

Feat +3: Unlimited Frost Immunity (Mythic): Immune to any form of frost damage and effects below legendary.

Feat +4: Unlimited Lightning Immunity (Mythic): Immune to any form of lightning and air damage and effects below legendary.

Feat +5: Immunity to Unlimited Earth (Myth): Immune to any form of legendary earth damage or effect.

Feat +6 (Extraordinary): Primordial Dragonborn +1 (Mythical): +1 space dragon that can be transformed each month.

Half-Dragon Transformation +4: Turn into a half-dragon person with a height of about 30 meters, which lasts for 5 hours.

Dragon Transformation +2: Incarnate as the real body of the ancestor ancient dragon, lasting for a total of 2 hours.

Overall, the improvement is very large. A series of extra specialties have become the first level of extraordinary, such as perfect regeneration, extraordinary dragon scales, space dragon wings, ancient dragon dragon power, etc. Although it is only LV1, its power is far stronger than the previous version of LV5. Be strong.

After completing the promotion, the gigantic ancient dragon uttered a deafening dragon chant, its body shrank rapidly, and soon turned into a 30-meter-tall half-dragon man standing on the ground.

Needless to say, just feel the physique and strength far stronger than before.

After feeling it for a while and returning to his real body, Li Qing stretched out his hand and grasped it falsely. Even in his normal state, his physical strength and strength were far stronger than before.

However, although he was very happy to increase his strength, Li Qing felt quite speechless when he saw that 7 extraordinary hero skill points were needed to upgrade to the next level of LV10.

Obviously, when the hero skill is raised above LV6, the increase will be very large each time, and the upper limit of the level will not be as ordinary as he imagined, five levels, and extraordinary level five.

Li Qing guessed that the total upper limit of hero skills is estimated to be LV10.
On the second day, Li Qing didn't swell because of his strength. He still meditated patiently and made a magic pattern of basic power and a steel golem. He didn't come to the altar until night.

Then start taking on the challenge.

When he appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of many people. Many people sent messages to their companions who did not come, asking them to come to the show.

For eight consecutive days, Li Qingzao has been recognized by them for his strength, and now no one talks about his strength. Now what they like to do most every day is to watch the battle, to see if there are any masters to make a move today, and to see if he will be defeated one day. Hit it down.

Li Qing did not disappoint them, and after sitting for a while, he began to accept the challenge.

"Quick, let's start, you can watch the battle."

At this moment, an unknown number of people poured into the spectator seats, and seeing the familiar but different half-dragon man, everyone was stunned.

"What the hell? Why did it rise so much all of a sudden?"

"You improved your strength again yesterday?"

"Nimma, you are so strong that you have no friends, but you can increase your strength. It's too much."

Li Qing's opponent this time is still a descendant of a god, but it is not a descendant of a god who has awakened with divinity, but a descendant of a true god, that is, a descendant of a god who has awakened the blood of the ancestor of the true god at the same time, turning into a statue with a height of 20 meters , a four-armed tauren covered in crystalline carapace.

This shows that his ancestor of the true god must have the race priesthood of the tauren, otherwise the blood of the true god would not be in the form of the tauren.

Each of the tauren's four arms held a sharp golden axe, and he swung a sharp ax at him casually.

If it were yesterday, Li Qing might have to work hard to solve it in the half-dragon state.

But today, when his physique has soared three times, he is still crushed as before.

Li Qing took the initiative to attack, and two flashes appeared in front of the target across the entire arena. The figure was divided into seven parts in a flash, and six phantoms raised their claws together to shoot down.

The four-armed tauren did not dodge or evade, and gave himself a BUFF with a roar, and swung an ax with four arms to slash at one of the mirror images.

"bang bang bang"

There was a series of explosions, and the four-armed tauren was thrown back and forth.

Although the mirror image only has 15% of the physical fitness of the main body, but his current physical fitness is too outrageous, even if it is only 15%, it is enough for the opponent.

The power of a single mirror image still couldn't keep up with the god-born tauren, but it was not too far behind. The six mirror images rushed forward, ignoring the injuries and attacking frantically.

"He can't!"

"I can't even handle a few mirror images, let alone the main body."

"This guy named Li Qing is very good. It looks like there won't be any problem with Lianzhuang for fifteen days."

"I just don't know how it compares to those who are naturally holy. Is it possible?"

"Don't think about it, that's impossible."

"You also know?"

"My classmate's girlfriend's sister's boyfriend's buddy's girlfriend's best friend's boyfriend's elder brother is a god born, his strength is beyond your imagination, and we are not at the same level as us."

"The opponents that Li Qing has encountered now are all crushed to death with one finger."

"It's so sweet?"

"It's bigger than you think."

"Well, it seems that he can only continue for fifteen days, and he will give up after fifteen days."

"It's pretty good. The non-innate sages have been in business for so long. They are definitely the top group under the innate sacredness. The future is boundless."


"It's a pity."

While they were discussing various things, dozens of seconds had passed, and the bull-headed giant, who was hammered back again and again by several mirror images, suddenly saw the remaining five mirror images disappear in an instant.

Dazed for a moment, he stomped his footsteps fiercely, and the seven magic lines on his body lit up, and then he jumped up to a height of [-] meters, and slashed down Huashan Mountain not far away with Li Qing.

Li Qing did not dodge or dodge, raised his right paw to make a false grasp, twisted and retracted towards his right paw in a circle.

The 20-meter-tall bull-headed giant descended from the sky holding a four-sided ax and slashed Li Qing's face and shoulders. A series of crystal lights exploded, the dragon's scales shattered, and the ax pierced into the flesh nearly one meter deep.

With one blow, the bull-headed giant was surprised and swung his ax vigorously to take it back.

However, the muscles on the half-dragon man's face gripped the ax blade tightly, and the face of the half-dragon man who had been split into two huge grooves showed a ferocious expression. His right paw, which had been charged for a few seconds, clenched into a fist, and hit the bull-headed giant's chest like a thunderbolt.


An unimaginable force exploded, and the chest of the bull-headed giant sank rapidly, and a circle of heavy pressure quickly spread to the surroundings, and a large bag quickly bulged up behind it.

After five full seconds of charging, LV5's devastating blow can cause a burst of 1250% of Li Qing's current strength.

More than twelve times more than that, it erupted in an instant, piercing the chest of the bull-headed giant with one blow, and golden flesh sprayed hundreds of meters away from the back.

The bull-headed giant looked down at his chest with difficulty, with a hint of helplessness on his face, he let go of his weapon with all four hands, and slowly fell backwards.

Killing this descendant of the true god with one blow, the ending of the next series of battles is the same as before.

It always comes first with a round of mirror image Wang Baquan hammering the opponent back again and again, after tens of seconds the mirror image disappears, and the opponent is instantly killed with a single blow.

In addition, he also tried the effects of several new hero spells in between.

After five rounds of strengthening, the power has increased a lot, most of the opponents can be imprisoned easily, and the summoned creatures can be exiled for one round, whether they are summoned by hero skills or ordinary spells.

After six rounds of fighting, Li Qing had no opponents.

Yes, there are only six opponents today.

Winning for eight days in a row, it's not that there are no masters during the period, and those with a normal mind will not rush up to continue giving away kills.

Li Qing waited for almost two hours and still no newcomers came to challenge, so he left without waiting any longer.

The next day, after finishing the routine work, Li Qing came to the Demon God Altar, only to find that there was only one opponent today.

The challenge list is all alone with one person.

"Grandma's, it's not easy to earn."

They have all become shrewd, and if they feel that they cannot be beaten, they will not challenge.

Moreover, Li Qing clearly felt that several top experts who were not inferior to him before he was promoted also gave up the idea of ​​challenging him.

Before, they were not sure enough and were still hesitating. Now that he is promoted again, they are even less sure.

It's a pity that Li Qing didn't fight against these top masters who are born holy.

But it's not a pity how long, anyway, I will soon face those who are born holy, and the feeling will be even more exciting.

On the tenth day, there was no more challenger.

It was like this every day for the next few days, and there was really no opponent to challenge him, which made Li Qing's plan to score points completely failed.

"Damn it!"

Time passed, and before I knew it, it was No. 16 days.

It was a routine job again, and even arrived a little late, because after the routine magic pattern construction and steel golem, Li Qing suddenly had a new inspiration when he used war magic to study magic runes.

He has been using magic lightning, the most commonly used low-level war magic, as a template to study magic runes.

Trying to continuously analyze the magic rune structure of this war magic, and then try to disassemble, reorganize, or add new magic circles to strengthen it on the basis of the framework.

Upgrading war magic requires constant attempts. All heroes' war spells are mostly obtained from predecessors or trophies at the beginning, but the upgrade can only be done by yourself.

If the owner of war magic is not talented enough in magic, he may still be using elementary war magic after thousands of years.

Li Qing's talent in this area is already strong. After mastering the origin of space, his talent has improved. Now he is definitely at the top level of genius, and his understanding of magic runes and magic circles is getting deeper and deeper.

After insisting on taking a certain amount of time to study every day, until now, I finally made a new discovery.

Based on the existing rune circle formed by magic lightning, through continuous dismantling and reconstruction, he unexpectedly discovered that a new rune circle that had been reconstructed by accident could be used in an accidental attempt today.

This is not sure that it will work, but it can mean that this new magic circle is a feasible idea.

Next, we need to continue to expand on this line of thinking until we build a new magic circle that fits with the existing magic and lightning compound magic circle, and then overlap and add it until it is complete.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the new challenge today, he would definitely stay in God's Domain and continue to study.

There were more people than ever in the Demon God's Altar Square, and at least [-]% of all contestants rushed over.

There was an open space in the middle of the crowd, and there stood six figures with extraordinary visions, five men and one woman, all of whom were shrouded in extraordinary visions. Many contestants looked at them with amazed and reverent eyes, and stayed far away. dare not approach.

"This person is a bit arrogant!"

"It's not over yet."

A handsome man with an extremely tall figure, whose bare skin was covered with a crystal-clear aura, and a purple lightning ring that was constantly rotating and expanding and contracting around the back of his head frowned and looked at the vacant seat on the top of the altar of the Demon God, with an expression of displeasure on his face. .

A man next to him with the same radiant skin and a blue wave rolling behind his head said with a smile:

"It can't be considered arrogant. I heard that no challenger has dared to challenge him in the past few days. There is no opponent. It is normal to come late."

"Besides, I heard that he is Gu Qingxin's boyfriend. To be considered by her should be quite capable, and it's normal to be a little arrogant."

"It's quite surprising that His Royal Highness Gu Qingxin actually fell in love with a mortal instead of one of us."

"Hehe, maybe it's not for fancy, but just for fun. After all, when we grow up, we will be immortal. It would be a shame that the only mortal stage has not experienced these things."


"So, wait a minute, should I go first or you go first?"

"I'll go first. I've been holding back for half a month. I want to vent. It just so happens that his strength seems to be okay, and he is of high-ranking dragon blood. He is durable and can relieve my muscles."

The blue light man shrugged:

"Okay, you go first, I will challenge No.2, and we will try again after the fight."

As for the other four, they didn't participate in their conversation, and didn't even care about it at all. They were gathering together to chat at this time.

Time passed, half an hour passed without knowing it, and the figure still did not appear.

Not only the Destiny's children who were waiting were a little impatient, but even the contestants who were preparing to watch the battle were a little dissatisfied.

"Why hasn't the hanging hair come here? Could it be because he didn't dare to come?"

"It's possible. If I knew what kind of monster I would face in fifteen days, I wouldn't come. Anyway, it's been fifteen days, and I've already earned enough."

"Fuck, I still want to see a dragon fight, that's it?"

"Fart's fight between dragons and tigers, he is not at the same level as these monsters at the first level of Destiny's Son, and he was abused when he came here."

"That's not necessarily true. I'm sure I can't beat him, but it's too much to say I was abused."

"Tch, that's not a level of strength. If he dares to come, he will definitely be abused."

"I don't quite believe it."

"Don't believe me? Do you want to make a bet, not much, just [-] million."

"You're stupid and I'm not stupid, so I don't gamble."

"Nimei, what are you talking about?"

There were more than 3000 contestants present, almost one-sidedly disliked Li Qing, and the occasional few who spoke for him were not optimistic about him, but they hated some Destiny's Children even more.

(End of this chapter)

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