Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 163 Inside Story, Ancient God's Secret

Chapter 163 Inside Story, Ancient God's Secret


Li Qing keenly found that the promise made by this true god named Gu Qiangu seemed to have changed.

He remembered that every one of them promised to provide the treatment of the eldest son, why did they suddenly disappear?

In addition, they also promised to be promoted to legend within five years and provide a basic belief disk, which is gone here.

"How did it change?"

"No, it was changed just now."

Li Qing's keen eyes fell on the name of this big boss, after a little thought, he sent a message to Gu Qingxin:
"Is this your relative?"

After a while she replied:

"My little brother!"


Li Qing had nothing to say.

"Okay, it's him."

Li Qing handed the list to Tai Shujing, he took a look at his choice and was stunned for a moment, wondering:

"Aren't you going to choose the ones in the back?"

He shook his head and said:

"No, it's just him, I have a reason."

Hearing the last sentence, Taishu took back what he wanted to persuade, nodded and said:

"That being the case, then I will respond to them."

Ten minutes later, there was a sudden spatial fluctuation in the room. Li Qing, who had mastered the origin of space, reacted immediately, and saw a light door open, and a handsome young man who looked like a mortal without any abnormalities stepped out of it.

Li Qing just glanced at him, and felt a trace of familiarity from him.

He looked left and right, his eyes finally fell on Li Qing, and he said with a smile:
"I'm Gu Qiangu. I have a question. My conditions and promises should not be outstanding among you. Why did you fall in love with me?"

Stretching out his hand, he glanced at it, with a hint of surprise on his face:
"No, how did the promise I wrote to you change? Who changed it? Do you know who changed it?"

Li Qing was surprised, the question seemed to be unaware of his existence.

After thinking for less than a second, he said:

"It was Qingxin who changed it for you."

"Sunny heart?"

"Gu Qingxin?"

Gu Qiangu was stunned for a moment, then looked Li Qing up and down with a shocked and strange expression, his eyes were full of surprise:
"Boy, are you dating my little sister?"

"No, my little sister doesn't have permission to change it."

His eyes suddenly opened wide and looked at Li Qing.

"My father agrees?"

Li Qing knew what he was asking, and nodded:

"If it's true, it should be."

Gu Qiangu immediately became interested, leaned in front of Li Qing to look him up and down, and praised:
"It's ok. Father God is usually very precious to my little sister. Every day I worry about my little cabbage being raped by some pig. Today, I agreed to let you fall in love. This is really fresh."

He slapped Li Qing's shoulder with a slap, and the huge force could not even withstand his physique, so he tilted and said loudly:

"Okay, since it's my brother-in-law, I'll definitely train you well."

He naturally sat down at the main seat behind the desk, and said to Li Qing:
"Sit down, let's talk about your treatment."

Li Qing sat across from the desk, expecting with a trace of curiosity, the man in front of him who had nothing magical about him turned out to be a real god.

Gu Qiangu tapped the table lightly with his finger and said:

"The original promise will not change. There will be three blessings every year within five years. In addition, there will be an annual financial support equivalent to 50 billion. Buy what you want."

"During this period, you can go to the plane that I am currently fighting for, or you can choose to descend to the plane independently, and I will help you choose a suitable plane to descend to."

"When you become a legend, you can prepare a small plane that is not too difficult for you to conquer by yourself, or you can find a slightly larger plane for you to conquer on your own."

"Of course, this is only resource support. The most important thing is all kinds of experience. Under the true god, I can ask many of my subordinates to teach you, including many legends or demigods. You can come to me for experience above the true god. .”

"In addition, I will let a demigod seal his own power down to protect the way for you."

"But you have to pay attention, because you are not strong enough, so once the protector forcibly breaks the seal because he meets an irresistible enemy, he will leave your God's Domain after the battle."

"That's about it, do you have anything to add?"

Li Qing waved his hands after hearing this:

"Enough, enough."

This treatment is definitely enough, and his own son is no more than that, how can there be any objections to this.

Gu Qiangu nodded and said:

"If there is no problem, part of the treatment will be sent over later. Now let's talk about the second phase of the summer camp. How much do you know about this second phase?"

Li Qing thought for a while, shook his head and said:
"I don't know much about it. I heard something about it at the gathering of the Sons of Destiny, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"Tell me."

"I heard from them that this group of planes itself is the place chosen by the Illithid Destiny Empire to train young elites, but it happened to be discovered by His Highness Chun Yu'an to launch a conquest war. His Highness Chun Yu'an considered that it happened to be the time of the summer camp. It is an excellent opportunity to test newcomers, and it gave us this opportunity."

"I heard that the spirit sucker is of a very high standard on the Destiny Empire, and there are several Destiny's Children on the opposite side. If you kill one or capture one alive, you will definitely be able to sacrifice a divine favor."

"Any more?"



Gu Qiangu tapped the table with his fingers and said:
"The general content is correct, but there are some inside details that they didn't tell you."

"First of all, this time the Illithid Destiny Empire's specifications are not inferior to ours, and there are more than a dozen or so children of Destiny, and many planes in this plane group have been conquered by them, so what you need to face Not only the war lord apprentices of the illithid Empire of Destiny, but also a small number of official war lords, as well as a large number of native imperial legions, as well as strong natives."

"Of course, most of the official war lords are conquering the plane. According to the rules, if you don't take the initiative to provoke them, they will not come to deal with you."

"In addition, many young elites of the Illithid Destiny Empire gathered in this plane group, not simply to cultivate newcomers, but to find a treasure that was lost in this plane group."

Li Qing asked in surprise:
"What treasure requires them to send so many war lords?"

"In the ancient times, there was an ancient god with powerful divine power who controlled a super artifact. Later, the ancient god fell unexpectedly. Many gods of prophecy speculated that this group of planes was the last place for him to stay, so he attracted many destiny civilizations to come to this place. The plane is looking for the legendary place where the ancient gods fell."

"Of course, no one knows whether the ancient gods have fallen in this plane group. Anyway, for so many years, more than the human destiny civilization and the spirit sucker destiny empire have come to this plane to look for them, and they will come here almost every ten years. Look, it has been thousands of years, and no one has found it."

"Up to now, the main purpose of many parties is not to find the place where the ancient gods fell, but to compete with the younger generations of different destiny civilizations."

"Just listen to the rumors of the ancient gods, and you don't need to look for them specially. The main purpose of your coming to the plane is to find a way to save your life. If you have the opportunity to kill the warlord of the Illithid Empire of Destiny, you are welcome."

"Every time you kill an apprentice of a foreign destiny lord, you will get different levels of loot boxes according to the level."

"Most of them are in the third category, among them, the elites are in the second category, and the children of destiny are in the first category."

"And you, as the number one in the overall ranking of this summer camp, with the title of military leader, you are also the first rank, and if you kill you, you will have additional benefits, so then you must be the target of the man of destiny on the opposite side."

Li Qing
Co-authoring is not a good thing.

It is too dangerous to be hunted down by the Sons of Destiny of many alien races.

Don't look at him getting the first overall in the summer camp, it doesn't mean that he is much better than the Destiny's Sons, they can't get good grades because there are too many restrictions.

Li Qing's personal strength can overwhelm them.

The overall strength of the hero cannot be compared.

The total strength of the troops. If there is no limit, it is hard to say.

The main reason why the summer camp can suppress Murong Shifang is that the number of troops sent is limited, only 1000 people. If Murong Shifang has thousands of lightning lords on hand, it will be hard to say.

Not to mention that as the Son of Destiny, he has a lot of resources in his hands. Besides the Lightning Lord, there must be other large-scale elite troops.

Putting it all together, it would be a bit embarrassing to single out a Destiny's Child.

If the two go together, he will definitely not be able to beat them.

Not to mention using up the remaining space dragon transformation quota in your hand, the sixth-order space dragon descendants who are eligible to transform are indeed enough, but they can't afford it after transformation.

Raising a group of dragon descendants and raising a group of giant dragons are two different concepts.

Giant dragons are not easy to raise. If you refer to lava crystal dragons, you will know that they not only eat meat, but also eat all kinds of magical beast meat that contains energy. Material.

In addition, some energy-containing gemstones should be laid on the sleeping place to provide elemental energy for the dragon.

If you just eat ordinary cattle and sheep, it is equivalent to a normal person who is vegetarian every day, and will become weak after a long time, which is equivalent to being disabled.

Before transforming 24 space dragons, it was only because of Murong Shifang's provocation that they were annoyed that they were transformed into a surprise, and at the same time, the resources in their hands could barely support them.

If there are so many more, it is really too much to support.

There wasn't enough to eat, and not enough shelter.

Putting it all together, and with the support given by Gu Qiangu, he has a slight advantage over Destiny's Son at this time, but the advantage is not big. He can barely beat one, but he can't beat the two.

Therefore, when it comes a week later, he has to wait a little bit.

You can't run with other people, and you can't go to too popular planes.

Anyway, now that he has won the first place in the summer camp, he has a lot of resources, so he just needs to digest it.

As for the reward for killing the illithid destiny civilization
Let's talk about it after digesting the current benefits.

It just so happens that I can make magic pattern structures now, and now I have some experience in the research of war magic, so I can take advantage of these few years to accumulate some experience.

Gu Qiangu chatted with him for about an hour before leaving. Before leaving, he added friends and sent over the resources provided this year.

As for the guardian, he will not come over until a few days later. He is not ready yet.

This year is three blessings, with 50 billion funds.

And a divine power talisman, which contains a divine power, which can summon Gu Qiangu's full blow after activation.

There is only one blow, which can be used for self-defense or against the enemy.

Including the original charisma funds, Li Qing now has a total of 6 charisma, 1180 points, and 50 billion funds.

"Good guy"

Before, I felt that I didn't know how long it would take to repay the eight favors owed to the Eternal God Tree, but now it seems that it won't take long.

Sure enough, as long as the strength is strong enough and the activities to participate in are high-end enough, the combination of the two to earn divine grace is unimaginable in the past.

And from this, it can be inferred how those Destiny's Sons have the strength they have today. Three blessings a year, 50 billion funds, even a pig can pile up into a master after a few years.

Naturally, so many points cannot be wasted. Li Qing opened the exchange platform of the summer camp and started to exchange.

First of all, he exchanged for the grace of God. He first exchanged that set of horror knight suit.

Tier [-] cavalry is still quite powerful.

The second way of exchanging divine grace is the brood of that arm -- the shield warrior.

Although it is a defective product, and although the highest promotion limit is only three ranks, for Li Qing, this is definitely the most valuable item among all exchange items.

First of all, this thing is for your own use, you can get a lot of cannon fodder shield fighters.

In addition, although this thing is a defective product, it is a unit system after all. He can use it to study slowly, and in the future he will be strong enough to develop his own unit system.

Even if the level is sufficient in the future, you can directly use this as the basis to reconstruct a new arms system, which can save a lot of resources and effort.

Li Qing didn't exchange for the next few favors, but directly used them in his God's Domain.

One of the divine favors can directly increase the population limit of God's Domain by 10.

A Divine Favor increases the maximum number of heroes by 10.

A Divine Favor increases the upper limit of 10 God's Domain building slots.

It is worth mentioning that the upper limit of divine favor promotion does not overlap with favor point promotion, it is another promotion system, and divine favor covers favor point.

For example, Li Qing's God's Domain had a population limit of 15 before, but with a divine favor, the population limit was increased by [-], and the total population limit was [-].

But if you use favor points to increase again, you only need 6 favor points to increase the population limit of 1, and then use 7 favor points to increase the population limit of 1. It will still increase according to the incremental relationship of the favor point system, not the current 15 population. to increase.

Correspondingly, if he wants to increase the population limit of 10 in one breath now, he will need two divine graces to increase.

After the redemption, there is still 1 divine grace left.

Then Li Qing looked at other exchange directions. First, he spent 200 points to exchange for 10 Destiny Hero Lights, which can transform professionals and soldiers into Destiny Heroes.

Use 10 favor points for each, and 20 points for each point, which means that the value of the points is not as good as the favor points.

Then, use points to increase the area of ​​God's Domain.

His current area of ​​God's Domain is 5 square kilometers. According to the increasing relationship and the points are only half of the favor points, adding another square kilometer requires 12 points.

From 12 points to 62 points, a total of 26 square kilometers of God's Domain area has been added.

Add this 5 square kilometers, a total of 31 square kilometers.

It is equivalent to about 5.5 kilometers in length and width, and it is not as big as the first floor of Shenyu Ranch.

But the size of the God's Domain Ranch is fixed, but the area of ​​the God's Domain can be increased infinitely.

Li Qing's early plan was to strengthen the foundation of God's Domain with rewards similar to favor points. After all, resources can be bought directly with money.

(End of this chapter)

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