Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 164 The Summoned Demigod and the Main Plane

Chapter 164 The Summoned Demigod and the Main Plane

Early the next morning, someone knocked on the door of Li Qing's residence.

The visitor was a tall human warrior, with a thick full-body silver plate armor, a two-handed sword, and nothing else.

After meeting, the soldier took off his helmet, revealing a big man with scars all over his face and firm eyes. He knelt in front of Li Qing on one knee and said loudly:

"Recruited by Your Highness, Zhuo Shaohang will serve Your Excellency!"

Li Qing knew in his heart that this was a self-degraded demigod that Gu Qiangu had found for him.

He received a salute from the soldier first, then hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and said earnestly:
"In the days to come, please take care of me, sir."

The soldier stood up, put on his helmet again, and said in a deep voice:

"Conscripted by His Highness, I will fight for Your Excellency Li Qing in the days to come!"

Li Qing nodded, opened God's Domain, and invited this boss in.

Entering the high tower of God's Domain, Zhuo Shaohang's attribute panel popped up in front of Li Qing's eyes. At this time, his rank was only eighth, but he was a legendary template, a descendant of God.

All heroes with combat skills of LV5 or above, and several core god-born talents are all LV6 extraordinary levels, a horse with strong overall strength.

Li Qing first included him in the hero system of his God's Domain, occupying a hero slot.

Then he summoned the main subordinates to introduce him, and appointed him as his own guard chief to protect himself.

Then he said to him very politely:
"For the time being, please condescend, you can go to any place in God's Domain except the second floor and the basement floor of the tower."

Zhuo Shaohang nodded:
"According to the contract, I will protect your safety until the contract ends."

Li Qing nodded and said nothing more.

Then he took out three lights of destiny heroes, and transformed Dai Lirong, Shang Yingxin and Xie Jin into destiny heroes.

The upper dragon clan has no authority yet, so we have to wait.

After the transformation, plus Zhuo Shaohang, there are ten heroes in God's Domain besides him, which is a little more manpower.

Coming out of God's Domain, Li Qing was about to thank Gu Qiangu, but he received a letter from Gu Qiangu first:
"How about it, are you satisfied?"

Li Qing nodded quickly:

"Of course I am satisfied, thank you!"

"You should thank me. Now it's not easy to find a demigod who is willing to step down to protect the younger generation, and he is also a destiny hero born in the human race."

"In addition, you have to remember some precautions. Zhuo Shaohang is only responsible for protecting you, and will not go out to lead troops in battle, so don't expect to rely on him to deal with any strong enemy."

"In addition, my contract with him is only 50 years, and he will be free after 50 years. You have to know it yourself."

"Because he has gone through some things, he has nothing now. The equipment he is equipped with is very ordinary. You'd better equip him with better equipment. If you have the opportunity, you can equip him with a magic pattern suit to increase his strength."

Li Qing nodded quickly:

"I will."

"in addition."

Gu Qiangu hesitated for a moment and said:

"Zhuo Shaohang is free now, not working for any force, and at the same time has fallen into a trough in life. If you want to, you can try to make friends with him, and you can use various methods to increase your relationship."

"If your performance is good enough and your potential is strong enough, it may be possible to convince him to formally recruit him as your subordinate."


"Recruit a demigod?"

Li Qing covered his face a little dumbfounded:
"Boss, you think highly of me too. In my current situation, what qualifications do I have to recruit a demigod?"

How can a demigod be recruited so easily? The basic condition is a large-scale religious territory, which means that they must have their own territory, population, and faith.

At the level of demigod, the next goal is to confer gods, which requires a lot of power of faith.

Although Li Qing's strength has grown rapidly, and he is even confident that he will be promoted to a legend within five years, he is far from meeting the conditions for recruiting a demigod.

Conquering a plane from scratch is not easy.

From finding a suitable plane, to preparing to descend, to defeating the enemies in the plane, to suppressing resistance and rebellion, and then to the natives of the plane accepting their fate and accepting the rule and beginning to develop their beliefs, this time is often decades or hundreds of years. Large planes may take hundreds of years to slowly complete their final taming.

Besides, if you really want to have a territory, the first step must be to meet your needs first, and then you will consider having extras to recruit subordinates.

But although it feels impossible, Gu Qiangu's proposal is still very exciting.

After all, he is a senior demigod. If he can be recruited, he will immediately have a strong combat power.

But that's all for the future, and now his focus is on what's coming next.

There are still more than 69 billion funds in hand, which must be used up.

First of all, it cost a total of 31 billion to purchase more than 3000 different types of magic inks, which are inks specially made for magic patterns.

Not only to make power magic patterns, but also all the inks needed for other basic magic patterns are prepared.

In addition, there are a large number of animal skins, including high-level animal skins for making second-order magic patterns, and red dragon skins that can be used to make pages of war magic books, which cost about 5 million.

Then there is a large amount of Mithril, enough Mithril to make nearly 21 steel golems, which cost [-] billion.

Plus some seeds, saplings, some Warcraft cubs, etc., it cost about 1 million.


The combined unit cards are more than the upper limit of character in God's Domain.

A total of 64.5 billion was spent, and about 5 million was left as a spare.

After the purchase, he suddenly becomes a pauper again.

The population has not been purchased, although his current population in God's Domain is only about 46000, and the population limit is 15.

You don't need to buy it all. When the time comes, you will come to the plane. If you encounter a town of indigenous humans, you can plunder it directly. You don't need to spend this money to buy it.

After making all the preparations, in the next few days, after Li Qing completed his routine meditation and work, he would be with Gu Qingxin most of the time.

There are still a few days to get together before the advent, otherwise there will be no time to talk about love after the arrival.

The places where they descended are the same, they are all in the central main plane of this plane group, in an empire established by His Highness Chun Yu'an on the main plane.

In this way, they don't need to face all kinds of oppression that just came to the plane, the hostility and attacks of the natives, and so on.

This treatment is not exclusive to the entitled players, but all players can choose. It comes from the preferential treatment given to them by His Highness Chun Yu'an, the sponsor of the summer camp.

They need to come to the empire where His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an lives, and stay for about a month to wear off the foreign imprints and auras on their bodies. After obtaining the approval of the general will of this plane, they will leave the main plane one by one and go to other planes to hunt. Kill the illithid Destiny Warlord.

As for the so-called treasures of the ancient gods, this is just a joke.

Several Destiny Civilizations have searched back and forth for so long and couldn't even touch a shadow, so there is no need to count on this.

It is even possible that the legend is false.

It is worth mentioning that the plane that descended this time is a bit far away from the Eternal Tree of mankind, so communication is not as convenient as it was in the previous experience at Blackrock Spire College.

Even if His Highness Chun Yu'an's fortress base is in transit, the range of communication signal radiation is only on the main plane.

Leaving the main plane, there is basically no signal.

In other planes, unless God's Domain is deployed, communication within ten kilometers around God's Domain is only possible.

Naturally, it is impossible to easily replenish various supplies, so it is best to be fully prepared before leaving.

Li Qing prepared [-] infantry and [-] archers for this purpose, so as not to be trapped in certain places on the plane for a long time, and unable to escape for five or ten years, he had to rely on these for support.

A week passed in a flash, and when they came to the summer camp hall again, they saw a huge teleportation platform in the center of the hall, and a light man who couldn't see clearly stood in front of the teleportation platform and said to them:
"The specific rules and precautions for the second stage have been sent to you, and you can read them at any time now and after the arrival, and now begin to descend on the main plane of the plane group."

After talking about the surface of the teleportation platform, the surface of the teleportation platform began to activate.

"The teleportation circle has been activated, and there is a clear space in front of it, and it can come at any time. I wish you all the best of luck!"

After Guangren finished speaking, he disappeared, and the rest of the contestants looked at each other in blank dismay.

Soon several players came to the teleportation platform together, and with the spiritual light rising into the sky, several players were teleported to the distant main plane.

Someone started, and everyone started to transmit one after another.

Li Qing didn't wait long. After flipping through the rule book, he took his girlfriend's hand and stepped onto the transmission platform.

The familiar space teleportation, the moment when one's feet are on the ground, a mighty force suddenly descends on the body and soul, but it's not very big. Instead, she feels Gu Qingxin's hand tightening suddenly, and a soft hum comes from her ear.

He turned his head quickly, and saw Gu Qingxin's body bent slightly, a dazzling light radiated from her body, and a circle twisted around her.

"Is the pressure on you so great?"

She couldn't make any movement at this time, and kept this state of counterbalance without moving.

Li Qing looked around, all the teleported contestants were suppressed to varying degrees, and not far away, he saw two Sons of Destiny, and they were also glowing at this time, as if they were under extremely terrifying suppression.

"It seems to be their own problem."

Not surprisingly, it is because their real bodies are inherently sacred, even if they are sealed, their nature has not changed. For a foreign plane, it is equivalent to a foreign god coming to the real plane, and the suppression must be great.

Fortunately, it has already been sealed, and the point of arrival is in the conquest area of ​​His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an, so the suppression of the will of the foreign plane has been weakened to the extreme.

If it had come normally, it would probably have been lightning and thunder, and all kinds of visions were flying all over the sky.

On the contrary, Li Qing was a little surprised here. His life and soul essence would not be lower than these innate sacredness, but his reaction when he came was not that exaggerated.

He guessed there were two reasons.

One point is that he is not a true god after all. Powerful magical creatures like dragons exist in all planes of the chaotic void sea, and their repulsion is far less than that of foreign true gods.

The second point is that his physique is too strong, so he doesn't feel much.

As time passed, the abnormalities on their bodies gradually subsided. After almost two hours, many players were able to act. The distortions on the bodies of the Destiny's Children had disappeared, and the light was no longer dazzling.

Li Qing stayed with her until all the abnormalities in her body disappeared.

During this period, he took the time to look around. They should be at a teleportation point surrounded by high walls. The surrounding stone walls are densely covered with magic runes, and a transparent light curtain covers the surrounding walls and the top of the head. stand up.

There are no defensive war weapons on the city wall, but through the light curtain at the top of the city, you can see several mage towers surrounded by energy halos outside the city. The surging energy is surging and palpitating.

Not surprisingly, this should be a city within a city.

There is a huge city gate on one side of the city wall. The city gate is wide open but there is also a light curtain. There are many guards in robes at the gate.

Some unharmed players were chatting with them at the gate of the city, and every once in a while, one or two people left through the light curtain of the city gate.

As time went by, people kept sending over, and people kept leaving.

Li Qingming felt that he could leave early in the morning, but he guarded his girlfriend until dark, and waited until the abnormalities on her body completely disappeared, and then came to the city gate together, received two waist cards from the guards, and entered the city gate.

Passing through the light membrane, they immediately sensed the ubiquitous oppression in the void and the disgust from the entire world.

If it came directly outside at the beginning, the instant fierce conflict would definitely cause violent movements, which would be discovered by the natives in the plane.

But now that they have gone through the initial adaptation, they reappeared under the sky, and there is no reaction.

At this time, Li Qing knew that a special magic circle should be set up in the small city where they stayed just now, which could quickly eliminate the foreign mark and aura on their bodies, otherwise it would be impossible for them to react within a day.

But that doesn't mean they can run around now.

No, they are fine now because this is their occupied area.

If you leave here and go to the territory of the natives of the plane, you will be noticed and killed by the strong natives in minutes.

Outside the small city is a huge war fortress, with mage towers everywhere, and there is even a huge floating city moored on the top of a low mountain range from the edge of the fortress.

This should be His Highness Chun Yu'an's core main base on this main plane, but it is not the capital of the empire he established.

The empire established by His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an is called the Star Empire, which occupies one-third of one of the three main continents on the main plane. Its rulers are descendants of his gods and have existed for more than 200 years.

In other words, His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an discovered this plane from the beginning, and then successfully gained a firm foothold on this plane.

Then it successfully seized such a large territory from the indigenous people, and then stabilized the territory, until now it has been more than 200 years.

It is also fortunate that he has two small planes and one large plane in his hands, and has a steady stream of resources and military support, which is why he has been able to persist until now under the continuous blows from the strong natives and local gods of this plane.

(End of this chapter)

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