Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 165 Primitive Wild Plane

Chapter 165 Primitive Wild Plane
Therefore, most of the land reclamation of war lords starts from a small plane. If the strength and resources are insufficient, they may only choose a miniature plane with weak resistance.

There is no plane support in the early stage, and there are not enough soldiers and resources to support it. If you choose to attack medium-sized and above planes from the beginning, it will be difficult to persist under the continuous consumption of plane enemies.

Although Li Qing has Gu Qiangu's support, his support is unlikely to support him in a battle of conquest of the medium-sized plane.

Therefore, if Li Qing wants to conquer his own plane in the future, he must start from the small plane.

According to the strategy information issued by the summer camp, they can only leave after staying in the territory of the Star Empire for a month or two.

You can choose to leave the empire, go to other countries and continents on this main plane, or go out to explore the sea, or enter the underground world.

You can also choose to leave the main plane and explore other planes of this plane group through the teleportation array of the main base of the Star Empire.

Generally speaking, one can leave the main plane within a month. If one goes to another plane, one has to wait for a while to get rid of the foreign imprint on one's body, especially for destiny's sons like Li Qing and Gu Qingxin, it will take longer.

It is worth mentioning that the name Star Empire is one of the common power names of human civilization in foreign lands.

The war lords fought in the outer domain, and the forces established uniformly selected one of those names, so that if someone accidentally descended on the foreign plane, if they saw the forces with these names, they would know that they came from human civilization.

The fortress side has already prepared for them, and has prepared a residence for them, and has a special person to answer all kinds of doubts for them.

Li Qing and Gu Qingxin temporarily stayed in the fortress, and collected some information about the main plane and the planes in the group of planes from the fortress.

It took almost a day to read all the information, and Li Qing had a little understanding of the situation on this plane.

This plane group is called the Aiger plane group, and the scale is not very large.

The main plane is called Iger, and it is only a large plane in terms of area. It has three main continents, several subcontinents, a vast ocean, and an equally vast underground world, with a total area of ​​about 5.8 million square kilometers.

The total area of ​​the earth is only 5.1 million square kilometers, and this main plane is only slightly larger than the earth.

In this group of planes, besides the main plane, there are two large planes, one is the wild wasteland, and the other is the ashen earth.

Ashes Netherland is the place where the dead of this plane live. It is full of undead. It is ruled by a large number of undead lords and several undead lords who are equivalent to true gods in their own territories. There is no death god in charge of death.

The barbaric wilderness principle is a barren land, there are no intelligent creatures in it, all are primitive and unintelligent beasts, and lush primitive jungles.

It is worth mentioning that the large plane that His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an exclusively occupies is the Savage Wasteland plane.

As soon as he came to this plane, he immediately killed several demigod beasts in this plane and monopolized this plane.

The elemental power in this plane is extremely violent, and it contains strange energy pulses. Most of the places are not suitable for farming, and it is not suitable for the reproduction and survival of fragile intelligent species like humans. A variety of ores, various elemental materials and so on.

This is also one of the main reasons why His Royal Highness Fu Yu'an has been unable to open the situation on the main plane for a long time.

Although there is a large plane, this plane does not produce food and is not suitable for the survival of intelligent species. It can only be regarded as a resource plane.

Therefore, His Highness Chun Yu'an's current source of troops can only rely on those two small planes, and resources rely on the wild land.

However, this plane is a very good plane for Li Qing. If he has such a plane with abundant elemental energy, rich products, and many monsters, it can be regarded as the home of the Space Dragon Clan.

This surface elemental rage can't survive for ordinary mortals, but it is a paradise for dragons, where there is food everywhere.

In addition to these three major planes, there are hundreds of planes of different sizes around them, including four medium-sized elemental planes, and the rest are all small or micro-planes .

Most of the planes are desolate and extremely unsuitable for living creatures, and only a few of them can be transformed with huge resources.

There are only a few planes that are naturally suitable for living creatures, including the two small planes exclusively owned by His Highness Chun Yu'an.

At the beginning, he attacked the two small planes on the edge of the plane group, and then slowly expanded, until more than 200 years ago, he began to attack the main plane.

Li Qing took a general look at the situation of the planes. If he chooses to leave the main plane, there are not many planes suitable for him.

The best place is of course the Primitive Savage Plane, where there is a wildness, just find a primitive jungle to hide in, and stay there for as long as you want.

Yes, he wasn't going to stay on the main plane with his girlfriend, he was going to go out alone.

The main plane is too dangerous. In addition to the native empires, there are also many native true gods, as well as the true god-level war lords of the illithids who have established the illithid empire in the underground world.

Although Gu Qiangu is taking care of him, he is not his own son after all. In such a complicated environment, he may not be able to stand up to him.

And don't expect your girlfriend's father to watch over her. They are just dating now, and they are not son-in-law, so how could they count on him.

Never put your life in the hands of others, it is the most stupid behavior.

Gu Qingxin understood this point and agreed with him.

As time passed, players left the fortress either alone or in twos and threes.

Some are mixed in the main plane, and some go to other planes.

During this time, Wan Ziqing invited them to another gathering, during which someone asked about Li Qing's plan.

Li Qing, who was wary of Murong Shifang, immediately became alert, and deliberately told them that he would stay on the main plane with his girlfriend.

But after a month and a half, he said goodbye to his girlfriend as he felt that the plane had almost no rejection for him. After preparing the supplies, he quietly applied for a teleportation array and was sent directly to the primitive wild plane.

The Star Empire built a huge city in the east where the elemental energy is relatively moderate in the wild plane. It is also the location of the resource warehouse of the plane, and the flow of people is quite high.

When Li Qing arrived, he saw people coming and going in the city, all of them were armed, and they looked quite sturdy.

Although the plane is not suitable for civilians to survive, it is no problem for various professionals or hero adventurers. Many civilian heroes or professionals relying on His Highness Chun Yu'an will form a team to enter the plane to hunt and kill some valuable people. Prey, or collect some special resources, mining minerals.

His Highness Chun Yu'an does not restrict them to mine resources in this plane, no matter how much you dig, as long as you hand over half of the resources as tax when you leave, the rest can be taken away freely.

This is a large plane with a total area not inferior to that of the earth, and it is extremely rich in resources. It is only a year and a month to dig it out by yourself, and someone to help His Highness Chunyu'an is what he wished for.

Similarly, all players in the summer camp this time have a preferential treatment. If they go to the original wasteland plane, they can freely take away any gains they have gained during this period without paying taxes.

When Li Qing teleported to the wild city, it was as inconspicuous as a drop of water melting into the sea.

There are too many people gathered here, not only heroes and professionals, but even war lords.

They are all ordinary war lords, many of whom have just graduated from the junior war college.

Being a commoner has no support, no resources, no strength and no courage to go to the front line, so he can only come to the barbaric plane to do some hard work.

They spread out the realm of the gods in the depths of the barren plane, and sent a large number of miners to log, mine, collect various precious materials, or hunt ferocious beasts to extract blood essence crystals and blood, etc.

At the same time, these expanded god domains are equivalent to small villages or towns in the barbaric plane, which can be used by ordinary adventurer teams to settle down and replenish supplies.

Li Qing changed his clothes, put on a little make-up, and brought a few of his men into the wild city, as inconspicuous as the adventurers who came to the wild city almost every day.

In the tavern, a superior room.

An Erqiu opened the window and looked outside, then said to Li Qing:
"Boss, do we really want to stay in this plane for a few years?"

Xie Heng also said:
"Right now, other players are looking for illithid warlords all over the world to gain points. We can't accumulate points here."

Li Qing sat down at the table and said with a smile:

"Points may be difficult, but it does not mean that our strength will not grow."

He pointed to the table and said:

"The resources of this plane are too rich, especially the resources of Warcraft, all kinds of high-level animal skins, high-level flesh and blood, magic materials, magic herbs, magic ores, etc., which are very important to me."

"In addition, there are too many monsters in the plane, and it is easy to accumulate combat experience."

"Stay in this plane for a year or two, and it won't be too late when we come out of the mountains again."

An Erqiu shrugged his shoulders:

"You are the boss who listens to you, so you can do whatever you want, anyway, I have no objection."

Xie Heng also spread his hands, and said with a smile:

"I just said it casually."

Li Qing ignored them. At this time, he had already opened the local network, and the homepage he saw was a local forum of the wild city, and the official information of the wild city was on the top.

"[Official] Warlords are sincerely invited to live in the wild city, sign a contract with the official, and deploy God's Domain anywhere on this plane and stay there for more than 20 years. They will receive a [-]% discount on taxes and can use various official factories."

"[Official] Attention, it was recently discovered that a team of illithid warlords and adventurers entered the wild plane to poach dinosaurs. If you encounter any, please report to the nearest military base immediately, and reward 500 million for confirmation."

These are the main official information, and the other official information is outdated.

Below the top is the information of many adventurer teams, or adventurer companies, or small adventurer teams in the city.

Even the forum is also a big market.

"Xinyu Trading Co., Ltd. buys all kinds of precious ores, all kinds of magic materials, and the corpses of dragon beasts at long-term market prices."

"The Pumpkin Adventure Group found a Devilsaur in the East Sixth District. Its estimated strength is at the ninth level. There is a medium-sized velociraptor army enshrined nearby. It is now looking for a partner. It requires at least ten superheroes or a war lord. Split the spoils equally."

"Sell three fresh adult Brachiosaurus carcasses, two large and one small, and the price is 2500 million."

"I found a hematite vein, and now I am looking for a strong partner, or sell it directly, and chat privately with those who are interested."

"Moon Shadow Corporation opened up wasteland in the East Eleven District, recruiting"

There are a lot of information and materials, and they are updated frequently, which shows that there are quite a lot of living people in the city.

It's okay anyway, Li Qing brushed it up with interest.

By the time his subordinates asked him to eat, he had already scanned for almost two hours and hundreds of messages, but he had a little understanding of the situation in the wild city.

There are more ordinary hero professionals living in this barbaric plane than he imagined, and most of them are civilian hero professionals or war lords.

They are simply messing around in this plane, earning some money and getting some resources, and some of them don't even know that His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an, the master of the plane, is conquering the main plane of the master of the plane group.

In addition, Li Qing also found messages sent by several contestants among the more than 100 messages.

There are quite a few people who think the same as him, and want to live in this plane.

After dinner, Li Qing asked An Erqiu to go to the city hall and register a small team of adventurers.

It's not for the task of the lord's city hall, but mainly to register an identity to facilitate communication with other adventurer teams.

He also didn't expect that there were so many people in the wild city, and he thought there were not many people before.

The team is registered in the name of An Erqiu, and the name is Qiufeng Adventurers Group.

Then he randomly took a land reclamation mission, which was to explore the map.

Early the next morning, An Erqiu contacted a caravan under Li Qing's instruction, planning to drop by to the military base in the East Tenth District.

Now the development area of ​​the wild city has reached the eleventh district, and each district has a war lord to expand the domain of the gods and establish a regional main city in the current area.

This caravan transported a large amount of living supplies to the main city of the tenth district, and it was also an outpost for developing the eleventh district.

They plan to hitch a ride to the tenth district first, and then enter the depths of the plane from there, and find an uninhabited wasteland to expand the domain of the gods.

No money was required on the road. An Erqiu and the others showed their extraordinary strength and promised to protect the caravan when they encountered enemies on the road. Not only did they not need money, the caravan even arranged a carriage for them to rest.

Of course, they also agreed that it was just a temporary free ride, and they might leave at any time in the middle.

There is no problem with the caravan, the ride is not hired, of course you can leave at any time.

The caravan was not moving fast, and Momojiji did not notify them to set off until noon.

Coming out of a small shop on the side of the square at the gate of the city, Li Qing looked at the sky, and a huge shadow was flying across the sky high above the city.

It looks like a pterosaur, but its size is a bit big, probably not smaller than when Long Shou and the others transformed into dragons.

The city is so used to it that no one even watches it.

A few people came outside the city, and an extremely large caravan was stopping there.

(End of this chapter)

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