Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 191 Changes in the Situation of the Plane

Chapter 191 Changes in the Situation of the Plane
In the Longcheng Discussion Hall, Li Qing was listening to An Erqiu's report.

"Yellow Dragon City has been determined to be instigated by Manhuang City. The Lord of Manhuang City, using the Tree of Eternity as a witness, promised that as long as Huanglong City rebels and swore eternal loyalty, he will give Huanglong City an area of ​​about 1000 million square kilometers in the south forever. all."

"Although Huanglong City has not started to fight back, our reconnaissance team has discovered that the troops in the wild city are already withdrawing troops to reinforce the Five Cities Alliance. This confirms that the source of the news is reliable."

An Erqiu continued:
"Now, before they do anything, we need to decide on the follow-up strategy as soon as possible, whether to continue to increase troops or withdraw troops."

"Beyond that, if there is a withdrawal, what do we do next."

Li Qing pressed his fingers on the armrest and tapped lightly, in a state of contemplation.

The news was indeed sudden, but not unexpected.

After five years of stalemate, Li Qing had seen the current situation clearly.

In the absence of his full strength, the alliance with the Five Cities Alliance and Huanglong City has always been on the defensive in the war with the Wild City, and they will not be captured if they cannot fight head-on.

But this situation cannot continue forever.

The wild city, which has been on the offensive, is even more optimistic to the neutral forces. A large number of chambers of commerce are more willing to cooperate with the wild city, which occupies the largest territory and is the strongest.

This made the wild city's strength grow at the fastest rate.

Well, not including Li Qing's Dragon City.

But his strength is not the strongest on the surface. Most of the space dragons and space dragon descendants he has accumulated in the past few years have not shown up in front of everyone. Li Qing transferred them all to the black iron mine deep in the plane. Over there at the base.

It has been seven years since the last large-scale transformation of space dragons and space dragon descendants.

In seven years, a total of 168 new space dragons could be transformed, of which 150 were transferred, and only 18 new ones were kept in Dragon City.

In seven years, space dragon descendants can transform a total of 7665, over 6000 are over there, and 1665 are kept in Dragon City.

It is worth mentioning that the transforming space dragons are all selected from the best of the space dragon descendants, and all of them are either of the eighth or ninth rank, so the newly transformed space dragons are initially of the eighth or ninth rank, which is much higher than that of the first batch of transformed space dragons. The space dragons are far more powerful.

Dragon City is already extremely deep in the plane facing Wild City, and no one would have thought that there is a big stronghold in the depths, where a huge power is accumulated.

Up to now, there are a total of 251 space dragons under Li Qing's command, and more than a dozen of them have been killed in these years.

The total number of space dragon descendants is just over [-], of which more than [-] are the new generation of natural reproduction.

There have been no major wars in these years, and Li Qing strongly encouraged them to reproduce naturally, which had some effect.

Although the reproduction speed is far behind that of humans, it is not too bad. When the base number rises and stabilizes, the reproduction speed will still increase.

Moreover, the lifespan of space dragon descendants is much stronger than that of human beings, and the stronger the strength, the higher the lifespan. The lifespan of the sixth-level extraordinary is about 200 years, the seventh-level is 220 years, the eighth-level is 250 years, and the ninth-level is about 300 years.

If it can be promoted to the tenth level, the lifespan will be greatly increased to 500 years in an instant.

This is already very strong. If a normal tenth-level human powerhouse does not use special life extension methods, the normal lifespan will be less than two hundred.

Maybe the basic reproduction speed is not as good as that of humans, but the lifespan is here. Half-dragon people have a longer reproductive period, and the sum will not be much worse than humans.

Then again, after five years of keeping a low profile, watching his strength grow rapidly, this feeling is very refreshing. He really wants to keep doing this for more than ten or twenty years, and accumulate thousands of heads by then. The space dragon, 10,000+ space dragon descendants, will be even more enjoyable if it sweeps across in an invincible posture.

But there is no way, the ideal is only an ideal after all, and the actual situation cannot be so good.

Now he has to make a decision, whether to increase support and continue to maintain a balance of power, or to withdraw troops from the front line of the Five Cities Alliance. After the Wild City defeats the Five Cities Alliance, he will defeat the only opponent, the Wild City, in one fell swoop, and complete the Wild Plane Unification, and then promoted to the official war lord.

If he chooses the former, he needs to fill up the strength equivalent to more than two Huanglongcheng in order to continue to maintain the balance of power.

By doing so, it is very likely that their military strength over there will catch up with the Five Cities Alliance, which will attract the attention of the wild city, and thus put the main attack point on his side.

After all, his Transcendent rank troops are too strong, and so many powerful space dragons with super mobility are too much of a threat to them, definitely higher than that of the Five Cities Alliance.

And there is one more problem.

If he shows too much strength, there may be problems with the Five Cities Alliance.

After all, Dragon City and the Five Cities Alliance are just an alliance, not a single heart.

If his side is too strong, it will make them feel that they have no hope of winning, and unpredictable changes may occur.

The Five Cities Alliance is also an alliance within the alliance, and it is not monolithic. If the alliance has no hope, it will be divided internally. There is a possibility that some members of the alliance will withdraw, or even directly surrender to the wild city.

And if they choose to withdraw their troops, it means that they will not exceed one year at most, and they will have to face the wild city that defeated all their opponents alone.

Probably less than a year.

The five-city alliance will definitely not be able to last for a year, and may not even be able to last for half a year.

"Skull hurts!"

Li Qing rubbed the center of his eyebrows and let out a light breath.

Shen Sheng said to An Erqiu:

"You contact the front line and get them ready to evacuate."

An Erqiu immediately asked:
"My lord, have we informed the Five Cities Alliance of our evacuation?"

Li Qing pondered for a moment, nodded and said:

"it is good."

Watching An Erqiu leave, Li Qing sat in his seat and pondered for a while.

A few minutes later, he suddenly opened the panel, and his eyes fell on his personal attributes.

Still tenth order, no change.

But at this time, his strength is definitely much stronger than when he was just promoted to the tenth level a few years ago.

The qualitative improvement when promoted to the tenth level is only the improvement at the beginning of the promotion. After that, the potential from the ancestor ancient dragon is gradually developed, and the strength will continue to improve.

After all, it is a race that increases its strength even when sleeping.

At this time, not only is his blood power strong, but his own mana has also reached the level of the tenth-level sanctuary archmage, and the next level is the legendary magister.

In addition, after the massive power of faith accumulated over the years has been converted into divine power, he has used these divine powers to refine his divinity. He has accumulated two new divinity points over the years, a total of seven points.

Not very efficient, but not bad either.

He slowly closed his eyes, his consciousness sank into the sea of ​​gods, and he immediately felt the stars and countless filaments in the sky.

Every star represents a true believer, and the brighter it is, the more pious it is.

Now there are a total of 985412 points of light in his sea of ​​souls, which means that he now has more than one million true believers.

More than a third of the light inside is significantly brighter, which represents devout believers with a higher degree of faith.

Among the more than 30 devout believers, more than one-third are fanatics.

Most of the space dragon descendants and space dragons are fanatics, and the rest are devout believers.

In addition, most of the first batch of humans and troops who followed him were fanatics or devout believers.

Pious believers and fanatics are actually the same level of belief, but devout believers have a clearer mind and can maintain a certain ability to think independently.

In addition, Li Qing also has two special saints, namely Long Shou and Long Fa, two high-ranking dragon descendants, who can provide him with 160 points of divine power and 147 points of divine power every day.

Although the three brothers An Erqiu, Xie, and several other subordinates are also high-ranking dragon descendants, they are heroes of destiny, and the difficulty of becoming saints is far higher than that of Longshou and Longfa who were promoted from the aborigines, or they were born in destiny. Civilized they are almost impossible to become saints.

There are more than a million true believers, including a large number of space dragon descendants, which can provide ten times the descendants of human beings.

There are more than 200 space dragons whose power is a thousand times stronger than human belief.

Among them, the 5500 space dragon descendants are basically above the extraordinary rank and can provide about 100 million power of faith every day. According to converting every 1 million power of faith into 55 point of divine power, it is equivalent to providing him with [-] Some magic.

251 space dragons, fanatics plus blood descendants, and racial creators and other bonuses, each can provide 20 power of faith per day, and 50 points of divine power per day.

Other than that, the rest are basically normal humans.

There are about 100 fanatics, each of whom can provide between 500 and 250 power of faith according to the degree of fanaticism, with an average of 22 points, which can provide [-] points of divine power every day.

The 21 devout believers can each provide 10 to 100 points of power of faith according to the degree of fanaticism, with an average of 50 points, which can provide 10 points of divine power every day.

As for the 76 or so true believers, ordinary people can provide 2-3 points of power of faith each day, and double the number of troops can provide him with less than 5 points of divine power every day.


After a year, more than 16 divine power can be accumulated.

After five years, Li Qing has accumulated a total of 80 divine power.

Most of it was used to condense the divinity. Although each attempt to condense only about a thousand divine power, there were too many failures. Half of the 80 divine power was spent on this, and only two points of divine power were condensed in the end.

And it can be predicted that the consumption of condensing divine power will be greater and the success rate will be lower as the time goes on. This is definitely a big consumption of divine power.

Fortunately, he has already met the 5 points of divine power required by the demigod standard, and the divinity standard for becoming a true demigod has been met. There is no need to worry about this, and you can slowly gather it in the future, so that you don't have to consume most of your divine power like ordinary legendary powerhouses in this regard.

Save the remaining 40 divine power for the time being, and use it later when you become a legend.

After becoming a legend is the road to becoming a god. In theory, after being promoted to a legend, you can start the matter of becoming a god.

Including condensing divinity, condensing priesthood, creating the kingdom of God, attuning priests, opening up the magic system, etc. In theory, it can be done after the legend, but most of the legendary powerhouses have no inheritance, and they don't know how to start.

This has caused most of the legendary strong natives to spend their entire lives at the current level, without that awareness at all, and they don't know what to do.

Now that the divine power has been accumulated enough, once they are promoted to legend, they can immediately use their divine power to transform the domain of the gods, slowly transforming the domain of the gods into a unique divine kingdom for war lords.

The Divine Kingdom of the Lord of Destiny War is different from the Divine Kingdom of the Aboriginal True God.

The internal rules of the indigenous kingdom of God are special, and mortals cannot survive in it and cannot move.

The Lord of War's Kingdom of God was transformed from God's Domain. It not only has the characteristics of God's Kingdom, but also retains the characteristics of God's Domain. This means that believers and petitioners can coexist in God's Domain, and they can move to any plane at will. Will affect the power of the true god.

It is worth mentioning that the kingdom of God transformed from the realm of the gods is not where believers and petitioners live together.

Instead, use divine power to change the rules of God's Domain, and open up another space level in God's Domain. The family members of God's Domain live on one level, and the petitioners transformed from dead believers live on the level of God's Kingdom.

After closing the personal panel, Li Qing opened the log again.

It records the information collected through various channels during this period, not only the wild primitive plane, but also the main plane, and some things that happened on other planes of the plane group.

Nothing major, mainly the basic information of the various forces on the main plane.

In particular, he focused on those children of destiny.

After the battle with Xia Yuanqing, he has a new understanding of these natural and divine strengths, and he has placed them in the most threatening position. Even the dozen or so true gods on the main plane are not as threatening as them.

According to the information he got from Gu Qiangu, according to the rules, they choose to be promoted to official war lords in this plane group, which means that shortly after they are also promoted to official war lords, they will unlock all the seals and become true gods in one step .

Gu Qiangu is also born holy, and he did the same at the beginning.

And because they are inherently holy, they don't need to consider such things as future potential. They only need to meet the minimum standard to be promoted to official war lords.

This means that if they are fast, they only need a dozen years, and if they are slow, they can be promoted to official war lords in 30 to [-] years.

Then unlock the seal and become a true god.

The intelligence gathered over the years has been mixed.

The bad news is that one of the fastest-growing Destiny's Children has landed on a large island off the main mainland, and has gained the upper hand in a war with one of the island's native demigods.

It could take five or six years at the earliest, and the unification could be completed in about ten years at the slowest time. At that time, it would be possible to use this as a basis to be promoted to an official war lord, and then become a god.

The good news is that after they become gods, they will be rejected by the main plane like the native true gods, and they can only leave the main plane and enter the void outside the plane.

At that time, they estimate that it will take decades to transform the domain of gods into the kingdom of gods, and then gather the first incarnation of gods to come.

If someone sees that he is unhappy and wants to do something, it will take at least 30 years before an avatar will be sent.

But there is a high probability that no one will be so boring to send an avatar here, except for Murong Shifang who has a grudge against him.

As the focus of Li Qing's attention, he entrusted Gu Qiangu to pay attention. Murong Shifang has just found a suitable position to conquer, and it is unlikely to complete the conquest anytime soon.

(End of this chapter)

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