Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 192 Stealing Tactics

Chapter 192 Stealing Tactics
Dragon City's withdrawal was very fast, and both the Five Cities Alliance and the Wild City had already completed their withdrawal before they had time to react.

The space dragon and many high-ranking space dragon descendants opened the space doors one by one, and the huge city was evacuated in less than two hours, leaving only an empty city.

Not long after they withdrew, the envoys of the Five Cities Alliance rushed to Dragon City aggressively.

"Your Excellency, Lord of Dragon City, I need an explanation!"

Li Qing replied blankly:

"There is no explanation for this, I want to withdraw troops, that's all."

"We are only temporarily united because of a common enemy, and it's not your kind of alliance. Of course, we can withdraw our troops at any time."

The messenger was speechless for a moment, and the anger in his heart gradually calmed down, but he was still extremely angry and asked:
"What you did not only put us in crisis, but also made you feel bad. Do you think that you can withstand the attack of Wild City with your own strength?"

Li Qing said with a smile:

"If we can stop you from worrying about it, you should worry about yourself first. By now, the wild city should already know that we have withdrawn our troops. Now we are probably discussing when to launch a full-scale attack on you."


The envoy became angry for a moment and was speechless.

There was nothing to say, and the envoy rushed away after getting a definite result from him.

After he left, Li Qing called many heroes under his command for a meeting.

"I have an immature idea, please refer to it."

Everyone sat down and looked at him curiously. As the number one hero under his command, An Erqiu asked without hesitation:

"What do you think, the boss may as well speak up."

Li Qing held his chin and walked back and forth, saying:

"Our original idea was to withdraw the troops, let the Five Cities Alliance out first, and then confront the Wild City head-on one by one, but because I have considered other factors just now, I have a new idea, you can refer to it."

"It's like this. We withdraw our troops. Wild City will definitely not miss this opportunity. We will definitely attack the Five-Cities Alliance with all our strength. Then, can we take advantage of their attack on the Five-Cities Alliance and directly transfer our troops to Wild City to attack them directly?" hometown?"

After everyone listened, they were all taken aback, showing expressions of thinking.

An Erqiu held his chin with his hands, his eyes became brighter the more he thought about it, he raised his head slightly and said:
"This idea is very good. The current headquarters of the Five Cities Alliance is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the wild city. It is inconvenient to communicate at such a long distance. It is even more difficult to transfer troops back. Moreover, they are fighting with the Five Cities Alliance. It is impossible for them to be so easy on the battlefield. Withdraw our troops, as long as we are fast enough, we can capture the wild city before they react."

"Wild City, the largest city in the plane, has stored a large amount of food and other supplies. The army of Wild City will not last long without this supply base."

The more he talked, the brighter his eyes became, and the rest of the team also responded and nodded.

"As expected of the boss, this brain is so flexible, so many of us have never thought of this, you are too awesome."

Li Qing smiled and waved his hands:

"Okay, don't flatter me, I also suddenly remembered that we have been in this plane for nine years, and the ten-year limit for being promoted to an official war lord is only less than one year away, and the benefits of being promoted to an official war lord will be great discount."

The time limit for being promoted to an official war lord is ten years, which refers to the ten years since the decision to start the strategy based on the original plane, not the ten years in this plane.

When Li Qinggang was in this plane, he didn't think about using this plane as his foundation. After all, His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an was still alive at that time, so it was impossible for him to snatch it.

But after His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an suddenly fell, he began to have this idea. It was exactly nine years ago, and there was still a year left.

"Taking the wild city first, I can use this as a foundation to be promoted to the official war lord. At that time, there is no need to worry, and I can play with them slowly."

"Boss is wise!"

Li Qing smiled slightly, and the next second his face became serious, and he said in a deep voice:

"Now I order, immediately prepare to gather troops and be on standby at any time!"

"Xie Jin, take some people to the Five-Cities Alliance for reconnaissance. Whether it's the soldiers from the wild city besieging the Five-Cities Alliance, or a battle is about to take place, you can send them back at any time when the battle will take place."

Xie Jin knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and said:

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

After speaking, he stood up and turned to leave the conference room.

Li Qing looked at Xie Heng again, took out a crystal dragon scale and handed it to him, and ordered:
"Xie Heng, together with Long Shou, you and Long Shou will bring a group of dragon descendants who are proficient in magic to the wild city. Be careful not to expose yourself. Find a suitable place near the wild city to bury the dragon scales as the teleportation coordinates."

In fact, they themselves can also be used as coordinates, but they are afraid that they will be found and driven away by the wild city, and it will not be easy to locate them, so use this just in case.

When marching and fighting, you have to consider all aspects and consider all kinds of accidents.

Concentrate on only one point of hope, once there is an accident at that point, wouldn't everything be lost?
A few subordinates took the order to leave, and the rest had no extra tasks, so they waited first.

The action is not so fast, why wait until the wild city and the Five Cities Alliance fight.

Li Qing was not too worried about the Raiders of Wild City. At least [-]% of the main force of Wild City was gathering at the Five Cities Alliance. There were only less than [-] defenders in Wild City, plus a dozen mage towers. The force is indeed strong.

But this amount of troops is not a big threat to Dragon City at this time, and it is not difficult to simply capture the wild city. The main difficulty lies in quickly capturing it, before the wild city returns to help.

There is a mage tower in the wild city, and there are many mages and a legendary mage among the main force going out. They can also open the door of space and send troops back for help.

So he not only wanted to attack the city, but also intercepted the mage's teleportation.

As long as the wild city can be successfully captured, even if the main force of 10,000+ in the wild city returns, it is impossible for the four legendary powerhouses to capture the wild city again.

The plan is good, just wait for the war to start.

It didn't take long for this moment. After confirming their withdrawal, Wild City decisively assembled all troops to besiege the headquarters of the Five Cities Alliance.

The original five cities of the Alliance of Five Cities were five war lords' God Realm cities scattered in different regions. As the war started, they gave up their original territories one after another and put away the God Realm.

The five cities are united, watching and helping each other, coupled with terrain factors, it is very difficult to attack.

But Yi Zhengyuan was still full of confidence. He stood on the roof of a giant chariot surrounded by densely packed troops.

The main body is the well-equipped imperial arms system. The total number of Tier [-] heavy infantry alone is nearly [-], which is extremely elite.

In front of the army formation, steel golems lined up several kilometers away from left to right, with a total size of nearly a thousand.

Behind the steel golems are five thousand rock golems, which themselves have almost become an independent army.

In the center of the golem army, there are ten diamond golems with a height of 20 meters, standing in the battlefield like gods of war.

There is a phalanx of constructed knights on the left and right behind the battlefield. Each phalanx has nearly 1000 constructed knights, plus a part of the central army, a total of nearly [-] to [-].

In addition, more than 20 huge tyrannosaurs were tamed, and more than a dozen Fengshen pterosaurs with a wingspan of more than [-] meters in the air.

There are also a large number of siege vehicles, siege towers, trebuchets, ballistas and other war weapons in the army formation.

Holding the commanding sword in his hand, Yi Zhengyuan pointed at the huge legions on the left and right, full of confidence:

"With such a strong army, how can Li Yongfa fight against me?"

A general beside him also laughed and said:

"The Dragon City is also ridiculous. Even if it wants to fight against us, it has no courage to fight to the end. It is a taboo for military strategists to withdraw temporarily. It is still too young."

Yi Zhengyuan shook his head and said:
"It's hard to say about Longcheng. He still has some strength. To be honest, in my heart, Dragon City poses a greater threat to us than Li Yongfa and the others. I don't know why he suddenly withdrew his troops, but he who is indecisive can't make a big deal. He missed the only Chance."

"Indeed, once their alliance is broken, the Five Cities Alliance will be unable to support itself. When we capture the Five Cities Alliance, Dragon City will definitely not be able to resist us."

Speaking of this, this subordinate smiled and cupped his hands at Yi Zhengyuan:

"Congratulations to the city lord who is about to complete the great cause of unification, and there is hope for the gods in the future!"

Yi Zhengyuan had an unstoppable smile on his face, he waved his hands modestly and said:

"Fengshen is too far away. It's just earning a family fortune. Don't worry, I, Yi Zhengyuan, never like to eat alone. I will never forget the great cause you all helped me. When things are done, everyone will be rewarded."

The officers were delighted to hear this, and their morale rose significantly.

Then someone shouted:

"The city lord, the troops are already in place, please order the city lord!"

With a smile on Yi Zhengyuan's face, he pulled out his sword and pointed forward with a serious expression:

The voice from the legendary strongman quickly spread to half the army, and the orderly soldiers shouted loudly, and the order to attack was quickly transmitted to the entire army.

The hoplites in the forward position held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, advancing with heavy steps.

A huge city that was attacked by the main force of the Chinese army reacted immediately, signal flares flew up one by one, more than a dozen Fengshen pterosaurs flew up and circled over the city, and dazzling energy beams spewed out from the top of the mage tower in the city. The transparent enchantment covers most of the city.

As soon as the two sides fought, the news was sent back to Dragon City by the space dragon descendants watching the battle from afar.

After receiving the news, Li Qing immediately issued the order, and many troops began to gather in the city.

He first opened a door of space, located it through the line of faith in his mind, and sent it directly to Long Shou.

Coming out of the portal, Li Qing saw a huge city standing on the wasteland not far away.

Their hiding place is in a bush less than five kilometers away from Wasteland City, and all of their subordinates are here.

The Wild City was built in Chun Yu'an's period. It was built in the northwest of the Wild Plane, close to a weak spot in the Plane. It was suitable for establishing an interplanetary teleportation array here.

The scale of the city is very large, with a diameter of more than five kilometers and a city wall height of more than 30 meters, which is not much shorter than Li Qing's Dragon City.

Of course, although the city is large, there are not many civilians in it. Most of the places are all kinds of warehouses, which are specially used to store resources obtained from the plane, which itself is a huge resource transfer station.

The city is too large, with a diameter of five kilometers, and a total of twenty kilometers of walls need to be defended.

More than 3 but less than [-] troops defending such a large city is a bit difficult. Fortunately, there are more than a dozen mage towers in the city to support them, so nothing has happened now.

Without hesitation, Li Qing opened the gate of God's Domain decisively, and the space dragon descendants walked out one by one.

After they came out, they dispersed under the leadership of Long Fa, and began to open the door of space connecting to the other side of Dragon City, and troops walked out from it.

Hundreds of space gates opened at the same time, and the troop transfer speed was ridiculously fast.

In less than 10 minutes, more than [-] troops were assembled and quickly spread across the wilderness.

Such a huge army was immediately discovered in the city, and the piercing alarm bells rang, making the adventurers and businessmen in the city a little at a loss, and they walked out of the street in a daze, until they received the news that there was an army gathering outside the city, everyone was in a daze up.

The speed at which the Dragon City troops assembled was faster than they had imagined. Before the troops in the city were in place, more than 200 space dragons had already flown out of the gate of God's Domain, hovering in the air and making a huge dragon chant.

What is the concept of a collection of 250 giant dragons?
Longwei radiated out one after another, and the morale of the defenders on the city wall dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The dragons flew over the sky along the edge of the city wall, and the adventurers in the city were all shocked when they saw this scene.

"Why are there so many dragons?"

"Damn, when did Dragon City come here? Where's the city owner?"

"The beheading tactic, the Lord of Dragon City is a bit awesome."

"This wave has a good show to watch."


A mage tower began to show its power, and an extremely thick lightning beam blasted from the top of the tower, and exploded among the dragons, but no dragon was injured except for a large amount of lightning splashing.

These are all serious dragons, and they are extremely resistant to spells. It is only a dream to kill them with spells.

A bolt of lightning was ineffective, and immediately a large number of thick armor-piercing crossbows shot out from the city wall, which aroused the anger of the dragons. Hundreds of giant dragons aimed at the direction of the city wall, and a wave of dragon breath washed the ground.

The scene was too terrifying. Anyway, a whole kilometer section of the city wall was directly cut off a layer.

The fighting power of more than 200 giant dragons gathered together exceeded Li Qing's imagination, and he had never tried so many dragons fighting together before.

"It seems that I underestimated the fighting power of the dragon group!"

When the dragons spewed back and forth at the top of the city to attract the attention of the defenders inside the city, more than [-] troops had gathered outside the city.

An Erqiu didn't wait for all the troops to assemble, and directly mobilized the troops to approach the city wall, preparing to attack the city on the spot.

The defenders in the city watched helplessly as a steady stream of troops poured out of the space gate, but there was nothing they could do.

There are too many spatial gates, and they cannot be blocked at all.

They didn't dare to send troops out of the city to destroy it. There are so many giant dragons staring at the outside of the city, and they can't come back when they go out.

Another of Yi Zhengyuan's adjutants, a tenth-rank sanctuary warrior, and a sanctuary archmage were left behind in the wild city. There were no legendary experts in the city, and they were all transferred away by Yi Zhengyuan.

There were only four Legendary powerhouses in the Wild City camp. Before fighting against the coalition, there were two from the Five Cities Alliance, one from Huanglong City, and one from the Dragon City side. In order to maintain the front line, they had to transfer all the legendary powerhouses.

(End of this chapter)

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