Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 194: Yellow Dragon City Exited

Chapter 194: Yellow Dragon City Exited
The Wild City was breached in the fifth hour of the siege, and the remaining defenders in the city finally chose to surrender after seeing no reinforcements approaching for a long time.

Li Qing did not kill them all, but accepted the surrender.

It is worth mentioning that most of these troops that surrendered were troops left behind by His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an, and they did not belong to the God's Domain troops, so they could surrender.

In addition, they do not belong to the armies of God's Domain, nor to the imperial arm system, but are troops trained by natives, and His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an spends a lot of money to equip them with weapons and armor.

In terms of weapons and equipment, the third-tier imperial senior infantry is exactly the same as the fourth-tier imperial heavy infantry, but they don't have their own combat skills and experience, so they can't compare with each other.

But combat experience can be accumulated slowly, and after many battles without dying, there is no difference from the real imperial heavy infantry except that they cannot be promoted to the fifth-order dragonscale heavy infantry.

This kind of troops is very common in foreign lands, and many war lords who have their own territories in foreign planes deploy many such troops.

Basically, the 10,000+ elite left by His Highness Chun Yu'an in the Wild City are all of this kind.

The main reason for this is that training is too slow. If 10,000+ recruits want to train to rank four or five, how many battles will it take?
It's better to directly configure and fill up, and reach the level of Tier [-] arms in one step.

Of course, generally speaking, war lords with poor strength are equipped with third-level arms such as chain armor and chain armor. The cost of heavy infantry with full body armor is too high. working hours.

A set of full-body heavy plate armor requires an old master blacksmith and a large number of apprentices, and it takes ten and a half months to build.

Even if there is a large-scale forging factory, it can be formed in one piece with a mold, but it will take four or five days to complete the finishing process after forming, adding accessories and so on.

The 10,000+ troops stationed in this plane by His Highness Chun Yu'an took hundreds of years to accumulate.

It's a pity that the foundry factory is not in the barbaric plane. It is probably either in the Star Empire on the main plane, or in the small plane where his home is.

After Li Qing conquered the primitive barbaric plane, he would also get one, and use this method to arm a large number of indigenous heavy infantry.

This time, only a little over [-] troops surrendered. Excluding some of Yi Zhengyuan's God's Domain troops, there were about [-] indigenous troops that could be recruited.

The God's Domain troops were first disarmed and imprisoned, and after the battle, it would be seen whether Yi Zhengyuan would redeem them. If not, it would take time to eliminate the imprints from other God's Domains on them before being incorporated.

It took the troops two days to clear the entire city and complete the garrison.

Then repair the damaged buildings in the city, especially the city walls need to be repaired.

A week later, the city hall was opened. Li Qing met with representatives of the big and small forces in the city at the city hall, announcing that after the city changed hands, everything would go on as usual and the policies would remain unchanged.

Half a month later, Li Qing took the time to repair and reactivate the cross-plane teleportation circle in the center of the city.

It would definitely not be possible to fix it with someone else. At this time, Li Qing's achievements in magic have surpassed that of ordinary legendary mages. In addition, he has mastered the origin of space, and completed the restoration after careful research.

While repairing, he also memorized the interplanetary teleportation array and turned it into his knowledge reserve.

As long as he has enough resources and time, he can also build an interplanetary teleportation circle by himself.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, this cross-plane teleportation array can only connect to the transit base located on the edge of the plane group, and cannot be teleported to other planes, because the several cross-plane magic circles connected to it have closed the coordinates. .

If you want to teleport there, you must first open the coordinates.

Although it is impossible to cross planes, at the level of this magic circle, it can be used as the central hub of the teleportation circle system of the plane.

Establish any teleportation array on the plane, or open the portal, you can connect to this cross-plane teleportation array to teleport.

The premise is to obtain the permission of this teleportation array.

After the restoration, Li Qing invalidated all the originally stored coordinates except for the interplanetary transmission coordinates of several other planes, and added the astral gate in his own God's Domain as the coordinates.

This means that as long as he is in this plane group, he can directly teleport to the wild city through the astral gate, or open the space gate by himself to teleport to the wild city.

During the city restoration period, Li Qing was not idle either, and returned to Dragon City through his subordinates' positioning, preparing to build a fixed teleportation gate in Dragon City.

Even if the wild city is taken down, the dragon city will not be abandoned, but instead will be used as an extension of the forces in the depths of the plane, a fulcrum, and an important main city.

When Li Qing built the portal in Dragon City, the war between Wild City and the Alliance of Five Cities came to an end.

As a result, both sides were hurt, and no one could do anything to the other. After a week of fighting, the two sides chose to cease fighting after seeing that no one could do anything to the other.

The Five-Cities Alliance did not move. After the withdrawal of the Wild City, they temporarily stayed at an original outpost only [-] kilometers away from the Five-Cities Alliance. Their follow-up strategy is not yet clear.

Li Qing didn't have the time to attack them for the time being, so he had to build the portal first to connect the wild city with the dragon city.

At that time, slowly suppress their living space until they can't hold on and get out.

Yes, beating them is a way to win, and forcing them out is a way to win.

He has now occupied the Wild City, and it is unrealistic to take it back with the current strength of the Wild City. This means that they must join forces with the Five Cities Alliance to make a desperate move, or build a new base in another place.

In Li Qing's view, it is unlikely that Yi Zhengyuan would choose the latter.

In this plane, the wild city that can connect other planes and the transit base is equivalent to orthodoxy, and whoever occupies the wild city is equivalent to having orthodoxy.

Even if it is impossible to connect to other planes now, there are still a large number of adventurers and businessmen who are sent from the domains of the Tree of Eternity to the transit base, and then sent to the wild city. All their transactions can only go through the wild city.

If things go on like this, the forces occupying the wild city will be tacitly regarded as the owners of the original wild plane by the outside forces.

However, Yi Zhengyuan and the Five Cities Alliance have been restricted for a long time, and their strength cannot be increased.

So even if Li Qing didn't need to do anything at this time, he didn't need to touch the space dragon and the space dragon descendant, as time went by, his basic strength would quickly surpass them.

Theoretically speaking, at this time, Li Qing can already use this as a basis to be promoted to an official war lord.

It's just that he still wants to wait a few more months to see if there is a chance to completely defeat or expel those two forces.

He planned it out and would make a decision before the ten-year deadline.

If you can't defeat it, you can use your current foundation to be promoted to an official war lord. The reward of getting the tree of eternity may not be as good as completely occupying the plane, but it is not bad.

If it can be defeated, it is naturally better.

Anyway, the bottom line is within this year, which is inevitable.

At this time, none of the many Sons of Destiny had been promoted to the official war lord, and their progress was not as fast as Li Qing's. The fastest one was only halfway through, and that was the Son of Destiny who was about to conquer an island outside the mainland.

It was a huge island with an area of ​​60 million square kilometers. There was a city-state coalition on it, and it believed in an indigenous demigod called Montenegro.

It's also fortunate that they don't need to consider potential, even if the strategy is 20 or 30 years.

But as long as they are promoted to official war lords, they can immediately start to unlock the final seal and promote to true gods.

So he doesn't have much advantage right now.

On the 18th day of the capture of Wild City, Li Qing, who was building a teleportation circle in Dragon City, suddenly received a message from An Erqiu that an envoy from Huanglong City appeared in Wild City.

He returned to the wild city in surprise, and received the envoy of Huanglong City in the restored city lord's mansion. It turned out to be the lord of Huanglong City, a legendary ranger.

Upon meeting him, he cupped his fists in a respectful salute, and said in a deep voice:

"I have long admired the name of the Lord of Dragon City, His Excellency Li Qing, and I just met him today. He is indeed wise and powerful. I am Feng Xiuren, Lord of Dragon City!"

Li Qing also cupped his hands, and asked straight to the point:

"If I remember correctly, Huanglong City should have surrendered to His Excellency Yi Zhengyuan, and now he came here alone to see me, what is it?"

Feng Xiuren stood up straight and said in a deep voice:

"Ming people don't speak dark words. The purpose of my coming here today is to inform the Lord of Dragon City that I, Huanglongcheng, will withdraw from the plane battle and return to the Huanglong Adventure Group. I hereby inform you."


Li Qing was slightly surprised, but not too surprised.

As the weakest of the four forces, Huanglongcheng sees no hope of fighting for hegemony, so it is normal to withdraw.

This is a good thing for Li Qing. The strength representing the wild city has been weakened again, and the difficulty of unification has been reduced again. Of course, he will not object, and said with a smile:

"Your Excellency Feng Xiuren's decision is beneficial to our Dragon City, of course I wish for it."

After a little thought, he asked:
"There is one thing I don't understand. Why did you not leave when Your Excellency Yi Zhengyuan occupied the wild city before, but you left when I captured the wild city?"

Feng Xiuren smiled bitterly and said:

"He, Yi Zhengyuan, can't compare to you. No matter how strong he is, he is still a normal person. Your Excellency holds more than 200 giant dragons in his hand. I can even incarnate such a huge high-ranking dragon, and my strength and potential far exceed Yi Zhengyuan."

"Yi Zhengyuan is still within his comprehension range, Your Excellency Li Qing, your troops are completely unable to resist."

"One day you call the dragon group over, I can't resist at all."


This can be regarded as flattery in disguise. Li Qing was very happy to hear that, and asked:

"Since your Excellency has given up fighting for hegemony, you are now a group of adventurers. I don't know where you will go in the future?"

Feng Xiuren immediately cupped his fists and said:
"We are still planning to stay in this plane and look for resources in the depths of the plane. However, we will only build a small base to obtain resources. The main force will leave this plane within a month. At that time, I would like to ask your Excellency, Dragon Lord, to let us I teleported to the transit base through Wild City."

Li Qing immediately smiled:

"No problem, you can come over anytime."

He still knows current affairs, and only keeps a small base, which has almost no influence.

If he wanted to keep most of them in the plane, Li Qing couldn't let it go.

The two sides quickly negotiated and reached an agreement, and Feng Xiuren bid farewell and left.

As soon as he left, An Erqiu, who had been silent by the side, smiled and cupped his hands:
"Congratulations, Boss, for eliminating an opponent without a fight."

Li Qing laughed and said:

"It's good news, there is one less legendary powerhouse, and the pressure we face has been reduced."

He stretched out his hand to beckon, and said in a low voice:
"Get ready, let Long Shou and Long Fa each lead a group of dragons, go to the Five Cities Alliance and Yi Zhengyuan respectively, surround them in that area, and slowly wear down their strength."

"By the way, go and invite Your Excellency Zhuo Shaohang to go there together, be careful and safe, I don't want my child to have any more accidents."

An Erqiu nodded seriously:
"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

When he left, Li Qing turned around, squeezed his chin and said:

"Having been harassing for several months, I don't believe you can hold on."

Harassment will not cause much harm to them, but the blow to psychology and morale is fatal.

Hundreds of giant dragons from each faction harassed non-stop. If there was nothing to do, the dragon's breath came from far away. They couldn't leave the city, so they could only stick to one place. They couldn't eat or sleep at ease. No one could bear it for a long time.

Li Qing planned to harass them for a few months first, and if they didn't leave at that time, he would lead the main force to attack the city.

After four or five months of harassment, even if they can persist, their morale and spirit will be weakened to the extreme. At that time, the difficulty and pressure of siege are the lowest.

As for whether something will happen to the dragon under his command, whether it will be beheaded by Yi Zhengyuan and other legendary powerhouses, he is not worried about this.

They just harassed them, and instead of going down to attack the city and camp, they basically hovered in the air, breathing out the dragon's breath from afar.

Right now, neither Yi Zhengyuan nor the Five Cities Alliance had any legendary mages. Legendary warriors or knights might be able to fly with magic props or explosions of battle qi, but they didn't dare to attack the dragons.

More than 100 giant dragons gather together, even if the legendary strong rushes up, they may not be able to retreat unscathed.

In addition, Li Qing sent Zhuo Shaohang to Yi Zhengyuan's side, plus Long Shou, and the Five Cities Alliance had Long Fa, Xie Jin and Xie Heng, a total of three high-ranking dragons, which were enough to resist the sneak attack of the legendary powerhouse.

Although they are unlikely to put themselves at risk.

At any rate, legendary powerhouses have a normal lifespan of hundreds of years, unless their lives are in danger and they have to go all out. It is impossible for them to go all out in such a situation.

"The situation is very good!"

Li Qing sighed, and put aside the third-order magic pattern that he just made in his hand.

After washing his hands, he picked up this third-level 'Physical' magic pattern structure again.

Magic pattern construction: Tier [-] physique.

Attribute: Constitution +62%.

Occupancy value: 20 points.

The bonus of the normal third-order magic pattern is 60%, occupying 20 points.

His performance is super-level, and the physical bonus is two percentage points higher than the standard under the standard occupancy value.

Up to now, he has completed the drawing of all the basic magic patterns in the Destroyer Knight suit, and theoretically, he can complete the production of the entire set of magic patterns.

This suit has a total of 13 magic patterns, including 8 knights and 5 war mounts.

The knight consists of 2 third-order magic patterns and 6 second-order magic patterns.

They are three-level physique and three-level strength, two second-level physique and two second-level strength, one second-level life link, and one second-level power sharing.

The war mount consists of 3 second-level magic lines and 2 first-level magic lines.

They are a second-level physique, a first-level physique, a second-level strength, and a first-level speed.

(End of this chapter)

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