Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 195 Yi Zhengyuan is out again

Chapter 195 Yi Zhengyuan is out again
Completely integrated, it is equivalent to a knight gaining a total of 140% constitution bonus, 140% strength bonus, having a life link and a power sharing.

War mounts gain 60% physical enhancement, 40% strength enhancement, and 20% speed enhancement.

The effect of the life link is to link the life of the knight and the war mount, so that no matter which side receives fatal damage, it can borrow the vitality of the other side, so that it will not die immediately.

The effect of the power synergy is to share the power of the knight and the mount and connect them as a whole.

When an enemy is hit by a horse, it is equivalent to being hit by a horse and a knight at the same time.

Among them, the construction of the knight theoretically requires 130 load points, but the suit effect only needs 110 load points.

Theoretically, the construction of a war mount requires 65 bearing points, and the set effect only requires 50 bearing points.

This is one of the advantages of the complete suit. In theory, all these identical magic pattern structures can also complete the exact same knight.

But just knights, not horror knights.

Because the suit horror knight can not only reduce the load value, but also comes with additional suit skills or special abilities. There are two special abilities of the horror knight.

One is a terrifying strike, which causes multiple critical strikes after being charged, and is not limited to melee weapons and throwing weapons.

One is unimpeded, you can walk on the water surface and the cliffs not exceeding 90 degrees.

This is something that cannot be done with the same piece of magic pattern.

In addition, if the horror knight has additional carrying value in addition to the suit, it can also load scattered magic patterns to increase its strength.

For example, the upper limit of the Dread Knight's construction load is 200 points, and the suit only needs 110 points, and there is an extra 90 points load value that can be added to various parts to increase strength.

However, it is not possible to add suits with a bearing value lower than 90 points, because one person cannot load two sets of magic pattern suits, even if there are extra bearing positions.

90 points can carry 4 third-order parts and 1 first-order part, or 6 second-order parts, or 9 first-order parts, at least 260% extra bonus, just ask if you are strong.

The new construction knight that Li Qing considers to choose is the Space Dragonborn. He has tested it, and the Space Dragonborn's construction load value is above 260 points, which can carry more extra parts to increase its strength.

In addition, the space dragonborn itself has some space talent spells, such as flash, any door, teleportation, space blade, etc. The combination of the two does not know how strong it is.

Find a sixth-order space dragon descendant, find a war horse, and then take out a trace of dragon blood and blend it into the horse.

It is not the blood of an ordinary dragon, but a piece of dragon blood is directly taken from the space dragon and blended into the body of the war horse. The war horse has the blood of the space dragon and has the same origin as the space dragon. .

In addition, after merging with the blood of the space dragon, the war horse will also gain some space-related talents.

The evolved dragon horse has grown in size, almost as big as an elephant, with a shoulder height of 2.5 meters and a body length of about 6 meters. It is covered with muscles and covered with a layer of fine dragon scales, and there is a dragon horn on the top of its head.

After evolution, the load value of the dragon vein warhorse structure is about 160 points.

Possess three space abilities, namely space blade*10, space flash*10, and space shuttle (shrunk version).

The knight has a total of 260 load points, and the suit uses up 110 points, leaving 150 points.

The dragon vein warhorse has a total of 160 carrying points, 50 points are used up for the suit, and 110 points remain.

To be honest, this is a bit too much, but as a descendant of the dragon race, it is very reasonable to have a stronger body and soul strength, and be able to carry more magic pattern structures.

The remaining 150 carrying points of the knight can be equipped with 7 additional third-level structures and 1 first-level structure.


Coupled with the 140% constitution and 140% strength of the horror knight suit itself, a total of 380% constitution and 340% strength increase.

The remaining 110 load points of the Dragon Vessel Horse can be equipped with 4 Tier 2 structures and [-] Tier [-] structures.

They are 2 third-order constitutions, 2 third-order strengths, and 2 second-order speeds.

A total of 120% extra constitution, 120% extra strength, and 80% extra speed.

Adding the set bonus, the Dragon Vein Battle has a total bonus of 180% constitution, 160% strength, and 100% speed.

Then use power sharing, the two can be superimposed.

Based on the sixth-order space dragon descendant, the strength of the promoted terrifying knight will reach at least the eighth-order.

Tier [-], Tier [-], Tier [-], and Tier [-] are all extraordinary ranks, and there is no qualitative difference.

The only problem is efficiency. Even with Li Qing's current efficiency, it would take at least five days to produce one terrifying knight, and only six can be produced in a month without doing anything.

But the problem is not big, he is not too short of this stuff now, he can accumulate it slowly.

6 in a month, 72 in a year, 720 in ten years.

720 constructed knights of at least eighth rank, their fighting power is not ordinary fierce.

Anyway, space dragon descendants can live at least 200 years old, so they can afford to wait.

Don't think that there are space dragon descendants and space dragons, and this kind of constructed knight is dispensable.


Although the space dragon is strong, it is too big to perform many delicate tasks, and it is still a flying unit with different positioning.

It is true that the ground elite extraordinary troops have space dragon descendants, but his constructed knight also uses space dragon descendants. Loading the construct makes them more powerful. Is this a problem?
Moreover, the space dragon descendant belongs to the comprehensive arms, not a professional construction knight.

If on a large-scale ground battlefield, the enemy's elite constructed knights with a scale of thousands suddenly charge, and it happens that the space dragon can't make a move, then the same constructed knights must be resisted at this time.

Don't doubt this possibility, especially in the face of a true god-level warlord.

For reference, Xia Yuanqing has the wasteland stalker, a special unit capable of melee and long-distance combat, and Murong Shifang also has the extraordinary unit of the law system, the Lightning Lord. Every true god will have a unique extraordinary unit.

Even the native true gods have angel legions, or god envoy troops, and these powerful troops need the dragon legion to deal with them.

Facing this kind of enemy, there are times when the Dragon Legion really can't make a move.

Therefore, in the later stage, a truly elite army must have a large-scale knight group for attacking, in addition to various war behemoths and elite extraordinary units.

Five days later, the first terrifying knight took shape. Li Qingte equipped him with a fine gold plate armor and weapons, including long swords, long bows, dragon spears, and javelins, which can be used from far and near.

The dragon horse is also equipped with fine gold dragon scale armor, dragon head butt horns and so on.

After this body is configured, the total weight is seven or eight tons. When it hits it in one breath, ordinary earth walls and stone buildings will be smashed directly, and horses and the like will be smashed directly.

Li Qing drew four sets of scary knights in one go, and Li Qing was a little emotional.

Good stuff, but time consuming.

As long as he can draw now, none of his subordinates has the talent of a magic pattern constructor.

Although Xia Mang and other subordinates are far more talented than before, they are only making all kinds of golems now. She still doesn't know the top technology of magic pattern construction, and it seems that she won't be expected to know it for many years.

Unless she can be promoted to the legendary rank, and her talents and abilities are further strengthened, it may be possible to touch the threshold.

But this is only temporary. With more and more space dragon descendants, a large number of space dragon descendants will change their professions to warlocks or mages. There will always be some outstanding talents among them, and there will be enough manpower by then.

Time passed, and when Li Qing produced the tenth set of Destroyer Knight's construction, he finally received a message from an envoy sent by Yi Zhengyuan asking for a visit.

Let's pass only one sentence:

"Before Yi Zhengyuan invited His Excellency the Dragon Master Li Qing to his current base, the two armies made an appointment to fight."

"Are you going to give up?"

This was Li Qing's first reaction.

Find an excuse to give up, and make an appointment with him in front of his subordinates, losing is justified.

Li Qing readily accepted the appointment, and took his men to the base where Yi Zhengyuan was located the next day.

At this time, the dragons had stopped harassing, and the huge camp was quiet, and a large part of the troops had withdrawn into the domain of Yi Zhengyuan and several war lords.

The dragons are harassing them every day, and they can't sleep well outside, so they can only sleep in the God's Domain.

When Li Qing arrived, before he could send someone to shout out, a group of people from the camp came out on their own initiative, and the leader was Yi Zhengyuan.

He came to Li Qing, looked up at the many giant dragons clustered behind Li Qing, sighed, and said with an extremely complicated expression:

"Unexpectedly, it was you who had the last laugh."

Li Qing smiled slightly:
"But I'm not surprised."

Yi Zhengyuan smiled wryly and said:

"Ming people don't speak dark words. I believe you have guessed my intention of inviting you over. If you fight with me, I will lose to you. If I surrender after the war, you can justifiably accept my troops."

However, Li Qing shook his head and said:

"You can surrender directly, there is no need to do anything extra."

Yi Zhengyuan smiled bitterly and said:

"I need to give my subordinates an explanation!"

Li Qing said with a smile:

"That's your business. I don't need to give any explanation to your subordinates. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. I never do unnecessary things."

Yi Zhengyuan was silent for a while, and said:

"There won't be any conspiracy, I just want to see your strength."

Li Qing just looked at him with a smile on his face and didn't speak.

The scene became quiet, his subordinates, Li Qing's subordinates did not speak.

After a while, Yi Zhengyuan smiled bitterly and said:
"You are very cautious. This is stronger than me. If you win, I will order surrender."

Li Qing showed a smile, but changed the subject and asked:
"I don't know something, and I still hope that City Lord Yi can enlighten me."

"Please say."

"In the current situation, why don't you join forces with the Five Cities Alliance to fight against me?"

Yi Zhengyuan fell silent, gritted his teeth and scolded a little:

"Li Yongfa is an idiot!"

Li Qing's eyes lit up, and he looked very interested.

"He asked me to share the inheritance from His Highness Chunyu'an equally on the grounds of balancing strength."


"He does have the willingness to form an alliance, but he also wants to suppress and weaken me. He has negotiated secretly for no less than ten times in the past month and a half, but no agreement has been reached."

"Seeing that the situation is getting worse and worse, and he is still immersed in internal strife, I have lost my patience, so I simply gave up everything and left."


Li Qing also had nothing to say.

People who are short-sighted and inflexible like this are speechless.

He let out a breath and said to Yi Zhengyuan:
"You can leave with your direct descendants, but the troops inherited from His Highness Chunyu need to stay."

Yi Zhengyuan nodded with a wry smile:

"Please give me two hours to prepare."

Li Qing stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

Watching Yi Zhengyuan turn and leave, Li Qing let out a sigh of relief.

This result is not bad, there is no need to fight another battle to force Yi Zhengyuan to leave.

Although he is not afraid of fighting, it is best not to fight.

Forced to surrender after only a little more than a month, Li Qing guessed that Yi Zhengyuan's situation was worse than expected. There was a high probability that God's Domain could not afford to support so many troops, and there might also be internal divisions.

Many of his subordinates, the troops left by His Highness Chunyu, and the war lords of several main cities are willing to follow him because he is the strongest and most likely to complete the unification of the planes.

Now that Wild City has been captured by Dragon City, there is no hope of counterattack, and the Five Cities Alliance can't take it down either, Huanglong City has betrayed again.

It is estimated that the alliance with the Five Cities Alliance is not going well, with multiple sufferings, no bright future, and it is normal for his subordinates to fall apart.

Yi Zhengyuan withdrew quickly, packed his things and left after an hour and a half, leaving only a somewhat chaotic camp.

Li Qing asked An Erqiu to transfer a troop from the Dragon City, and called back the giant dragons from the Five Cities Alliance, and more than 200 giant dragons marched to surrender.

With such a powerful force pressing the formation, Yi Zhengyuan abandoned the army again, so the surrender went smoothly, and the remaining troops did not resist at all, they put down their weapons and gathered together as soon as they heard the order.

There are about [-] elite troops in the camp whose strength is between the third and fourth ranks, and they are all native troops trained by His Royal Highness Chun Yu'an.

In addition, there are more than 600 steel golems, 3600 rock golems, 260 constructed knights, and 6 diamond golems.

It was obvious that Yi Zhengyuan had secretly taken away some troops. As far as he knew, there were at least ten diamond golems of the tenth rank. It was unlikely that such a big monster made of diamond would be destroyed on the previous battlefield.

But he didn't chase after him, so just take it away, and treat it as his severance pay.

By recruiting and surrendering these troops, Li Qing's strength has been greatly improved.

Only the Five Cities Alliance remained in the entire plane, which was no longer a threat.

After confirming that Yi Zhengyuan led his troops to leave the original wilderness plane through the interplanetary teleportation formation of the wilderness city, Li Qing immediately ordered the main force to be assembled to attack the five-city alliance.

Even if the newly recruited 12 native elites will be useless for a while, Li Qing himself has more than 200 troops of the imperial arms system, more than 400 space dragon descendants, more than [-] giant dragons, more than [-] steel golems, three Six hundred rock golems, and a total of eight diamond golems.

No tactics needed, just flat push.

As the last battle to conquer this plane, Li Qing did not accept the envoy sent by the Five Cities Alliance to see him after his soldiers approached the city, and ordered a siege, intending to completely wipe out the Five Cities Alliance, so as to unify this plane and become an official war lord offerings.

(End of this chapter)

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