Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 197 Promotion to Official Warlord

Chapter 197 Promotion to Official Warlord
The promotion to the official war lord did not start until one and a half months after the elimination of the Five Cities Alliance.

Before that, he rushed to work day and night to completely complete the internal facilities of the mage tower in the center of his domain.

The shell of the mage tower had already been built before, but Xia Yuanqing suddenly attacked Longcheng later, and he was busy dealing with Xia Yuanqing.

After the deal is over, there are still many things to do, and the main structure is completed piecemeal.

Afterwards, we will raid the Wild City, defeat Yi Zhengyuan, and the Five-City Alliance one after another. During this period, we still have the last step, which is to draw the integrated magic circle at the center core of the Mage Tower, and connect all the upper and lower floors of the entire Mage Tower, as well as the internal and external structures. One.

This process took half a year to complete, and now the mage tower is only one step away, and that is to combine with the domain of the gods.

The core energy pool of God's Domain and the energy pool system of the Mage Tower are integrated into one, so that the energy pool of the God's Domain can be used to replace the energy pool of the Mage Tower.

After completing all the procedures, Li Qing communicated with the Eternal Tree and chose to be promoted.

Li Qing is standing on the observatory at the top of the mage tower. At a level that ordinary people can't see, the sky above his head is no longer full of stars, but a phantom of a sacred tree that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The endless green starlight merges into a beam of light Fall into the realm of the gods.

At the same time, outside God's Domain, an invisible halo centered on the wild city and spread to the surrounding wilderness.

He was promoted to the official war lord on the basis of the original wild plane, which means that this plane will be his main plane. If this plane is abandoned in the future, or is broken by the enemy, his domain of God will be severely damaged. The resources needed to grow will be ten times the original.

It's basically useless.

Many official war lords do not have a large area, and most of them have lost their home planes, and their growth is too slow.

As time went by, the invisible halo spanned thousands of miles, thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, and extended to the edge of the entire plane, and then disappeared like lightning, and returned to the center of the wild city again, entering Li Qing's domain among.

At this moment, Li Qing felt that the space around him was distorted, and the infinite green light gathered in front of him to form a vortex.

At the same time, God's Domain shook violently, and the phantom of the Tree of Eternity suddenly appeared outside the crystal wall at the edge of God's Domain.

He lowered his head, and the ground was still under his feet, but at a level that ordinary people could not see with naked eyes, a huge phantom of the plane emerged and enveloped the entire God Realm.

The chaotic air flow at the edge of God's Domain converged and rolled, the ground quickly condensed, and God's Domain began to expand.

At this moment, Li Qing had a clear understanding, and quickly took out the treasures that had been prepared for a long time and threw them into the whirlpool in front of him one by one.

It took a total of eleven divine favors to exchange 2200 points of source quality, and then took out 300 points of source quality from his own hand, and invested a total of 2500 points of source quality into it.

In an instant, surging elemental energy surged out of the vortex in front of him, and quickly spread to the entire God's Domain.

Then an underground space card was thrown into the vortex, and an invisible force spread. Li Qingxin realized that when the God's Domain transformed later, he could adjust the underground inside the God's Domain and open up an underground space by himself.

Then, one of the summer camp rewards, the Overlord Certificate, was put into it.

One of the summer camp rewards, the certificate of a thousand troops, was also included.

Then, before leaving, his girlfriend gave him a treasure from the ruins of the ancient gods. It was an unknown god crystal with a god pattern on it that he couldn't understand.

The divine pattern is the embodiment of rules, which means that this thing contains some special rules.

All the treasures that can be put into the vortex are thrown into the vortex, and the vortex quickly turns into a ball of light.

Li Qing slowly closed his eyes, stretched out his hand and pressed on the light ball.

In the next second, everything in front of him became illusory, and the whole world quickly became a world outlined by countless lines. Li Qingxin realized that he could control everything in God's Domain by controlling the lines.

Any war lord will have this treatment when he is promoted to an official war lord, and he can choose to transform the internal terrain of God's Domain.

For normal informal war lords, unless there is a special God's Domain terrain card, the expanded God's Domain under normal circumstances will be flat land without any terrain.

Without hesitation, Li Qing reached out and pressed the lines in the God's Domain, and began to adjust the God's Domain.

It is worth mentioning that it is not only the current God's Domain that can be adjusted, but also the God's Domain that is being generated, and the God's Domain space that has not yet been generated can also be adjusted.

Pre-adjust first, and then the expanding God's Domain will be generated according to his preset terrain.

If he pre-adjusts to extrude a mountain range, the newly generated New God's Domain terrain will directly generate a mountain range later.

Li Qing first took a look at the area of ​​the pre-generated God's Domain, and after a little consideration, he raised the location of the main city of the Central God's Domain, and stretched a piece of land with a diameter of 10 kilometers to a height of 100 meters.

The edges are all 90-degree cliffs, surrounded by a 200-meter-wide moat, which is also a storage pool.

Outside of the main central city, the area where the four castles in Sifang are located has also been adjusted, but they are not 100 meters high, only 50 meters high, and only three kilometers long and wide.

Between the main city and the four-cornered acropolis, a 100-meter-wide high platform stretches out from the opposite corner, connecting the four acropolises.

The reason why the transformation is so large is of course because of the consideration of the future. When God’s Domain continues to expand in the future, if the main city area is not adjusted to be large enough in one step, then there will be no chance to adjust the internal terrain of God’s Domain. There is not enough space in the main city, and it will be very difficult. Nervous.

It is worth mentioning that transforming these terrains requires a large amount of source quality.

The bigger the adjustment, the more transformations, and the more source quality is consumed.

Like the five war lords of the Five Cities Alliance, there are not many transformations in the city of God's Domain. It is precisely because there is not much source quality that large-scale transformation is impossible.

Li Qing exchanged all 11 divine favors for source quality in one go, just for this transformation.

It is also worth mentioning that after the expansion of the main city, he removed the farmland occupied by the expansion of the main city, consumed the source quality, and directly moved all the ten meters above the surface, including the rice fields, to other areas.

All farmland is concentrated in the area between the main city and the Acropolis as basic fields.

After adjusting these, Li Qing turned his attention to the underground. At this time, a complex underground world covering the entire underground has been formed under the thousand-meter-high ground due to the effect of the underground transformation card.

There is only one layer.

It is not the limit of the depth of the ground, but the limit of the underground transformation card can only transform one floor.

Of course, theoretically, if the source quality is enough, he can forcibly open another layer underground.

But the source quality that needs to be consumed like that is extremely outrageous, and he can't afford it.

The underground space randomly opened up by the card also includes the land of God's Domain that has not yet been developed. Li Qing carefully looked at the boundary, and roughly estimated that the total area of ​​his God's Domain after promotion is estimated to be about 11000 square kilometers, with a radius of about 59 kilometers.

Deducting the main city which is ten kilometers away in the center, the combined radius of the Sifang Acropolis will not exceed twenty kilometers, and there is still an extremely wide space outside.

This means that there is also an extremely huge underground space in the underground of his God's Domain.

The randomly created underground space is similar to the underground space of that plane when he was training in Blackrock Spire College. The terrain is also extremely complex, and there are passages of different sizes everywhere.

Li Qing didn't interfere too much, just adjusted the four existing large underground spaces.

The diameter of the No. 6 underground space is about [-] kilometers.

The diameter of No. 2.4 underground space is about [-] kilometers.

The diameter of the No. 2 underground space is about [-] kilometers.

The diameter of No. 1.2 underground space is about [-] kilometers.

Flatten some chaotic terrain, and expand the main passage between the four underground spaces to a diameter of 20 meters to ensure that large caravans can pass.

As for the passage from the ground to the surface, there is only one passage, the fourth passage.

The lack of exits is not a big problem. Li Qing plans to build teleportation arrays in the four underground spaces, and use the teleportation arrays to directly connect to the surface.

After doing all this, he consumed a total of nearly a thousand source quality, and the remaining [-] source quality does not need to be used, and is directly integrated into the domain of the gods, increasing the concentration of elemental energy in the domain of the gods.

And then, there is no then.

Li Qing quietly waited for the expansion of the God's Domain, until at a certain moment, the God's Domain stopped expanding, and then the phantom of the Eternal Tree on the edge of the God's Domain suddenly shattered, turning into a sky full of green light and converging towards the center of the God's Domain, condensing into a huge ball of light.

Li Qing stretched out his hand to press the light ball, and a series of reminders naturally appeared in his mind.

Generally speaking, it means that his God's Domain has completed its transformation and is generating the characteristics of God's Domain.

Because of his personal abilities and special life essence, as well as the many treasures he has integrated into, three God's Domain characteristics, or special abilities, are automatically generated.

The first attribute of God's Domain comes from his ancestor's ancient dragon bloodline, the power of space origin, and the space dragon luck card that was previously integrated into God's Domain. After the combination, a unique feature of God's Domain was born-Dragon Kingdom (Space dragon family)
Kingdom of Dragons (Space Dragon Clan): This is the country opened up by the ancestors of the Space Dragon Clan.

Effect [-]: The Kingdom of Dragons, all space dragons living in the Kingdom of Dragons are contaminated with the breath of their ancestors, their bloodlines are purer, their reproduction speed is faster, their lifespan is longer, and it is easier to break through ranks.

Effect [-]: In the world of giant dragons, creatures living in the kingdom of dragons are contaminated with the breath of the ancestor space ancient dragon, and have a chance to awaken the blood of space dragons.

Effect [-]: Dragon Tomb, after all the space dragons die, the soul is guided by the ancestor space ancient dragon, travels through space and returns to the dragon tomb to rest.

The second feature of God's Domain comes from the certificate of the overlord, and the special ability name is 'Trial of the Overlord'.

Overlord Trial: Summon the Demon God Altar Trial Field, any tenth-level hero or professional who defeats all opponents in the Demon God Altar will be promoted to legend.

Reminder: There are ten opponents in the Demon God Altar, and they are of the same rank as the challenger.

Tip: The Demon Altar Proving Ground can only be summoned once a year.


Li Qing can only use these two words to evaluate.

What is this concept?
This means that in the most ideal and perfect state, a tenth-level sanctuary hero or professional can pass through the level every year, and after passing the level, he can be promoted to a legend.

Legends are the strongest combat power in the world, and even a true god can mobilize not many legendary powerhouses.

With this Overlord Trial, it is equivalent to continuously producing legendary powerhouses, one every year.

Of course, this is an ideal situation. Generally, it is difficult for a tenth-level sanctuary to pick ten opponents of the same level as itself.

But the heroes under him are different. Is it a problem to pick ten ordinary people of the same level in a row when the upper-level dragons are well prepared?
No problem, it's not ten gang fights.

With this, it will mean that many of his heroes and professionals will have a stable legendary road.

As long as the rank reaches the tenth rank, if you are prepared, a legendary powerhouse will be born in a year.

It is worth mentioning that this preparation includes accumulating full combat experience. There are many subordinates who have reached the tenth level in Li Qing's divine domain, including himself. This is how you become a legend.

But it's not a big problem, just a few more years.

The plane is so big, full of ferocious beasts, ferocious dinosaurs, dinosaur tribes, etc., it is easy to fill it up if you are diligent.

It's funny to say, when he got the first place in the summer camp, one of the conditions given to him by the true gods was that he would be given extra resources if he was promoted to a legend within five years. Now it has been twelve or three years since the summer camp, two Five years have passed. According to this standard, he is no longer eligible for additional subsidies.

The third additional characteristic comes from the certificate of a thousand troops, and the special ability is called 'Trial of a Thousand Soldiers! '

Trial of Thousands of Soldiers: Summon the Trial Field of Thousands of Soldiers for a maximum of [-] troops to try. If the trial is successful, all the trial troops will be promoted to rank.

Reminder: The trial troops will not die in battle, there is no limit to the types of arms, and the minimum upgrade to the second-level arms, and the above-level arms are successfully promoted to one level, which does not exceed the limit of the arms system.

Tip: The Proving Grounds can only be opened once a month.

Same as the source, the Certificate of Thousands of Armies is used by subordinates, and it also enhances the strength of subordinates.

Compared with the effect of the Certificate of Thousand Armies, being able to elevate three subordinates whose strength has reached the tenth-level sanctuary to the legendary level, this victory is endless.

After all, it can only be upgraded by three, and it will be gone after using this thing.

And after being integrated into God's Domain, it can be used all the time, and elite troops can be cultivated in batches.

It is also fortunate that none of his subordinates met the criteria for forced promotion to legend, otherwise he might not have held back.

It is worth mentioning that Li Qing is not unique to the certificate of the overlord and the certificate of a thousand soldiers. After all, the summer camp has been held for so many sessions.

But not many, because each summer camp is different, and there are not many summer camps with the same process as this one, so this thing will not be flooded.

Moreover, the normal Overlord's Certificate and Qianjun's Certificate are not as powerful as his.

Li Qing knew very well in his heart that the reason why his certificate of overlord and certificate of a thousand soldiers formed such powerful characteristics was mainly because of the incorporation of the special crystal obtained from his girlfriend to have such a strong effect.

These three traits or special abilities are very powerful, and Li Qing is quite satisfied.

So far, this promotion has basically ended.

There was no change in his personal combat power, but his God's Domain had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Name of God's Domain: Kingdom of Dragons.

God's Domain Level: Level 1.

Features of God's Domain: Kingdom of Dragons (Space Dragon Clan), Trial of Overlord, Trial of Thousands of Armies.

God's domain energy: 46 divine power.

The area of ​​God's Domain: 11109 square kilometers on the surface, and an underground world on the first floor.

God's Domain Building: 100 [initial 5 building slots]

God's Domain Heroes: 100 [initial 5 hero slots]

Shenyu population: 1146000/1150 million.

God's Domain Troops: Slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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