Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 198 Mage Tower Success and Plane Development Plan

Chapter 198 Mage Tower Success and Plane Development Plan

At this point, Li Qing finally became an official war lord.

Theoretically, he can return to the tree of eternity now, and then hang his domain on the tree of eternity to become a leaf.

But the theory is the theory, of course he won't do it now.

The leaves on the Eternal God's Tree are some war lords who are old, or the main plane has been breached by the enemy and has no future, or some accidental problems in the God's Domain.

They have no hope of future, so they will choose to return to the tree of eternity to fix the domain of the gods and become a leaf of the tree of eternity.

It's okay to farm in God's Domain to earn some income, or to multiply the family.

Promoted to the official war lord, Li Qing immediately fetched a piece of pure primitive spirit that he had long ago. A series of tower spirit-related information has been made into a mage tower spirit.

When the essence was integrated into the core formation of the mage tower, the entire mage tower vibrated slightly, and energy gushed out from the energy pool at the bottom, spreading upward along the complicated lines of the mage formation.

It soon spread to the top of the tower. Right under Li Qing's eyelids, countless rays of light converged on the core of the mage tower. As soon as the soul was bright, a wave of mental fluctuations spread along the magic circle to the entire mage tower.

Back and forth in this way, the mage tower spirit and the mage tower were combined, and a will was born.

Countless filaments of light gathered in the air to form a ball of light, and a mechanical voice sounded in Li Qing's ears:

"Dear master, Ta Ling is at your service!"

Li Qing nodded and said:
"Open the Mage Tower!"

The mechanical voice sounded again:

"Now open the Mage Tower for you, 321"

At the same time, a model of the mage tower outlined by light appeared in front of Li Qing.

The tower body is 200 meters in diameter and 2000 meters high. The outer layer is cast in steel and embedded with a fine gold frame.

The 2000-meter-high tower has 200 floors, and each floor is as high as ten meters.

There are 180 floors on the surface and 20 floors underground.

As the mage tower was activated, the golden divine power in the energy pool at the bottom of the mage tower boiled instantly, and was converted into pure mana energy by the magic circle in the mage tower, flowing through all the magic circles of the entire mage tower, and each magic circle was activated.

Inside, there are sound-proof circles, air-confinement circles, mind-imprisonment circles, mind-barrier circles, and true vision circles.

Internal defense circle *3.

A solid magic circle attached to the tower.

The defensive enchantment on the surface of the tower*4.

The outer defensive barrier of the mage tower*4.

All kinds of defense circles are almost full, and there are all kinds of defenses in all directions, which can guarantee the absolute defense in the mage tower, and it is impossible to sneak in by any means.

Li Qing divided the mage tower into different areas.

Floors 1-9 on the ground surface are public floors, and outsiders can enter.

Floors 10-19 are reception floors, where guests live.

The 20th-39th floor is the apprentice area, if there are apprentices.

Floors 40-79 are experimental areas.

More than 80 floors are to be determined.

Above the 150th floor is the main private area of ​​the tower.

There are 20 floors underground.

Negative 1st floor to negative 5th floor are impurity areas.

Floor 6 to floor 10 is the prison area.

Below the negative 11th floor is the energy zone.

There are ten different energy pools on the tenth floor of the energy area, each equipped with different types of energy.

There are regular elemental energy pools such as earth, fire, feng shui, pools that store void energy, life energy pools that extract vitality and store them, divine power pools that store divine power, and some special energy pools.

As the master of the mage tower, Li Qing can control the entire mage tower through the tower spirit at any time, and know the situation of the mage up and down and inside and outside.

Through the mage tower, many things can be done.

In addition, spells cast through the Mage Tower will not only get the bonus of the Mage Tower, but also get the bonus of the God's Domain at the same time, and the two can be superimposed perfectly.

With the help of the Mage Tower and God's Domain, Li Qing can sit at home and compete head-on against a legendary Mage.

Note that it is to use the mage system to compete, not to transform.

After the double superposition of the nine-ring spell, plus the superposition of his own talent, the power will definitely not be inferior to the legendary spell.

It's a pity that there are no enemies now, and there is no chance for him to try the power of the mage tower.

And there is a high probability that it is difficult to have a chance.

If he wanted to use the power of the Mage Tower to fight, he had to deploy the God's Domain. Now that he had two strong cities, the Wild City and the Dragon City, he didn't need to deploy the God's Domain.

After counting these, Li Qing dispatched [-] third-tier troops to the Thousand Army Trial Field immediately.

Five hundred imperial infantry, five hundred imperial archers.

It only took about four hours for them to kill the enemies in the trial ground, and all members could be promoted to the fourth-level arms after they came out.

There is no function of dying in battle in the trial field. Once you are seriously injured, you will be healed by the energy of the trial field.

Open once a month, a trial of [-] troops.

Based on the minimum upgrade to the second-tier unit, theoretically, it only takes three times to promote a first-tier recruit to a fourth-tier heavy infantry.

This means that it only takes three months to upgrade one thousand recruits to one thousand four-level heavy infantry.

Four batches a year, that is, [-] hoplites.

"very good, very powerful!"

Coming out of God's Domain, Li Qing called many heroes under his command to God's Domain for a meeting.

After waiting for everyone, including Zhuo Shaohang, Li Qing directly showed them the three special abilities after being promoted to God's Domain. Everyone was shocked. Xie Zhu said loudly:

"Boss, isn't this Overlord Trial a legendary path?"

"Aren't you so awesome, the first place in the summer camp rewards this kind of thing?"

Li Qing smiled and nodded:

"So you have to work hard, and accumulate combat experience as soon as possible."

An Erqiu smiled and said:
"You should be the one who cheers, boss, our rank limit is equal to yours, we can't be promoted to legend unless you are promoted to legend."

"Yes, boss, you have to work hard!"

Everyone laughed, and the conference room was filled with happy laughter.

Li Qing smiled and waved his hands:
"This is not a big problem. I strive to accumulate combat experience within five years and become a legend."

"Of course, if you're lucky, maybe it will be done in two or three years."

"Let's get back to business, let's talk about some serious business."

Li Qing knocked on the table for everyone to see, and said in a deep voice:

"We have defeated all our opponents and officially seized this plane, but we cannot fully own this plane. We still need to develop this plane and make use of the resources in the plane."

"Considering that this plane is not suitable for immigration, you can only mine, grow some magic medicinal materials, and various economic crops."

"I'm going to take the wild city as the core, and develop eastward all the way to Dragon City. The first step is to develop this area."

"Xie Zhu, take some lads out to explore this area, look for mineral deposits, and find suitable places to grow cash crops and magic medicinal materials."

Xie Zhu nodded immediately.

Then Li Qing looked at Long Shou and Long Fa again, and ordered:

"Long Shou Long Fa, you each bring fifty brothers to wipe out the powerful beasts in this area, and open a way out by the way. I will send you the specific route later."

"That's all for now, and I'll announce the next step when it's finished."

As for An Erqiu, he naturally sits in the wild city, because Li Qing is not idle, and he also has things to do.

He had to pave a road, a road covering several kilometers from the wild city to the dragon city, and then extending to the left and right, with a total length of at least [-] to [-] kilometers, radiating tens of millions of square kilometers in this area.

Li Qing didn't want the simple development that His Royal Highness Chunyu'an used to, but to completely rule this area.

He will use the space in his palm to combine components, and place a giant arrow tower with a length, width, and height of 10 meters on the main road every 20 kilometers or so. There is no garrison inside, and it is mainly for travelers passing by. Flee in and take refuge.

Every 100 kilometers or so, a small stronghold with an internal length and width of about [-] meters each is placed on the side of the road, with a small number of garrisons inside.

Every 1000 kilometers, there will be a big city with a large number of troops stationed.

The above is the defense of the main roads. Li Qing also plans to send a large number of space dragons to patrol these main roads to shock the wild beasts.

If a powerful existence like a giant dragon passes by some places for a long time, these places will be contaminated with the breath of the giant dragon, and some weak beasts will run away when they smell the breath.

As for outside the main road, the strongholds are not so dense.

Except for some resource points that must have small strongholds or outposts, there are generally only some key intersections in the wild that will have stronghold outposts.

It's a pity that the place is too big. Before that, Li Qing even thought about manually building a stone wall with a width and thickness of 20 meters and a length of 1000 meters to replace the dirt road.

Two such wide stone walls are side by side, the road is 40 meters wide and 20 meters above the ground. This is not only a safe avenue, but also a super city wall.

Then use this kind of super road to enclose areas, and then slowly kill the beasts inside, clearing out safe areas of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

It's a pity that the project is too big and the material demand is too big. He doesn't have so much soil and stone on hand.

But the problem won't be too big, if we can't get it right for a while, we can take our time in the future.

It just so happened that he was planning to dig a large lake of hundreds of square kilometers to store water near the wild city, and there would be enough soil and rocks for him to use.

Li Qing's current idea is to stay in this plane for another 30 to 10,000 years, accumulate six or seven hundred giant dragons, 30+ space dragon descendants, and train another two to three million elite troops, so that he is confident enough to fight against the sons of destiny , will go to the main plane.

It can be expected that by the time he goes to the main plane, many of the Sons of Destiny have already unsealed their seals and made them gods.

Based on their background, once they become gods, they can use the power that was originally sealed in the domain of the gods like Gu Qingxin, and their strength will become very powerful. If they are not fully prepared, they will be beaten back in minutes.

Especially Murong Shifang who had a grudge against him, if given the chance, he would never let him go easily.

It was time-consuming to build this defense system, and he had to do it himself.

Turning into a half-dragon man more than 50 meters high, he dug his huge claws on the ground, and a large pile of dirt was dug up, and it was conveniently collected into the space in his palm.

With him are dozens of space dragons, hundreds of space dragon descendants, six diamond golems and hundreds of steel golems.

The space dragon is in charge of guarding the surrounding area in the air, and the steel golem is in charge of opening the way. Half of them with swords cut down the trees on the road, and the other half with hammers smash open the original roadside stones.

Li Qing wanted to widen the road along the wild city to prepare for the paving of stone roads in the future.

The task of the space dragonborn is to tidy up the road surface, clear up some weeds that the steel golem cannot cut, and then fill the road surface with a thick layer of gravel.

The last few diamond golems pushed a specially made oversized and overweight steel roller to flatten the road back and forth.

Because more than [-] centimeters of gravel is paved on the road surface, the flattened road surface is flat and firm, and grass will not grow for many years.

When you want to lay a super stone road next time, just place two stone walls directly on it, no need to dig extra foundations.

Most of the time every day is paving the road, but the main work is done by his subordinates. Li Qing mainly comes for the last time, and puts the collected gravel and soil into the arrow tower in the prepared position.

Time passed by so slowly, and before he knew it, half a year had passed, and he had already constructed five or six thousand kilometers.

I don't know how many arrow towers were put down, dozens of outposts were built, and five regional central cities.

Now the city has only garrisons, and a small number of merchants and adventurers.

"Hello, City Lord Li!"

A caravan came from the west along the repaired road. The leader was an armored dragon with a large saddle on its back. There were more than a dozen heavily armed warriors and a few merchants in civilian clothes.

The leading businessman greeted Li Qing who was resting on the sentry tower that had just been lowered loudly.

Li Qing opened his eyes and waved his hand in response.

The businessman took out a big jug from the back of the saddle and threw it at Li Qing. He caught it with his hand and shook it lightly. It seemed to be some kind of wine.

After smelling the fragrance and taking another sip, Li Qing said with a smile:

"Thank you!"

The businessman arched his hands and replied with a smile:

"I heard that the city lord has a special manufacturing skill. I have two wheels that broke halfway. I wonder if the city lord can help repair it."

Li Qing glanced behind and said with a smile:

"Small matter, wait."

Consciousness put into the palm space, found some trees, disassembled, synthesized, added some steel to make the main frame and bearings, and built a new car that was exactly the same as their truck, and built five in one go.

Stretching out a finger, a vortex opened in the middle of the road, and five identical new cars fell in front of them.

"I'm going, this hand is too big!"

The guards and merchants on the armored dragon jumped off the saddle, looked around the new car in surprise, and pointed at Li Qing one after another.

The merchants immediately changed their cars, and Li Qing asked a dozen space dragon descendants to help, and the huge force could easily lift the heavy goods.

After moving the goods and changing the car, the businessman thanked him again and again before going back on the road.

"The new Dragon City Lord is much stronger than the previous Yi Zhengyuan!"

The businessman sat on the Ankylosaurus saddle and looked back from time to time, saying with emotion:

"In the past, how could Yi Zhengyuan build roads so diligently, and built so many outposts. Every section of the road has a giant dragon patrolling, which is too extravagant."

The guard captain in half armor nodded and said:
"Indeed, it is much stronger now than before. We have not fought a serious battle from the wild city to here for more than 5000 kilometers. In the past, we had to fight at least [-] or [-] times to get here. Every time, brothers were injured or even die in battle."

The businessman said:

"If all the roads are repaired and connected, at least the safety of this area will be guaranteed, and more businessmen will be attracted."

"It's a pity that this plane cannot be immigrated. Otherwise, according to Dragon City Lord's ability, it will not take a hundred years to develop."

"If a large plane can be developed and developed, it will not be a problem to carry a population of more than one billion, and then it will be powerful."


Of course, Li Qing didn't know what they were regretting. Now that he had rested, he had already returned to the God's Domain Mage Tower, ready to continue his previous research.

He hasn't been outside every day for the past six months.

With so many subordinates, it is impossible for him to personally do everything. He only needs to ensure that he is with the team, and the main work is done by the subordinates, and he finally synthesizes the materials.

(End of this chapter)

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