Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 199 The Velociraptor Dragonborn Dragon Luo

Chapter 199 Velociraptor Dragonborn - Long Luo

It took Li Qing two years and five months, nearly two and a half years, to open up the planned road from Wild City to Dragon City.

There are three roads.

One is the original road, and the other two start from the wild city, one goes north and the other goes south. The distance between the two is close to [-] kilometers at the farthest point.

It is equivalent to three roads covering an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers.

It also means that the area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers is the first batch of areas that Dragon City plans to develop. When this area is fully developed, other areas will be considered.

After the main road was completed, Li Qing returned to Dragon City.

After a short rest for a month, he left Dragon City alone and entered the depths of the wilderness.

It has been two and a half years since he was promoted to the official war lord, but he still has a lot of combat experience, so he has to work hard to accumulate it.

In addition, he also needs to prepare hero skill points for a batch of newly enlightened heroes.

There are a total of five new heroes in this batch, all selected from the old subordinates, and all of them have been given the blood of the ancient dragon and promoted to the upper space dragon clan.

They are all selected by old subordinates. They are from regular troops like Longshoulongfa. Although they have obtained the destiny to become heroes, they are the same as Longshoulongfa. There are saints possible.

The five names are:
Long Zhong, Long Jiu, Long Ying, Long Ming, Long Xianling.

Four men and one woman. When they first transformed into heroes, they were only at the fourth level at first. After several years of hard work, they have now been promoted to the seventh and eighth levels.

Li Qing needs to prepare a batch of hero skill points for them, and he also needs a batch of extraordinary hero skill points, so he is very busy now.

Leaving Dragon City and entering the depths of the plane again, his strength is stronger now, and he can basically fly around at will.

This time he changed his route and flew northeast of the plane.

Soon into a stretch of mountains, there are towering peaks everywhere, 6000 meters or even higher at every turn.

A few days later, he saw a prehistoric giant crocodile in a big river flowing in the canyon between the two peaks.

This is a prehistoric giant crocodile at least 70 meters long, and the general Tyrannosaurus is its snack.

But in Li Qing's eyes at this time, they were also snacks.

After incarnating as the ancestor ancient dragon, he jumped into the water, and his sharp dragon claws dug into the extremely hard horny carapace, directly grabbed the giant crocodile in the water, and bit it into two pieces.

“Meat quality is not bad!”

Feeling the chewiness of the meat in his mouth, Li Qing couldn't help admiring it.

I don't know when it happened, but Li Qing found that he was also infected with some dragon habits. When he transformed into the ancient ancestor dragon, he saw this giant beast with a powerful body, and his first reaction was whether this thing tasted good or not. ?

Is it al dente?
Is there any nutrition?
Is the energy charged enough?

At first he was a little uncomfortable, but after a long time, he gradually got used to it.

The more you go to the back, the more perverted it is. I used to think about whether to spray a fire to heat it up and cook it, but now I just feel stuffy, swallowing the giant beast with its internal organs in one gulp.

The powerful digestive system of the ancestor ancient dragon can directly digest everything, as long as he doesn't care, he doesn't care about mere internal organs.

Fly all the way to the northeast, turning back and forth from time to time, looking for giant beasts that may be hidden.

That is, it will fill your stomach and increase some combat experience.

The essence of his life is too big, and the monsters of the ninth or even tenth ranks have almost no sense for his experience bar. He needs at least a hundred times the combat experience of others to be promoted to legend.

If it were an ordinary human being, swallowing half of a demigod's body back then would be enough to be promoted to legend, or even higher.

And he had already swallowed half of it, including a small amount of the blood of the true god, and he couldn't even touch the shadow of the legend.

I don't know how big this mountain range is. He flew tens of thousands of kilometers in one breath, but he didn't reach the end. The deeper the mountain range became, the higher the mountain range seemed to be.

Flying on the top of the snow-capped mountain where the wind was blowing, the huge ancient dragon ignored the wind and snow and flew towards the north in a certain direction.

When entering the depths of the snow-capped mountains, there is a big guy in the deepest part of this huge mountain range.

But Gu Long came to the deepest part of the mountains, and saw no living things except towering giant peaks covered with thick ice and snow.

The huge ancient dragon surrounds a huge peak of more than 1 meters in the center of the mountains, and its eyes are scattered everywhere.

"No reason!"

I went back and forth no less than five times, but found nothing, except for the immovable snow-capped mountains for hundreds of millions of miles, there was no living thing.


When turning around again to reach between two snow-capped mountains, Li Qing suddenly felt something. He lowered his head and lowered his altitude, and found a group of well-hidden animals in the canyon between the two snow-capped mountains.
"The Velociraptor?"

This is a group of Velociraptors, not many in total, only forty or so. Some of them are wearing leather armor, carrying javelins, and holding spears in their hands. They seem to be more civilized than the dinosaurs Li Qing has seen before. , will be equipped with armor and weapons.

The other part of civilians who looked like Velociraptors had no clothes, armor, or javelins. They were only supported by a spear, and they carried some messy things on their backs.

"Why are there dinosaurs here?"

Although he didn't know much about the dinosaurs in the plane, Li Qing also knew that the dinosaurs would not like to live in such a world of ice and snow.

Moreover, they did not look like they had entered the snow-capped mountains to hunt, but seemed to be fleeing.

The ancient dragon slowly lowered its height, and its huge size immediately covered the few sunlight, and the earth immediately became dark.

The velociraptors knew they had been discovered, many civilians hid behind snowdrifts and trees in horror, and more than [-] velociraptors trembled facing the air with their weapons in hand.

Luo, the leader of the velociraptor warriors, raised his head stiffly. The terrifying beast in front of him, which was so huge that it was too large to see, made him feel so soft and unable to move. pressure.

No, the tribal totem who had died in battle had never given him such terrifying pressure.

At this moment, he could only hold the weapon tightly in his hand, and kept praying in his mind that the name of the tribal totem would have such a pitiful ray of courage to support himself not to fall.

Gu Long looked at them curiously and hesitated a little.

If it was in the past, either ignore these little bugs, or kill them with a finger.

But now that he has defeated all his opponents, he has completed the unification of the planes on the side of human civilization, which means that everything in the entire plane is his property.

At this time, the original idea needs to be changed.

If there is no miscalculation, there should be a lot of dinosaur tribes in this plane, and the total number of dinosaurs should not be small. The whole plane adds up to at least tens of millions, and may even be more.

Although limited by productivity, a tribe will not have too many dinosaurs, and even a big city-state cannot support many.

However, this plane is huge.

You must know that there is no sea in this plane, except for many rivers and lakes, there is no sea.

And the area of ​​this plane
Calculated based on the places Li Qing has been to now, starting from the wild city to the east, the farthest place he has been to is nearly [-] kilometers away from the wild city.

That doesn't reach the eastern edge of the plane, and there's still some room to the east.

In addition, there is still an extremely long distance to go west from the wild city. Although it is not as far east, it is at least [-] kilometers.

Taken together, the diameter of this plane is at least [-] kilometers.

The shape of the natural plane is generally circular, and planes of other shapes are rarely seen.

This primitive savage plane is also circular, so if the area is calculated based on a diameter of 12.56, the total area is [-] billion square kilometers.

In such a huge plane, it is absolutely not uncommon for hundreds of millions of dinosaurs to survive.

But this is not the key, the most important thing is that the dinosaurs are natives of this plane, and they can reproduce in this plane, which is precious.

Although the power of faith provided by the dinosaurs is far inferior to that of humans, only one-fifth of that of humans, it is the only intelligent species on this plane.

And if these dinosaurs can be subdued, maybe they can be used to quickly develop this plane.

It is very easy to use regardless of farming, mining, cannon fodder, etc.

With the resources of this plane, there is really no problem in supporting 30 billion dinosaurs.

Don't worry about the lack of food supply. This plane is so big and there are so many types of plants. Li Qingzhen doesn't believe that there are no food substitutes that can reproduce and grow on a large scale.

After talking so much nonsense, there is only one core point, that is.
Li Qing slowly lowered his voice, the huge dragon body fell on the snow like an earthquake, the violent vibration spread to the surroundings, and there were slight noises from the two snow mountains on the left and right, which became louder and louder, and soon rumbled like a rushing tide near.

Gu Long raised his head, and it was his own movement that caused the avalanche.

The group of dinosaurs were frightened instantly when they saw the avalanche, and panicked to find a place to hide.

At this time, the huge ancient dragon let out a deafening roar, and the huge dragon wings raised horizontally to the left and right.


The billowing avalanche torrent crashed into the ancestor ancient dragon like a tsunami, and it was blasted by unimaginable force. Under the impact of the powerful avalanche, the velociraptors felt the wind blowing in their faces, but there was no trace of snow falling on them. In their eyes, this head was like a flood. All the strange beasts of the giant beast were blocked.


The avalanche calmed down slowly, the giant dragon let out a roar that shook the sky, raised its dragon wings to lift up the avalanche that had accumulated tens of meters thick, and looked down at the hideous dragon head that was covered with invisible twists, and a deafening sound rang out in the ears of all the raptors .

"Mortals, if you believe in me, you will gain strength!"

Luo has never heard of this language, but it is amazing that he understands its meaning.

This unknown terrifying existence, you want to enshrine yourself?
After his small brain thought at the fastest speed in his life, his heart was blessed, and he immediately bowed down to the unknown giant beast in front of him.

In less than two seconds, Li Qing felt a new beacon of faith appeared in his mind, and an extremely thin thread of faith was connected to the velociraptor in front of him.

"Have you built your faith so quickly?"

Li Qing was a little surprised, and then passed a piece of information through the thread of faith in a way that the Velociraptor could understand.

In the mind of the Velociraptor Renluo, a voice appeared:
"I am a dragon, my child, tell me what you need?"

Luo instantly understood the meaning of this message, immediately bowed his head to the ground, and shouted in the immature language of the Velociraptor:

"Great dragon, I want revenge with power!"

"Well, revenge?"

A huge dragon nail touched Luo's forehead, and a memory from Luo immediately appeared in Li Qing's mind.

In the picture is a large-scale tribe of dinosaurs. They live a normal life and have their own totems.

But one day, an army of dinosaurs from another tribe of dinosaurs attacked them. In his memory, Li Qing saw an army of well-equipped dinosaurs, many tyrannosaurs with tentacles on their bodies, tall steel Golems, giant tentacle monsters flying through the air, and more.

The tribe was defeated again and again, and quickly retreated into the tribe. Then, a totem enshrined by the tribe, a tenth-rank tyrannosaurus that was about to be promoted to legend, appeared, but was quickly killed by the invaders, and the body was dragged into the huge tentacle monster flying in the air. .


"Illithid warlords conquering the Dinosaurs?"

The attacking dinosaur troop was very large, and they were all equipped with excellent weapons and equipment. They were obviously armed with elites selected from a large number of dinosaurs.

This shows that this illithid warlord has conquered many dinosaur tribes.

"It's a threat!"

Li Qing immediately made a decision to go over and have a look.

It just so happens that he plans to stay in this plane for 30 to [-] years before going to the main plane. After such a long time, he can find time to find the hidden illithid war lords in the plane and clean them up, so as not to withdraw the main force when he battles on the main plane in the future After leaving, these illithid warlords suddenly appeared to hold back.

Slowly retracting his fingers, Li Qing suddenly stretched out his nails and scratched the center of his eyebrows, and a drop of ancient dragon's blood exuding powerful pressure flew out of Ruo Luo's eyebrows.

In the next second, a large number of golden bloodshots appeared between Luo's eyebrows, which quickly spread to the whole body, and soon formed a huge golden light cocoon.

The last ancient dragon's blood was given to this lucky one.

If the dinosaurs want to be useful, and want to unify the other dinosaur tribes on the plane one by one, they need a very strong leader.

Transforming into an ordinary hero is not enough, it must be a very powerful one, and this drop of ancient dragon blood is indispensable.

An hour later, the light cocoon cracked, revealing a velociraptor covered with fine golden dragon scales, who still looked like a velociraptor, but was three times taller than the same kind.

After the evolution, Luo's wisdom increased dramatically, and he knelt down in front of the ancient dragon for the first time, and said in a complimenting tone:
"Supreme Father God, your will is my will!"

Li Qing nodded, and the huge dragon claw gently stroked Luo who had been promoted, and a deep voice sounded:

"My child, go and gather your former clan. I need to rebuild the dragon tribe and conquer other dinosaurs."

Luo leaned down to show humility, stood up after several bows, picked up the spear in hand and shouted to the other velociraptors who were still in shock behind him:

"The supreme Father God has given me supreme strength, my fellow clansmen, follow me to gather other clansmen, we will kill our enemies and take back our homeland."

(End of this chapter)

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