Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 200 Exploring the Savage Plane

Chapter 200 Exploring the Savage Plane
Li Qing did not follow the newly attuned dragon descendant—Long Luo, but continued to walk in this snow-capped mountain.

Long Luo knelt on the ground piously, and after watching the father leave, he looked back at his fellow clan behind him, raised his weapon and shouted:

"The supreme Father God has given us new power. Now I need to find other tribesmen and rebuild the tribe. Are you willing to go with me?"

All the Velociraptors looked at each other, a little hesitant.

Long Luo knew in his heart what his fellow clan was thinking, they managed to escape and dared not go back.

He threw the spear in his hand, stomped his right foot, and with a loud shout, his figure rapidly expanded, and soon turned into a 12-meter-tall half-dragon man whose appearance was very similar to that of a velociraptor.

"This is the power bestowed by God the Father!"

Feeling this powerful and extraordinary power that he had never felt before, Long Luo raised his head to the sky and screamed, and the huge sound waves shook the snow on the surrounding trees.

It was also fortunate that there had been an avalanche just now, otherwise his yelling would surely have triggered a new avalanche.

No need to say anything, when Long Luo turned into a half-dragon man, his powerful force immediately conquered his little friends, and they all gathered around and knelt down to him.

As a primitive tribal civilization, the strong are always respected, and the tribal leader has always been the most powerful warrior.

At this time, Long Luo possessed the power of the upper dragon clan, and his strength instantly soared to the point of far surpassing the Tyrannosaurus, and he immediately won the support of his clan.

They were full of surprises looking at Long Luo, who was almost as big as a totem, chattering around him in the language of dinosaurs.

Long Luo, who was recognized by his clan, was very excited, chatted with his clan for a while, and then went down the mountain along the original path up the mountain.

Not long after they walked out of the canyon, they saw a well-equipped hostile Dreadclaw hunting party preparing to enter the canyon. Behind the team were dozens of dinosaur captives held by vines.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other.

When Long Luo opened his mouth, a three-meter-wide transparent space blade swept across the center of the search team, and cut through the center of the search team on the spot. Their sophisticated equipment could not stop the cutting of the space wave blade.

Many Velociraptors were a little timid at first when they saw the enemies destroying their own tribe, but when they saw these powerful enemies being easily killed by Long Luo, their morale suddenly exploded, and they rushed forward with shouts.

Long Luo hurriedly followed up, and now there are only so many subordinates, if there are too many deaths, it will be a loss.

After being transformed into a high-level dragon clan, Long Luo's low intelligence has been greatly improved, surpassing most ordinary humans, and instinctively knows many things that he never thought of before.

There were a total of forty-odd people in this hunting team, and after Long Luo cut nearly half in half with several consecutive shots of the space blade, his spirit plummeted.

Long Luo turned into a half-dragon again and went on a rampage, killing them quickly, none of them escaped.

After killing the enemy, the surviving Velociraptors were so excited that they gathered around Longluo and shouted in admiration.

Then they quickly untied the captives of the search team, and after a speech, Long Luo gained more than thirty new followers.

After a short rest, full of food and drink, they stripped off the weapons and equipment of the search team to arm themselves, and continued down the mountain along the mountain road from which the search team came.

Long Luo knew very well that as the tribe and other nearby tribes belonging to the same city-state were defeated, a large number of tribesmen fled to this snowy mountain.

The current self is absolutely unable to fight against the invaders. He needs to gather more clansmen to have a chance to resist the invaders and take back the tribe.

Li Qing on Longluo's side didn't pay too much attention. After bestowing the ancient dragon's blood to transform it into a high-ranking dragon clan, he continued to enter the snow-capped mountains to look for the unknown powerful existence that he was sensing.

He gave Long Luo a chance, but whether he can seize this opportunity depends on his own ability and fate.

The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.

If there is no accident, after unifying the dinosaurs in the barbaric plane in the future, he will be the king of the velociraptors as his first attuned dinosaur.

In the more distant future, he will accumulate enough power of faith to be promoted to demigod.

Even when the population of dinosaurs is large enough to reach more than one billion, the number and scale of velociraptors will not be small, and the accumulated power of faith is enough to support a god of velociraptors.

Such a great opportunity was given to him, if he didn't have the ability and the luck, then there was nothing he could do.

You can't just put it in his mouth.

Li Qing himself did not have such a good thing.

After that, he wandered around the snow mountain for a long time, constantly expanding the search area, but he didn't find the mysterious throbbing, but he found many prehistoric beasts hidden in the snow mountain.

Compared with the newly born civilization on this plane, these huge giant beasts can indeed be called prehistoric giant beasts.

These prehistoric behemoths are as small as 60 meters and as tall as more than 100 meters. Most of them sleep in the ice and snow.

Li Qing flew over the snow-capped mountains, found them one by one, killed them, and devoured them.

Swallowing these prehistoric giants is not only a full stomach, but also enhances his strength.

Why do many giant beasts like to devour other giant beasts of the same kind? Because the same kind has extremely strong physique and strength, and flesh and blood contain powerful energy. Devourers can increase their physical strength and strength, and the ancestor ancient dragon also inherited this.

That's why he is now keen to find giant beasts to devour.

Although these prehistoric behemoths of the ninth and tenth ranks did not provide him with much strength compared to his current size, it would be good if there were a lot of them.

As time passed, he wandered around this snow mountain for almost two months, devouring more than a dozen prehistoric giant beasts, but he still couldn't find the unknown giant beast he imagined.

That is definitely a legendary giant beast, even a demigod giant beast is possible.

If it can be devoured, it is possible to advance to the legendary rank in one fell swoop.

However, I couldn't find it.

It is worth mentioning that the level of giant beasts is the same as that of other systems, and legendary giant beasts and demigod giant beasts are also at the same level.

Demigod giant beasts are mostly some powerful creatures that have condensed their divinity due to some accidents. For example, some huge giant beasts occasionally appear in the civilized world, and are seen by some mortals or other intelligent creatures, resulting in legends and worship. It has been a long time Slowly gather divinity.

It is also worth mentioning that those who can provide beliefs are not limited to humans or other species, and some creatures with intelligence can also.

For example, some spiders have not weak intelligence, so they are born to have faith in the strongest in the group, usually the spider queen or the like.

There are also some huge swarms, and the individuals inside will provide a very small amount of power of faith to the swarm master. If the swarm is large enough, over time, the swarm master will slowly gather divinity and become a demigod.

Correspondingly, when the master of the ethnic group is promoted to a demigod and his wisdom is greatly increased, it will also slowly drive the evolution of the ethnic group and increase their wisdom.

If the leader of the ethnic group has the opportunity to be promoted to the true god, the ethnic group will be sublimated, give birth to true wisdom, and become a new intelligent race.

In the infinite plane of Chaos Void Sea, many primitive races came from this way, and some of them became the dominant races in their own planes.

Gu Long quickly left the snow mountain and continued to fly north.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he wanted to see how big this plane was.

Crossing the center of the mountain range, the height of the peak gradually decreases as you go north, but the temperature is lower, and there is a thick layer of ice underneath.

When Gu Long crossed the mountains through the cold wind and ice and snow, he saw an endless ice field.

No, not an ice sheet, but a frozen oversized lake.

The ice sheet was empty, and there were no creatures, just like a Jedi, but through the clear ice layer of unknown thickness from a high altitude, one could faintly see the occasional black shadows passing under the ice layer.

Li Qing didn't go under the ice, but continued to fly north.

After flying over 3000 kilometers in one breath, it finally came to the end of the ice field. A wall of plane crystals traversed between the sky and the earth, blocking the end of the world.

It is very magical, there is no place with a round sky.

In Chaos Void Sea, the world really has an end.

The ancient dragon slowly landed on the surface of the ice layer. At this time, the temperature here was absolutely below minus [-] degrees. With its claws, it easily took out a piece of solid ice that had not melted for hundreds of millions of miles, and stuffed it into the entrance, and it quickly melted into water and flowed into its throat. .


This shows that there is really no ocean in this plane.

Staring at the thick ice below, Gu Long pondered for a while, then spread his wings and left.

The environment is too harsh, if he encounters some powerful legendary monsters underwater, he may not be able to handle it.

He can be sure that there must be a legendary giant beast at the bottom of the lake, which comes from the secret induction between powerful beings, but he doesn't know that he can't beat it.

But the place is written down, and when I am promoted to legend in the future, I can come and take a look.

Flying east along the edge of the plane, it was tens of thousands of kilometers before he knew it. At this time, he could confirm from the flight trajectory that the edge of the plane was indeed an arc, which meant that the plane was indeed a circle.

The temperature gets lower the further east you go, the wind and snow gradually disappear, and green forests appear.

A large river bends and flows in the green primitive jungle, and the faint wild mist curls up in the jungle, and large birds or pterosaurs are seen flying from time to time.

Not far down the river, I saw a huge tribe of dinosaurs near the river. At this time, the tribe was being attacked by another group of well-equipped dinosaurs. Many houses in the tribe were already on fire, and pillars of smoke rose into the sky.

"Illithid again?"

This time, Li Qing didn't ignore it, and rushed over directly, spraying a breath of dragon's breath from a distance to the rear of the attacking troops and strafing back and forth.

Ten seconds later, the area of ​​five or six square kilometers outside the tribe turned into white ground, and mosaics scattered all over the place.

After spraying the dragon's breath, the ancient dragon flew over the tribe directly, waved his hand, and did not take away a cloud.

Many dinosaur people who were already in despair looked up at the terrifying giant beast going away, and some dinosaur civilians hidden in the tribe even knelt down in the direction he left.

The soldiers cheered and launched a counterattack against the rout.

He directly killed all the main force of the attacking dinosaurs, leaving only half-remnant frontline troops, how could they stop the counterattack of the dinosaurs.

Continuing to fly southeast, only a few tens of kilometers away saw a tribe that had been destroyed.

There should be a large tribal gathering group nearby, and a huge city-state was discovered more than 200 kilometers away, as well as a spiritual fortress of illithids that looked like a huge octopus docked above the city-state.

Most of the tribe's buildings have been burned, and a large number of captives were gathered together and sucked into the fortress by the tentacles of the spiritual fortress.

They will be controlled and transformed by the spiritual fortress, and some powerful ones may be parasitized by spirit suckers.

Li Qing rushed over without hesitation, the spiritual fortress immediately reacted, a dozen tentacles of two to three kilometers were lifted up, and the turbulent energy began to gather.

Gu Long began to accumulate energy in mid-air, and when the two sides were less than five kilometers away, a mouthful of space dragon's breath sprayed out the energy column that was sprayed out from the center of the spiritual fortress.

The two sides clashed passionately, wrestling back and forth.

At the same time, a large number of powerful Illithid heroes flew up and circled far behind the dragon.

At the same time, there was a flash of light in front of the spiritual fortress, and a legendary spirit sucker master appeared. With a flap of wings behind his back, the figure flashed continuously and approached the ancient dragon.

With a thought in Gu Long's mind, the surrounding space sank, and the space force field expanded.

But this didn't affect the legendary spirit sucker master, he just paused for a moment and then quickly flashed in front of Gu Long, and slapped Gu Long with his palm.

Li Qing only felt a shock in his consciousness, and he lost his mind for a moment. The breath of the dragon stopped on the spot, and the raging energy column hit him fiercely, and the huge amount of energy forcibly sent him flying nearly two kilometers away and fell into the jungle among.

Gu Long raised his head, the daze in his eyes disappeared quickly, and he got up in a jerk, a large dragon scale on his chest shattered, revealing a large piece of naked flesh and blood.

There was a muffled 'bang' when the dragon claw pressed forward, his eyes fell into a daze again, and he woke up a second later, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

A flash jumped five kilometers away, and without looking back, he pulled up into the air to take shelter for a while.

The power of this spirit sucker master is a little weird, or the rules of his legendary contact are a little weird, and it can knock him into a state of trance, which has never been encountered before.

It's not to avoid temporarily, but to prepare to shake people.

After flashing and teleporting several times in a row and fleeing more than 300 kilometers away, Li Qing quickly communicated with Zhuo Shaohang and Longcheng to get his subordinates to prepare.

There are quite a few troops in his divine domain, but the legendary subordinates of the space dragons and Zhuo Shaohang are not here.

An hour later, Li Qing opened the door of space, and a giant space dragon came out of it.

Half an hour later, a total of two hundred space dragons, plus Long Shoulongfa, five brothers from the Long family, and Zhuo Shaohang were all transferred over, and then they flew to the three hundred dragons with a single command. Dinosaur city-states inside and out.

At this time, the spirit sucker master was still there, he probably didn't expect Li Qing to dare to come over.

In other words, Gu Long fled just now, and he was not afraid of Gu Long's return.

But when more than 200 giant dragons rushed in, the spiritual fortress quickly rose in height, and the space began to distort.

"If you want to run, don't think about it!"

The ancient dragon appeared in front of the spiritual fortress with a flicker, ignoring the slapping of the extremely thick tentacles, the dragon claws clasped tightly on the spiritual fortress, the space force field unfolded, and at the same time, the group space lock of LV6 exploded.

The spiritual fortress shook violently, and a strong spatial fluctuation exploded, but it remained motionless, and did not teleport away like the spiritual fortress Li Qing dealt with last time.

(End of this chapter)

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