Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 203 Legendary Giant Crocodile Totem

Chapter 203 Legendary Giant Crocodile Totem
In order to increase the strength of Long Luo and increase his control by the way, Li Qing drew a large amount of the blood of the ancestor ancient dragon from his body, diluted it, and then asked Long Luo to hold a prayer ceremony, and then bestowed dragon blood during the ceremony, allowing more than 2000 people Raptors drink them all, transforming them into Dragonborn Raptors.

It's just ordinary dragon blood, not essence blood, let alone concentrated blood, so the strength of their blood after transformation is not very strong.

If the dragon blood level of real dragons such as space dragons is counted as level three, they only have two levels, which is the same level as space dragon descendants.

With the addition of dragon veins, not only will their strength grow rapidly, but with the fetters of bloodlines, no matter how far they grow in the future, Li Qing can rely on bloodlines to control them.

The chosen tribe of dinosaurs is not large, with a total size of only about five or six thousand people. How can it stop the attack of two thousand dragon descendants.

Soon a Fengshen pterosaur enshrined by the tribe came out to save the scene. At this time, Long Luo immediately gathered his men and prayed loudly and called out the name of 'dragon'.

Li Qing cooperated immediately, teleported and appeared above the tribe out of thin air, pinched the Fengshen pterosaur in his claws, and crushed it to death.

Once the totem died, it was still such a crushing instant kill, and the indigenous tribe immediately collapsed.

Long Luo skillfully executed the high-ranking officials of the tribe, and then announced that the Dragon tribe had conquered them.

Just like the very common tribal conquest battles, the conquered middle and lower class dinosaurs and civilians didn't have much reaction to the tribe's conquest, and it was normal to accept the fact that the tribe changed.

And when Long Luo announced the replacement of a new totem worship, not only did no one object, but they cheered happily.

For the dinosaur people, the main function of the tribal totem is to protect them, and they usually look for powerful creatures to protect them.

The reason why you often see Tyrannosaurus and Aeolus pterosaur totems is that these two dinosaurs are powerful enough, relatively large in number, and easy to find.

They do not reject other prehistoric giant beasts as totems, the stronger the better, the ancient dragon like the incarnation of Li Qing is very powerful, and its shape is very similar to the Fengshen pterosaur. In the eyes of the dinosaur natives, he is a strange and powerful Fengshen pterosaur.

Although the indigenous tribes are not very intelligent, there is one thing I like, that is, their beliefs are devout enough.

Because the main purpose of enshrining totems is to protect the tribe, whether the totem is strong or not depends on the size of the tribe and its piety.

Dinosaurs do not have any special knowledge, but they have passed down their experience from generation to generation, and they also know that devout belief is very important to a totem.

It turned out that there were nearly [-] dinosaurs, plus about [-] newly conquered, a total of [-] dinosaurs formed a new tribe, and there were more than [-] true believers in just one week.

However, the ratio of pious believers to fanatics is very small. Except for the [-] dragon descendants who are all a mixture of pious and fanatics, there is not a single pious believer among the newly conquered dinosaurs and the original [-] dinosaur civilians.

This shows that the dinosaur people's belief in the totem is real, but it is only an exchange relationship between belief and shelter, which is equivalent to completing the task, and it is difficult to count on how pious.

Unless it is a fairly large tribe or city-state, there will be some devout believers after decades of accumulation.

Li Qing didn't pay attention to this point, he was already very strong with so many true believers in just one week.

After conquering the tribe, Long Luo learned from the dinosaur population of the new tribe that there were many dinosaur tribes nearby. After getting the map, he started a new round of battle.

It was still Long Luo who started the war, and then Li Qing killed the totems and high-level officials of the enemy tribe, and Long Luo took over.

This mode is very efficient. After all, the totems of ordinary tribes cannot be his opponents.

Even later, as Longluo annexed more tribes, the scale of the gathered dinosaurs grew, and later Longluo alone could pile up some small tribes of small size.

However, Li Qing still played once for each tribe, at least he had to kill the totems of these tribes with his own hands, and then devour them.

Even the smallest totem is still a totem, and it has accumulated a lot of power of faith.

Limited by the strength of the totem, he could not use these powers of faith, so he could only passively strengthen himself slowly, but these powers of faith did not disappear. After being completely swallowed, he could more or less absorb a little.

In just half a year, Longluo annexed more than a dozen small and medium-sized dinosaur tribes within a radius of five or six hundred kilometers, forming a large dinosaur tribe with a total population of over [-].

Then, they turned their attention to a city-state of dinosaurs [-] kilometers away.

To be able to build a city-state, at least one legend-level totem exists, and the body has been initially deified. Devouring one can gain a lot of benefits.

Li Qing has never thought of using extraordinary hero skills to tap the four talents of the gods. In fact, he has a large number of devouring demigod totems, and uses the god bodies of these demigod totems to strengthen his own god body.

This city-state of dinosaurs is quite large, even larger than the city-state that Li Qing encountered for the first time.

Strictly speaking, the tribe that Long Luo is now conquering is actually the outskirts of the city-state, but it is not taken seriously, and the conquered did not attract the attention of the city-state.

Before Long Luo dealt with this city-state, he specifically asked Li Qing to transfer Xie Zhu from the Wild City to train a group of officers for the Dragon Tribe.

At the same time, he asked God the Father to give him weapons and equipment.

After the scale of the troops expands, the original swarming tactics will definitely not work.

After Long Luo was transformed into a high-ranking dragon, his IQ increased greatly. Of course, he knew the importance of tactics and weapons.

When the dinosaurs conquered by the illithids destroyed the tribe he was born in, he had seen the power of those heavily armed fellows.

Li Qing can easily satisfy him with this point. Now that Dragon City and Wasteland City have stored a large amount of steel, he can directly synthesize a set of fine steel weapons and equipment in the universe in his palm according to the ready-made armor weapons.

But satisfaction is satisfaction, he can't give it easily, but ordered Long Luo to hold a prayer ceremony.

Just like giving dragon blood for the first time, this time it also needs to hold a large-scale mass ceremony, and then give it in the form of a miracle.

This is a common way for the gods to show miracles and gain faith, so of course he has to use it.

As long as each dinosaur warrior prays and worships three times in front of the god of faith transformed with his ancestor's totem, he will tailor a suit of armor and weapons for the dinosaur warrior in full view.

Whether it is a small-sized Deinonychus, a medium-sized Velociraptor, or a ten-meter-high Tyrannosaurus, they are all tailor-made and fully-fitting weapons and armor.

This act was definitely a miracle to the primitive natives, and it was a miracle that Totem had never seen or heard before.

The effect is very outstanding. The faith piety of each rewarded dinosaur warrior is directly increased by a large amount, and one tenth of them has reached the level of piety on the spot.

And the further back, the more frenzied the atmosphere, the better the effect, and fanatics even began to appear later.

This large-scale mass ceremony lasted for a full ten days. Li Qing patiently assembled more than [-] sets of armor of different sizes and gave them to the dinosaur warriors of the Dragon Tribe.

Then, the soldiers with fanatical morale swore an oath and set out to march.

Although there are only 20 soldiers and more than [-] logistics, the city-states and tribes directly under the city-states they need to attack have nearly [-] soldiers, but they are not timid.

The annihilation of more than a dozen tribes and the instant killing of more than a dozen totems have accumulated enough morale and confidence for them.

When the army of the dragon tribe approached the city-state, the city-state didn't pay much attention at first, but when the dragon tribe defeated the first wave of the city-state's army in the first battle, the high-level officials of the city-state paid attention.

But to no avail.

With bare hands and simple stone spears and wooden spears, only the middle and high-level people have iron weapons.

On the other side, all the members are wearing thick refined steel plate armor, holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, and there are long-range spear throwers behind them. How can we fight?
Although Deinonychus and Velociraptor were far stronger than humans in terms of physique and strength, they hadn't reached the point of ignoring these refined steel weapons.

The two sides collapsed at the first touch, crushing one-sidedly.

When the city-state dispatched powerful Tyrannosaurus, the Dragon Tribe also dispatched a small number of Tyrannosaurus.

They were all tyrannosaurs who surrendered from different tribes. After Li Qing bestowed dragon blood to transform them into tyrannosaurs with dragon veins, they quickly returned to their hearts and were willing to be tribal thugs.

Generally, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a Tyrannosaurus to submit to a Velociraptor.

Even if they surrender to Long Luo, who has the blood of the upper dragon clan, they may not be convinced by other velociraptor dragon descendants. Without Li Qing's suppression, there will be more and more tyrannosaurs in the dragon tribe in the future, and they will definitely demand higher standards. status.

Even if a very powerful tyrannosaurus appears, it may even want to take the position of Long Luo, which is inevitable.

But now after transforming them into dragon descendants, their future status will depend on their strength and achievements.

The tyrannosaurus transformed into dragon descendants are not only stronger in size and strength than their counterparts, but also more or less inherited some space spells. In addition, they have a set of refined steel armor thicker than the palm of their hands. There are ramming horns and steel thorns.

It is equipped with a two-handed sword and ten five-meter-long javelins on the back.

This configuration also hangs the same type of Tyrannosaurus.

One against two, one against three, can be easily dealt with.

The battle at the level of dinosaurs will be indistinguishable for a while, and there are too many troops that can be assembled by the city-state.

After watching the battle for a while, Li Qing called Zhuo Shaohang over.

Telling him the current situation, Zhuo Shaohang put on the armor that he hadn't worn for a long time with a solemn expression.

After getting ready, Li Qing transformed into an ancient dragon and teleported to the battlefield.

What is the concept of a giant dragon with a wingspan of nearly 500 meters? The shadow that covered the sky and the sun was cast, and the dinosaurs in many city-states were shocked.

The higher-ups in the city-state reacted almost immediately and ordered the priests to wake up the city-state totem.

Li Qing saw with his own eyes that the priests rushed to a hill behind the city-state to start the blood sacrifice, but he did not stop them. He watched the blood sacrifice complete, and then the hill began to shake, and soon the trees on the surface were shaken, and a gigantic crocodile crawled out of it.

This thing is probably nearly 300 meters long from end to end, and its back is like an arched mountain peak, covered with sword ridges like sharp swords, which looks extremely hideous and terrifying.

But when Li Qing saw the appearance of this giant crocodile, he let out a sigh of disappointment.

It is indeed a legendary monster totem, but I don't know if it has not been too long since becoming a totem, the accumulated divine power is not enough, or the body is too big. The body is indeed beginning to be deified, but the deification has not yet been completed.

In other words, although this giant beast totem is powerful, it is not a demigod totem.

It's not a demigod totem, and the benefits obtained after killing Devour are not as great as last time.

The ancient dragon roared with its head held high, and the sky-shattering dragon chant made all the dinosaurs' eardrums twitch, and the giant crocodile totem obviously hesitated after discovering Li Qing's size.

But Li Qing was so provocative, and in front of the tribe he protected, the giant crocodile totem couldn't retreat, and just lay on the ground and roared loudly into the air.

In response to it, a mouthful of space dragon's breath sprayed down, and an invisible blue light rose from the giant crocodile totem, and a dark blue beam of light sprayed into the space dragon's breath when it opened its mouth.


The aftermath spread, and the surrounding buildings collapsed into countless mosaics scattered all over the place.

Li Qing didn't use any fancy tricks, it was just this continuous spit, and he was able to compete with his opponent for the longest duration.

It has to be said that the strength of the legendary giant beast is still quite strong. After a fierce confrontation for about 1 minute, the ancestor ancient dragon consumed more than half of his physical strength, and the blue light on the giant crocodile totem gradually faded, and the blue breath in his mouth also slowed down. Slowly retreat in the direction of the giant crocodile totem.

In less than five seconds, the giant crocodile suddenly withdrew its breath and lay down. The space dragon's breath swept over the giant crocodile totem's head, and washed over his body. A large number of soil fragments were instantly washed away.


The giant crocodile lay firmly on the spot to bear the scour of the space dragon's breath, and from time to time let out a low growl and got up and rushed forward.

However, under the scour of the terrifying space dragon's breath, he couldn't hold on for a few moments before bowing his head while roaring in pain.

Another half a minute later, when Li Qing felt that his physical strength was about to be exhausted, the giant crocodile totem suddenly let out a painful roar, and the extremely hard horniness on the surface of the body collapsed under the washing of the space dragon's breath, revealing the golden inner skin and flesh underneath. .

The giant crocodile immediately got up and fled to the rear. The ancient dragon flapped its wings and followed, and the dragon's breath followed behind and pressed against the back of the giant crocodile, as if using the dragon's breath to wash it away.

At the same time, the giant crocodile that was fleeing suddenly gave a sharp pause, and then the blood on its face soared. It raised its head and roared angrily, and slapped it down hard.

It was Zhuo Shaohang who pierced the eyeball of the giant crocodile totem with his sword while he was not paying attention.

The legendary swordsman with combat experience succeeded in one blow, and immediately retreated, and the giant crocodile totem was shot in the air.

The powerful space dragon breath of the ancestor ancient dragon rushed back and forth, forcing it to ignore the annoying little bugs and continue to flee behind the city-state.

Yes, flee.

When seeing the huge size of the ancient ancestor dragon, the fighting will of this giant crocodile totem is not so strong.

After losing a round against Bo, he fully understood that he was no match for his opponent, so in order to save his life, he could only run away.

Li Qing immediately chased after him, took out a large amount of pure life essence crystals and swallowed them to replenish his strength, and spewed dragon fireballs from time to time to bombard the wound on the giant crocodile totem's back.

(End of this chapter)

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