Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 204 Preparing to be promoted to a legend

Chapter 204 Preparing to be promoted to a legend
This legendary giant crocodile is also tough enough, Li Qing chased and chased it for almost a day, and finally killed it in a lake group more than 2000 kilometers away.

He fled directly to the lakes, probably wanting to escape into the water.

But it's a pity that Gu Long is not afraid of water, even if he escapes into the water, he dares to rush in. The difference in size is several times, even if the legendary giant crocodile performs the death roll in the water, it can't help him.

In the end, he was pressed and bitten alive by him, and his body was dismembered to death.

The flesh and blood of the legendary giant beast attracted the attention of a large number of beasts in the lake, but no one dared to come over such a huge ancient dragon lying here to eat.

After devouring this legendary giant beast, Gu Long's size has grown a lot, and the large amount of combat experience gained at the same time has made his accumulation a big step forward.

Li Qing took a look, the current combat experience only needs to kill another legendary beast, and kill some totems casually.

In the south of the plane, there are more dinosaur tribes, and there are many large and small totems, which is completely enough.

When the ancient dragon returned after digesting the giant crocodile, the dinosaur city-state had already been captured.

Without the legendary giant crocodile, Xie Zhu directly ordered all the dragons to assist Long Luo in the battle. The overwhelming dragons rushed into the city-state. The city-state didn't last long. After the high-level officials in the city were beheaded one by one by Zhuo Shaohang, it quickly collapsed.

Dinosaurs do not have legendary powerhouses.

They don't have that inheritance, and they can't touch the law to advance to legend.

The reason why the legendary giant beasts are called legendary is because their bodies are too large and their strength is too strong, and they can be compared with the legendary strongmen who have mastered the laws. It does not mean that the giant beasts also master the laws.

After defeating the city-state, many tribes attached to the city-state surrendered one by one.

Long Luo resolutely moved the original tribe over, occupied this city-state, and announced the establishment of a kingdom called 'Dragon', enshrining the totem 'Dragon'.

In order to gain faith as soon as possible, Li Qing used the ability of the space in his palm to synthesize sections of huge city walls, unfolding the ability equivalent to miracles for the dinosaurs' low intelligence, and manually rubbed out a giant dinosaur city.

Considering that this place may be the future capital of the Dragon Kingdom, the preset area of ​​the city is very large.

Ten kilometers long and wide, four 20-meter-by-20-meter city walls are stacked to form a 40-meter-high by 40-meter-wide super giant city, which is enough to accommodate a Tyrannosaurus such a large city wall for defense.

In the city, there are a large number of huge stone fortresses that are large enough to accommodate Tyrannosaurus, and there are also treehouse-like buildings that accommodate Wings.

A huge building nearly two kilometers long and wide in the center of the city is the temple where the totem lives.

After completing this miraculous project, Li Qing also successfully accepted the beliefs of the newly conquered city-states and affiliated tribes.

In the next six months, Li Qing spent some effort to build an acropolis five kilometers in length and width in each of the four directions of Dragon City. The kind of food that can be grown in the wild plane obtained from the area occupied by the spirit suckers.

The main city plus the four great cities can accommodate millions of people without any problem.

Li Qing even plans to conquer the dinosaur tribes in the southern part of the plane one by one in the future, and he will circle a safe area of ​​millions of square kilometers around the main city.

Just like the wild city, in the future, a super-large area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers in length, width, and width, with a total area of ​​over 40 million square kilometers, will be surrounded by a city wall of 20 meters wide by [-] meters high as a civilized area.

The area outside the civilized area is still a barren area, and only some fortresses or fortresses will be built in some important locations, and will not be over-developed.

Li Qing wants to conquer this plane mainly because it is primitive enough for space dragon descendants and space dragons to reproduce. If you want to develop the entire plane into a civilized area, it is better to find a plane suitable for human immigration to conquer.

That is to say, the civilized area of ​​the primitive wild plane will not exceed one-tenth of the plane at most, and the remaining 90.00% is the reproduction and hunting area of ​​the space dragon.

It took almost a year to complete the super project that ordinary dinosaurs would not be able to complete in 100 years, and the total number of dinosaurs living in Dragon City has exceeded one million.

During this period, most of the food needed by the millions of dinosaurs was provided by Li Qing, part of which was hunting and part of which was fishing.

One of the acropolis was built on the edge of a large river leading to the lake group. The fish resources in this primitive plane are extremely rich, and a large net can catch thousands of kilograms.

When the kingdom was on the right track, the battle horn that had been suspended for more than a year sounded again.

This time, Dragon Kingdom is no longer the grass-headed team of the past. With 100 million dinosaurs, it is easy to select more than [-] fighters.

After training, they can understand simple commands, and all staff are equipped with special weapons and equipment.

This time Li Qing didn't use the full plate armor as a luxury, but took out the super synthetic leather armor that he hadn't used for a long time.

This thing is synthesized from dragon skin, and its defense is not inferior to plate armor, but it is lighter and does not affect the movement.

The only weakness is that the magic resistance is 0, but no dinosaurs know spells in this primitive wild plane, so this shortcoming can be ignored.

What is more important to Li Qing is that the material source of this thing is simple, it does not need steel, it only needs fiber synthesis, and the source of fiber is extremely wide, weeds on the ground, trees, leather, etc. can be decomposed and synthesized, which is much cheaper than steel many.

One hundred thousand well-equipped and well-coordinated dinosaur army split up to wipe out the surrounding dinosaur tribes, and there was no single enemy at all.

Li Qing doesn't need to be with the army, he just needs to stay in Dragon City and wait for the subordinates of the army to call.

As the totems are killed one by one, the accumulated combat experience is gradually completed, and there is no need to find legendary giant beasts in the future, just enough totem beasts are enough.

It is impossible to have two city-states in one area. Seeing that there were enough totems killed later, the quantitative change has already led to a qualitative change. Li Qing did not pursue to find the legendary giant beast to kill.

It is worth mentioning that before he was promoted, Li Qing had already accumulated more than 8 hero skill points, decisively promoted the dragon body of the ancestor ancient dragon to LV[-], and started the second transformation.

In the fortress of the central temple of the Dragon City, a huge ancient dragon occupies it, and every time he breathes and breathes, the wind is like a dragon.

As a full thirty superhero skill points were integrated into the body, a layer of light cocoon enveloped the ancient dragon, and an inexplicable aura slowly emerged.

Ancient Dragon Body LV8 (Sanctuary): Constitution*2000, Endurance*2000, Strength*2000, Recovery*2000, Speed*2000%, Damage Reduction +75%, Immune to any hostile skill effects below legendary.

Additional feats: Perfect Regeneration +4, Extraordinary Dragon Scale +4, Space Dragon Wings +4, Ancient Dragon Power +4, Ultimate Overlord Body +2, Half-Dragon Transformation +6, Dragon Transformation +4.

Specialty +8 (Extraordinary): Dimensional Dragon Body (Myth): The body contains a regular and complete dimensional space, which can accommodate everything in the world. The current size of the space is 10 kilometers in diameter.

Half-Dragon Transformation +6: Turn into a 100-meter half-dragon.

Dragon Transformation +4: Incarnate the real body of the ancestor ancient dragon, with a wingspan of 700 meters and a head and tail of 800 meters.

The eighth specialty is called Dimensional Dragon Body, which contains a 10-kilometer-diameter, well-regulated dimensional space that can accommodate everything.

This thing is the unique ability of the ancestor ancient dragon, and it is also the unique dragon kingdom of the ancestor ancient dragon. As the strength of the ancestor ancient dragon grows and expands, its descendants can live in it, and the souls of the dead space dragons will return here.

To put it bluntly, it is the portable version of Li Qing's Dragon Kingdom feature.

It is worth mentioning that this ability does not conflict with the Dragon Kingdom in Li Qing's Divine Realm, and no one stipulates that there is only one Dragon Kingdom.

And when he is promoted to Legendary, he can choose to integrate the Divine Realm into the Dragon Kingdom in his body, just like a true god refining the Divine Realm into a portable Divine Kingdom, the same reason, except that he only needs to be promoted to Legendary to integrate.

And the hurdle of legend
Basically nonexistent for him.

One day four months later, Li Qing went straight back to the Wild City after he wiped out a very common tribe of dinosaurs. Then he summoned all his main subordinates and announced:

"As you can see, I'm going to be promoted to legend."

Everyone is happy:
"Boss, you are finally going to be promoted. We have been waiting for a long time."

"But don't get too excited. Legend is very important to me. This promotion will take quite a long time. It may take several years to digest it."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn.

Li Qing said in a deep voice:

"During this period, Wild City and Dragon City are on the defensive."

Looking at Long Luo and Xie Zhu again:

"Continue to maintain the previous offensive on your side, continue to expand the territory, and in addition, you all take time to take turns to go to the Dragon Kingdom, and strive to accumulate enough combat experience when I wake up. I hope that after I am promoted, you will Meet the promotion criteria."

Everyone nodded in unison.

After arranging the task, Li Qing left the wild city and entered the wilderness.

The promotion this time is too critical, that is, it cannot be in the Wild City and Dragon City. If the influence is too great, it will be discovered by outsiders, and it is easy to cause accidents.

Over there in Dragon Kingdom.
He first went back to the Dragon Kingdom, prepared a lot of weapons and equipment for Long Luo, and then left the Dragon Kingdom.

Without anyone knowing, I found a weedy wasteland outside the city and started digging down.

He dug down a thousand meters deep in one breath, and then dug out a huge space that could accommodate several real bodies, and then laid a defensive barrier around it, and fell asleep curled up tiredly.

As he fell into a deep sleep, a layer of crystal clear space slowly emerged on his body, which looked like a light cocoon from a distance.

An inexplicable force gushed out from the body of the ancestor ancient dragon, and slowly flowed through the whole body.

Stimulated by this inexplicable force, his physical body began to undergo qualitative changes.

Time flies, years go by.

Li Qing's deep sleep did not affect Dragon City and Wild City, and his absence for a long time did not attract the attention of adventurers and small and medium forces in the plane.

He was outside most of the time before, and outsiders knew it for a long time. Now that he is retreating, others think he has gone somewhere.

As long as the subordinates and troops are stable, there will be no chaos on the plane.

On the other side of the Dragon Kingdom, Long Luo did not stop conquering because of Li Qing's deep sleep, but continued to expand outward.

With the large amount of weapons and equipment left by Li Qing, as long as the newly conquered dinosaur warriors confirm their new beliefs and receive standard military training, they will be distributed a set of weapons.

As time goes by, they become stronger and stronger.

Many of Li Qing's subordinates were not idle either. They joined the army in two batches with a large number of space dragons and space dragons, not only to aid in the battle, but also to improve their own strength.

Such a large-scale battle of conquest is the best place to improve their strength, and a large number of totem beasts can provide them with sufficient assistance.

With their talents, as long as Li Qing is promoted to legend smoothly, as long as they have enough combat experience, they can easily cross that level to be promoted to legend.

With their talents, as long as they are promoted to the legend, they will immediately be the best among the legends. Yi Zhengyuan, Li Yongfa and others they met before will not be their opponents.

Before I knew it, eight years had passed.

The Kingdom of Dragons has conquered an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers around it, and conquered an unknown number of tribes of dinosaurs, but Li Qing has never woken up.

At this time, the power of the Dragon Kingdom has occupied more than half of the south, and has reached its current limit.

Without Li Qing opening the way and establishing outposts one by one, especially without the totems, the external rule of the Dragon Kingdom is not as tight as the main area. , just a little around the corner.

After realizing these abnormalities, Long Luo resolutely stopped the pace of continuing to expand outwards, and prepared to digest the current territory first, and then start the war after it stabilized.

However, although they have stopped their expansion, it does not mean that the resistance has stopped.

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom has grown into a behemoth with a total population of nearly 2000 million dinosaurs, and a standing force of more than 100 million, all of whom are elite.

They wantonly expanded and conquered nearly half of the territory in the south of the plane, which has already aroused the vigilance of other tribal city-states.

When they stopped expanding, the unconquered dinosaur tribes and city-states on the other side of the plane united under the leadership of a very powerful Tyrannosaurus and launched an attack on the dragon kingdom.

A large number of newly conquered tribes rebelled in response, and the situation on the frontier immediately deteriorated.

However, Dragon Kingdom didn't pay too much attention to it. The rebellion at the border would not affect the interior, and more than 100 million elite troops were enough to easily defeat a loose alliance.

Even the top executives of the Dragon Nation hoped to have a battle with the main players of the alliance and defeat them in one wave.

But just as the Dragon Kingdom was dispatching troops, there was bad news from Dragon City. An outpost thousands of kilometers east of Dragon City had discovered a huge army of dinosaurs.

This is not the point, the point is that the outpost discovered that there are five huge octopus-like illithid war lords' spiritual fortress floating above this huge dinosaur army.

"Illithid Warlords are coming!"

At the Dragon City internal meeting, Li Qing was not there, and An Erqiu, who was appointed to be in charge of the plane affairs, gave the order without hesitation:

"Notify the Dragon Kingdom, Your Excellency Long Luo, please dispatch 20 elite dinosaur army over here, and Your Excellency Long Fa will be responsible for arranging the transmission."

"In addition, I hope to continue to mobilize 80 elite troops to support in the next six months."

"Another [-] elites will be transferred from the wild city, just in case, I need to temporarily close the cross-plane teleportation array leading to the transfer base of the plane group."

(End of this chapter)

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