Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 212 Rage

Chapter 212 Rage

"I'm not reconciled!"

Garona recalled that he had spent so much time preparing on this plane, and that he failed at the last moment, which he couldn't accept.

However, the opponent's strength is much stronger than he imagined, and he is really not sure.

On the other side, Li Qing smiled and looked at the tangled-faced illithids who were born holy. This feeling was quite refreshing. He never imagined that one day he would be able to force a born holy to be so entangled, even if it was a non-dominant of the illithids. The few people in front of me look down on their own innate holiness.

In the dark, he saw Garona slowly raised her head and said:
"It is undeniable that you are very powerful, but I am unwilling to leave like this. Why don't we gamble and fight fairly. If I win, you leave. If I lose, give up everything and leave with your subordinates."

Li Qing thought about it for a while, and felt that this proposal was okay.

It is still scruples about the opponent's natural and sacred status, and it is easy to cause accidents if forced too hard.

Coupled with sufficient confidence in one's own strength, heads-up is beneficial to oneself.

"Okay, let's change places."

Li Qing sent voice transmission instructions to his subordinates, and then flew out of the city. Garona also instructed his subordinates to follow the direction he left.

Soon came to the sky above a wasteland thousands of kilometers away from Dragon City. Garona pressed her hands to the sky.

He looked at the rapidly approaching figure and shouted loudly:
"We only rely on our ability, and we must not use additional means!"

Without any movement, there are more and more lightning lights, and the closer they are to Garona, the thicker and bigger the lightning lights are, and the stronger their power is.


Li Qing answered loudly, looked up at the sky, and with a thought, the infinite chaos exploded around him, and quickly turned into a chaotic light ball with a diameter of more than two kilometers.

Accompanied by the sound of a soul-stirring dragon chant, the ball of light exploded, revealing the avatar of a huge ancient dragon that covered the sky and the sun.

The huge real body is more than one lap larger than a month ago, with wings spread over 2700 meters, 3200 meters from end to end.

When he was promoted a month ago, his wings spread only 1800 meters, 2000 meters from head to toe.

Many times bigger.

When I was just transformed and promoted, my physical strength would increase by 10% from yesterday's level every day, and the effect would gradually weaken as time went on. Until now, after a month, my physical strength is more than ten times stronger than when I started.

According to Li Qing's estimation, this high-speed growth state will continue for several months, and then the effect will become lower and lower, until it will stop after a year and become a normal state.

But the normal state will also increase, and ordinary real dragons will increase their strength when sleeping.

As the ancestor ancient dragon, he can also sleep to increase his strength.

Theoretically, now that Li Qing finds a place that no one knows about and sleeps, after sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, he can reach the stage of other ancestor ancient dragons.

Showing his real body, the ancient dragon raised his head and howled, the invisible force field exploded, and the thunders in the void were frozen one by one.

Garona suppressed the throbbing in her heart, quickly mobilized the little divine power, and stretched out her hand to grasp falsely. The sky filled with thunder quickly gathered towards him, but although the frozen thunder moved, its speed was extremely slow.

"So scary!"

Although she knew her opponent was formidable, it was beyond Garona's expectations to be so strong.

Almost instantly, he knew that he would definitely not be able to defeat him with normal means. He glanced at the huge dragon from the corner of his eye, and a trace of unwillingness and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

The hesitation didn't last long. When he saw the vortex emerging from Gu Long's throat and began to accumulate energy, he decisively took out a golden card that exuded faint heart-pounding fluctuations from his bosom.

With a flick, the card shattered into countless golden lights and disappeared.

Gu Long, who was accumulating energy almost instantly, changed his eyes and roared angrily:

"You are courting death!"

Before the words fell, a huge crack was suddenly torn open in the sky. The edge of the crack burned with golden flames, and a golden energy tentacle protruded from the crack.

Almost at the same time, there was a violent shock in the void, and everyone seemed to hear an angry shout:

"You dare!"

Then a big pure gold hand burning with golden flame appeared behind the crack and pinched the golden tentacles.


Amidst the violent explosion and the dazzling chaotic energy, Gu Long let out a muffled groan, and his huge body fell to the ground like a meteorite. The strong shock wave exploded and quickly swept away more than ten kilometers away.

Garona's pupils shone with golden light, and with a false grasp of her right hand, a golden lightning condensed in her hand.

But before he had time to make a move, he felt a suffocating threat coming towards him, and subconsciously urged his divine power to break through the space confinement and flicker away.


The space shattered, and countless fragments quickly spread around. Garona flashed twice in a row before leaving the shattered area. Looking back, she saw a huge blood dragon appearing at her position just now.

To be precise, it was an ancient dragon whose scales were all pulverized, the skin was cracked, and the whole body was covered in dragon blood.

Anger, undisguised killing intent.

Li Qing endured the intense and severe pain all over his body, blood flames spewed out huge dragon pupils several meters long, fixedly stared at Garona, and began to mutter words.

The ups and downs of the dragon's language resounded between the sky and the earth. There was nothing unusual at first, but Garona felt the danger everywhere, swallowed her saliva, gave up her shot without hesitation, turned and fled.

I wanted to blink and escape faster, but found that I couldn't teleport at this time, even with divine power.

This made Garona feel even more palpitations, turning around and running away even faster.

At the same time, communicate with your spiritual fortress and subordinates in your heart, so that they are ready to retreat and leave this plane.

At this time, Garona had given up any hope, and Li Qing's strength had exceeded his imagination.

I said that everyone should rely on their own abilities, and no additional means are allowed, including the power of the true god in their hands, but I still used it, but it turned out to be unsuccessful, and even angered my opponent.

Some opponents also had reasons for the True God's guard to intercept, but they did not completely intercept, and still suffered the aftermath of the True God.

Assessed by the godhead level of his father god, even if a large part is intercepted, the remaining small part will not be inferior to the power of the new god who has just been conferred.

This meant that even if he broke the seal desperately, a single blow before being repelled by the plane would not be enough to kill his opponent.

Garona fled very quickly, and as soon as she met the coming Spirit Fortress, she immediately communicated with the Father God at her transit base. Then a huge vortex appeared above the Spirit Fortress, and a big hand flew out of it to fish it out.

But at this moment, another big golden hand flew out to hold it down.

The two forces from the true god collided with each other, exploded, and the vortex collapsed. The huge spiritual fortress did not escape.

Garona, who was about to evacuate from the plane, froze for a moment, her face turned pale.

Without hesitation, he ordered his subordinates to gather and let the six spiritual fortresses approach him.

Although the leader of the spirit sucking monsters was a little puzzled, he still listened to the order to control the fortress to approach, but the next second a phantom of a dragon claw that was bigger than the spiritual fortress blasted into the center of the five spiritual fortresses.

Under the bombardment of unimaginable force, the dazzling aura on the surface of the six spiritual fortresses exploded, and they collapsed after only holding on for two seconds. The invisible force crushed the hard horniness on the surface of the spiritual fortress into powder.


An unimaginably huge dragon claw penetrated deep into the ground, and the powerful shock wave pushed the six spiritual fortresses around. At this time, the huge spiritual fortress shook violently like a boat, half of its body had collapsed, and it fell obliquely into the ground. earth.

As for Garona's spiritual fortress, six of her subordinates had already used six of her subordinates to resist the blow, and when the space shattering was over, the space suppression disappeared, and she quickly teleported away.

"Don't think about it!"

The blood-stained ancient dragon also disappeared with a flicker, and reappeared tens of kilometers away, flickering forward continuously.

It's a pity that Li Qing's grasp of space at this time is far from what it used to be. Garona's spiritual fortress can flicker forcibly, but it is impossible to get rid of him.

It caught up with the target after four flashes. The huge ancient dragon jumped directly to the top of the fortress. The dragon claws shot and slashed, cutting off the tentacles on the surface of Garona's God's Domain. With a tear, a huge hole was torn open.

He opened his mouth and poured in a mouthful of dragon's breath.

With the lung capacity of the ancestor ancient dragon at this time, this dragon's breath directly filled the interior of Garona's spiritual fortress.

Layers of chambers inside are easily penetrated like a membrane, and full of essence is poured into it.


A tentacle fracture was torn, and the transparent essence sprayed out along the gap, quickly tearing the gap open.

Garona watched her God Realm quickly lose control with a face of pain and regret, took a long breath, and urged the remaining power to communicate with the Father God again before the spiritual fortress was completely destroyed.

This time he was prepared, a violently shaking vortex appeared in front of him, and he quickly dived into it and disappeared.


The huge spiritual fortress slowly fell to the ground, the remaining energy detonated the energy pool, and a violent explosion submerged the ancient dragon on the fortress.

A few minutes later, the huge ancient dragon flew out from the wreckage, looking up in a daze.

At this time, a golden light appeared not far away and turned into Gu Qiangu's appearance. He looked at the wreckage on the ground with a hint of surprise, stretched out his hand, and a clear light flew towards the dazed giant dragon.

A little bit, Gu Long's pupils, which had fallen into chaos, slowly emerged a little bit of light, and then spread rapidly, and his eyes regained their clarity.

After a while, the terrifying fluctuations surrounding the ancient dragon gradually faded until they disappeared.

Gu Long, covered in blood, lowered his head and looked around, the anger and rage all over his body slowly disappeared.

Gu Qiangu looked at the huge ancient dragon in admiration, raised a big finger, and said:
"Your performance exceeded my expectations, and you were able to withstand the blow of the true god without much injury."

Gu Long lowered his head, knowing his current state without looking at him.

It looks miserable, but it's actually not a big problem, and it didn't hurt the origin.

Even the aftermath is equivalent to the blow of a new god who just became a god, but at this time Li Qing is ten times stronger than when he was just promoted, and this blow is aftermath, the power has been dispersed, and it happens to be absorbed by the dragon scales all over his body .

The dragon scales all over his body were shattered by the aftermath, but his body did not suffer much damage.

If Gu Qiangu hadn't intercepted a part of it, and the true god's extremely concentrated finger hit it down, he would definitely not be able to stop it.

He wasn't surprised that Garona had this hole card, she was born divine anyway, but he didn't expect to break her promise less than a minute after she finished speaking, which made him extremely annoyed.

Although he failed to capture Garona, but destroyed his God's Domain, it was a sigh of relief.

When Li Qing returned to Dragon City, what he saw was the allied army of illithids being defeated.

He directly disabled the six spiritual fortresses with a blow of hatred before, and the leader ran away again. As a professional commander, how could An Erqiu miss this opportunity and immediately launched a counterattack.

Many high-ranking dragons swarmed up and tore the fallen illithid spiritual fortress to pieces. Hundreds of giant dragons took the lead, frantically chasing and killing the heroes of the illithid.

The leaders collapsed, and the morale of the dinosaur troops below plummeted. An Erqiu took the opportunity to order the city gate to be opened, and several diamond golems led more than 1000 steel golems out, piled up frontally.

Then, it was a one-sided crash.

The dinosaurs without the command of an officer began to collapse within 10 minutes. When Li Qing returned, it was only half an hour past, and the situation was completely corrupted.

Li Qing didn't care about the next battle. At this time, he had already returned to the Dragon Kingdom, and after simply arranging the tasks of his subordinates, he turned into a light cocoon and fell asleep.

Garona's blow that doesn't talk about martial arts caused him to suffer serious injuries. Although he didn't hurt the source, his whole body was shattered with dragon scales, and his body was also seriously injured, so he needs to recuperate.

While he was sleeping, the situation in Dragon City gradually became clear.

Three of the masters of the illithids died, the other three gave up the domain of God and fled, and most of the heroes also died.

After receiving the tragic situation from the main force, the three illithid masters who divided the troops before decisively withdrew from the plane and gave up everything, leaving hundreds of thousands of dinosaur troops to stay in place in a daze.

So far, all the illithid masters and heroes who escaped without dying on the spot have all fled.

Leaving more than 200 million dinosaur troops and more than 300 million logistics all made them cheaper.

A year later, An Erqiu led an army of 200 million re-armed dinosaurs on the road to the east.

Through the rapid deployment of the teleportation array, it took only half a month for the main force to appear in the east of the plane across a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, and began to conquer the dinosaurs in the east of the plane one by one.

On the south side of the plane, after the return of the elite who supported Longcheng, Longluo once again started the battle of conquest that was not too late.

This time, there are many legendary high-ranking dragons to help in the battle, and the only Tyrannosaurus leader who can resist them has already died.

In just four years, several legions have swept across the entire east and south, defeated all rebels, and completed the conquest of most of the dinosaurs in the entire plane.

Li Qing had already awakened in the first year and a half, and his dragon scales had grown again, and his strength had also improved a lot.

But the year with the fastest growth rate is over, and although the latter has grown, the increase is not much.

Theoretically, sleeping for a few hundred years can be comparable to a true god.

But he couldn't wait that long.

Therefore, next he needs to condense his priesthood, accumulate the power of faith, and prepare for the conferment of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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