Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 213 Power of Time?

Chapter 213 Power of Time?

PS: Today is just one chapter. Recently, I am thinking about the plot. The plot of the wild plane is over. I am thinking about how to write the next plot, which is a little bit stuck.

In the past two years after waking up, Li Qing has been thinking about what to do next.

Should we continue with the original plan, or
It is worth mentioning that in the five years or so since Nie Zong regained the throne, there have been three more divine beings who have been born again. sacred.

The four new gods were born on the main plane, which not only accelerated the progress of the other natural gods, but also caused a strong reaction from the native true gods on the main plane.

It is foreseeable that a large number of new gods will be born in the next ten years.

Humans and illithids combined have more than [-] gods who are born holy, which means that [-] new gods will be born in the next ten years.

With so many true gods competing fiercely on the main plane, it will be unprecedented.

Li Qing's original plan was to conquer the original barren plane, and then use the original barbaric plane as a springboard to enter the main plane.

But as more and more innate saints re-emerged as gods, he estimated in his mind the progress of his strength growth and the situation on the main plane.
Not easy to mix!
With his current strength, it is actually not very difficult to win a piece of land on the main plane.

But in the future, when the Sons of Destiny ascend to the gods, together with the indigenous gods, a total of forty or fifty true gods will roll on the main plane. If he wants to occupy a place on the main plane and stand firm, it will not be difficult.

A huge price and casualties must be paid, including the risk of falling of all the heroes under his command.

The main plane has limitations, and will suppress and exclude all existences whose strength exceeds that of the true gods, but there are too many incarnations of gods whose strength is at the limit of the main plane.

The strength of the avatars of true gods is generally at the first level of true gods, and the worst is the combat power of true gods with a godhead level of 0. They need to suppress their own divine power when they enter the main plane, but they can also release the suppression at critical times.

The price of lifting the suppression is that they will be immediately rejected and expelled from the main plane, but there will be no sequelae.

Although many high-level dragon heroes under his command are strong, they will definitely not be opponents of the incarnation of gods.

With so many true gods doing it casually, they can forcibly kill a subordinate before being repelled and exiled.

This kind of thing will definitely not be able to stand it a few times.

After comprehensive consideration, Li Qing felt that the original plan to enter the main plane needed to be changed.

Not to mention other things, there will definitely be no way to enter the main plane within a few decades, or he has not yet become a god, and he does not have many true gods under him, so he is not suitable for entering the main plane.

It is too risky to use one's own limited men and resources to fight against a group of true gods.

"It's better to develop in the barbaric plane for a while, and when I condense my godhead to be promoted to a true god, Zhuo Shaohang will also become a god!"

Li Qing made a decision and informed Gu Qiangu of this decision.

Gu Qiangu nodded after listening and said:
"You have a good idea. It is too risky to pass away without the strength of a true god. And after 80 years, when the restrictions are lifted, there may be other true god-level warlords coming to this plane group, and the competition will be more intense by then."

"I didn't want to interfere with your decision before, now that you have figured it out, it's best."

"Also, I have a suggestion, you can refer to it."

Li Qing quickly asked:

"Second brother, please tell me."

"Now that you have completed the complete unification of the original wild plane, you have decided not to participate in the competition for the main plane of Iger. In your situation, it will take at least a few hundred years to defeat other competitors and monopolize this plane group, so long It's a waste of time to stay in this plane, have you ever thought about entering the Chaos Void Sea to find other planes to fight?"


Li Qing pondered for a while and said:

"It's hard to say, wait until I'm ready."

Gu Qiangu nodded:
"There is no rush, you have plenty of time to think about it."

After disconnecting, Li Qing withdrew his thoughts and contacted several subordinates to ask about the battle situation in the east and south of the plane.

Two years later, the last city-state that resisted was defeated, and the entire primitive wild plane was formally conquered by him.

Li Qingte mentioned a sentence in the group that hadn't spoken for a long time, and got a few words of congratulations that were not nutritious.

The only meaning of mentioning this sentence is to tell them that they have completed the unification of the primitive barbaric plane, and warn them not to make small moves.

As the sons of destiny ascended to the gods one by one, the relationship between them gradually changed. No matter how good they chatted before, now they are involuntarily turned into rivals. No one in this group has spoken for a long time.

After unifying the planes, Li Qing immediately began to plan and design the entire plane.

First of all, two huge tribe groups were planned on the east and south sides of the plane, and most of the dinosaurs gathered in this area.

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Qing gave up the idea of ​​building an urban agglomeration and decided to let the dinosaurs develop freely.

He will build a huge traffic system on the east and south sides, an extremely safe sky road across the huge dinosaur tribe group, the traffic system is in the shape of a cross, and there are many forked roads on the arms of the cross.

In the center, each of the four sides will build a huge central city, where temples and garrisons will be built to rule and suppress the four sides.

In this way, the largest area can be suppressed with the least amount of troops.

The reason why it is called Tianlu is because Li Qing's plan for this road is a little outrageous.

In his plan, it is a 50-meter-high, 100-meter-wide guy lying on the ground like a mountain, like a road flying in the sky.

The reason why the design is so outrageous, of course, is because the palm space has almost been upgraded.

The upgrade has not been completed yet, but now the internal space of the palm space is as big as his God’s Domain, and the opening diameter has exceeded 200 meters. It is completely possible to create a super oblong or square stone pillar with a diameter of 200 meters and a length of tens of kilometers in one go. come out.

This time, the restoration is very large, and the restoration has not been completed, and the current changes are exaggerated.

First of all, the internal space has skyrocketed by N times, and now the area has expanded to be comparable to his current God's Domain.

You must know that his God's Domain has been absorbing the energy in the chaotic space for these years, and now it has an area of ​​10,000+ square kilometers, and its inner diameter is as high as 123 kilometers.

In addition, the palm space can condense one original light every day, and then every 100 original lights can be combined into a more powerful special light.

It hasn't been condensed yet, and Li Qing doesn't know what is the use of this higher-level energy, but since it is synthesized with 100 sources of original light, the effect must be very powerful.

In addition, the functions of decomposition, transformation, and synthesis of the palm space itself are still there.

In addition, with this repair, the palm space has repaired three new functions.

One is the super-strong gravitational force, which can swallow everything after opening the channel.

It was still a little bit unrepaired, so he couldn't try it, and he didn't know how strong the gravity was.

Another new function is time control. He can freely control the time in the palm space, whether it is time acceleration, time stillness, or time rewinding, it can be done.

The last new function is the most critical, that is, the current palm space can completely refine everything in it, and actively repair the palm space.

Whether it is energy or matter, dead or living, they can all be refined and integrated into the palm space.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Li Qing feels that the space in his palm is a bit weird, and it seems to be transforming into a complete world.

I don't know if it will be transformed into a complete world in the future. If it can be transformed, it seems that there is a lot of space in his hands.

God Realm, Dragon Realm, palm space.

In the future, the Dragon Realm will be transformed into the Kingdom of God, and will become one with the Divine Realm.

palm space
It's still very useful, after all, the ability to decompose and synthesize substances will always be useful even if it becomes a powerful divine power in the future.

The restoration of the palm space did not take long. Li Qing and his men completed the planning of the wild plane and completed the restoration within a month. Li Qing immediately went to the field to try.

There is no need to try the original ability, mainly to try new functions.

Flying to 1000 meters in the air, stretched out his hand and pressed it, a hole appeared in the air and expanded rapidly, and stopped when it expanded to 300 meters in diameter, and then a strong gravitational force spread from it, quickly affecting the surroundings.

A large amount of air was drawn into the palm space, forming a huge vortex.

The vortex further expands to form a gravitational field, and a large number of plants and soil on the ground are attracted by the powerful attraction.

This attraction is very strong. The trees growing in the ground can be forcibly pulled up, but the soil on the ground cannot be pulled up.

Li Qing tested it for almost half an hour, and found out that the maximum gravitational range is about five kilometers, and there is only a weak traction any farther, some frivolous things can be sucked away, and heavier ones will not be affected.

Then try the second ability, which is to control the internal time of the palm space.

It is worth mentioning that the restored palm space can already accommodate living things. The plants he extracted and some bugs mixed in the primitive jungle can live forever if they are not decomposed after inhalation, and they can live for a long time.

This means that the internal space of the palm space has also evolved.

For better experimentation, he only experimented with a small area of ​​accumulated plants.

First, time stands still.

His eyes fell on the insects and ants sucked in together on the pile of plants, and with a thought, the area immediately stopped.

As the person in charge of the laws of space, Li Qingneng clearly knew that this was not a static space, but that time in this area no longer flowed.

Then with a thought, time began to flow.

First it flowed normally, and then under his control, the flow of time accelerated.

1.5 times.

2 times.

3 times.

5 times.

Li Qing gradually increased the speed of time flow, faster and faster.

The short-lived insects and ants are the first to respond. Some insects begin to cocoon and enter the next stage of life at an extremely fast speed, while some insects and ants quickly reach the end of their lifespan and grow old.

Some leaves turn yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye, dry up, and finally turn black and fall.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the speed of change of vegetation, insects and ants is also getting faster and faster. Everything in front of me is changing like fast forward.

When the time acceleration reached 147 times, Li Qing found that he could no longer accelerate.

But he knows that this is not the upper limit, but the upper limit of acceleration that his current ability and the current repair level of the palm space can bear.

When the strength is stronger in the future and the space in the palm is repaired more completely, this acceleration can be increased infinitely.

In theory there is no limit.

Ten thousand years in one second is not impossible.

Li Qing covered his chin:
"Some tasteless!"

This ability can only be used in the palm space, and it can't be used if you leave it. What's the matter.

Li Qing suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking of his ancient dragon blood, and also of his many descendants.

Dragons have a very powerful talent, that is, they can improve their strength while sleeping.

Translated, it means that as time goes by, the power of the dragon clan will become stronger and stronger, and there is no upper limit in theory.

Any real dragon, regardless of whether it has been promoted to a legend or not, can theoretically improve its strength through continuous sleep until it is comparable to a true god, or even comparable to a powerful god.

The premise is to live that long.

Ordinary dragons are not ancient dragons and have a lifespan limit, but dragons are long-lived species with a very long lifespan.

Normally, the lifespan of a giant dragon is about [-] years old, and it will enter the stage of extremely old age. At this time, the dragon may die of old age.

But if you can survive this stage, you will be able to live a second life and become a powerful ancient dragon, or even a great ancient dragon, collectively referred to as ancient dragons.

This ancient dragon is not the same concept as Li Qing, the ancestor ancient dragon. Theoretically, there is no upper limit of lifespan, but every 100 years, there will be a saving throw between physique and strength.

You can live another 100 years if you pass the check, or die instantly if you fail the check.

This test becomes more and more difficult as it goes to the back, so the first 2000 years can basically be saved successfully, but after 2000, the difficulty of saving will increase, and if you are not strong enough, you will suddenly lose it one day.

Theoretically, an ordinary real dragon can live for tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years, but in fact it is extremely rare to live for 5000 years.

Only the high-ranking dragons have higher innate strength and lifespan, and can survive the hurdle of ten thousand years.

Of course, the current palm space is not perfect enough, and the upper limit of acceleration is not too high, so it is not possible to operate it now, but it can be operated in this way when the repair is more perfect in the future.

Use this method to quickly improve the strength of some newly transformed space dragons, or take in some dragons who have entered the old dragon stage, and quickly pass through the extremely old stage to evolve into ancient dragons.

Putting his mind away, Li Qing began to try to turn back time.

It also starts to flow backwards from twice as fast as time, and gradually accelerates to the limit of the speed of time backwards.

Like time acceleration, time travels up to 147 times faster.

"This ability."

Li Qing immediately thought that this ability could restore some subordinates whose lifespan was about to run out to their peak state.

Or if a subordinate is seriously injured, you can use time travel to reverse his injury to an uninjured state.

Similarly, it is also possible to turn back the time of some legendary powerhouses to before they were promoted to legend.

However, Li Qing didn't think about it for long, and soon a question was placed in front of him, which made him fall into deep thought.

That is, the space in my palm has the ability to control time, will it be discovered by the time dragon?Or will it conflict with the controller of the original law of time?

The law of time is not like any other law.

In addition to the master of the original law, other laws allow other true gods to master this law.

But the law of time is not good. The particularity of time means that there can only be one master of this law, and it is impossible for a second true god to master the law of time.

(End of this chapter)

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