Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 222 The Law Fragments

Chapter 222 The Law Fragments
Realizing that the so-called cunning is actually fragments of the law, Li Qing immediately changed his original thinking, no longer meeting with Yu Boping and the others, but flying in the direction where the human mage fled before.

There are not many law fragments contained in a single bit of trickery, but if there are enough tricks, the accumulation is quite considerable.

Especially after the monsters are completely eliminated, if there is a little core of the monsters, if they can be completely purified, they will definitely get a lot of law fragments and other benefits.

Fast forward all the way, and soon crossed a distance of seven to eight hundred kilometers. From a distance, I saw gray fog on the barren ruins in front of me, and the invisible force restrained the gray fog from spreading.

In the ruins below, a large number of undead gathered.

"The breath of death is very heavy, and there are still some strange things left, very similar to the one I just defeated."

He was considering whether to go down, when the gray fog permeating the ruins below suddenly began to swirl, a large number of strange auras gathered, the gray fog all over the sky gathered into a vortex, and a few vortexes that were exactly the same as the monsters he killed just now emerged.

"Is this resurrection?"

Li Qing was slightly surprised, a flash appeared above the vortex, and a huge dragon claw pressed down.


The invisible force field exploded, and the vortex collapsed into gray air.

A huge half-dragon appeared above the gray air, opened its mouth and bit it fiercely.

Just like the replica just now, after killing four times in a row in the Dragon Realm, this newly resurrected monster collapsed again.

This time, he didn't bring it up, but just opened the space in his palm in the Dragon Realm to collect all the strange matter and that bit of gray matter in it, and then refine it.

The gray matter quickly turned into a little bit of broken law fragments, only that bit of gray matter was not so easy.

As the power of the space in the palm continues to refine, this bit of gray matter continuously spews out clouds of gray gas, and the gray gas is refined and turned into fine law fragments.

As the refinement continued, more and more gray gas sprayed out.

But after spouting more than a dozen mouthfuls, he stopped spouting. After persisting for almost half an hour, this bit of gray matter completely collapsed, turning into an exceptionally powerful law fragment.

Holding this piece of law in his hand, Li Qing immediately knew that this piece of law contained the law of death.

There are not many laws involved.

But for a powerful true god whose strength has reached the bottleneck, directly fusing this thing can master the law of death contained in it.

In addition, any tenth-level sanctuary can be easily promoted to legend by fusing this fragment of law.

Not to mention other things, any true god who has the priesthood of death will be willing to pay a huge price in exchange for this piece of law.

Li Qing looked at the law fragment for a while, then put it away temporarily.

law of death
The law of death is a very powerful law. It is the top law among all the powerful laws. It is the basic underlying law that is stronger than order and chaos. It is a powerful law that can carry a great divine power.

After all, a complete world must include life and death, order and chaos.

Li Qing had thought about taking over the priesthood of death, but this was a plan after he became stronger in the future, and he never thought about touching death in the early stage.

In any powerful plane group, there is a high probability that there will be a god of death. In the early stage, the basic low-level priesthoods such as death and light can easily attract powerful enemies.

Although it won't be used for the time being, it's not a big problem. Let's check out a few tricks.

Next, Li Qing wandered around this plane, looking for possible spooky things.

But the number of these things is too small, and the plane is so big, it's hard to find.

After almost two months without any trace, Li Qing felt that he needed to change his method.

Turn around and go back, back to the outpost, and sit back and wait.

Generally speaking, if other people encounter weird things on the plane, there is a high probability that they will run to the outpost base, and then return to the main base through the portal.

Although there is a high probability that the portal will not be opened, this is the only chance to escape for an ordinary tenth-level sanctuary, so it will definitely be chosen.

He just waited here, waiting for others to bring it over.

Although the efficiency is still not good, it is much better than wandering around aimlessly.

When he returned to the outpost, Li Qing didn't see Yu Boping, and he didn't know whether to leave this plane and run back to the main base, or continue to enter the plane to find the enemy camp to kill.

Li Qing didn't look for them either, so he squatted at the outpost.

As time passed day by day, there were not a few monsters, but a lot of humans were driven back to the outpost by the powerful illithids.

Li Qing was idle because he was idle, and most of them rescued them, and made some meritorious deeds by the way.

Of course, I also gained a lot of gratitude and met a lot of people.

Li Qing collected a lot of information while chatting with them, and learned from them that there were strange things in two directions.

It's a pity that it was all information from several days ago, God knows where that weird thing went.

Before he knew it, it was another month and a half. On this day, Li Qing was studying magic runes in a room of the outpost when he suddenly heard shouts from outside. He listened attentively, his face beaming with joy.

Quickly packed up his things and came out, seeing a team of six returning to the base in a state of embarrassment, he opened the teleportation array and loudly reminded the others:

"Let's go, there are two monsters chasing us."

Li Qing flew up excitedly and looked in a certain direction, and saw two sorcerers walking around the base with strange objects.

He rushed over immediately, and an acquaintance shouted from behind:

"Your Excellency Li Qing, come back quickly, it's dangerous!"

In the next second, he subconsciously exclaimed:

"Damn it!"

Li Qing turned into a half-dragon halfway, and pressed down on a distorted figure that looked like it was made of sewage.

The Twisted Water Man quickly swelled and turned into a huge sewage claw that was the same as the dragon's claw. With a loud 'boom', the gray claw collapsed and turned into a puddle of sewage everywhere.

The shape of this trick is not gaseous, but liquid.

But to Li Qing, there was no difference, she was crushed by absolute power, killing in one hit.

Then, before the sewage recovered, it was quickly swallowed into the Dragon Realm.

Then it did the same thing, flashed in front of another gaseous monster, and pressed down with one claw.

However, this monster collapsed directly, turning into a huge gray cloud with strong corrosiveness, and missed the target with one blow.

But this corrosive ability can't help the space dragon scale, Li Qing directly opened the space exit in his palm, and a strong attraction came to swallow the gray mist.

But just after swallowing a little, the monster quickly shrank as if it had been strongly stimulated, and turned into a cloud of mist again, from which a large number of sharp spikes shot out, hitting the dragon scales with a clanging sound.

Li Qing could feel that the spikes had a strong corrosion and armor-piercing ability, and each spike that was only as thick as a chopstick was as powerful as an armor-piercing crossbow.

A wave of twenty or thirty roots, more than ten waves blasted out in a row, even the legendary powerhouse could not withstand this purely physical attack.

But it was still the same, not even a white spot could be pierced on the dragon scale.

And he slapped his claws backhand, and the spikes collapsed, and the cloud of gray mist was also smashed by the way.

No skills, all emotions.

In less than a minute, the two monsters that frightened a group of people, including the two legendary powerhouses, disappeared.

The group of people in the outpost who were rushing to open the portal were all stunned, and they were stunned at this moment, not knowing whether to continue or stop.

It's not that there are no one who can deal with the monsters, but they are all true gods, and they are the true gods who master the laws of the priesthood to restrain the monsters. Li Qing is obviously not a true god, and they can easily clean up the two monsters. This is something they have never heard of.

Li Qing ignored their ignorance and other thoughts, and hurried back to the temporary residence as soon as the monsters were taken away, closed the door, and began to refine these things.

Just like the previous method, kill several times in a row, and then put it into the space in the palm of your hand to refine, and soon you will get two or more small law fragments.

One is law corrosion, and the other is law change.

Also put it away first, Li Qing is going to wait for more law fragments to be accumulated, and fuse some of the same type into larger law fragments.

When the number is sufficient, some law fragments can be fused into more advanced law fragments, or even complete laws.

When he finished his work and came out, he found many people chatting together in the small courtyard outside the door. When they saw him go out, everyone stood up, looking a little cautious.

Without waiting for them to ask, Li Qing took the initiative to say hello and said:

"As you can see, I am good at dealing with these monsters. If you encounter these monsters when you go out to practice, you can bring them back and let me deal with them."

Then someone asked:

"Your Excellency Li Qing, where are those two monsters just now? Can you tell me how to deal with them?"

Li Qing glanced at him, stretched out his middle finger and shook:

Then another person asked:
"Can any monster be dealt with? What if it's a monster?"

Li Qing pondered for a while and said:

"All monsters can be dealt with as long as their strength is lower than the level of a true god. As for the monsters, it's hard to say for the time being, I haven't seen them yet."

"However, if anyone has information about the paradoxical domain, please tell me, and I can go and have a look."

"You can go now, this plane has a tricky domain."

Li Qing was surprised for a moment, and wondered to the few heroes who had met and chatted with him during this period of time:

"There is a paradox in this plane? Why haven't I heard of it? Do you know?"

The man who was questioned was dumbfounded:
"Brother, it's a tricky domain. I can't avoid it when I see it. Why am I talking about this with you?"

"All right!"

He asked with great interest:

"Now you can tell me about the situation in that paradox, and I will assess the danger."

The man recalled a little and said:

"This paradoxical domain has existed for a long time. It is located on the south side of the plane. It used to be the capital of the largest political-religious empire in this plane. Later, the plane invaded. This place is the final battlefield. In the end, the church and all the true gods of the plane fell here, forming a very dangerous ruin."

"As time went by, that area began to change under the influence of the distorted rules of the plane. Even in the past, humans and illithids kept sending people to clear the nest. The undead and the occasional twisted monsters here could not completely suppress the deterioration."

"Until 2 years ago, a strange realm was finally born in the ruins of the gods, and then it became a forbidden place, and no one dared to go there anymore."

After hearing this, Li Qing wondered:

"Is there a true god over at the main base to check?"

"Over the years, true gods have come to check the situation from time to time, but there has been no way to solve it."

Li Qing squeezed the center of his eyebrows, and asked again:
"Can you destroy that paradox by destroying this plane?"

"If it could be that simple, the Tree of Eternity wouldn't have spent 1 high-level divine favor in exchange for the source quality of the paradox."

"A long time ago, I tried to break and destroy the plane where the paradoxical domain is located, but after the plane was broken, the paradoxical domain disappeared automatically, and there was no remaining source of the paradoxical domain."


Li Qing had nothing to say.

Before, he thought about whether to use his ability to cut off the plane area where the ghostly domain is located, and then clean it up, but now it seems that he can't.

The tricky domain is different from the tricky thing. Although the tricky thing is also dependent on the plane, it is an active individual, so it can be collected in other spaces and destroyed.

The paradox is an extension of the plane, relying on the plane, and is a part of the plane. If the plane is destroyed, it will naturally be destroyed along with it.

But no matter what, you still have to go and see first.

That afternoon, Li Qing bid farewell to them and walked in the direction they pointed.

Two days later, I traveled more than 1 kilometers to the south of the plane. From a distance, I saw a gray tornado pillar connecting the sky and the earth standing between the sky and the earth. Blood-red lightning kept exploding between the gray tornado pillars. From a distance, one could feel an ominous atmosphere.

"This is the Paradise?"

Li Qing pinched his chin and started circling from a distance.

This is a tornado column estimated to be more than ten kilometers in diameter. One end is grounded and submerged into the depths of the earth, and the other end reaches the sky and merges into the crystal wall of the plane.

Whether it is drilling into the earth, or going up to the top of the sky and passing through the crystal wall of the plane, there is no way to bypass it.

It is convenient to enter this treacherous domain, no matter where you can easily enter, there will be no obstacles.

But it is not so easy to come out again. According to the heroes who stayed here for a long time before, since the emergence of this paradox, only one incarnation of powerful divine power entered and returned safely, and there has never been a second one to enter and then come out.

Including an incarnation of a true god who ventured into it and eventually fell completely.

Yes, it was just an avatar entering, but in the end, the real body far away from his main plane suddenly fell away.

No one knows why, and since then, no one has dared to enter it.

Li Qing circled around this ghostly area a few times, thought for a long time, and finally didn't dare to enter.

Insufficient strength.

He dared to enter only when he possessed medium divine power, or when his ancient dragon bloodline had grown to be comparable to medium divine power.

Of course, if you can figure out the situation in the paradoxical domain, or some small paradoxical domains, you can still take a risk and try.

After not staying for a few days, Li Qing returned to the outpost and continued to sit on the sidelines.

Since everyone knew that he could deal with ordinary monsters, and Li Qing promised to transfer 5 points of merit for each one attracted, the human heroes in the plane no longer panic after encountering monsters, but will take the initiative to attract monsters.

Ever since he knew that the tricks were pure law fragments after refining, Li Qing had no interest in accumulating meritorious deeds.

No matter how many meritorious favors are exchanged for, they cannot be converted into law fragments.

Isn't it better to accumulate a large number of law fragments in this way than to go all over the world to find heroes from the opposing camp?
(End of this chapter)

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