Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 223 The Exploding Mark of Abomination

Chapter 223 The Exploding Mark of Abomination

Li Qing didn't stay in this plane for long, because the monsters were limited.

Although this thing will be born continuously as long as the plane still exists, the efficiency is not fast, and it often takes many years before a new one is born.

After brushing away the monsters on this plane, Li Qing resolutely left and returned to the main base.

In the same bar back then, I saw Yu Boping again.

He saw Li Qing smiled and said:

"I heard people say that there is a fierce person in that plane, who can deal with the monsters. I guess it's you when I heard it."

Li Qing smiled slightly:
"I have some experience, just my ability to restrain myself."

"Then you come back now, are you going to change places?"

Li Qing nodded and said:
"I just want to ask you a question. You are familiar with this place. Are there any planes with many monsters on the plane battlefield?"

"I knew you were different from us, our team couldn't keep you."

Yu Boping took a sip of wine and said:
"Such planes do exist in the plane battlefield, and there are quite a few. However, these planes have been abandoned by both sides. There is no teleportation array in the past. If you want to go to the past, you can only cross the void between the planes."

"The void between the planes is the battlefield of the true gods on both sides. From here to the nearest dangerous planes, you have to cross the extremely distant void. You'd better find some true gods to escort you there."

"Well, would the true god be willing to escort?"

"As long as you spend a little meritorious service, or a divine favor, many true gods are willing to escort you."

"Well, where can I find the true god?"

"Go to the sixth and seventh floors, and the eighth floor. These three floors are areas where the true gods are active. You can send a mission in the past, or go to the War Tavern to have a look."


"By the way, if you want to hunt monsters for a long time, the best places are actually the bottomless abyss and hell. Among them, the bottomless abyss is occupied by us, and hell is occupied by the illithids. The Styx, which runs across the bottomless abyss and the abyss, is also affected by the distortion of the crystal wall system, and a large number of monsters are born in it."

"Or to put it another way, the branch of the Styx River located in this crystal wall system has been distorted into a special strange domain, in which there are a large number of strange things that can escape from the Styx River for a short time."

"If you have the guts to go there, just stay by the river Styx, and there will be a large number of strange creatures attracted by the living creatures, as many as you want."

"However, the monsters in the Styx are different from those in other planes. The weakest monsters inside are weaker than the ones outside. They are only equivalent to the tenth-level sanctuary, and the strongest are comparable to true gods. If you encounter monsters comparable to true gods, it will be dangerous."

"Well, I'll be careful."

After bidding farewell to Yu Boping, Li Qing went straight to the eighth floor of the main base. At the same time, he communicated with the Tree of Eternity and searched for information about the bottomless abyss, the Styx, and many strange things on the battlefield of civilization.

What Yu Boping said can only be used as a reference, and you have to take the initiative to find out the details.

Fortunately, the main base has no restrictions on these materials, and everyone has the right to view them at any time.

It was two hours later when Li Qing arrived at the eighth floor of the main base, and he had already collected a lot of information.

Roughly the same as what Yu Boping said, there are four places with the most crystal wall system creeps.

A river of Styx between the abyss and hell.

One is located on the chaotic plane, which is the most chaotic place in the entire crystal wall system. Even before the crystal wall system is destroyed, the time and space here are chaotic and distorted. After the crystal wall system is destroyed, the underlying laws are distorted, and this place becomes one of the most dangerous places in the crystal wall system.

One is located on the plane of heaven, where the true gods of the crystal wall system once gathered. The crystal wall system behind it was destroyed, and most of the true gods fell here with the pantheon of this crystal wall system. Countless true gods resented and distorted the law, forming a super dangerous tomb of gods.

This god tomb is a super tricky domain.

Similarly, this super paradox called the tomb of the gods is also the most valuable place on this plane.

The fallen gods, including the legendary Pantheon, are all inside. A certain supreme divine power stationed here tens of thousands of years ago once said that this tomb of the gods contains the most valuable heritage in this crystal wall system.

But the great divine power did not specify what kind of inheritance it was, nor did it explain the way to obtain it.

But outside the tomb of the gods, there are true gods from the two destiny civilizations of humans and spirit suckers wandering around all year round, all delusional about obtaining this inheritance.

For tens of thousands of years, no less than four or five hundred true gods have entered it, but none of them can come out, and all of them fell into it, including an incarnation of powerful divine power.

The powerful divine power cut off a part of the real body that was distorted and polluted in time and escaped. The other true gods obviously only sent an incarnation to enter, but their real bodies deep in the kingdom of God were all polluted and fell, including many middle-level divine powers.

The last place with many strange things is the central main material plane of this crystal wall system.

As the center of the crystal wall system, the main material plane is most affected by the underlying laws of the crystal wall system. When the underlying laws of the crystal wall system began to distort, the main material plane immediately gave birth to the first strange thing.

The current main material plane has an extremely large number of tricks and tricky domains, but because of the particularity of the main material plane, they have not been sealed.

In addition to these four super ghost realms, there are also some planes in the crystal wall system where a large number of ghost creatures are born. This is Li Qing's goal.

Li Qing wasn't going to go to those four super deceitful domains, it was too dangerous.

Li Qing directly issued a task in the service area on the eighth floor, and rewarded him with a divine favor.

Soon someone took the task and asked him to go to a certain place.

Li Qing took a look at the place, it was the teleportation platform on the eighth floor.

The teleportation platform on this floor is the same as the teleportation platform on other floors, but the figures standing around are all shrouded in a layer of divine light, and it is impossible to see whether they are men or women or what they look like.

Li Qing waited for a while, and soon a team came over. There were only five people in the group, but there was only one true god, and the others were either demigods or legends.

It doesn't mean that the true god's team is all incarnations of true gods, most of them are headed by a few incarnations of true gods, plus some legends and demigods.

The leading naked man couldn't see his appearance clearly, but he heard the voice was a man. He took a look at Li Qing and said:

"Are you going to go there?"

Li Qing shook his head and said:
"Just take one of my men there."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and opened the door of God's Domain, and Long Fa walked out from it.

Having been cheated several times and suffered losses several times, Li Qingxue has become shrewd, and one cannot be defenseless.

Let your subordinates go there first, make sure there is no problem, and then use the dragon method as the coordinate to teleport there.

Witnessed by the tree of eternity, Li Qing turned a divine favor in advance, and then the team left with the dragon method.

There was no demon moth, and two days after the appointment, Li Qing received Longfa's prayer in his mind.

As his saint and direct descendant, it is possible to communicate with him directly.

After confirming that there is no problem, Li Qing, who was ready, directly opened a door to another world across planes and teleported to the location of Longfa.

Walking out of the gate of another world, I found myself standing on a barren mountain, with Long Fa on one side and the team that brought Long Fa on the other.

Seeing Li Qing, the incarnation of the true god who had already shown his real body said:
"When the person arrives, the two are settled."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, a burst of spatial fluctuations distorted, and he took his team to teleport away.

Li Qing, who was about to thank him, spread his hands and looked back at this plane.

This is a barren world, the gray sky is full of dust and smoke, there is a dilapidated ruin not far from the foot of the mountain, there are broken walls everywhere, a large number of skeletons and ghosts wander unconsciously in the ruins.

Li Qing looked into the depths of the ruins, and his powerful perception vaguely sensed that the depths of the ruins seemed to be...
The moment he faintly touched the depths of the ruins, the existence in the depths of the ruins also sensed him, and it became clear instantly, and a familiar strange aura quickly approached him.

"It's really quite a lot!"

Any ruin hides a monster, no wonder the two camps gave up this plane.

Faced with this strange thing that could be resurrected infinitely, even the incarnation of the true god felt a little headache, Li Qing did not retreat but advanced, and rushed straight towards the town.


Like a nuclear explosion, huge clouds of pure white flames rose above the town.

Three minutes later, the entire town was razed to the ground, and the clouds of undead and dead energy occupying the town were completely purified by Li Qing's ten rounds of the enhanced Yang Yan Blast.

The monster in it is a ghost-like monster in a virtual state. After being killed by the ten rounds of the enhanced version of the Yangyan explosion, it quickly entered the Dragon Realm and the palm space, and was smoothly refined into slag after a set of procedures.

When the strength is strong enough, no matter how weird the monster is, it is a child.

Leaving the small town, Li Qing started wandering around all over the world, looking for weird things everywhere.

There are more weird things in this plane than he imagined. He ran around without looking for them, and he would come across one every few days.

In addition, he also occasionally killed some legendary undead who occupied the plane.

Without the heroic elimination of humans and illithids, these planes could easily give birth to legendary undead, including undead lords.

Relatively speaking, legendary undead are easier to deal with, after all, they cannot be resurrected infinitely.

Many months later, the half-dragon man who was fighting with a monster somewhere in the plane suddenly stopped, and the monster turned into a black liquid and splashed on him, like sticky asphalt, and a large number of thin whiskers drilled in along the gaps in the dragon scales.

The half-dragon man ignored the black liquid flowing around the crevices of the dragon scales, stretched out his hand to press the mark of hatred that suddenly appeared on his forehead, and muttered to himself:

"Have you found it yet?"

At this moment, the imprint of hatred could no longer be held down with his hands. The invisible phantom turned into tentacles and swayed in the air through his fingers. The invisible halo of corruption spread outward from the imprint.

"Hate, Fear, Death, Destruction!"

Whispers that ordinary people cannot hear echoed in Li Qing's ears, constantly shaking his soul and will.

It is the whisper of the ancient abomination, with the power of corruption and corruption, and all things will be corrupted and corrupted when they hear this sound.

It is also because Li Qing's life essence and soul essence are strong enough to not be affected, but if the mark of hatred is not dispelled, unpredictable changes will occur over time.

Li Qing predicted the strength of the aura of corruption and whispers of corruption emanating from the mark of hatred. If there were no major changes, it should not affect him, so he put out the idea of ​​continuing to consume the shield of divine grace.

Can't make it.

At least one needs to reach a medium level of divine power to completely purify this thing by oneself.

It will take at least a few decades from now to becoming a god, and it will take hundreds of years to reach the middle level of divine power. How can he have hundreds of ordinary divine favors that have been blocked all the time.

Anyway, this is a civilized battlefield. Both humans and illithids have avatars of great divine power. There are no fewer than ten powerful divine powers.

Security can still be guaranteed here, and there is no need to shield.

Even Li Qing wondered whether this ancient abomination would dare to come over, and if he dared to come over and be seen by the resident incarnation of great divine power, would he be slapped to death.

This is very possible. The wind of evil gods like this is a great threat to the war lord. It's just that you don't see it at ordinary times. If you dare to run under the eyes of the supreme and great god, the possibility of killing you is very high.

But then again, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself, you still have to be strong yourself.

It turned out that Li Qing's plan was to linger on the plane battlefield until he succeeded in conferring the gods. After conferring the gods, there are two paths.

One way is to find a powerful god system to join as a refuge after conferring the gods, and then become independent after reaching a medium-level divine power in the future.

Situations like this are allowed, as long as the time of allegiance is agreed with the main god of the pantheon, and tasks and responsibilities are completed within the time of allegiance.

After all, not all true gods are willing to be loyal to a main god forever. During the period of allegiance, there will be gaps between the monarch and his subjects for many reasons, so the two parties can return to freedom after agreeing on how many years of allegiance.

Even An Erqiu and others who worked for Li Qing would not restrict them from being loyal to him forever.

If the monarch and ministers are in harmony, they will always be loyal, especially Li Qing and An Erqiu still have blood fetters. As long as there is no major change, the relationship between them will continue forever.

The other way is to hang on.

After several thousand or tens of thousands of years, when the bloodline of the ancestor ancient dragon continues to improve, it will naturally reach a limit comparable to a medium-level divine power, and then it will be able to remove the mark of hatred by itself.

Of course, the above two paths refer to the normal situation, excluding the fact that he got other opportunities during this period to turn things around.

For example, now Li Qing finds that he can completely purify the monsters to obtain the law fragments, which is a turning point.

If he can accumulate enough law fragments, he will be able to embark on the path of the ancient gods early.

The prerequisite for an ancient god to become a god is the mastery of the laws. As long as the mastery of a certain law reaches a certain level, it will naturally improve the divinity, transform the god body, and condense the godhead to become a god. There is no need to accumulate beliefs, and no need to spend effort to cultivate believers.

As long as the rules are mastered up to the standard, it is easy to become a god.

But then again, the biggest problem for the ancient gods is to understand and master the laws, which is much more difficult than accumulating beliefs and managing believers.

Therefore, if you can accumulate enough law fragments in the plane battlefield, it won't take long to solve this problem.

(End of this chapter)

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