Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 224 Prophecy and the Law of Doom

Chapter 224 Prophecy and the Law of Doom

Time passed, day and night flew by like a shuttle.

Li Qing stayed alone in this plane and killed back and forth, unknowingly many years have passed.

On a certain day in No. 12, Li Qing, who had almost turned around the entire plane except for a few places that might be spooky areas, returned to the original teleportation place again.

It is not ruled out that there are still places in the plane that have not been transferred, but that is meaningless. He is not a scavenger and must clean up all the weird things in the entire plane.

In the past 12 years, he has killed no less than two hundred monsters and accumulated a large number of law fragments.

He counts the remaining core of each monster after it is completely refined and died as 1 point of law fragments, plus those peeled off during the killing process are refined into smaller law fragments, and the number of law fragments that each monster sheds according to its strength is between 1.1 and 2 points.

More than 200 pieces of strange things, all kinds of fragments provided him with a total of 285 points of law fragments.

So many law fragments include many common laws.

That is, there are powerful underlying basic laws such as death and killing, and there are also secondary laws such as corrosion, change, and high temperature. There are dozens of types.

The most numerous of them are death and killing, as well as the secondary laws of corrosion, fear, pain, resentment, anger and so on.

With so many law fragments accumulated, Li Qing decided to use up these law fragments to improve his strength, considering that there were no more monsters in this plane except a few ghost realms.

How to use the law fragments is particular, so many law fragments must not be able to fuse all at once, then there is only one consequence, and that is to become a lunatic.

No true god can fuse so many laws, and even great divine power can't fuse a large number of irrelevant or even conflicting laws in such a random manner.

You can only choose a few of these laws as the main laws, and then use other laws as fuel to strengthen the existing laws.

Maybe most of the law fragments will be wasted and consumed, but if you don't want to become a lunatic, that's the only way to go.

After serious consideration, Li Qing chose the law fragment of prophecy.

Although prophecy is not a very powerful law, it is slightly better among the normal law fragments that can be obtained from many monsters. The key is very suitable for him. It is one of the subordinate laws of the law of destiny, which is the subordinate law of the original law of time.

Li Qing dare not touch the original law of time, but the subordinate law of time, the "Law of Fate", can be touched.

After choosing this law, Li Qing directly used his divine power to integrate the fragments of the prophecy law into his soul, preparing to condense this priesthood.

It is worth mentioning that in the past 12 years, he has not been looking for strange things. During this period, he has not been idle, and has been consuming divine power to gather divinity, transform the divine body, and transform the dragon realm into a divine kingdom.

After so many years, his Dragon Realm has already completed the balance with the God Realm, and it can already be transformed into the Kingdom of God.

Now the source of his divine power is only the dependents in the domain of the gods. The divine power located in the original wild plane is too far away to receive it. Now it is all stored in the statues of the original wild plane, and he can only receive it when he returns to the original wild plane.

Fortunately, God's Domain is with him. He has accumulated a large number of space dragons and dragon descendants over the years, and they can all provide the power of faith far beyond ordinary people.

Space, giant dragon, half-dragon, prophecy!

These are the four priesthoods Li Qing chose, but they haven't been consolidated yet, mainly because the divine power was not enough before.

After more than ten years of accumulation, it is enough now.

Li Qing found a safe place and began to gather his priesthood.

The first thing to condense is the principle of space origin, which is one of his two core priesthoods.

Concentrating priesthood is difficult for ordinary demigods who don't have much accumulation, but it is easy for demigods who have accumulated enough.

Especially for an existence like Li Qing who has already mastered the law of origin, when he mobilizes his divine power and starts to build a priesthood in his soul, it will happen naturally and in one go.

The combination of divine power and the original law of space in the dark, formed a three-dimensional phantom representing the law of space in his soul.

Then, Li Qing's consciousness immediately felt that everything in the world was blurred, the sky, the earth, mountains, trees, etc. all disappeared, and a dark world was replaced by countless interlaced dotted lines to form a model of the world.

He realized instantly that this world model composed of countless interlaced dotted lines is the line of law.

The whole world is composed of different laws intertwined, there is me in you, and you in me.

In Li Qing's vision, there are three types of dotted lines.

One is the smallest in number, but the lines of law are the thickest, and they are interlaced to form a huge frame.

There are many thinner lines of law within the frame, which outline the approximate worlds back and forth within the frame.

Within the framework of these worlds, there are many small lines of laws interlaced back and forth to outline models of different sizes.

To make a simple analogy, the first line of laws is the law of the bottom foundation, which is to build the bottom frame of the whole world, which is equivalent to the concrete foundation that is burned and cast when building a house.

Whether the world is strong depends mainly on whether the foundation is firm or not.

The second type is that the house above the foundation is embedded with reinforced load-bearing columns and many load-bearing walls, which form the upper frame of the house.

The third kind of many laws are all kinds of derived laws, which are mainly used to enrich the world and supplement details other than the main laws.

It is equivalent to adding various decorations in addition to the former rough embryo, the more derivation rules, the more gorgeous the decoration of the house.

Among these many underlying laws, the lines of four laws are particularly thick, namely the four original laws of time, space, energy, and matter.

Among the four original laws, there is one original law that is particularly closely related to Li Qing. He can feel that he can fully grasp the original law of space, and he can feel that as long as he wants to, he can stir the line of the law, thereby easily shaking any plane, even the crystal wall system.

In addition, when Li Qing condensed the priesthood of space, he could feel a divine power coming from the original law of space and blending into his body.

This divine power is not very much, about a hundred points every day, but the victory is continuous, and it will always be there.

And as his mastery of the laws of space deepens, the more divine power he can extract from the underlying basic laws every day.

The law of origin is born to be an ancient god.

Theoretically, after a period of time, if he has a deeper grasp of the law of space, he can ignite the divine fire based on the original law of space, thereby condensing the godhead and conferring the gods.

Moreover, the ancient god conferring the gods is not as big a movement as the belief in conferring the gods. If you don't want people to know, no one will know.

"this is not bad!"

The line of ancient gods combined with the line of belief in conferring gods, plus the power system of the ancestor ancient dragon itself, the three are combined into one.


Next, Li Qing condensed several other priesthoods one by one, and then used these more than 200 pieces of law fragments to strengthen these four laws.

To be precise, it only needs to strengthen the space and prophecy. Dragons and half-dragons are racial priesthoods. They are non-traditional rules. As long as the descendants of dragons and half-dragons multiply and grow stronger, their divine power will be stronger. There is no need for special enhancements, and there is no way to strengthen them.

The law of space is the law of origin, and it is too difficult to strengthen it with law fragments, and the efficiency is too low.

So after turning around, all the fragments of the law were used in the priesthood of prophecy.

After all the refinements were completed, the degree of mastery of the prophecy priesthood changed from the initial 0.17% to 5.41%, which was still halfway from the minimum standard for conferring gods.

The minimum standard for becoming a god is to master more than 10% of the laws of a certain priesthood. The higher the mastery of the laws, the higher the upper limit of the godhead level.

To put it bluntly, after conferring a god, raising the godhead level still needs to be supported by the laws of mastery.

The stronger the law, the deeper the mastery, and the stronger the upper limit of strength.

For example, the priesthood of prophecy is an intermediate-level priesthood, with a mastery of more than 80%, it can carry a medium-level divine power, but limited by the priesthood level, even if it is fully mastered by 100%, it cannot be promoted to powerful divine power.

For other low-level priesthoods such as high temperature, cold, craftsman, conflict, etc., the upper limit can only be weak or weak divine power.

If you want to break through the limit, you can only find a way to master a more advanced priesthood.

"More law fragments are needed!"

Li Qing closed the personal panel, looked up and looked around.

This plane battlefield is definitely a blessed place for him. There is actually a monster derived from the laws of the plane, such as the Paradise. According to this efficiency, another one or two thousand ghost cores will be collected, and all the accumulated law fragments will be fused. I am afraid that it will allow him to be promoted to a medium-level divine power with the priesthood of prophecy.

"Change plane!"

With a thought, Li Qing took a step forward, and the person disappeared out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he had already left this plane.

Formally condensing the priesthood of space, his grasp of space is much stronger than before.

When he came here 12 years ago, he had already left a coordinate on the first plane called D451. He could directly use that coordinate to teleport there, and then use the teleportation array of that plane to return to the main base.

It's not that you can't leave coordinates in the main base, but that the main base doesn't allow individuals to leave space coordinates.

Of course, before leaving, he also left a fixed coordinate at a safe location on this plane.

There are still a lot of fish that escaped the net in this plane, and a few tricky domains that have not been moved. In the future, when the strength becomes stronger, maybe you can try to deal with some small tricky domains to see what this thing is, and it can make the Eternal Tree willing to pay a high-level divine favor in exchange.

After coming out of the teleportation array, Li Qing took a rest for a month and started looking for a second suitable plane again.

Just like last time, I invited a true god to lead his subordinates there, and then teleported there by myself.

Then, it was just like going to the full plane to look for weird things.

Time passed, eight years passed in a blink of an eye, and he was almost done with the weird things in the plane again.

The strength is stronger, and the efficiency is faster this time.

This trip to the plane was a surprise. Among dozens of law fragments, he discovered the law of doom, and he was immediately delighted to gather the priesthood of doom.

The effect of the priesthood of doom is so powerful that it can cause your opponents to have bad luck and bad luck, even the true gods cannot be exempted.

This is a powerful priesthood, theoretically it can carry a powerful divine power.

After condensing the priesthood of doom, Li Qing immediately used the law fragments on the priesthood of doom to strengthen it. All the more than 200 law fragments were used up, and the mastery of the law of doom reached 3.14%.

"The speed is still a bit slow!"

The main reason is that the divine power is not enough. If there is enough divine power, you can use the divine power to analyze the laws of the priesthood directly, which will be faster.

The problem is that he doesn't have a high-level divine favor now, so he can't leave the plane battlefield.

"Swipe two more times, first become a god on this plane!"

Li Qing planned to use the priesthood of prophecy to enshrine the gods. After becoming a god, he would be powerful, and then explore those smaller paradoxes to see if he could completely destroy the paradoxes, so as to obtain high-level divine grace to completely remove the mark of hatred on his body.

Time is running out, and half of the 100-year limit on the Eiger plane group has passed. In the past 60 years, there will be no restrictions in 40 years. At that time, a large number of true gods will flood in. If he doesn't rush back, the original barbaric plane may not be able to keep.

Six years, five years, five years.

In 16 years, Li Qing traveled a total of three times and went to three different planes. The law fragments accumulated in one breath directly increased the mastery of the law of prophecy to 13.22%, exceeding the standard of conferring gods.

Then, when he was about to enshrine the gods,
Li Qing suddenly discovered a problem. In the battlefield of the plane, it seems that there is no way to become a god.

Just started to prepare for conferring the gods, when I received a reminder from the tree of eternity--dimensional ascension is forbidden on the plane battlefield, that is, conferring the gods.

It's not the reason for the death of the crystal wall system, nor is it a question of whether the will of the crystal wall system will force you to become a child of the crystal wall system when conferring gods on the plane battlefield, but that there is no way to confer gods at all.

Because the source sea of ​​the crystal wall system was sealed by two civilizations, humans and illithids.

As we all know, Fengshen needs to contact the source sea of ​​the world, and absorb divine power from the source sea to condense the transformation of the godhead,
The source sea of ​​the world is located in another dimension, and the god-conferring person needs to ignite the divine fire to temporarily ascend the dimension to contact the source sea.

Now Yuanhai where the battlefield of the plane is located is sealed, unless he has a way to break the seal, or use some method to bypass the seal and contact Yuanhai, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to become a god.

Of course, this refers to the system of belief in conferring gods. If it is the ancient god route, there is no such restriction.

The route of the ancient gods is to directly contact the Chaos Void Sea, relying on the origin of the Chaos Void Sea rather than the source sea of ​​the plane or crystal wall system. As long as the conditions are met, gods can be conferred wherever they are.


"I will either change the route of the ancient gods, or leave the battlefield of the plane and return to the tree of eternity, or go to another plane."

Li Qing pondered.

But he didn't struggle with it for long, because he didn't have enough time to create it, and it only took more than [-] years, so he had to quickly become a god.

"But before you go, find a strange place to have a look."

Although he is not a god now, he has accumulated many aspects, and his strength is not inferior to some new gods, and he can barely explore some of the smallest tricky areas.

Others say that it is hard to get out of the paranormal realm, and even the true god has a record of falling.

Li Qing took a look at his own strength, the most important thing is to master the law of the origin of space, the probability of escaping should be quite high.

"So be it!"

Li Qing turned around and went to the eighth floor of the main base, planning to find intelligence organizations to buy some paranormal domains, and see which paradoxical domain suits him.

Many true gods have ventured into the paralyzed realm, and there are special true gods to explore. They may not be able to break through the paralyzed realm, but saving their lives is not a problem.

There are very few records of the fall of the true gods, and most of the true gods entered and came back alive.

(End of this chapter)

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