Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 228 Conferred God

Chapter 228 Conferred God
"I want to become a god!"

At the level that no one can see, Li Qing's soul, will, magic power, spiritual power, divine power, and even blood and other powers began to boil with his will.

Driven by invisible forces, these irrelevant forces began to merge one by one, turning into a mess.


The gray chaos suddenly burned, and an invisible transparent flame burned within his body.

The flames penetrated into the flesh and blood from the inside to the outside, and soon the huge ancient dragon began to burn with transparent flames, and the surrounding space was burned by the flames, slightly distorted.

If there is a true god who sees this scene here, he will definitely know that this is igniting the divine fire.

Regardless of any plane and world, regardless of the indigenous gods or the sons of destiny of the destiny civilizations, the gods need to ignite the divine fire, and then imprint their will in the source sea of ​​the selected world, so as to become the eternal and immortal true god recognized by the world .

There are several options for entrusting their will, and the natives generally can only choose to entrust their will on the plane of their birth.

The war lord of the destiny civilization has two choices, one is to find a main plane to entrust and become a plane god.

One is to return to the main world where one's own civilization is located, such as the eternal tree of human beings, the eternal brain pool of illithid civilization, and entrust one's will on the eternal tree.

The only difference between the two is that the former is relatively free, while the latter is restricted in life and death by the tree of eternity, but it is safer.

Li Qing is the third type. He didn't choose any plane group, nor was he the tree of eternity, but chose to place himself in the Chaos Void Sea itself.

Whether it is the crystal wall system of all planes or the eternal ruler of the civilizations of destiny, they are all existences in the chaotic sea.

Normal true gods cannot entrust their will in the Chaos Void Sea, only those who have mastered the original law can entrust it, and there are not many such existences in the entire Chaos Void Sea.

As everything in him turned into divine fire and ignited, Li Qing felt that all his powers were integrated into one, turning into a familiar yet very powerful force with a hint of strangeness.

At the same time, his will began to transform and sublimate with the burning of the divine fire.

At a certain moment of sublimation, his will instantly transcended everything and appeared in a vast silver ocean.

No need to explain, he immediately understood that this was the original sea of ​​the Primal Chaos Void Sea, and any ancient gods would have the opportunity to come in when they were conferred gods, and if they could be promoted to great divine power.

At this moment, all the most basic and underlying laws that constitute the chaotic sea appeared in front of him, Li Qing came to the lake like a hungry passerby, and frantically absorbed the water.

At the same time, the infinite primordial power of the chaotic virtual sea was integrated into his burning divine fire through the priesthood space of the ancient god, and then transformed into his own source power, which crazily strengthened his soul and body.

And through him as a pivot to infiltrate into the God's Domain, crazily expand his God's Domain and God's Kingdom.

This is the treatment that all conferring gods will receive when conferring gods. At the moment of conferring gods, their souls are sublimated and they will gain huge benefits.

But under normal circumstances, there will only be a moment. In this moment, the mastery of the new god's divinity and the corresponding rules of the priesthood, as well as the strength of the kingdom of God, will be greatly improved, allowing the new god to cross the boundary between gods and mortals.

But at this moment, it brought benefits to Li Qing beyond his imagination.

How huge is the entire chaotic virtual sea, how huge is its source sea, and how huge is the power that surges in an instant?
There is a feeling of being full.

Sublimation's will withdraws from Yuanhai, this seems to be a signal, invisible power gathers in his body and begins to condense into a flawless lens.


At this moment, an invisible wave flickered like lightning, swept across the entire plane in an instant, and disappeared into the void.


Somewhere in the center of the crystal wall system, a huge will suddenly raised its head slowly, and smiled slightly:

At this time, Li Qing didn't know about this. At this time, his real body had left the plane and entered his own kingdom of God.

After becoming a god, his real body was forced to return to the Kingdom of God.

I can't stay outside anymore, the plane can't bear it.

His strength is not comparable to that of ordinary true gods.

Whether it is the ancient god system or the ancestor ancient dragon, the superposition of the two makes his real combat power no less than that of the weaker gods. The power of this level has long exceeded the limit that the plane can bear.

Staying in the plane for a long time can easily cause irreversible damage to this ordinary plane.

Of course, this crystal wall system has been destroyed long ago, it doesn't matter if it is damaged or not, the main reason is that if the plane is exploded by him, his existence will immediately be known to most of the crystal wall system's true gods.

In the kingdom of God, a huge dark golden crystal dragon occupies the center of the kingdom of God, surrounded by layers of invisible space.

If there is no accident, his real body will always sit in the center of the Kingdom of God, and he will only send out the incarnation of God when he goes out in the future.

A light curtain popped up in front of the reclining Dark Gold Crystal Dragon, on which was a series of data. At this moment, Li Qing needed to make a series of choices to determine his extraordinary divine power after becoming a god.

Name: Li Qing.

Real name: #¥…%¥#¥*
God Name: God of Space.

Divine Emblem: Undecided.

Alignment: Lawful neutral.

Godhead level: Ancient God level 0 (weak divine power)

Ancient god priesthood: space 15%.

Domain: space.

Divinity: 55 point.

Kingdom of God: Dragon Realm.

Extraordinary abilities of universal godhead: changing shape, changing reality, changing size, power of truth, communication between all things, god descending to earth, life and death.

Exclusive Godhead Extraordinary Ability: Space Mastery.

Extraordinary ability of the ancient god's godhead: the art of conferring the gods.

Divine immunity: attribute damage, attribute absorption, acid, cold, electricity, poison, disease, disintegration, energy absorption, paralysis, sleep, shock, transformation, imprisonment, exile, instant death effect, mind influence, etc.

Hero skills: True God Divine Body LV2, Ancestral Ancient Dragon (True God) LV2, Mastery of Space Origin LV3.

The normal new god's true god body is only LV1, he is directly LV2, plus the true god-level ancestor ancient dragon LV2, Li Qing's strength has already surpassed the average new god.

And this is just the ancient god system, without adding the belief system.

However, he has already condensed the priesthoods of giant dragon, half-dragon, prophecy and doom, and he can join the godhead at any time.

Without hesitation, Li Qing decisively added several priesthoods to the godhead, and then added several new supernatural abilities of the godhead.

They are big prophecy (space), dragon summoning, and bestowing bad luck.

After doing this, there is another more important thing to do, which is to gather the incarnation of God.

The weak divine power of godhead level 0 can only produce one avatar of god, and it can only be the incarnation of god with a single priesthood. Whether the combat power is strong depends mainly on whether the priesthood is strong or not.

Both the God of War incarnation and the artistic incarnation of the God of Art are 0-level godheads, and their combat power is not at the same level.

Li Qing's incarnation of God has nothing to tangle with. He doesn't want to expose the priesthood of space for the time being, so he can only choose the giant dragon as the incarnation of God.

Although the priesthood of the dragon has no law bonus, the priesthood of the race of the dragon itself is a powerful priesthood, which is by no means inferior to any powerful combat priesthood.

Half a year later, infinite divine power flew out of the increasingly large ancient dragon like a golden river, and quickly condensed into a smaller dragon.

Although it is slightly smaller, it is not inferior to the ancestor ancient dragon before conferring the gods.

The incarnation of God is the extension of the true God's will, which can do almost anything.

After a while, a door of space appeared in the plane, and a dark gold crystal dragon flew out of it, quickly recovered its human body, stretched out its finger, and a door of another world opened, walked into it and disappeared.

In the Kingdom of God, Li Qingzhen was in the center of the Kingdom of God. He looked up at the Kingdom of God with a radius of more than 1000 kilometers, and the domain of God on the other side of the Kingdom of God. He pinched his chin and began to think.

With the real body and the incarnation of the gods, it is equivalent to having an extra self, and many things that were previously incapable of being separated can now be done.

A long time ago, I thought about establishing my own unit system and making more constructed knights, but there were too many things in these years, and I didn't have much time at all.

Well now, with an incarnation of God to deal with other things, the real body can stay in the kingdom of God to do these things.

The efficiency of the true god is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, because there is a godhead to handle everything.

Godhead is equivalent to a supercomputer to the true god, which can handle tasks unimaginable by ordinary people in an instant.

It used to take several days to make a set of Dread Knight magic pattern structure, but now it can make several sets in a day.

Even as Li Qing gained a lot of knowledge by fusing the fragments of the source sea, after digesting the knowledge, a lot of new ideas appeared in his mind, and these ideas were combined with the magic pattern construction system to give birth to new inspiration.

Li Qing couldn't wait to redesign a new and more powerful magic pattern construction suit.

In addition, Li Qing has always had an idea in his mind to develop his own unique military system, and after acquiring a lot of new knowledge, it has already taken shape.

It just so happens that the real body can stay in the Kingdom of God and take time to study.

However, research is only part of his current work, and a more important part is to adjust the Kingdom of God and the Domain of God.

With his official conferment of gods, believers will enter the Kingdom of God and become petitioners after death.

If you die in the domain of the gods, you will directly enter the kingdom of the gods.

But if he died in other places, he needs to send an envoy to fetch him.

So Li Qing needs to prepare a batch of envoys at this time.

In addition, it is necessary to establish a Divine Kingdom Guard to protect the Divine Kingdom.

If it is an indigenous true god, it is necessary to build a God Kingdom petitioner army to fight, but the war lord does not need it, the war lord can use the God's Domain troops.

Although the petitioners transformed by dead believers only provide one-tenth of the divine power they had before they were alive, the power is continuous and stable. After all, the petitioners will not suffer from birth, old age, sickness and death.

Any human petitioner can easily live for hundreds of years. Li Qing's main followers are all kinds of giant dragons and dragon descendants. After transforming into petitioners with their soul strength, they can live for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. No problem, these are a steady stream of stable sources of divine power, how could it be possible to pull them into battle.

You must know that the petitioner will not die unless he is in the kingdom of God. If he is pulled out to fight and dies, he will simply die.

Therefore, warlords use troops formed by living people to fight abroad.

One day two months later, after Li Qing had finished making a batch of scary knight magic-weave structures, he was researching a new magic-weave structure when he suddenly felt something stop, and then a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he opened his mouth. Spit, a piece of familiar law fragment starlight appeared in front of him, with a source sea fragment in the center.

The incarnation of God has solved another tricky area in another plane, and the incarnation of the real body can use the palm space.

So after the avatar refined the Lord of the Paradox in the palm space, the exit of the palm space opened in front of the real body.

This means that the space in the palm is a shared warehouse for his real body and the incarnations, and anything can be transferred to one of the incarnations through the space in the palm.

It is also possible to communicate with avatars through this thing, even if they are far apart, they can communicate in real time. ,

By fusing the source sea fragments and a bunch of law fragments, Li Qing gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom, as well as a part of source power.

After formally enshrining the gods, while refining the fragments of the source sea, he will briefly touch the source sea of ​​the crystal wall system, so as to grab a trace of the source of the crystal wall system from it.

Li Qing knows very well that this is because the will of the crystal wall system has been lost, and the source sea of ​​the crystal wall system has no guardian.

If it is replaced by any complete crystal wall system, his operation is a thief stealing the origin of the crystal wall system, and the son of the crystal wall system or the indigenous gods will definitely find out the abnormality, which will provoke a thunder strike.

Since officially becoming an ancient god, Li Qing's strength has skyrocketed. Especially after the conferred godhood, the essence of life has changed, and the suppression effect of the paradoxical domain has been greatly reduced. Now most of the power can be retained in the paradoxical domain.

Relying on this part of the power and the space in his palm, each of these tricky domains was transformed into fragments of the source sea for him to absorb and refine under the strategy of the incarnation of god.

Every time he absorbs and refines, his strength will increase.

Visible to the naked eye, the real one is stronger.

After solving the tricky areas in these planes, he decisively went to other planes.

Having been promoted to a true god, he no longer needs to find other true gods to lead the way, and can go to the void to find other paradoxical realms by himself.

As time passed, more and more Yuanhai fragments were collected and refined, and his strength became stronger and stronger, until...
Ten years later, except for the few forbidden areas that were too dangerous to explore, most of the paradoxical areas of the crystal wall system were solved by Li Qing.

There are still a small number of him who didn't continue, not because he didn't want to, but now, ten years later, a wind of chaos is approaching this crystal wall system.

It was the wind of the evil god where the immemorial abomination of the abomination mark on his body was located. After such a long time, it finally rushed out of the crystal wall system.

After so long, Li Qing even forgot that he still had a mark of hatred on his body.

Li Qing didn't react until the wind of the evil god approached the crystal wall system, the imprint of hatred suddenly broke out and then positioned, and an evil will broke out.

But at this time, the mark of hatred is no longer in Li Qing's eyes.

For more than ten years, he didn't know how many Yuanhai fragments he had fused. Although his godhead level had just been promoted to a weaker level of divine power at level [-], his real strength was already close to medium divine power. The threat of this evil wind to him was not as good as before.

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(End of this chapter)

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