Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 229 Judgment of Fate

Chapter 229 Judgment of Fate

Li Qing didn't wait for the Primordial Abomination to do anything. After discovering that the Primordial Abomination really ran to the edge of this crystal wall system, he decisively used a piece of Yuanhai fragments to exchange for a high-level divine grace, and then
Just when he used this high-level divine favor to ask the Tree of Eternity to take action to completely remove the mark of hatred on his body, he received a task reminder from the Tree of Eternity again, stating that he would be sent to the Eternal Tree within ten years. Get ready to head to Winds of Chaos 8.

After he became a god, he has already met the conditions for completing this task.

You always have to pay back when you come out to hang out, and the favor you owed at the beginning must be paid back now.

Li Qing had no choice but to agree.

Fortunately, he is now a god, and after so many years of accumulation, he is now a weak god, with a godhead level as high as level 9, and he can divide up to five god incarnations.

But this is the upper limit, how many avatars can be separated depends on how many priesthoods you have.

If the true god has only two priesthoods, then only two avatars can be separated at most, if the true god has four priesthoods, then four god incarnations can be separated, if the true god has six priesthoods, then only five gods can be separated incarnation.

The task of the Eternal Tree does not require him to go there in person, it is also fine to send an incarnation of God, as long as you can complete it.

Li Qing thought about it for a while, and sent out the incarnation of the dragon god who was second only to the strongest space priest.

It is worth mentioning that after so many years of accumulation, Li Qing now has more than five priesthoods. He has selected several very powerful priesthoods from so many law fragments, including all subordinate priesthoods that can synthesize the powerful priesthood of fate.

However, he is not strong enough now, and he has not been able to combine these priesthoods into the destiny priesthood. He must wait for him to be promoted to a medium divine power before he can combine them into one.

He sent the incarnation of the dragon god to perform tasks. The two incarnations of luck and misfortune continued to search for the paradox in the crystal wall system. The incarnation of the space priest stayed in the kingdom of God to guard the real body, and he sent the priest of prophecy to prepare to return to the original world. The barbaric plane, accepting his believers and accumulated massive divine power there.

At this time, Li Qing's godhead level had reached level 9, which was only 1 level away from the tenth level of medium divine power.

After returning to receive the divine power accumulated in the original wild plane, there is a high probability that he can be promoted to the tenth level of medium divine power.

Once you reach the middle level of divine power, you are basically in the top of your game.

For a true god, medium divine power is considered a hurdle, because at this point, the incarnation of a true god can integrate all the priesthoods into one, and any incarnation of a god can have all the priesthoods at the same time, which is equivalent to a shrunken version of the real body.

Not to mention that such an incarnation of gods is very powerful in combat, what's more important is that a person with medium divine power can have up to ten incarnations of gods.

Imagine how powerful it would be for a medium divine power to have ten incarnations of gods with half the power of the real body but with all the powers of the law.

Not to mention that Li Qing possesses two super-powerful priesthoods: the ancient priesthood of space plus fate and giant dragon. As the ancestor of the ancient dragon, Li Qing's combat effectiveness is very strong, and he has the power to leapfrog challenges.

That is to say, when he is promoted to medium divine power, he is basically invincible at the same level.

Wait for the godhead level to increase a few more levels, reaching level 34, I am afraid that the higher level can challenge the general powerful divine power.

Main base, teleporter.

Li Qing's prophecy avatar stood in front of the transmission platform, looking at Xia Yuanqing who was blocking him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he smiled out of breath.

"Revenge for the real villain, all day long!"

This is too much to give up. After such a long time, he is busy improving his strength, and he almost forgot that there is an enemy on the battlefield of the plane. Xia Yuanqing still remembers himself and still has a grudge , still squatting guarding.

"It's really self-defeating!"

Li Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, reached out his hand to stop Xia Yuanqing's upcoming long speech, pointed at him and said:
"Stop talking so much nonsense, let's go to the arena of life and death, and fight to the death under the witness of the tree of eternity, dare you?"

The so-called life-and-death duel field is a duel field used to resolve disputes between the gods. In order to prevent unnecessary casualties caused by the misuse of the gods, under normal circumstances, it is necessary to pay a high-level divine favor to open it.

Neither of them had high divine favors before, so naturally they didn't mention it.

But now Li Qing is getting annoyed, and he still has a few sources of paradoxical domains at hand, so he just doesn't do anything, and solves this trouble directly.

In the duel of life and death, both sides will put all their strength into it. If they are true gods, they will join the battlefield regardless of their real body or incarnation, and then fight on the duel field until one side, regardless of their real body or incarnation, completely falls.

Facing Li Qing's provocation, Xia Yuanqing was taken aback for a moment, then sneered:
"I haven't seen you in decades, but you have learned to brag. You have the ability to send me a challenge."

Before the words were finished, two beams of light suddenly descended from the sky and enveloped the two of them. The dazzling blood flooded them and interrupted Xia Yuanqing's voice.

He looked up at the sky in surprise, and his face gradually calmed down. He stared at Li Qing closely and didn't speak for a while.

Li Qing looked at him coldly, and said expressionlessly:

"Come on, let me see the courage you have entangled for decades, don't make me look down on you."

Xia Yuanqing's mind turned quickly, analyzing the strength of the enemy and us.

In front of him was an incarnation of a god with a divinity level of 8, which could not be concealed. This meant that Li Qing's real body was either 9 or [-], which was already comparable to his real body.

But he was born holy, and he was stronger than him at the beginning of the kingdom of God and the mastery of the priesthood. The accumulation of divine power must be higher, and the real life-and-death fight has a higher winning rate.

In addition, the life-and-death duel has already been sent at this time, if I admit that I am cowardly under the eyes of everyone, I will not be able to hold my head up in the future.

Thinking of this, Xia Yuanqing laughed and accepted the challenge.

"Since you are anxious to die, then I will naturally satisfy you, come on!"

As he accepted the duel of life and death, two beams of light shot up into the sky and disappeared.

Many true gods around were quite sorry to see this scene, they did not open to watch the battle.

In an instant, Li Qing felt that his real body had left the Kingdom of God, and the five scattered incarnations appeared in an independent space across hundreds of millions of spaces at this moment.

This is a chaotic space, there are no planes, only endless chaos, which is suitable for true gods to fight.

There are energy vortexes at both ends of the huge chaotic space, and Xia Yuanqing and Li Qing occupy one side.

Real body, five incarnations, they all have more than five priesthoods.

Li Qing didn't think about opening his God's Domain and mobilizing a group of subordinates to help in the battle. A one-on-one fight between true gods, even legendary powerhouses would be cannon fodder, as many as they came would die.

Some true gods are not afraid of loss, but he can't afford to lose now.

When the chaos gradually dissipated, six huge figures shrouded in infinite divine light appeared on one side, and on the other side, besides the six figures surrounded by divine power, there was also a large-scale angel army.

As a natural saint, Xia Yuanqing's preparation is much better than that of a mortal like Li Qing. His father, mother and god have already prepared the kingdom of God and believers for him from the very beginning.

At the beginning, he had the extraordinary unit of the wasteland hunter, and after reascension, the wasteland hunter would become his wasteland angel army.

Any Transcendent believer who dies and is led to the Kingdom of God can be directly transformed into the Angel Legion of the Wasteland, an angelic legion whose strength ranges from the ninth-level Transcendent to the tenth-level sanctuary combat power.

In the arena of life and death, Xia Yuanqing was not stingy at all, and called out all the five or six thousand wilderness angels accumulated on hand, plus several demigod angels.

He quickly adjusted the angel army, except for a small number of guards, the others were divided into five parts, assisting the five incarnations of gods to rush to Li Qing's five incarnations of gods.

There is no nonsense, it is a decisive battle.

On the other side, facing Xia Yuanqing who was assisted by the angel army, Li Qingzhen looked up at a certain direction in the void expressionlessly, nodded slightly in that direction, and then lowered his head to look at Xia Yuanqing who was rushing forward, surrounded by divine power The huge Dragon God Avatar stood up slowly.

He didn't pay much attention to Xia Yuanqing's Angel Legion, unless the scale could be increased tenfold to slightly affect the battle situation.

Space and giant dragons, priesthood is too powerful.

Without any action, several avatars of gods had already greeted them, and both sides began to display various supernatural powers halfway.

A stream of invisible domains exploded. This is because the two sides use the laws they have mastered to change the battlefield, allowing the laws in the battlefield to temporarily change in favor of their own advantages.

Xia Yuanqing's innate priesthood is the wilderness, which is very powerful in the early stage, but not so good in the later stage.

But Xia Yuanqing has not been swaying around every day in the past few decades. With the help of the Father God and the Mother God, he has mastered the priesthood of hunting and hunter, as well as dispute and duel.

His purpose is naturally to master the powerful priesthood of war.

The two powerful domains of hunting and disputes exploded, quickly covering the entire battlefield.

The hunting domain can quickly restore its own state, including physical strength and exhaustion, and every time a hunting target is killed, it can instantly restore all of its own state.

The field of dispute can improve one's own morale and status, and each target killed can weaken the target's status.

These two fields are very powerful on the battlefield. As long as you can gain an advantage in the early stage, you can quickly expand your advantage, thereby suppressing the enemy to the end in one fell swoop.

Xia Yuanqing was full of confidence when the two fields overlapped.

However, as Li Qing started his first field, his expression changed.

The first field that Li Qing expanded was not the field of space law, but the field of doom.

There is only one effect, making the enemy doomed.

To put it plainly, it means that you will be in bad luck, and you will be unlucky in everything you do.

The second aura is the lucky field, the effect is to make yourself super lucky.

The two are superimposed, that is, one's own critical strike plus dodge, each attack of the opponent must be the smallest attack, the critical strike must not come out, and the dodge must not be able to dodge.

If the difference in strength is too large, it is useless, the smallest attack is stronger than your crit.

But if there is not much difference in strength, this can directly change the situation of the battle.

With the expansion of the final space field and the prohibition of all space-related abilities of the enemy, Xia Yuanqing was stunned, and shouted with fear in shock:

"This is impossible!"

Not shocked by the realm of doom, nor shocked by the realm of luck, but shocked by the realm of space.

A domain is an extension of a priesthood, and only with this priesthood can one have its corresponding domain.

Li Qing expanded the field of space, which means he has the super powerful priesthood of space.

Coupled with the priesthood of the dragon, two powerful priesthoods of luck and bad luck.

Xia Yuanqing was shocked at this moment, and had a hint of fear.

But no matter how he thought, it was too late to do anything at this time.

The five incarnations of gods appeared in front of Xia Yuanqing's legion of angels in a flash across hundreds of kilometers, and jumped in the face. The avatar of the dragon priest turned into an ancient dragon with a wingspan of more than 5000 meters, and sprayed a breath of dragon's breath on the legion of angels.

Xia Yuanqing turned around immediately, and the strife turned into a thousand-meter-high giant god, raised his hands, and the infinite divine power gushed into a red divine power barrier more than ten kilometers across to block the dragon's breath.

Pure divine power can block any damage.

The priesthood can only magnify the power of the divine power according to the strength of the priesthood, but this range is limited, at most several times or ten times. If the difference in the accumulated divine power is too large, a hundred times the divine power will crush it. collapse.

At this time, the only thing Xia Yuanqing could do was to take advantage of his divine power.

However, he obviously underestimated the power of the two priesthoods of luck and bad luck.

After the dragon incarnation, the priest of doom made a move, but he pointed his finger, but nothing happened.

Xia Yuanqing's hunter priest on the opposite side took out a bow-like semi-artifact, set up a bow and drew an arrow, and shot an arrow at the dragon incarnation, but under the influence of bad luck, the arrow was slightly off-point and shot at Xia Yuanqing, who was resisting the dragon incarnation. avatar.

Pretty outrageous, but it happened.

The incarnation of strife had no choice but to mobilize the divine power light curtain to carry it hard, and an arrow hit the weak point of the divine power light curtain and passed through the light.

Xia Yuanqing's strife incarnation was stunned, subconsciously mobilizing his divine power to resist for the second time.

But at this time, Li Qing's lucky avatar made a move, and also pointed at the space avatar, and the space avatar turned into a stream of light that flashed through the divine light curtain set by Xia Yuanqing's strife avatar.

This is also outrageous, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the divine power light curtain to have such a loophole.

But doom and luck combine, and the outrageous becomes plausible.

Bad luck caused the hunter incarnation to shoot his own people with the arrow, and the incarnation of strife could only protect itself. The hasty use of divine power caused a hole in the divine power light curtain under the impact of the divine power dragon's breath, allowing Li Qing's space incarnation to pass through the light curtain and appear in the strife In front of the avatar.

Then, a large-scale God's Space Imprisonment swept across, except for Xia Yuanqing's real body, the other incarnations and the angel army were all imprisoned and unable to move.

The real body seems to be trapped in the quagmire of space and moves slowly, and the avatar is completely unable to move.

The divine power light curtain naturally disappeared, and Li Qingzhen and several other divine power incarnations stepped forward in front of Xia Yuanqing's incarnations

"I said, God has responsibilities, and you should not go beyond your responsibilities!"

Li Qing's avatars of gods shot down several avatars of Xia Yuanqing's clergy one after another, while his real body came in front of Xia Yuanqing's real body who was suppressed by the space domain and moved slowly, ignoring his anger and fear, with a blank face. The expression spoke again:
"If a person is more responsible, he will be judged by law. If a god is more responsible, he will be judged by fate!"

Li Qing uttered the truth, his majestic voice was like thunder echoing between heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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