Throne of the Warlord

Chapter 230 Returning to the Primordial Savage Plane

Chapter 230 Returning to the Primordial Savage Plane
"Using the authority of the origin of space, I say, deprive the vassal of God!"

As soon as the words fell, an indescribable power descended, and the angel legion surrounding Xia Yuanqing's many god incarnations suddenly lost their color, and turned into powder and scattered in the next second.

Although Xia Yuanqing couldn't move, he could feel that the huge angel army connected to his godhead lost contact in an instant, and an inexplicable fear arose spontaneously.

But this fear was only the beginning, followed by another majestic voice:

"Using the authority of the origin of space, I say, deprive the power of God!"

In the next second, that indescribable power came again, and all the incarnations of gods lost their color, turning into gray and white like statues, motionless.

She turned her head and blinked slightly before, but now she is completely unable to move.

But then there was another more majestic voice echoing between heaven and earth:
"With the authority of the origin of space, I say, deprive God of authority!"

Xia Yuanqing's five avatars of gods collapsed and disappeared immediately, and his real power quickly dimmed.

At this moment, the lonely Xia Yuanqing's face was full of fear, and he almost used all his strength to say a few words:
"Great Prophecy!"

Li Qing's pupils full of divine power stared at Xia Yuanqing indifferently, and then he spoke again, shouting loudly as if he was pronouncing a trial:
"Using the authority of the origin of space, I say, deprive the godhead!"


Countless thunderbolts appeared in the sky and earth, and an inexplicable aura appeared in front of Xia Yuanqing, and quickly turned into a middle-aged man who was shrouded in divine light and couldn't see clearly, uttering words:

"Let go of my son, I."

Before the words fell, Li Qing stretched out his hand expressionlessly:

The divine light phantom and a burst of divine power disappeared instantly.


Xia Yuan's real body trembled immediately, but he couldn't move. The invisible force pressed down, and countless tiny golden plasma flew out from the surface of his real body.

This is the blood marrow and plasma of God, which he forcibly stripped and extracted from his real body.

"The lad is quite strong!"

On the level that no one can see, the will of three powerful gods is watching the battle.

One of the powerful gods said:
"To be able to master the great prophecy before the middle level of divine power is very remarkable, and the future is boundless."

Another powerful divine power also nodded and said:
"I have a little impression of this young man. I heard His Majesty say before that he seemed to be a god in the battlefield of the plane, but he didn't choose the temptation of the residual will of the crystal wall system. This is remarkable."

The third powerful divine power finally said:

"Based on his mastery of priesthood laws, he is very likely to become a member of the same rank as me in the future."

"It won't take long."

The three strong wills spoke to each other, most of them were optimistic about Li Qing, but they didn't even look at Xia Yuanqing who was being deprived of his divine blood and priesthood like torture at this time.

Even if they have nothing to do with each other, at this time they are obviously a life-and-death arena that consumes a high-level divine grace. Unless they consume more high-level divine grace to forcibly interfere, they will not be able to break the game.

Time passed, and after a full 10 minutes of extraction, all the divine blood and divine essence of Xia Yuanqing's real body were abruptly extracted, turning into a golden mummy.

At this time, Li Qing ignored the fear and pleading in Xia Yuanqing's eyes, and pointed out:
"I said, deprive the godhead!"

In an instant, infinite clear light bloomed, and a ball of light that could not be described in words flew out from the forehead of the mummy.

The moment the godhead was deprived, the breath of the mummy plummeted to the extreme.

All the divinity in his body disappeared instantly, and he instantly turned into a mortal.

Then, a gust of wind blew by, and the mummy turned into ashes and scattered in the sky.

A true god has fallen so far.

The arena of life and death also collapsed after detecting that one of them disappeared. Li Qing reappeared in the main base, while Xia Yuanqing had disappeared.

He's gone now, but not completely.

It is very difficult to kill a true god completely, even if the true god is completely killed in the physical sense, it will only kill him now, not completely fall.

The will of the soul of the true god is entrusted to the plane or the crystal wall system or the tree of eternity, and that point of entrusting the true spirit is the key to its resurrection.

As long as the conditions are met, the fallen true god can be resurrected.

Li Qing alone knows several conditions for resurrecting the true god, one of which is for outsiders to help rebuild the faith.

When the normal true god falls, beliefs will also break, and believers will gradually convert.

But if there is a true god who is willing to help build faith, the fallen true god can be resurrected when the accumulated faith is enough.

If it is an indigenous true god, it will bring the fallen true god back from the star realm.

If it is a civilization of destiny, it is to retrieve the bit of true spirit entrusted from the tree of eternity.

Either way, it can be revived.

If you want to completely destroy a true god, you can only completely eliminate the belief in the true god, know its existence, and possibly help it to be wiped out.

No one helps to rebuild the belief. As time goes by, the information of the existence of the true God will completely disappear, and eventually be completely forgotten by people.

The second method, of course, is to directly strip the true spirit entrusted by the opponent from the place of entrustment with strong strength, and then destroy it once and for all.

To achieve this, at least a powerful divine power above level 15 is required.

You must have a very powerful main priesthood, such as light, darkness, order, chaos, destiny, etc., which can promote great divine power.

Only by possessing such a super-powerful priesthood combined with powerful divine power can one achieve that step.

Therefore, Xia Yuanqing has not completely fallen at this time, and he still has two parents who are true gods, so he will definitely find a way to resurrect him.

But it's not a big problem. It will take at least one or two hundred years for Xia Yuanqing to be resurrected and become a god again.

And after 200 years, he would already have medium or even strong divine power, and ten Xia Yuanqing would not be afraid to come over at that time.

Of course, during this period, he had to be careful about Xia Yuanqing's parents.

Killing their son themselves, they will definitely not let it go, and will definitely take action.

There is no need to say what is right or wrong, and there is no so-called reason. This thing has no reason and right or wrong.

After being teleported back from the duel field of life and death, Li Qingzhen's body was also teleported back by the way, and then all the avatars were collected into the kingdom of God.

In the center of the Kingdom of God, there is a huge vortex of divine power, and a huge dark golden crystal dragon occupies the center of the vortex of divine power.

All the incarnations of gods returned to the Kingdom of God, and Li Qing put before him the divine blood and godhead deprived from Xia Yuanqing.

Wilderness, Hunter, Hunting, Duel, and Dispute have a total of five priesthoods.

All the blood of a weak god.

Li Qingzhen opened her mouth wide from the vortex, a force of gravity swallowed all the blood and godhead, and then slowly closed her eyes.

But after a while, Gu Long opened his eyes again, revealing a trace of regret:
"not enough!"

He was going to devour Xia Yuanqing's divine blood, and then refine his divine spark, to see if he could reach medium divine power in one go.

But just tried it and found it wasn't enough.

He is too powerful and has accumulated too much. Simply having the blood and godhead of the same level is not enough for him to cross this level in one go.

In desperation, they could only resend a few incarnations and continue according to the previous plan.

For the Eiger plane group, almost 90 years have passed since the original big change of the plane group, and the 100-year protection period is only about ten years left.

"At this time, the internal situation of the Aiger plane group is very chaotic!"

Gu Qiangu sat across from Li Qing's avatar, and said in a deep voice:
"There is nothing wrong with the original wild plane. This seat has already put down its words. No one dares to come here within 100 years. The main reason is the situation of the main plane."

"Twenty years ago, a few illithids were born divine and got carried away after ascending to the gods. They joined forces to attack an aboriginal true God's Kingdom of God, and they all fell into the Kingdom of God in the end."

"After the indigenous true god obtained their godhood and priesthood, he just completed the priesthood of order. Now he has broken through the bottleneck and promoted to medium divine power."

"After the war, he relied on his strong strength to unite several weak native true gods to establish a god system. In the battle of gods, he defeated a total of seven newly ascended gods from humans and illithids. Now his strength is getting stronger and stronger. , is already a leader among the native true gods, and has the possibility of being promoted to powerful divine power."

"So much change?"

Li Qing was extremely surprised.

Gu Qiangu sighed, and said with a complicated face:

"You have reached level 9 godhead now, and you are one step away from medium divine power. You have the dragon priesthood, and there is no bottleneck in advancing to medium divine power."

"It's only been a few years, and your strength has already surpassed mine. This is the big change."

Li Qing shook his head and said:
"Second brother, you are serious. With your ability, as long as you are willing, you can reach my step immediately. You just want to walk more steadily. Temporary godhead rank is nothing."

Gu Qiangu didn't say anything, it was true.

It's just that he wasn't in a hurry to improve his godhead level, it wasn't that he couldn't improve quickly.

And after so many years, his strength is not stagnant, and now he has already been promoted to a weaker level of divine power, and his godhead level has reached level 8.

Then they chatted for a while, Li Qing said goodbye to his second brother, and predicted that the avatar would go to the primitive wild plane.

The moment he entered the primitive wild plane, he felt a surge of divine power rushing towards the prophecy incarnation like a tide.

The massive amount of divine power accumulated in the primitive barbaric plane immediately poured in the moment one of his incarnations descended.

Li Qing's avatar resolutely opened the space in his palm, and using it as a transfer, massive divine power was transmitted to his real body far away on the plane battlefield.

The real body has obtained the power of faith accumulated in a large amount, and his strength begins to grow rapidly.

In Dragon City, when the massive power of faith accumulated in Dragon City was absorbed, many subordinates in Dragon City immediately knew that Li Qing had returned.

An hour later, Li Qing saw many direct subordinates in Dragon City.

Direct subordinates headed by An Erqiu and others.

As for the parents and many members of the family, as well as some of the students from the mentor's side, I haven't seen them for the time being.

After so many years, Li Qing didn't know the situation of many of his subordinates and family members, but because he was not around, his direct subordinates had always been the masters in the plane, and all the power in the entire plane was in their hands.

An Erqiu and all the upper dragon clans are Li Qing's direct lineage, as long as he is not dead, there will be no chaos in the plane even after another 100 years.

Li Qing first met many direct subordinates, and learned about the situation of the plane from their mouths.

As he expected, he has been missing for a long time, and some family members and junior have had strange thoughts.

However, there are parents on the family side, and no one can stir up any troubles.

Li Qing's parents invited anyone with strange thoughts back.

On the other hand, some students from the Blackrock Spire War College have been in chaos recently because no one suppressed them.

But the problem is not too big. Although Li Qing is not there, there is no leader among them, and there is no one strong enough to unite them.

After Li Qing understood the situation, he decisively ordered the most jumping batch to be sent away.

Without enough strength, any idea is a joke.

After doing this, Li Qing began to inspect the entire primitive barbaric plane to see the changes over the years.

Although he hasn't come here for so many years, some of the tasks he had issued in the wild plane have been carried out in recent years.

Without him using the space in his palm to open and hang, they also used their abilities to complete the previous tasks.

But these are not the key points. The key point is the reproduction of space dragons and space dragons, as well as the situation on the side of the dinosaurs.

The space dragon has not developed much in the past 50 years. After all, the reproduction speed of the dragon family is so fast, and the reproduction speed of the relics is not much faster.

Moreover, there were not many space dragons left in the barbaric plane when he left before, only more than 200, and now the baby space dragons that reproduced naturally are not enough to three hundred.

But it's not a big problem, since he was promoted to the full version of the ancestor dragon, he has the power of ten attunement dragons a month.

After 50 years, more than [-] space dragons have accumulated in God's Domain.

Why didn't he worry about divine power? Normal true gods need to consume a certain amount of divine power every day to maintain their godhead and priesthood, as well as the kingdom of God.

If the daily income of divine power is insufficient, the divine power will slowly collapse, the priesthood will be difficult to maintain and the divine rank will degenerate.

Li Qing relied on the divine power provided by more than [-] space dragons and many space dragon descendants to easily raise his godhead level without any worries.

In addition to the space dragon, nearly [-] space dragon descendants have been transformed in Li Qing's divine domain over the years.

There were nearly 50 space dragon descendants in the original barbaric plane, and they reproduced without limit in this plane. After more than 14 years, the total number has exceeded [-].

In addition to the nearly 19 transformations in Li Qing's divine domain over the years, the total number now stands at [-].

As the population size increases, so does the rate of reproduction.

If the current scale is used, in another 50 years, the total scale will be at least 70 million or more.

According to this foundation to continue to reproduce, after a few hundred years, I am afraid that tens of millions of space dragon descendants will be accumulated, and that is the time when he will be better than others.

As for the dinosaurs, the changes in these years have not been great compared to the space dragon descendants, and the total number has only doubled.

Of course, if the total base of 20 to [-] million is doubled several times, the total size of dinosaurs in the entire plane has exceeded [-] billion.

And now these more than 20 billion dinosaurs are not dinosaurs from the previous tribal era, but dinosaurs who have entered the era of imperial civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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