I want to be a warlord

Chapter 428 CIA Internal Struggle

"Is there any news?" Lao Hou asked.


"Okay, I understand." After hanging up the phone, Lao Hou frowned and fell into deep thought.

There is nothing in the intelligence, there is no action from the United States, everything is safe, but Lao Hou watches various campaign news every day and always feels that Faisal and Wang Zhen are seeking death.

Especially when Khatib Hafez has people from the Democratic and Peace Party giving propaganda speeches...

Who knows what agreement Wang Zhen and Khatib Hafez reached. The fight was clearly lively before, but suddenly it changed.

It’s not that no one from other parties wants to learn from the Democratic and Peace Party and go to the three cities of Ramadi to promote it, but no one has obtained Khatib Hafez’s permission.

That's pretty obvious.

With the support of Khatib Hafez, Faisal's Democratic and Peace Party will win the votes of the population of two provinces at once, and may become the biggest winner in this parliamentary election!
A sudden rise, a super dark horse!
All the established forces in Iraq were suppressed at once, whether it was the opposition party or the ruling party, becoming the biggest one!
It would be weird if this wasn’t hit by everyone.

Moreover, in this campaign speech, the Democratic and Peace Party stated that "Iraqis govern Iraq." It did not say a word about being anti-American and anti-Iran, but the meaning was clearly expressed.

If it’s just talk, that’s all. The problem is that the Democratic and Peace Party has risen too fast. In the process, neither the Americans nor the Iranians have had time to add sand to it...

Especially the sudden agreement with Khatib Hafiz was beyond everyone's expectations.

A super dark horse who is not liked by everyone and is not controlled by anyone. It would be weird if he was not attacked by everyone!

America: Why do I feel that he is controlled by a certain red force?

"Why did the Democratic and Peace Party get together with Khatib Hafiz's group?" Bevin asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but I know it must have been him, Fuck, damn it!" John cursed in a low voice.

While talking, the two of them opened the door and walked into a conference room without stopping.

There were already several people waiting for them in the conference room.

After entering the door, John nodded to Julian Greenough, and then looked at the chubby man sitting in the main seat, "Hello, Director Pompeo."

Julien Greenough, the original head of the CIA in Iraq, John's immediate boss, and now the head of the CIA's Middle East region.

Mike Pompeo, the new US Secretary of State and the new Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

In November 2016, President-elect Lao Tang nominated Mike Pompeo as Director of the CIA.


In other words, Pompeo is now the boss of Julian Greenough and John’s boss’s boss.

"Hello, John." Mike Pompeo smiled and nodded.

John walked to his seat, pulled out his chair and sat down, looking over the others.

In addition to his old acquaintance Bevin and the ambassador to Iraq, there was also a slightly thin middle-aged man with an expressionless face.

His name is Bartholomew Cross, the Intelligence Research Bureau, engaged in diplomatic intelligence activities, affiliated with the U.S. State Department, and its head is the U.S. Secretary of State.

Mike Pompeo looked at his watch and saw that the time was almost up. He coughed lightly and said: "This Iraqi congressional election is very important. Mr. President is very concerned about it. We have invested astronomical amounts of money in Iraq in the past. Mr. President cannot tell the United States. Citizens, we have lost control of Iraq, so here I am."

"Tell me about the current situation."

As Mike Pompeo spoke, Bartholomew Cross of the Office of Intelligence and Research kept his eyes on John.

John seemed unaware, his facial expression did not change at all and remained calm.

The ambassador to Iraq glanced at the faces of John and Bevin, coughed slightly and said: "The situation is not very optimistic. The three major alliances of the old forces, the Ye faction, are currently very powerful, and the Kurds are seriously divided within themselves, and there is no unified Although there are many parties participating in the election, the Sun sect itself only accounts for 40% of the population in Iraq, and it is still very divided and unable to form a joint force."

Mike Pompeo flipped through the report, waited for the ambassador to finish speaking, then raised his head and looked around the crowd, "Does anyone have anything to add?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"I am not satisfied with the results of your previous work. I cannot hand over such a report to Mr. President, let alone Congress. You must know what the consequences will be." Mike Pompeo said with a solemn face. .Seeing that no one spoke, Mike Pompeo tapped his finger on the report, "Tell me about the newly emerged Democratic and Peace Party. I saw in the report that they are the most vocal at present, and they are the detractors. , and its party leader was developed with our support.”

"So..." Mike Pompeo looked at the ambassador to Iraq, "Do we have enough influence on the Democratic and Peace Party?"

He is not the golden-haired Old Tang. He was elected as a member of Congress in 2010. He is a veteran politician, so his behavior is not so rough. He mentions Old Tang's murderous tactics before he comes up.

The ambassador to Iraq just wants to scold her at the moment. Damn it, my support for Faisal has only been protected for three months from beginning to end. Now you let me maintain my influence over Faisal. I influence your aunt. ah!
Of course, he cannot say this, not even lies. Otherwise, what if Pompeo asks him to influence the strategy of the Democratic and Peace Party?
He looked at John and coughed lightly, "The influence is very small. This is a dark horse. Three or four months ago, they were still a local party. They could only influence about 10 people, and no one paid attention to them. "

Pompeo didn't speak, but Bartholomew Cross suddenly said: "According to the results of my investigation, why is this not the case?"

Then I saw Bartholomew Cross opening the document in his hand, glanced at it, then raised his head and looked directly at John, "The information I got is that although the leader of the Democratic and Peace Party is Faisal, but behind Faisal There is also a Chinese who is the mastermind behind the party, and this mastermind is named Wang Zhen.”

The name Wang Zhen seemed to have some magic power, making the air in the conference room seem to solidify.

In this room, Pompeo and Bartholomew Cross are the only two people who have not taken any money from Wang Zhen!
This is the power of Taole!
"This also explains the drastic change in the Democratic and Peace Party's style of conduct."

"And the report I have shows that this Chinese man named Wang Zhen has a close relationship with Mr. John."

"Bang!" John slammed his palm on the table and glared at Bartholomew Cross, "Do you know what you are talking about? You are slandering a CIA staff member. What evidence do you have for saying that!"

"I don't know Wang Zhen at all!"

"Really? As the head of the CIA in Iraq, didn't Mr. John get any information about him? If this is the case, we have to doubt the ability of Mr. John and the CIA's Iraq branch." Bartholomew Cross said with a sneer.

Although we are all intelligence organizations, we belong to different departments, so we are not friends.

"Ahem, Director Pompeo, it's not the BIR's turn to take care of our CIA affairs." Julien Greenough said with a smile. It was impossible for him to watch his subordinates being attacked and remain indifferent.

Those of them who are engaged in intelligence will only work in this department for the rest of their lives. Humanity and sophistication are very important.

The most important thing is, this sentence, Director!
Pompeo's visit to Iraq this time is not only about the election of Iraqi parliamentarians, but also the consolidation of power from below after becoming CIA director.

The new official took office with three fires, one of which was the Middle East branch.

"Of course, Greenough, don't mind, everyone is here for work and to better complete their respective tasks." Pompeo said with a smile.

"I know Wang Zhen and have paid attention to information about him, but that is work. I don't know him personally, let alone met him!" John said decisively.

With this affirmative tone, everyone here almost believed it!
"Haha, this Mr. Wang Zhen is a very capable person. It was with his help that the Hadithay military base was built by the Huaxia Company." Bartholomew Cross said in a sinister tone: "Oh , it seems that’s not all, there are also pipeline projects, river dredging projects, tsk tsk, tsk tsk.”

"The military's projects are all solved in the best way under reasonable and legal circumstances. If you have any objections, please ask Mr. Pompeo to raise them in Congress." Bevin did not give any face, and directly rejected it. Went back.

The military has its own system and has never had a good relationship with Congress...

Congress wants to cut military spending!
In addition, the relationship between Golden Retriever Tang and the military is relatively bad... He has never launched a foreign war during his duties, and he always withdraws troops from overseas. It is really... so hateful!
As Tang’s Secretary of State, Pompeo’s political philosophy can only be imagined.

"I think General Bevin has some misunderstandings." Pompeo looked at John, his meaning self-evident.

Bevin also glanced at John, "There's only so much a brother can support, take care of yourself!"
John gritted his teeth and wanted to bite Pompeo to death.

I have to mention the U.S. Cabinet here.

Including the Vice President, Secretary of State, ministers of various departments, and CIA director, they are all cabinet members who are nominated by the president himself and then voted and approved by Congress.

The president has the power of appointment and dismissal.

They do not need to have any relevant work experience before this!

After all, even the president and governor don’t have any political experience.

As for each ministry, the actual person at the helm is a deputy, and these deputy officers are the ones who have been working in this position.

First of all, the purpose of this political structure is checks and balances, but it is inevitable that if these newly appointed parachute officials want to actually hold power instead of being puppets, they will definitely conflict with several deputies.

After all, power is a man's aphrodisiac, and no one will willingly give up the rights he has obtained! (End of chapter)

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