I want to be a warlord

Chapter 429 Jokun Taihan

Chapter 429 About Kuntai Han
John never expected that things would come together and that he, the small head of the CIA's Iraq branch, would become the intersection of all events!
Mike Pompeo was previously the director of the Capitol Hospital, and the first person to assume his duties after Tang came to power was the director of the CIA.

The newcomer is parachuted into a spy agency like the CIA. It looks good on the surface, but in fact it is just a mouthpiece, responsible for passing information between the CIA and Old Tang. It definitely has no real power.

But I never expected that after Tang took office, Tom Shannon only served as acting secretary of state for a month before Pompeo took over the position of secretary of state from the position of CIA director.

As a result, within the U.S. State Department, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research had to immediately take refuge under Pompeo. After all, even if the director of the CIA does not have real power, his ability to mobilize power is not comparable to that of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. He does not want to be marginalized. If the situation changes, the Intelligence Research Bureau must first come out to charge and work hard for the boss.

With the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Pompeo can turn to them and use them to break the deadlock encountered at the CIA.

This is also beneficial to the Intelligence Research Bureau. As long as Pompeo still needs them to check and balance the CIA, some resources will be directed towards them.

The two sides met for the first time, and John just happened to catch up.

John's mood can only be described in one word, Gan!
In the conference room, everyone's eyes fell on John. John took a deep breath, stood up suddenly and said loudly: "I want to make it clear here that I have nothing to do with this Wang Zhen."

"As for the projects mentioned by Bartholomew Cross..."

"We are the CIA, an intelligence agency, not a construction company. What does this have to do with me!"

"What's more, pipeline projects and river dredging projects are orders approved by the White House, and the decision-making power is also in the hands of the former Secretary of State, Mr. John Kerry. I think this should be an internal matter of the State Department, and it cannot fall to me. Put it on the head of the CIA in Iraq!" John responded with a harsh tone.

After all, he is from the CIA, nothing more than caution!

The three projects I have been involved in are now being pushed forward six-two-five, without even a single leaf touching them.

The key is that Pompeo has nothing to do with him. He can neither go to the military to check the accounts, nor can he go over the accounts of former Secretary of State John Kerry.

This is not the president. He can deny his predecessor at will...

A serious government can only do departments, and there is nothing to do unless you want to die!
Pompeo glanced at John and prepared to lower his head to look through other materials.

At this moment, a phone rang, and everyone looked towards the place where the sound came from. It was John's.

"As an intelligence department director, it's normal for me to be ready to answer calls at any time." John said expressionlessly.


He reached out, took out his mobile phone, and looked at the phone number...

John: I have been trained for a long time, no matter how big the matter is, my face will not change!

John: Damn, it’s broken!

The corners of his mouth twitched, his eyelids twitched wildly, and without thinking, he hung up the phone with just one stroke of his hand!
After hanging up, John immediately prepared to delete all call records of this phone number.

It's just that the training he received obviously didn't include hand speed...

"Don't move!" Bartholomew Cross stood up and grabbed John's hand.

They are all engaged in intelligence. How could they not be so sensitive? He knew from the change in John's face that this phone number was very crucial!

"Mr. John, why don't you answer the phone?" Bartholomew Crospi asked with a smile.

"Unknown caller, please don't disturb the meeting." John calmed down and said with a smile.

"Since it's an unknown caller, Mr. John must not mind me taking a look at this phone number." Bartholomew Cross said with a sneer.

"No, I don't mind. This is my personal privacy, even if..."

Before John finished speaking, Bartholomew Cross had already read out the phone number. As he spoke, his eyes suddenly lit up, "You also said that you have no cooperation with Wang Zhen. This is clearly his phone number!"

"How do you know this is Wang Zhen's phone number? OK, I get it. The person who colluded with Wang Zhen is clearly you!" John immediately retorted.

"I...I knew that because of the investigation!" Bartholomew Cross said gloomily.

"Then why do you conclude from a phone call that I have a relationship with him!"

"Then do you dare to call back now!" Bartholomew Cross was aggressive.

Everyone's eyes fell on John. At this moment, he was really in trouble.

While madly cursing Wang Zhen in his heart for calling him at this time, he also had to pray that Wang Zhen would be vigilant and deal with it well!

Unconsciously, John's forehead was covered with sweat...


On the other side, Wang Zhen looked at his phone and frowned slowly, "Damn it, hang up on me. I, Wang Zhen, hate it when people hang up on me!"

This was the first time John hung up on him directly.

He also wanted to ask John about the election. Faisal had no channels in this regard and could not figure out the situation of the other opponents, so he would be a bit passive if he continued like this.result……

Coincidentally, someone knocked on the door at this time, and Yan Lingling opened the door and walked in. She came to Wang Zhen to report the accounts at the construction site.

Wang Zhen asked Yan Lingling to sit down. Before he could say anything, his cell phone rang. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was John calling back.

He reached out and was about to take it, but paused before pressing it.

Rolling his eyes, Wang Zhen looked at Yan Lingling and said quickly: "Do you know about insurance sales?"

"Ah, I know."

"Do you know the terms mentioned at the beginning?"

"Ah... yes, right..." Yan Lingling had no idea why Wang Zhen was saying these things without answering the phone, so she answered subconsciously.

People in the high-income group like them are the most frequently harassed by insurance sales calls. After hearing them too many times, they won’t know how to do it.

"Say that way, in English, hurry up." Wang Zhen picked up the phone and handed it directly to Yan Lingling's mouth.

"Hi, hello, this is..."

"Iraq Insurance Company." Wang Zhen spoke in a low voice and mouthed.

"Iraq Insurance Company."

Wang Zhen pointed to the phone again, John.

"Mr. John, we have never met. Sorry to take up a minute of your time?"

The moment John heard it was a female voice, he was stunned for a moment, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Wang Zhen’s dad, you are awesome!
"I want to, but the problem is that I'm in a meeting now, so I can only apologize." John was extremely relaxed now and said in a brisk tone. Of course, he probably guessed what was going on, so naturally he couldn't go on, just in case. If it leaks, it's broken.

"Then I'll call you in an hour. Thank you for your support." After hearing what Yan Linling said, Wang Zhen hung up immediately.

"This is it?" Yan Lingling asked in confusion.

"Well, it seems that you need to stay at my place for a while. I will treat you to dinner at noon. By the way, you can search for insurance sales terms and other things in advance and remember them. It may be useful."

"Of course...it's no problem." Yan Lingling said with a smile.


On the other side, in the conference room.

After hanging up the phone, John turned his head, raised his head slightly, and looked down at Bartholomew Cross, "Obviously, Mr. Bartholomew Cross, your information is wrong. Of course, it is understandable. , after all, the Intelligence Research Bureau is mainly engaged in the collection of diplomatic intelligence, so it is understandable that it does not know much about the intelligence of a PMC in Iraq."

Bartholomew Cross opened his mouth. He didn't think there was anything wrong with this information. It wasn't very hidden information, but what the hell...

Pompeo looked over, and Bartholomew Cross gritted his teeth and stopped arguing. Otherwise, he would be completely broken, and no one would be able to get over it.

Sitting down angrily, Bartholomew Cross could only curse Wang Zhen for his quick response, damn, he was so cunning!

John secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This matter was finally over, but this did not mean that it was over.

A person in a high position can try a second time if the first trial fails, but he cannot make a single mistake. This is the gap brought about by status.

This is Pompeo's current attitude. Don't rush. If the fire isn't lit, just wait until next time to light it. Anyway, others are in Iraq and there is always a chance.

He tapped the table lightly, looked at John and said, "I personally hope to re-establish contact with the Democratic and Peace Party. Our purpose is to get the election results back on the right track. As for what happened in this process, it doesn't actually matter. important."

"I'm sorry, sir, because the rise of the Democratic and Peace Party was too sudden, we didn't have time to place people in it. Of course, the vast majority of the Guanghui Defense Company led by Wang Zhen are retired US soldiers, and Americans hold shares The proportion is more than 30%, so maybe we can re-influence from this angle. I personally think the success rate is very high." John said solemnly.

There’s no way he would believe Pompeo’s lie that ‘it doesn’t matter what happens in the process’. It’s just a trick to trick him into jumping into a trap. Once he really believes it, he will definitely be caught afterwards and then someone will Find the back account and overturn it!
But he can't refuse too firmly. That's not what a CIA regional director should say. It will make people criticize his lack of ability and give Pompeo the opportunity to transfer him.

Therefore, he pushed the problem into the hands of the military.

As we all know, Pompeo’s relationship with the military is not good, and it would be great if the military does not give him any obstacles.

After pondering for a while, Pompeo raised his head and said: "The rise is too fast, which means that the foundation is unstable. If this is the case, then act according to the original plan and get rid of him."

"Let our supporters prepare early. I need him to be able to accept the legacy left by the other party as soon as possible when the Democratic and Peace Party falls into chaos after Faisal's death."

"Everyone, is there any question?"

"No!" Everyone said one after another.

Bartholomew Cross turned his head and glanced at John. He wanted to see how John would handle the assassination. If Wang Zhen received the news in advance, what interesting changes would happen...

(End of this chapter)

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