I want to be a warlord

Chapter 482 Leadership!

Chapter 482 Leadership!

Sometimes I feel like being an official is stupid.

"These are cultural relics, treasures of our country's culture. They do not belong to any one person and must be turned over. Of course, as a reward, the organization will give the other party a certificate and part of the bonus."

"The country has trained you for so many years, and now it's time for you to repay the country..."

"We must consider the overall situation and sacrifice a little for the overall situation..."

This kind of words makes people want to get angry!

But sometimes officials can be very friendly, like now...

"Of course, we are all Chinese children. Blood is thicker than water. Of course, we should do our best to help our children when we go abroad!" Leader Li said with a smile: "Xiao Wang, we welcome you to invest in South Jiangsu, and we will We will support you to the end. If you have any needs or difficulties, don't be polite. Just say it, our embassy is outside, and we, the staff, are here to serve the family members who are working hard outside."

Mou Xiantao looked at the leader with admiration in his eyes. This ability to tell lies with open eyes is a state far beyond the reach of people like them. It is silky, smooth and natural. No matter how you look or listen, it is all from the heart. .

Either he is the leader.

"Then thank you, leader." Wang Zhen picked up a glass of wine, smiled and clinked the glass with Leader Li and drank it down in one gulp. His words were beautiful, but he didn't believe a word of it!
But Wang Zhen understood the meaning.

Putting down his wine glass, Wang Zhen said with some regret: "I was in Iraq before. If the country hadn't helped me in the end and lured me to Myanmar, by now, my ashes might have been spread."

"After reflection, I also found that some things were done a little erratically, and I was still too eager to get things done. If I had slowed down at that time, things would definitely have different results."

"Xiao Wang, just think about it this way. Success is ultimately a matter of probability. Even if you do everything right, you may not succeed. It is right to keep a calm mind. Many times you feel that you have missed the opportunity, but you can Discover some of your own problems and mistakes and make timely improvements to avoid making mistakes.”

Leader Li is very satisfied with Wang Zhen's attitude. It's not like this person can't communicate. Some of the comrades below still lack some experience.

Thinking about this, Leader Li gave Wang Zhen a few more words of advice, "The one who crosses the river by feeling the stones may not be the last one. The people in front seem to be running very fast, but they also fall into all the traps along the way. It seems that he crawls out every time and continues to sprint with full energy, but it doesn't take long for you to find that he is accumulating more and more injuries and becomes weaker and weaker. At a certain moment, he suddenly collapses. ”

“We need to strive for the top, but we don’t want everyone to rush blindly.”

Wang Zhen was in a daze for a while when he said this. After a while, he came back to his senses and said with some emotion: "Leader, I'd like to toast you again. Listening to your words is worth ten years of studying!"

"Haha, Xiao Wang, you are too polite. As for us, it's okay to engage in theory, but you are the ones who are really working on the front line. Just listen to these words. They are all pragmatic and pragmatic." Leader Li laughed. Then he picked up the wine glass and had sex with Wang Zhen again.

Over a drink, Wang Zhen coaxed Leader Li quite well. Facts have proved that Wang Zhen is not incapable of speaking nicely, nor is he only capable of acting recklessly.

Who else should I follow?
Leader Li was happy and opened up his chat box. He told many interesting things about his working experience abroad over the years.

Leader Li, who graduated from the University of Foreign Studies, has been working abroad for 78 years starting in 39. He has worked in Egypt, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Asia and Africa, Iraq, Dubai, and Bahrain. He has a thorough understanding of the economy and politics of the entire Middle East. Palm.

Leader Li picked out some issues and pointed them out about what Wang Zhen did in Iraq, which gave Wang Zhen a feeling of enlightenment.

"You are indeed too hasty." Leader Li was a little drunk and commented with a smile: "In the beginning, all you wanted was to make money under the protection of the imperial barrier and gain a foothold in Iraq."

"But after the situation improved a little, you gradually deviated from your original intention. You only saw the scenery on the road ahead, but ignored the risks on the road ahead. You covered your head and ran away. As a result, this road became more and more inconsistent with your original intention. Deviation.”

"And during this process, you discovered problems, but because the development momentum was good, you couldn't make up your mind to correct it. In the end, you were caught up in the situation and went further and further away."

These words hit the nail on the head, as if he had personally participated in it. Wang Zhen was convinced, or he said that in the country, only first-class people were officials, and leaders were leaders. He had fought hard on the official career path, and he really understood the subtleties!
"But if you fail, you can always learn from experience." Leader Li smiled and patted Wang Zhen on the shoulder, "Don't be anxious, take your time, lay a good foundation this time, and a solid foundation will prevent you from going astray easily. If you keep working hard, I believe you, Xiao Wang, will definitely succeed."

"With the recognition and encouragement from the leader, I, Wang Zhen, will be confident!" Wang Zhen said, patting his chest.

After a meal, the guests and hosts had a good time and left the hotel. Seeing Leader Li walking towards the embassy with the support of Mou Xiantao, Wang Zhen took a deep breath, shook his head and strode back.

On the other side, Leader Li suddenly asked with a smile: "What do you think of Xiao Wang?"

"I don't think he is the kind of person who kills people, but he is quite modest." Mou Xiantao thought for a while and asked: "Leader, don't you want him to be in Nansu? Why are you still..."

"Who said I don't want him to invest in South Suzhou?" Leader Li chuckled, "Leadership, leadership, leadership, guidance, this is our responsibility."

"In this world, most of the people who are capable of making a career are those who are naughty and mischievous. They are too honest and follow the rules." "You see that he is modest, but in fact, this kid has a deep heart. I'm tough, if someone else would have said, 'Then let me borrow the boss's blessing', or 'I don't dare to do it, I don't dare to do it, the boss thinks too highly of me', but think about what Xiao Wang said."

Mou Xiantao frowned and recalled it, then suddenly realized, "Okay, this is really not modest at all."

"Then what is definitely good or bad? Guide it well." Leader Li was in a good mood today and said a few more words.


The Dinka people, the largest ethnic group in South Sudan, have a population of more than 500 million, accounting for 35% of South Sudan's population. They move seasonally and occupy vast and often swampy lowlands.

Although they are all nomadic people, unlike Mongolia, the Dinka people have no king, including the current President Kiir. The Dinka people are composed of many tribal groups that only recognize leaders, and there are five main ethnic groups.

They are distinguished by five different accents and dialects. Most of them believe in animism, and a small number of them are influenced by the colonial period and believe in Christianity.

According to custom, an adult boy will perform a coming-of-age ceremony. The ritual knife will be dipped in the blood of animals and he will make six cuts on the boy's forehead. If he cannot bear the pain and moves, resulting in the scratches not being straight, that is a sign of cowardice.

Depending on the tribe, the shape of the scars is also different. Anyone who sees six scars on their head must be a Dinka.

Including South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit, including Yumit Sandoval, all have scratches on their heads.

Of course, with the development of modern society, some Dinka people have left their tribes and begun to live in cities. This custom is no longer so common among children.

After Yumit Sandoval separated from Wang Zhen and his group, he took a car out of the city and went straight to Bor, the capital of Jonglei State, where his tribe is mainly based.

In Juba, generally each tribe sends some people to communicate here, and the main strength of the tribe is still local.

It was very late when he got home. After a night's rest and breakfast the next day, Yumit Sandoval held a meeting with his father, several uncles and several brothers, and told the story of how he met Wang Zhen. Next, including what Wang Zhen said.

"Yumit, do I think you are sick?" Uncle Bart Sandoval said sarcastically: "You have stayed in Juba and abroad for too long, and all you can see is the colorful world. You forget that this is Nansu, and if their tactics were really effective, they wouldn’t be what they are now.”

"It's not the American way, but what Wang said is right!" Yomit Sandoval retorted with a frown.

"Then what do we get?" asked another uncle.

"By investing in him, we can get money, South Sudan can develop, and we can benefit from it." Yumit Sandoval said patiently.

"Then why don't we wait for him to make results before grabbing it? Why invest? It's very risky. There is obviously an easier way." Uncle Bart asked with a smile.

"No, that's impossible. You haven't seen him before. His people are very powerful. In Iraq, neither terrorists nor government forces can defeat him. We can't be so reckless." Yomit Sandoval frowned more and more.

"If we definitely can't defeat them, then why does he want to share the benefits with us?" Another uncle shook his head and said: "He is such a person, we cannot allow him to take away our land, just like those white people , they will only drive us off the land.”

Yumit Sandoval gritted his teeth. He couldn't communicate with these old guys at all. Their minds were still stuck in 40 years ago, and their opinions on issues could still be snatched or not.

Just like Wang Zhen said, thinking in the tribal flat mode.

These old guys simply don’t understand that the world is different now. The theme of the world is cooperation, compromise, and negotiation.

The smaller the country, the more it should make good use of these!


Can you fucking beat the Americans or what?
"Yumit, you are still young and don't understand the difficulties of managing a tribe." Old Yumit Sandoval, who was sitting at the head of the chair, whispered: "Reform? How can we lead the tribe after changing the rules? Don't do it easily I believe them, they just want to take away our rights and re-enslave us."

Yomit Sandoval opened his mouth, but swallowed the words as they reached his lips.

It's not that I want to seize power, it's that you old immortals have become a roadblock to the family's progress...

(End of this chapter)

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