I want to be a warlord

Chapter 483 Give me a base and I can make Africa tremble

Chapter 483 Give me a base and I can make Africa tremble!
If you don’t change, will society stagnate?

Do you think you are one of those great people who can influence an era?
No, you are not!
If you don't change yourself to adapt to this society, society will eliminate you.

Nature is like this, society is like this, it is so cruel and indifferent, and it will not stop because of anyone's rejection.

Yomit Sandoval has traveled to many countries over the years and has seen the rapid development of neighboring countries. Among other things, when the peace agreement was just signed in 06, Uganda was not much stronger than South Sudan, but by 2011 South Sudan When the Soviet Union becomes independent, Uganda's GDP will be five times that of South Sudan, reaching 200 billion U.S. dollars.

By 2016, Uganda’s GDP reached US$290 billion!
In recent years, neighboring Ethiopia, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and North Sudan have all developed.
Ethiopia, our brother who was once impoverished, is now able to allocate part of its money to support the anti-government forces in South Sudan...

Only they, Nansu, were still standing still in the mud.

Oh, there is another fellow sufferer, Central Africa...

If there is no further development, Yumit Sandoval feels that sooner or later Nansu will be slowly eroded away, and sooner or later their so-called tribal rights will turn into nothingness.

After leaving home, Yumit Sandoval was wondering who he could win over and who he didn't need to control.

Who among his brothers will support him...


Juba, May Street, Sudanese Government Office Building.

Yumit Sandoval immediately went to see President Kiir the next day after returning from his hometown.

It’s not that Yomit Sandoval is inefficient. The key is that the traffic in this damn place in South Sudan is disgusting. Fortunately, his hometown of Bor is on the upper reaches of the Nile River, and he can take a boat back and forth. Otherwise, it would often take a day after leaving the city. drive.

"He asked for autonomy?" Keir frowned.

"Yes, according to Wang, he must block random interference from other parties. Of course, as one of the shareholders of the company, Mr. President certainly has the right to know everything about the company and put forward his own opinions." Umit Sandow Val did not add any speculation of his own, but simply conveyed Wang Zhen's meaning.

Regarding the issue of investment, Kiir is very willing. The president of a country is still very rich, but he lacks investment channels. Most of his assets are invested in real estate, stocks, funds and the like abroad.

Putting it abroad is not for fear of confiscation at home...

There are no investment projects!
Of course he is willing to keep his money under his nose instead of hell Wall Street. He knows that those people look down on him.

Everything else was easy to say, except for this autonomy, he was really afraid of creating a monster with a tail too big to fall off.

"What suggestions do you have?" Kil looked up at Yumit Sandoval.

"You guys meet and talk. If he can convince you, wouldn't everything be fine?"

Keir nodded slightly.


"This is the map we have of South Sudan and nearby areas."

In a small conference room of Baijing Juba Hotel, Wang Zhen, Tie Shoun, Natalia, Lao Liu and Mou Xiantao sat together, with a large map spread on the table.

"This map was made by ourselves. It is more accurate than the map of South Sudan. Even the map in the hands of the Americans is not bad. Moreover, we need to have a more comprehensive grasp of the mineral resources in various places." Mou Xiantao was very happy. Said proudly.

This map was requested by Wang Zhen. He came to visit the embassy to ask for help.

"Indeed, I knew it was right to find one of our own." Wang Zhen smiled and clapped his hands, picked up a roll of maps from the corner next to him and spread them out.

Mou Xiantao was stunned for a moment. This map... except that it was in English, was roughly the same.

"Is this?" Mou Xiantao thought of something and asked in disbelief.

"I got it from the US military." Wang Zhen said with a smile.

"Ah, this should be a secret, right?" Mou Xiantao blurted out subconsciously.

Wang Zhen nodded and said with a relaxed expression: "It's not worth anything, just 2 US dollars."

Looking at the map, the corner of Mou Xiantao's mouth twitched slightly. Not to mention the huge amount of money spent to make such a map and the confidential information, how could it be bought and sold so casually?
Don't look at the fact that there is only one map on the table. In fact, it is a series, including elevation difference maps, precipitation maps, mineral maps, transportation maps... and detailed maps of all major cities.

"Tell me, which one do you think we should choose?" Wang Zhen said with a smile while sitting sideways on his desk.

"There are too many things to consider." Natalia frowned slightly, "Mining issues, transportation issues, water issues, safety issues. I think the first thing that should be considered is transportation. Transportation is convenient. Others are not impossible. solve."

"No, no, no, you are talking about building it in a place like Europe where transportation is very developed, which can maximize the advantages of convenient transportation, but this is Nansu." Lao Liu put forward a different opinion, "As for the shabby transportation environment here, , there is little point in considering it, it doesn’t cost much to build a loess road ourselves.”

Natalia frowned, okay, he admitted that he had made an empirical error, and the traffic here was indeed terrible.

Yesterday, a group of them went out of the city for a walk. The road was quite wide, a red-yellow dirt road with a lot of potholes, but the off-road vehicle could also go very fast, but that was when it didn't rain.

"Our country is the most experienced in this kind of establishment from scratch, and it must be mineral processing." Lao Liu said with determination.

Wang Zhen looked at the map marked with resources. Most of the mineral resources marked on this map were predicted based on topography and landforms, while a small part had been proven.

Even if it is proved, the reserves are uncertain.

Nansu's mineral resources are currently quite average. No world-leading mineral resources have been discovered so far, but the basic resources are quite abundant.

In his ears, Lao Liu was still saying, "I suggest this place."

Looking along Old Liu's finger, it was southeast of Kapoeta, the capital of Eastern Equatoria State in the southeastern corner of South Sudan.

Eastern Equatoria State ranks fifth in South Sudan in terms of population, with a population of 90. Kapoeta has a population of about 13000, making it the sixth largest city in South Sudan!

Yes, with 1 people it is already the sixth largest city...

Throughout Nansu, most of the population lives in scattered tribes.

This is a characteristic of nomadic peoples. Because of backward productivity, they cannot support the existence of a large city.

In the entire South Sudan, there are only three cities with a population of more than 50, namely Juba with a population of 15, Wau with a population of 13, and Malakal with a population of [-].

Even Bor, where Yumit Sandoval's family is located, has a population of less than 5.

In the entire Eastern Equatoria State, except for Kapoeta, the capital with a population of 1 people, there are four counties, including the border city of Nimule (Opali) on the border with Uganda, and the north and south at the foot of Mount Kineti. Torit on the side and Nagshot on the east, near Lotoybok on the Ethiopian border.At this moment, where Lao Liu was pointing was Torit and Najishot.

Kineti Mountain, formed by volcanism, is the highest peak in South Sudan. It is located in the middle of the southern border mountains, close to the Ugandan border, about 160 kilometers northwest from Juba, and has an altitude of 3187 meters.

According to the resource map, two iron mines and one copper mine have been discovered in this area. The indigenous people living near the river in the mountain often pan for gold sand in the river. It can be determined that there must be a gold mine in the mountain, but the specific location has not been determined.

In addition, judging from the topography, there should be other mineral deposits such as sulfur underground, but the specific reserves cannot be determined and the location cannot be determined.

There should also be some other non-metallic mineral deposits, such as limestone, quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, etc.

"Isn't Broken Iron Mine a bit too..." Wang Zhen pursed his lips, obviously not very satisfied.

"It depends on taste." Old Liu shook his head and said, "Compared with other mineral deposits, iron and copper have a wider range of applications, more mature development technology, and lower investment costs. Besides, there are still gold mines that have not been clearly detected. "

"Also, although it is not shown on the map, the iron ore and copper mines nearby will not be of low quality. After all, there are many local indigenous people living here. If the mineral deposits are of low grade, they will not be able to produce copper and iron wares using primitive methods. come out."

"In addition, I don't need to say how important steel is to the development of a country. We even engaged in large-scale steel smelting in order to increase steel production."

Wang Zhen nodded and looked at Mou Xiantao, "The embassy should have import and export statistics from South Sudan. In addition, I also need those from Africa and East Africa."

"Yes." Mou Xiantao nodded heavily and said with a smile: "Not only yes, in response to the leader's 'one plus one' policy, we also have investment evaluations and guides for various industries, including the steel industry. "

"Brother Wang, wait a moment, I will find it and send it to you."

Good guy, Wang Zhen’s eyes lit up. As expected of me, Greater China, the leaders’ opinions must be thoroughly implemented in all aspects!

No, I am taking advantage of this!

If this were replaced by the United States, this thing could only be done by the companies themselves.

Soon, a document was sent to Wang Zhen. He didn't read it and just printed out a few copies using the printer in the conference room.

Let’s start with the general outline: The top leaders proposed the “One Plus One” strategic concept. Along the “New Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, we can find investment and trade opportunities in the steel industry in many regions... …

Then there's the table of contents.

1: African steel demand.

2: African steel production.

3: African investment environment.

4: Trade and investment advice.

Looking back again, there are specific data and analysis.

The first is steel demand, which is analyzed in detail from Africa’s geographical location, area, population, future population growth, urbanization level, future steel consumption, and main directions of consumption.

Wang Zhen noted that the report stated that the average annual growth rate of steel demand in Africa is expected to exceed 30% in the next 5 years. By 2050, Africa's crude steel consumption is conservatively estimated to reach 3 million tons.

2: Steel production.

In the past ten years, due to war, Africa's crude steel output in 2014 was 1588 million tons, a decrease of 2004% from 5.

There are only the last 27 steel plants in Africa. Among the top ten steel companies, there are 5 in Egypt, 4 in South Africa, one in Libya, and zero in South Sudan. In several surrounding countries, only Kenya has one steel plant. The output is still very low.

In addition, two-thirds of the investment in infrastructure projects in Africa are made by Chinese companies, and the first consideration is domestically produced steel.

It is also mentioned here that Africa produces a large amount of iron ore, but due to limited steel production capacity, most of it is exported, and the main exporting country is China.

3: Investment environment.

Here, an investment environment score is given based on a comprehensive assessment of resources, policies, industry, consumption, etc. in each region. The highest score is 3.151 in South Africa and the lowest is 0.402 in Sub-Sahara.

As for Nansu, the score ranks fifth from the bottom, with only 0.516. According to the above statement, it is a red warning, extremely poor, and is definitely not recommended!

Looking at the report, Wang Zhen laughed out loud, "Nan Su, extremely bad!"

"Indeed." Mou Xiantao nodded and said: "If you are talking about investing in the steel industry, it is still recommended to invest in South Africa. The iron ore production there is high, the people are highly educated, and the social security is stable. It is more suitable..."

"No, no, no, you are wrong. South Africa is the most inappropriate!" Wang Zhen laughed and shook his head, leaving Mou Xiantao confused.

This report was written by a large number of experts who spent a lot of effort. It is not something that those pheasant experts on the Internet made up randomly. This is the real thing!
Seeing Mou Xiantao's appearance, Lao Liu and others also laughed.

"Xiao Mou, you are still young." Old Liu smiled evilly. In fact, Mou Xiantao is almost 40 years old.

Just listen to Lao Liu say: "Although the evaluation is low, our boss Wang likes it like this!"

"It's like the one in South Africa. The score is quite high, but just because it's too orderly, it's not suitable for Boss Wang to show his talents, right!" Old Liu looked at Wang Zhen.

"That's not the case!" Wang Zhen bared his big white teeth and said with a smile: "It's too peaceful, but the workers have a lot of problems, and they often stage protests and so on. The government is looking for trouble every day. Today there is sewage discharge, and tomorrow there is smoke pollution. , there are too many damn things!”

"You still have to pay taxes to the country, and you have to get money from people at all levels, fuck it!" Wang Zhen spat, "It's better to go to Nansu, with a cannon and a heavy machine gun. Whoever you love, you dare to fucking give it." I’m looking for trouble, it’s all fucking Tutu!”

What kind of bandit was talking? The corners of Mou Xiantao's mouth twitched crazily.

Sure enough, the leader was right, this person named Wang is not a good citizen!
My conscience is greatly broken!
Seeing Mou Xiantao's appearance, Wang Zhen realized something and his expression quickly calmed down, "Ahem, just kidding. I, Wang Zhen, abide by the law and am a good citizen!"

Mou Xiantao: I believe you, you idiot!

"This report is very good. It has greatly strengthened my confidence. Thank you for organizing it." Wang Zhen walked over and put his arms around Mou Xiantao's shoulders. "In this case, tell the leader for me. If nothing happens, I may It’s settled here in Eastern Equatoria State.”

"At that time, we will need more support from the leadership, such as equipment, materials, technical engineers, etc."

"Let the leaders rest assured that nothing will happen. The partner is the president of South Sudan. I will register the company directly in Greece or the United States."

"If anyone talks nonsense, tell me and I will send him away."

"One more thing, if there is anything inconvenient for us to deal with here, come to me at any time. Even if I can't solve the problem, I can solve the person who created the problem."

Mou Xiantao: You still say you are a good person!
(End of this chapter)

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