My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 210 The Real Destination

Chapter 210 The Real Destination
Standing at the bow of the boat, Lin Mojun picked up the ruler to check the position of the sun, looked at Su Ze suspiciously and said, "This is not the route back to Changningwei."

Su Ze smiled, clenched the rudder, and did not respond to Lin Mojun's question as before.

Lin Mojun's fist was itchy, and she wanted to hit someone!
When returning to the voyage, Su Ze asked Captain Alfonso to teach him sailing skills, and Su Ze was at the helm along the way.

[Helm, sailing skill experience +5, Lv2, 24/200]

Lin Mojun was very puzzled. She sold all the black tea in Langbai Ao Suze, but purchased a batch of weapons and armor from the port.

In Lin Mojun's opinion, this batch of weapons is even more rubbish than those of Changning Guard before.

I don't know where Frangji got these messy armors.

Su Ze also appraised the value of this batch of armor with great interest. This batch of armor really came from all over the world, from Southeast Asia to India.

Judging from the system and coat of arms, Su Ze found that the oldest armor can even be traced back to the Black Clothes Dashi period.

Su Ze's [Valuation] skill was abruptly increased by Lv4, 25/400, by appraising this batch of armor.

There are even more kinds of weapons, from the exotic weapons of the Malay aborigines to the daggers made of Damascus steel, Su Ze almost bought them all at one go.

Instead, it was the blunderbuss and the Franc cannon. Su Ze didn't buy any of them this time.

Isn't Su Ze going south to Macau just to buy weapons?How did you buy such a batch of weapons?
When returning to the voyage, Su Ze proposed to drive the boat, and Lin Mojun gave up the helm.

But the New World passed through the Penghu Strait, and instead of heading west along the coastline to return to Fujian, it sailed eastward to the open sea.

The way to identify the direction at sea is still Professor Su Ze's own. There is no reason why he would take the wrong route?
Moreover, Captain Alfonso is also an old captain. Su Ze and Alfonso are always writing and drawing around the chart these days. They must know their voyage destination.

But after asking several times, Su Ze changed the topic hahaha and did not respond to Lin Mojun's inquiry directly.

I'm so pissed!
Lin Mojun turned her head away. The sea charts handed down by her family only include the coastal areas of Fujian. Although it is impossible to determine Su Ze's course, it can be seen that Su Ze did not go to Quanzhou either.

This is the only thing that makes Lin Mojun feel gratified. Anyway, the fresh water and supplies on the New World are sufficient, and the weather at sea is also very good recently, so let Su Ze go.

Lin Mojun looked up and saw two white seabirds flying across the sky.


Getting closer to land?

Seagulls are seabirds that must build nests on land. They cannot sail for a long time at sea, so it is very auspicious to see seagulls while sailing. Both Eastern and Western sailors are forbidden to harm this seabird.

When you see seagulls, land is not far away.

Lin Mojun picked up the binoculars and saw a sharp land in the distance. Is this an island?
The lookout shouted, and the crew came on deck.

Although it has only been ten days since we set off from Lang Baiao, it is exciting to be able to see the land while sailing on the sea.

Lin Mojun looked at Su Ze, bared her canine teeth and said, "Now tell me, where are we going?"

Seeing Lin Mojun's cold tone, Su Ze smiled and said, "We are going to Ryukyu soon."


Lin Mojun picked up the binoculars, and the small land turned into an island. Behind these small islands, several larger islands could be vaguely seen.

Reminiscent of Su Ze's sailing direction, Lin Mojun knew that what he said this time was right, that he really came to Ryukyu.

Naturally, Lin Mojun had heard of Ryukyu. She had heard her father talk about this vassal state of Ming Dynasty, because Ryukyu paid tribute to Ming Dynasty through Fujian.

Although the Ming Dynasty banned the sea, not all countries could not trade with the Ming Dynasty.

A special case of this is the tribute trade.

Although tributary trade was called trade by later generations, it was not trade in the eyes of Ming Dynasty, and the focus was on tribute.

The vassal states offered tribute to Ming, and the Emperor of Ming gave rewards. How could this be called trade!It is obvious that Wanbang is coming to court!

But for countries that pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty, paying tribute is a business.

If you offer tribute to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty will give you a reward, which is quite a bargain.

The cause of the Japanese pirate rebellion was that the envoys of the Ouchi clan and the Hosokawa clan "competed for tribute" in the divided Wa country at that time, that is, they competed for the trading qualifications of the tribute, which triggered a riot of killing each other, and also brought disaster to the generals. The Ming generals who came to stop the riot were also killed by the Japanese tribute envoys.

Emperor Jiajing, who had just succeeded to the throne at that time, was furious and ordered the suspension of the qualification of the Wa Kingdom to pay tribute. Since then, the legal trade channels between Daming and the Wa Kingdom were cut off, and smuggling began to rampant, gradually forming a Japanese pirate rebellion.

The Portuguese also wanted to take the road of tributary trade back then, but Portugal was not listed in the "law of the ancestors" in the "Daming Huidian", so it could not be named a tributary country.

The Portuguese couldn't pay tribute by themselves, so they came up with the idea of ​​"backdoor listing".

They claimed to be the envoys of Manlajia, bribed eunuchs to obtain the qualification of paying tribute, and even went to the capital to meet Emperor Zhengde.

At that time, the Ming interpreter who followed the Portuguese envoy to the capital was named "Huozhe Yasan". He also established a friendship with Emperor Zhengde, and Emperor Zhengde also learned the language of Frangji from him.

It's just that this "Huo Zhe Yasan" united with Jiang Bin and was involved in the court struggle of the Ming Dynasty. After the death of Emperor Zhengde, he was killed, and the envoy of Flangji was also ordered to leave China.

Since then, the Frangji people have also cut off the normal way of tribute trade.

What the Portuguese who could not pay tribute wanted was to obtain a port for trade with China, which led to the later Shuangyu Island and the current Macau.

Lin Mojun looked at the surrounding islands and asked Su Ze: "Why Ryukyu? Are your weapons and armors going to be traded with Ryukyu? Can you sell them here?"

The Ming Dynasty not only stipulated the countries that paid tribute, determined the frequency of tribute, but also stipulated the ports where tribute from different countries entered Daming.

Ryukyu is very special among the tributary states of Ming Dynasty. Most countries pay tribute every five years, but Ryukyu can pay tribute every two years.

That is to say, Ryukyu can come to the Ming Dynasty to pay tribute once every two years, but in fact Ryukyu often pays tribute once a year, and the Ming court has never expelled Ryukyu envoys, and every time it returns a high reward.

So much so that the eldest son of Ming Dynasty and the most loyal vassal state North Korea are very jealous of the Ryukyu envoys. They once complained that "China also treats my envoys cheaply, and should not be compared with the Ryukyu envoys."

The port of Ryukyu tribute is Fuzhou City in Fujian. Lin Mojun's father had seen the grand occasion of Ryukyu envoys paying tribute.

Lin Mojun said: "My father has seen Ryukyu missions before. Every time a Ryukyu mission arrives in Hong Kong, it is a major event for Fuzhou Prefecture. After landing, the huge mission goes to the capital, and then returns to Ryukyu full of gold and silver rewards from the imperial court."

Lin Mojun recalled the flourishing age of Ryukyu's tribute that his father had said, and suddenly found that Ryukyu had not paid tribute for a long time.

Su Ze said: "Just like the Fulangji people who are full of Lajia people, after the Wa Kingdom stopped paying tribute, the Wa people also wanted to use the name of the Ryukyu mission to pay me a tribute. Later, the court found out that they also reduced the Ryukyu. Due to the size of the tribute group, they were prohibited from paying tribute to Japanese goods, and since then the Ryukyu tribute trade has stagnated, and gradually they will no longer pay tribute.”

Lin Mojun looked at Su Ze and asked, "Do you also want to pay tribute in the name of the Ryukyu Mission?"

Su Ze didn't expect Lin Mojun to be so perceptive, to guess Su Ze's plan all at once.

But I still have to quibble, Su Ze said: "Of course not, Ryukyu is also a big country with a population of [-]. How is it possible that we want to control Ryukyu with such a boatload of people!"

Lin Mojun said coldly: "It means that there are not enough people this time, wait until next time to bring more people over?"

Su Ze didn't expect Lin Mojun to expose his intention all of a sudden, and he said awkwardly, "Is it so obvious?"

Lin Mojun said, "Obviously."

"Okay, but we really didn't come here to embarrass Ryukyu this time, we really came to help Ryukyu."

Lin Mojun still didn't believe it. At this moment, the watchman suddenly shouted:
"There are pirates!"

Lin Mojun picked up the binoculars, and sure enough, she saw two Japanese ships approaching the New World.

Su Ze stepped aside decisively and said, "Lin Baihu, it's up to you to take command."

Lin Mojun rolled her eyes, but she still took the captain's position and took over the command of the entire ship.

Lin Mojun was not a novice captain like Su Ze. After she took over the command, the entire New World immediately changed. The sailors in charge of navigation and the crew in charge of combat were divided into two groups in an orderly manner.

Su Ze couldn't help admiring, some people are born to eat this bowl of rice, Lin Mojun is the uncrowned king at sea.

Looking secretly at the side face of Lin Mojun, who was seriously directing, Su Ze felt a little chill for no reason. Fortunately, Quanzhou was not mentioned along the way, or would he be sunk into the sea?
Su Ze shook his head. He and Lin Mojun are close comrades-in-arms, so he must be thinking too much!
This sudden battle started suddenly and ended suddenly.

Even King Lu was no match for Lin Mojun, and the two Japanese ships were defeated in a single encounter.

In order to lure the enemy closer, Lin Mojun didn't even use the cannons on the ship. One Japanese ship was destroyed in one ship-to-board battle, and the other Japanese ship wanted to escape, but was directly smashed by the ram of the New World.

For the Japanese pirates on the Japanese boat, Lin Mojun asked them to tie stones to jump off the deck and feed the sharks according to the sea rules. Lin Mojun also rescued five Ryukyu people on the two Japanese boats.

Pulling the two Japanese boats, Lin Mojun didn't even bother to search for the spoils. Under the guidance of one of the Ryukyu people, she headed for the Ryukyu people's port.

Su Ze looked at the Ryukyu man in charge of piloting and asked, "Are you my Chinese immigrant?"

The appearance of this Ryukyu person is slightly different from other Ryukyu people, and he can speak fluent Chinese.

"Mr. Hui, I am a descendant of Fujian people with 36 surnames. Both General Lin and Lin are surnamed Lin. The Han Chinese name is Lin Changjing."

Unexpectedly, it would take no effort. Su Ze said happily: "I plan to search for you after landing on the island. How is the 36 surname of the Fujian people?"

Lin Changjing said dejectedly: "Since the Ming court stopped paying tribute, the 36 surnames of our Fujian people have been worse than every year."

Lin Mojun leaned over and asked, "What is the surname 36 in Fujian?"

Su Ze said: "When the Hongwu system was established, Ryukyu was the first country to pay tribute, but at that time Ryukyu was small and the people were weak and unable to sail, so the Taizu ordered us 36 Fujian people who were good at sailing boats to go to Ryukyu to help He is a descendant of the 36 surnames of the Fujian people who paid tribute to the Ryukyu voyage.”

When Su Ze said this, Lin Mojun looked at Lin Changjing, and she really looked similar to a Fujianese. It turned out to be the descendants of Fujianese who emigrated overseas.

Su Ze asked: "Didn't you Fujian people with 36 surnames have official positions in the Ryukyu Kingdom? How could you be so downcast, and how could you be captured by Japanese pirates?"

Lin Changjing said: "Since the 36 surnames of Fujian people went to Ryukyu, most of them were intermarried. The Ryukyu king needed us to help with maritime trade, and he could use it respectfully. us."

"Besides, due to the interruption of tribute over the years, Ryukyu has become increasingly impoverished. I went to sea this time to find some trade routes between the several islands of Ryukyu, but I didn't expect to encounter Japanese pirates."

Lin Mojun interrupted and asked, "Are there many pirates near Ryukyu?"

Lin Changjing sighed and said: "There are many, not many, Japanese pirates are rampant. There are many islands near Ryukyu, and Japanese pirates often invade the islands and use them as a springboard to invade Nanyang or Fujian. There are 36 groups of large and small Japanese pirates in this sea area alone."

"The southern waters are still rogues, and the Amami Oshima Island in the north has been directly occupied by the rebels supported by the Wa Kingdom."

Lin Mojun looked at Su Ze, was all this in your expectation?
Su Ze asked: "The Japanese pirates are so rampant, does the Ryukyu Kingdom mainly surrender to the Japanese pirates?"

Lin Changjing shook his head and said: "Although the current ruler is alienated from our Fujianese 36 surnames, he still misses Ming Dynasty and hopes to reopen the tribute trade. The last time the Japanese lord Takahisa Shimadzu sent an envoy to ask the ruler to pay tribute to the Wa kingdom, Shang Guozhu Kill the Japanese envoy to show your loyalty to Daming."

Lin Mojun nodded and said, "The lord of the country is quite upright!"

Su Ze also nodded. The Lord of the Ryukyu Kingdom is considered to be the most backbone of the surrounding vassal states, but it is a pity that he is caught between Daming and the Wa Kingdom, and is even closer to the Wa Kingdom.

Once the Wa Kingdom becomes strong, it will show its ambitions for Ryukyu, and Ryukyu will inevitably be annexed by the Wa Kingdom in modern times.

But now there is still a chance, Su Ze asked Lin Changjing:
"Can you ask to see the Lord of the Ryukyu Kingdom?"

Lin Changjing nodded and said, "Ryukyu Elementary School, although we Hokkien people with 36 surnames are disliked by the ruler, we still have the right to enter and leave the royal court."

"That's good. After landing, we will say that we are businessmen from the Ming Dynasty, and we are here to help the king of the Ryukyu."

"I have a batch of weapons and armor on my ship that I want to sell to the lord, and I also want to negotiate a big deal with the lord."

 Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month!
  It’s really not the number of water words, you have to make a claim first when fighting a war (no)

(End of this chapter)

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