Chapter 211 Okinawa
The voyage was still going on, Su Ze tapped a few long and narrow island chains on the table with his hand dipped in water, and said to Lin Mojun:
"Although there are only 10 people in Ryukyu, the country is long and narrow. We are currently still in the Little Ryukyu Islands in the south, and the main island where the Ryukyu Royal Court is located is still farther north."

Su Ze drew a big island and said: "This is the main island of Ryukyu, which is where the Ryukyu Royal Court is located. We will arrive there in half a day."

Su Ze tapped a few more drops of water in the north: "This is Amami Oshima, which is actually an archipelago composed of several islands. It is also the place Lin Changjing said was instigated by the Japanese daimyo."

Then Su Ze dipped in the water and drew out a large piece of land: "This is Kitakyushu Island, Japan. This is where Shimadzu's house is located. This is Kagoshima, the hometown of King Deer."

Lin Mojun had seen the Portuguese charts, but their charts were very rough. The map drawn by Su Ze made Lin Mojun instantly understand the situation of Ryukyu.

It's too close to Japan.

Going all the way south along the Ryukyu Islands, you can reach the Penghu Islands from the Japanese Kingdom. This is the best route for Japanese pirates to go south to Fujian and Guangzhou.

It is not surprising that these islands on the sea are occupied by Japanese pirates. When encountering storms and waves at sea, they need to enter the port to escape, and they need to replenish fresh water and food along the way. These all need ports, and the islands of Ryukyu are the best ports.

"Do Japanese pirates have ambitions for Ryukyu?"

Su Ze nodded and said, "It's not just about having ambitions for Ryukyu. The Wa country is now in an era of war. When the war is over, I'm afraid it won't be enough to occupy a few islands."

Lin Mojun believed in Su Ze's judgment. From the description of the Portuguese, Lin Mojun had already felt the wolfish ambition of the Japanese country.

And if the Wa Kingdom wants to expand, it is surrounded by Daming's vassal states, so it will inevitably collide with Daming.

Lin Mojun deeply hated the Japanese pirates, and when she heard that the Japanese country was going to invade Ryukyu, she naturally wanted to help Ryukyu.

"My lords, the main island of Ryukyu is ahead!"

Lin Changjing, who was in charge of the navigation, was indeed a descendant of the 36 families of Fujian people. He didn't need any charts, so he relied on his memory to lead the ship around the islands. Now he finally saw a large piece of land, which should be the main island of Ryukyu.

Su Ze stood at the bow of the boat. The main island of Ryukyu has another name in later generations, Okinawa.

As the voyage continued, Lin Mojun saw the port of the main island of Ryukyu.

"Such a good port, but it's so deserted."

Lin Mojun heaved a long sigh, if it is said that ports can also be graded.

The port of Changningwei is the most common green port, with shallow draft, many hidden reefs, it is difficult for large ships to enter the port, and the throughput is small.

Yuegang is considered a blue port with good sea conditions, but it is a river port and needs pilotage to enter and exit. There are many ships that can berth in the port, but the throughput speed is not fast.

Fuzhou City is considered a purple port, with a large throughput and easy access. However, there are still many hidden reefs near Fuzhou, and special personnel are needed to navigate to avoid these hidden reefs.

But in this port on the Ryukyu main island, the blue sea level shows that the water is very deep, and this is a natural harbor where large ships can enter and exit.

The coastline near the port is gentle, this is the top golden port!
Su Ze was drooling when he saw the port conditions like this, otherwise the United States of future generations would not have set up a naval base in Okinawa.

Captain Alfonso was also staring at the distant port in a daze. Such a port was vacant. What a waste!

Just as the New World was about to approach Ryukyu, two Ming-style ships rushed out of the port, one left and one right sandwiching the New World's navigation route.

Su Ze said to Lin Changjing: "Is this your Ryukyu ship?"

Lin Changjing immediately said: "My lord, please give me a small boat, and I will let them get out of the way!"

Su Ze said to Lin Mojun: "Don't be so troublesome, let's shoot a few shots at the sea!"

Lin Mojun immediately understood Su Ze's meaning, and she immediately called to defend herself: "Left and right sides, aim at the sea, and shoot one round in the air!"

Su Ze didn't expect Lin Mojun to be more ruthless. Ten cannons on the left and right rang out one after another. The loud roar scared the two Ryukyu ships out of the way immediately, and the New World quickly rushed to the port.

Twenty cannons were fired, and Lin Changjing was so frightened that he lay on the deck with his head in his arms. Only then did he know what kind of giant sea monster he was riding in!
Lin Changjing didn't believe that Su Ze and the others were businessmen from Daming. Would businessmen from Daming have such a ship?

Su Ze and the others must be members of the Ming government!
Lin Changjing confirmed this, so he called them adults. Su Ze and Lin Mojun did not refute, which further strengthened Lin Changjing's guess.

Su Ze doesn't look like a businessman at all, on the contrary, he looks like a scholar of Ming Dynasty. Su Ze's demeanor is not an ordinary scholar, he should be a Jinshi with a high rank in the imperial examination!

But the envoys of the Ming Dynasty are so domineering, is it a blessing or a curse for Ryukyu?
Lin Changjing also knew that he had no way to get off the ship, so he could only pray that Ryukyu would turn the bad luck into good fortune this time.

The New World rushed into the port, and the shelling just now stunned the manager of the port. They waited until the New World docked before the port took any action.

Several soldiers with spears gathered sparsely towards the pier. At this time, Lin Mojun's musketeers had disembarked and assembled.

Su Ze stood on the pier and said to Lin Changjing, "Go and negotiate."

Lin Changjing received the order and immediately stepped forward to reveal his identity. The spearmen gave way and took him to negotiate with the port officials.

Lin Mojun looked at these spearmen with distaste and said, "The Ryukyu soldiers are too bad, no wonder they can't beat the Japanese pirates."

From Lin Mojun's point of view, these port defenders were really too weak. The spears they held were of different lengths, and some of them were not sharpened.

Their clothes were also tattered, and they didn't even have a neat formation.

The fifty musketeers I brought with me are estimated to be able to defeat the port defenders with a round of salvo.

Su Ze said with a smile: "You can't use Changning Guard's standards to demand these soldiers. Ryukyu has been in trouble for a long time after the tribute was cut off. It is not easy for these soldiers to persist in duty."

After a while, Lin Changjing ran over panting and said: "The magistrate of Hong Kong is a relative of my mother's family. Please wait a moment, my lords, please go to the guest house at the port to rest first, and then go to Shuri Castle after notifying the king. "

Su Ze nodded. With the protection of the bird gunner, Su Ze was not worried about his own safety. Everyone came to the guest house where foreign envoys were sponsored. A little old man in the costume of a Ming official settled them down.

"The appearance of this guest house is no different from that of my Daming building?"

If it weren't for the unique Ryukyu script, Lin Mojun almost felt that she had returned to Ming Dynasty.

The costumes of these guests in the guest house were also similar to those of Daming, and even the utensils used were imported from Daming.

Su Ze said: "Ryukyu has long used Hanfu and practiced the Han system, and even the ruler of the country speaks Chinese, and the cultural level is not low, no different from China."

"Is this what you read from the book?"

Su Ze said without changing his face: "Of course."

Of course, this is what Su Ze saw from the research materials of later generations, but the books before time travel are also books, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Lin Mojun said: "It is said that you scholars can know the world's affairs without going out. I didn't expect it to be true."

Su Ze smiled and said, "Don't you only meet a scholar like me?"

Lin Mojun's face turned red suddenly, and she said, "I don't know any other scholars either. Okay, what should we do next? Are we really going to help that Ryukyu country fight Japanese pirates?"

"Of course not. The terrain of Ryukyu is complicated, and it's so close to the Japanese country. It's impossible for us to be here often. How can we help them fight the Japanese pirates?"

"Then you didn't promise?"

"What did I promise? I just promised to negotiate a big deal with them, but I didn't say to help them fight Japanese pirates."

Lin Mojun stared at Su Ze for a long time and said, "I will listen carefully to what you say in the future."

Su Ze felt like lifting a rock to hit himself in the foot. He changed the subject and said:

"We don't have to personally help the Ryukyu fight the Japanese pirates, but we can sell them weapons and help them train soldiers. The most important thing is that if the trade between Ryukyu and Ming can be restored, the Ryukyu people will have a way to deal with the Japanese pirates after they have money. "

Lin Mojun knew that Su Ze was right. This voyage gave her a deeper understanding of the situation in East Asia.

Now the entire southeast sea area is a paradise for adventurers and desperadoes.

As long as you have money, you can hire mercenaries from various countries and buy various advanced weapons.

Su Ze said: "You guessed it right, I came to Ryukyu just to qualify for the tribute trade."

At the same time, Lin Changjing and his relatives of the Hong Kong magistrate of his mother's family were on their way to Shuri Castle, the palace of the Ryukyu King.

The governors of Hong Kong are also descendants of the 36 surnames of the Fujian people. These families have monopolized affairs related to tribute and sea trade since the founding of the Ryukyu Kingdom. Ocean trade, ports, and shipbuilding are almost all controlled by the 36 surnames of the Fujian people. The Ryukyu king alienates them , in addition to the severance of the tribute trade, it is also afraid of the power of the survivors of the Ming Dynasty.

Today, the population of the Ryukyu islands is close to 10, and 36 of them are immigrants from the Ming Dynasty. Among them are the early immigrants with the [-] surname of Fujian people, and there are also Ming people who cannot survive the turmoil in the Central Plains and go to sea to make a living. host.

These immigrants built ancestral halls and temples in Ryukyu, forming a circle of blood from the township party, which is already a very influential force in Ryukyu.

Shuri Castle, which is the royal city of Ryukyu, was built completely according to the specifications of the palace of the vassal king of the Ming Dynasty.

In order to build this royal city, Emperor Yongle specially recruited craftsmen from Fujian and Guangxi, and went to Ryukyu to build this palace.

The surname of today’s Ryukyu ruler is Shang. Ryukyu was originally a trio of kingdoms, and the Ryukyu king conferred by Emperor Yongle was the Wu family of Zhongshan. During the reign of Xuande, Bazhi raised troops to seize the Wu family’s bird throne. Emperor Xuande bestowed the surname “Shang” on it, which has been passed down to this day.

The king's surname is Shang and his name is Ning. Because Ryukyu does not use eunuchs, there are only female officials in the royal city.

Under the guidance of the female officer, the Lord Shang walked through a remote corridor in the royal city and walked into a courtyard.

This courtyard is different from the Ming-style buildings in Shuri Castle. This is a typical Japanese building!

And this Japanese building looks very new, it should have been built recently.

Lord Shang walked into the courtyard, and heard a loud shout:
"Master Shang! How long will you keep me waiting! If you don't surrender again, I, the governor of the Shimadzu family, will personally lead the ship and break through your Shuri Castle!"

The speaker was a Japanese warrior with a Japanese samurai hairstyle, wearing a Japanese costume, and wearing a long Japanese sword.

It turned out that although Shang Ning said that he had killed the Japanese envoys, he actually did not dare to kill them, but imprisoned them in the royal city.

In order not to offend these Japanese envoys, Shang Ning also built a Japanese-style courtyard, and provided beautiful women every day for them to live in.

As the head of a country, Shang Ning was so aggrieved because of the situation.

Shang Ning has sent envoys more than once to ask for help from the Ming Dynasty.

However, the Haidao officials of the Ming Dynasty first refused to deliver the letter of credence for Ryukyu's request for help. After Shang Ning paid a lot of money, they reluctantly sent the letter of credence to the capital.

The result of Emperor Jiajing's handling was - "not to report", which means that it has been read and cannot be returned.

Shang Ning sent envoys to deliver the letter of credence three times to ask for help, but the result was the same "I can't read it back".

After that, the Japanese riots along the coast of the Ming Dynasty intensified, and the Japanese pirates even attacked the city of Nanjing. Now the Ryukyu king completely gave up.

The Ming Dynasty couldn't deal with the Japanese pirates in its own territory, let alone send troops to help Ryukyu.

The domineering Ryukyu envoy in front of him is named Ganfu Zongxiu, and he is the retainer of Shimadzu Takahisa, the daimyo of Satsuma in Kyushu, Japan.

After Gan Fu Zongxiu arrived in Ryukyu, Shang Ning did not dare to directly accept the threat of the Wa Kingdom, and instead paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty.

But he didn't dare to expel Gan Fu Zongxiu, so he built this other courtyard for them to live temporarily.

Now Gan Fu Zongxiu has been living in the other courtyard for a month, and these Japanese envoys have become more and more impatient with Lord Shangning's delay in replying.

Yesterday, Gan Fu Zongxiu hacked and killed the Ryukyu beauty who was serving the bedroom, and led his subordinates to detain the female officer who delivered the food, forcing Shang Ning to come over to meet her.

Shang Ning looked bitterly at this group of arrogant Japanese envoys, Gan Fu Zongxiu pulled out the Japanese sword and said:

"Ryukyu has been a vassal of Satsuma Shimadzu since ancient times. The Patriarch summoned you to Kagoshima for an audience. Why do you push back?"

Gan Fu Zongxiu has a sharp voice, but what is funny is that he speaks Chinese with a perfect accent.

The Ryukyu Lord Shang Ning’s answers were all in Chinese. In the tributary system established by the Ming Dynasty, Chinese was the most common diplomatic language.

Hearing that he was going to Kagoshima, Shang Ning trembled slightly. He was not a fool. If he went to the Japanese pirates' territory, he would definitely be taken as a hostage and suffer even greater humiliation.

But now Ryukyu has no choice at all, Shang Ning's face turned pale.

Gan Fu Zongxiu put away the Japanese knife, he knew that his intimidation had achieved his goal, he said:

"If the lord doesn't go, then please ask the son to go."

Just when Shang Ning was about to agree, a female officer hurried over and whispered something in Shang Ning's ear.

Shang Ning immediately raised his head and said to Gan Fu Zongxiu: "There is an urgent matter in the residence, please wait a moment for your envoy!"

After finishing speaking, Shang Ning hurriedly left the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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