My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 213 The Ambition of "1 Morality"

Chapter 213 The ambition of "one morality"
One purple, one blue and one green, Su Ze opened the passive skill card.

The three passive skills are:

[Green Passive - Diligent Navigator: When sailing, sailing skill +5% experience value. 】

[Blue Passive—Navigation at sea depends on the captain: when sailing, sailing skill +1, charisma +1. 】

[Purple Passive—Ocean Explorer: When sailing in the ocean, sailing skill +2, charm +4 when steering the ocean. 】

Naturally, there was no hesitation this time. Su Ze chose the purple [Ocean Explorer] passive skill.

Holding his chin, it turns out that the key attribute of the sailing skill is charm.

It’s true when you think about it, sailing is a job that is highly dependent on leadership and requires unity and cooperation.

Lin Mojun should be a natural leader with a high charisma value, so she can easily command the crew.

Su Ze also summed up the role of several attributes. Charisma is related to leadership skills, such as art of war and navigation, and it also has a bonus to negotiation skills. For example, if the charisma value is high, it is easier to do business.

Intelligence has a bonus to the skills of the subject class.

Strength and agility have bonuses to combat skills, and are also related to physical labor, such as farming and blacksmithing skills.

Looking at a little bit of freedom, this time Su Ze added it to charm.

Su Ze, male, 25 years old.

Intelligence: 13
Power: 11
Agility: 6
Charisma: 7
Remaining attribute points: 0
After turning off the system, Su Ze could already see the observatory on Dong'ao Island. After putting down the study group from Ryukyu, Su Ze rushed back to Changningwei, and then hurried to Fuzhou City.

In Fuzhou City.

Hanlin officials are usually promoted after being in charge of the state's ceremonies, such as canonization, appointment, and tribute.

The major events of the country are in the army and in the sacrifice.

This is also one of the reasons why Hanlin officials are considered to be the prime minister of the country, because many important activities must be in charge of Hanlin officials, and every time they are completed, they can be promoted according to the usual practice, so that the official position can be moved slowly. rise.

If it is not a Hanlin official or a Qingliu official, but a slow promotion like Baizhi County, it is considered to be a solid background to be a political envoy in this life. If you want to become a cabinet minister or a minister, it is almost impossible things.

Of course, Baizhi County is still a Jinshi, so it is even more difficult for a person like Hai Rui to be promoted.

After taking charge of Fujian's imperial examinations, Wang Daokun soon got his new appointment, and his official position was promoted to Yushi, the capital of Youqian, and governor of Fujian.

Youqian capital censor is already a fourth rank, and the governor of Fujian is an even more important appointment.

The censor is the speech officer, Du Xianguan, that is, the official in charge of supervision. The most important powers are two, one is picketing and the other is election.

In the Ming Dynasty, the power of officials was to control the supervision and election power of the entire officialdom system. The governor of Fujian was Wang Daokun's specific errand, and his power was to supervise the entire Fujian officialdom.

Wang Daokun's position is similar to the "Governor of the Eight Governments" in the TV series. He belongs to the imperial court's imperial envoy and can directly submit inscriptions and secret disclosures to the emperor.

Governor is not a permanent position, normally it lasts for one to two years, and Wang Daokun can continue to be promoted if he does a good job during his tenure.

Moreover, the governor is still a Beijing official, which means that Wang Daokun's assessment power is still in the hands of the capital's cabinet, not the local assessment.

After being appointed by the imperial court, everyone in the officialdom in Fujian envied him, but apart from envying him, he only hated himself for not doing well in the imperial examinations and failing to enter the Imperial Academy to become an imperial official.

Step by step, step by step, Wang Daokun became a mid-level and senior official of the fourth rank at the age of 30, while many of his age were still officials who had no establishment.

The governor can exercise the power of supervision throughout the province, so he does not work in a fixed official office.

Each government has a special office for the governor to temporarily work near the government office, which is usually closed, and only the governor will stay here temporarily when he inspects it.

There is also a governor's yamen in Fuzhou City, so Wang Daokun moved into the governor's yamen and refused to visit.

For Wang Daokun's work attitude, Fujian people are happy to see the results.

If Wang Daokun worked hard without sleeping and eating, I am afraid that more people would not be able to sleep.

The governor is a noble position, because the governor does not have to complete the daily work. If you encounter someone who doesn't like to manage things, you can completely complete the term of office, and then wait for the next promotion.

Su Ze had already heard the news. He came to the governor's office with a gift, and the housekeeper immediately informed Wang Daokun.

Others don't need to miss it. Su Ze is Jieyuan from Fujian Province and a student of Wang Daokun. The housekeepers of these officials are very discerning, so naturally they immediately informed Wang Daokun.

Wang Daokun immediately put down the manuscript in his hand, and went to the side hall to meet Su Ze.

"Students meet their teachers."

Seeing some books Su Ze was carrying, Wang Daokun knew that Su Ze did not send any expensive gifts, so he stroked his beard, feeling quite relieved.

Since he was appointed governor of Fujian, many students visited him, but he kicked out those who brought expensive gifts.

Wang Daokun came from a wealthy family, so he naturally didn't covet the student's gift, so he found Su Ze more pleasing to the eye.

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Wang Daokun felt more congenial. Many of Su Ze's ideas on literary creation coincided with his, especially Wang Daokun's favorite novel creation. Su Ze could always say some key words.

Thinking of this, Wang Daokun stood up and said, "Ru Lin, a friend of mine sent me a manuscript, please read it together."

friend?This friend is not the teacher yourself, is it?

Su Ze murmured in his heart, and followed Wang Daokun into the study.

The letters and official documents written by literati in the Ming Dynasty must be stored in the study room, which is the most important place for scholars.

Wang Daokun let Su Ze enter the study, which also shows that he really treats Su Ze as a disciple.

Su Ze even felt that he had found the right person to visit Wang Daokun this time. He walked into the study with a depressed mood, and then stood there with his eyes downcast, with an obedient look that he shouldn't look at more than he should.

Wang Daokun was even more satisfied with this student. He handed several manuscripts to Su Ze and said, "Look at it, Ru Lin."

Wang Daokun asked the book boy to move a round stool and serve tea. When Su Ze saw Chapter 1, it really was "Jin Ping Mei".

Teacher, you also said that what you wrote was not the emperor's uncle!

As a graduate student of Ming history, Su Ze naturally read this book carefully.

The Song Dynasty background used in "Jin Ping Mei" is actually written in Ming Dynasty. The most direct thing is that the prices in the whole book are the prices of Ming Dynasty, and silver is used for shopping. In Song Dynasty, copper coins were basically used.

Su Ze read the beginning carefully, and it is slightly different from the later version, but the story is still the same.

Putting down the manuscript in his hand, Wang Daokun asked impatiently:

"How does Ru Lin feel?"

Su Ze pondered for a while and said, "It's sobering and memorable!"

Wang Daokun did not expect Su Ze to give such an answer.

"How does Rulin feel?"

Su Ze thought for a while and said, "Sorrow comes from it."

Wang Daokun was overjoyed, feeling like he was looking for a friend in the mountains and rivers, he immediately pulled Su Ze and said:

"Why are you sad?"

"Sorrow for people, and sorrow for the way of the world!"

Wang Daokun said excitedly: "When I wrote it, oh not when I read this novel for the first time, I felt the same way."

Sure enough, the teacher wrote it.

Su Ze did not expose Wang Daokun's slip of the tongue, but continued to talk about his impressions after reading:
"This article is to alert the world and persuade people to do good. The characters in the book are lifelike, as if they are seen in the world, and because it is written about the world, it makes people feel the suffering of all beings."

Bosom friend!
Wang Daokun immediately said: "Ru Lin understands me!"

Is this an admission?

Wang Daokun changed his words again and said: "I also thought so when I first read it!"

Su Ze said:
"But teacher, why do all living beings suffer, but the people in the book still have karma, what should we do if there is no karma in this world?"

Wang Daokun was silent.

Wang Daokun's family belonged to a wealthy family in Huizhou Prefecture. Many members of his family became officials. He was also a member of the officialdom, so he naturally understood Su Ze's meaning. Many bad people in this world will not be punished by karma like in the novel.

People like Ximen Qing often indulge in pleasure and even climb higher than ordinary honest scholars.

Many of the prototypes of the characters in the book were seen and heard by Wang Daokun. Some of them were in decline, and some were prosperous. These made Wang Daokun very confused. There may be no karma in the world. Doing a lot of evil will not necessarily be punished.

The Ming Dynasty is like the rich and prosperous Yuda in the book. Wang Daokun also felt the moral dilemma of the deteriorating world, but he was powerless to change all this. He didn't even know the reason for the current depravity.

In his hometown of Huizhou Prefecture, there are not many people like Ximenqing. Some of them are scholars who have passed the examination, and some are idle "helpers". Like Ximen Qing, he is not even a businessman at all, but concentrates on being a broker to speculate and make money.

However, these people often earn more money than those scholars who manage the land. This makes Wang Daokun, who has read poetry and books, deeply doubt himself and doubt the truth in the Four Books and Five Classics.

Wang Daokun thought for a while and said: "The ancient sages said that human nature is inherently good, and this book also aims to arouse the benevolent heart, understand the principle of retribution from heaven, and don't continue to do evil."

Sure enough, this is the case for the evaluation of "Jin Ping Mei" by later generations. This is a work that criticizes realism and writes about the glitz and depravity of that era. The "bad" people in the book.

Su Ze said: "Teacher, students think that nature is good and nature is evil, and it is meaningless to analyze this kind of human nature."

"It's meaningless?!" Wang Daokun was surprised by Su Ze's rebellious remarks. You must know that "human nature theory" is one of the foundations of Confucianism. Su Ze actually thinks it is meaningless to discuss this?

So many sages debated and wrote books on this issue, and even Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming were discussing the topic of "the origin of the human heart". Su Ze didn't think it was important?
Su Ze flipped through the manuscript in his hand and said:
"Let's talk about this high-ranking official from Ximen. He has studied, but he doesn't think about passing the imperial examinations. He doesn't buy land, but hangs around in the county. However, Rijin Doujin's family business is getting bigger and bigger."

Wang Daokun was silent. Ximen Qing was indeed not a traditional Confucian scholar, but such a person is not uncommon in Huizhou Prefecture.

And based on Wang Daokun's knowledge, these people are indeed the same as Ximen Qing, not only did not ruin the family business, but the industry prospered even more.

These people are also like Ximen Qing in the book, indulge in pleasure and unscrupulously make disasters for the village.

So Wang Daokun is actually doubting whether the saying "people are inherently good" is true.

Su Zeshi's shocking good nature and evil nature are not important, so Wang Daokun didn't know how to pick it up.

Su Ze said: "Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, it has been a natural law to pass on farming and reading to family members. The words of the sages have almost written the morals of the two classes of peasants and scholars."

"For farmers, work at sunrise and rest at sunset, work in accordance with the four seasons, and let your children go to school or join the army if you have spare time after paying taxes and food. This is the morality of farming."

Wang Daokun nodded.

"For a scholar, study the scriptures and righteousness of the sages, cultivate one's self, regulate one's family, rule the country and the world, and then serve the world with one's life, retreat and cultivate oneself, this is the morality of a scholar."

Wang Daokun nodded again and again, and Su Ze said again:
"What about the morals of workers and businessmen?"

Now Wang Daokun was stunned.

Su Ze said: "There is morality in reading and farming, but what is the morality of a businessman?"

"Is it true that people like Ximen Qing are so evil? But no one has ever said that what kind of businessman is a moral businessman. The world thinks that businessmen are cunning and cunning profit seekers, and businessmen will naturally Belittle yourself as a treacherous and cunning profit seeker, since these people are not tolerated by the scholar-bureaucrats, and are reviled and despised by the people, can't they just indulge in pleasure and enjoy themselves, and live as everyone thinks?"

Wang Daokun was completely shocked now.

Su Ze said: "Teacher, there are Confucian scholars and merchants in Huizhou Prefecture where you are located. They are Confucian merchants in the world. Are they as strict as scholars in family management, and they also pay attention to integrity and morality in business?"

Wang Daokun nodded. In fact, his family is also considered to be in business, and it can also be regarded as the Confucian businessman in Su Ze's mouth.

Su Ze said: "The world is like this, not because of Ximen Qing's depravity, but because these people have no moral standards at all. They don't know good and evil, and they live in a muddle like wild animals. They can only indulge in sensuality."

"It's not just Ximenqing. The Wang Po in the book is a matchmaker and earns a lot of money every day. There are bad matchmakers like Wang Po who encourage their lovers into prostitution, but there are also good matchmakers who help people make marriages. But everyone in the world Think of this industry as a cheap industry, and think that those who are engaged in this industry are all queens, envy them for earning money to support their families, and at the same time scold them for their low morality, then those who work as matchmakers will naturally become queens."

"Scholars, peasants, businessmen, but only the morality of scholars, peasants, how to do business and business is in line with propriety? When there are Confucian businessmen praised by the world, and Confucian workers respected by all people, then the world will be better."

Wang Daokun looked at Su Ze in shock and said, "Ru Lin, do you want 'one morality'?!"

 I also know that people don't like transitional plots, but there are some coherent plots to be written.

  In this chapter, Fat Bird can be said to be brand new.

  A lot of writing thought enlightenment, why enlightenment?It seems to me that this is the new morality!

  The emergence of a new class requires new morality, the disintegration of the traditional patriarchal society, and the moral confusion after the emergence of the commodity society are the roots of the ideological confusion in the awakening age.

  So a morality is needed!This is the greatest meaning of ideological enlightenment!

  Confucianism’s analysis of human nature has nothing to write about in the late Ming Dynasty.

  Transforming Confucianism will shift from empty speculation on human nature to thinking on production relations. This is the ambition of the protagonist, and also the ambition of the author, Fat Bird!

  ok vote
(End of this chapter)

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