My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 214 The Road to Sanctification

Chapter 214 The Road to Sanctification
No wonder Wang Daokun was shocked.

What is "one morality"?That is to raise moral standards for people.

In Zhu Xi's "University Chapters", he put forward the three cardinal principles and eight rules for a scholar to be a human being, and provided a moral standard for scholars.

The three cardinal principles are clear and virtuous, close to the people, and stop at the ultimate good.

The Eight Eyes are for investigation, extension of knowledge, sincerity, righteousness, self-cultivation, family harmony, state governance, and world peace.

This provides a moral standard for scholars all over the world, and also provides a direction for scholars all over the world.

Zhu Xi became Zhu Zi.

Under Zhu Xi's standard, Wang Yangming put forward the theory of reaching conscience, and also put forward the standard of "inner sage and outer king", and further provided the moral standard of scholars, so Wang Yangming became a new saint.

As Su Ze said, what Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming gave were the moral standards of scholars, but they did not say how to do business and business.

That's why Wang Daokun was shocked, because what Su Ze was going to do was what a Confucian sage would do.

No, what Su Ze is going to do is even more powerful than the previous sages. He wants to raise moral standards for everyone in the world.

This is the so-called "mixed morality"!
After being shocked, Wang Daokun was terrified.

He took Su Ze's hand, and said earnestly, "Ru Lin, you haven't said this to anyone else, have you?"

Su Ze shook his head and said, "I only sent this feeling after reading the teacher's manuscript, and I haven't told anyone about it."

"It's fine if you haven't said it, it's fine if you haven't said it, you don't need to say it publicly, and don't write it out."

Wang Daokun really regarded Su Ze as a student, he said:
"One morality, you can think about it, you can do it silently, but it's not something you can tell the world now, understand?"

Su Ze has great ambitions. He wants to raise moral standards for the whole world. This is what a saint does.

The Ming Dynasty does not need another saint.

Wang Yangming only improved Zhu Xi's scholarly morality, and he was feared by the Ming court for decades.

Wang Yangming was credited with suppressing the rebellion, and even conferred a title as a civil servant, but the Ming court never allowed him to enter the court, or even to the capital, because he was afraid of his status as a new saint.

During Wang Yangming's lifetime and some time after his death, Xinxue was suppressed.

It is only now that the learning of the mind has become a knowledge recognized by scholars, and the imperial court can be regarded as letting go of the confinement of the learning of the mind, because it cannot be restrained anymore.

And Su Ze's ambition is even bigger. Once completed, he will be the teacher of the world. What is that?That is the most holy teacher!
No emperor could tolerate a living saint.

Wang Daokun pulled Su Ze and said:

"Ru Lin's words are very good, and it will be more beneficial to the people of the world to say it when you are in the court in the future."

Wang Daokun also really felt that what Su Ze said made sense.

He noticed a new type of class represented by Ximen Qing, whether they were businessmen, brokers, or workshop workers, they all came out of the shackles of the land.

Without the shackles of the land, there is no haven for the traditional land patriarchal clan. They are not compatible with the moral standards of agricultural land. Although they control wealth, they have become the target of social criticism.

The moral dilemma of the new class also makes them willing to degenerate.

Wang Daokun stood up and said: "Ru Lin, you are only 23 years old, and you will take the exam next year. You can still take the imperial examination twice before you are 27 years old, and you can enter the Imperial Academy as a second-class Jinshi."

Wang Daokun said: "When you become a cabinet minister in the future, you can just say these words."

Su Ze sneered in his heart, not to mention being a cabinet minister, even if he was a regent minister, the emperor would never tolerate his words.

The power of morality is too great, and it is not just a matter of sanctification.

Once Su Ze really proposes a new moral standard recognized by the whole people, it means that he will become the leader of all new classes, and he will naturally become the spokesperson of the new class.

The imperial power of the Ming Dynasty can't even tolerate a prime minister, so how can they tolerate a living saint?

However, Su Ze is not so stupid as to publicize his theory now.

He hasn't figured out how to "one morality" specifically. It's not just about proposing a standard, but asking people from other classes to recognize this moral standard.

Especially for the Confucian scholars who have the right to speak to recognize this set of standards. With Su Ze's current reputation and strength, it is far from this time.

The reason why I told Wang Daokun was because Wang Daokun was my room teacher and my natural political ally, and Wang Daokun was indeed an aspiring scholar.

After Wang Daokun finished his instructions, he felt extremely excited again.

The "Jin Ping Mei" he wrote laments and sympathizes with the fate of the characters in the book, but as Su Ze said, as the author, he doesn't know why the protagonists encounter such problems, and in the end he can only use the method of reincarnation from the Buddhist point of view.

But Su Ze's statement was like enlightenment, making Wang Daokun think about the fate of the characters in the book again.

Seeing Wang Daokun's ecstasy, Su Ze knew that he had agreed with his theory.

Ideological enlightenment, this is something that will inevitably appear with the emergence of a new class.

The Taizhou school, which is becoming more and more influential nowadays, puts forward that "the daily use of the common people is the way", which is actually a finishing touch.

Based on Mencius' thought of being close to the people, the Taizhou School put forward the idea of ​​Confucianism for the common people, which has considerable influence among the people.

Wang Gen gave lectures to traffickers and pawns, and absorbed craftsmen, merchants, servants, and hawkers as his disciples, one of which implied the future expectation of "everyone is like a dragon".

Although the Taizhou School did not clearly put forward the goal of "one morality", nor was it aware of the changes in social classes, it only started from the people-oriented thought and naturally proposed to spread Confucianism among the common people.

But the imperial court also realized the power of the Taizhou School. After Wang Gen's death, his disciples Yan Jun, He Xinyin, and Li Zhi were all rejected by the government.

Later, He Xinyin was killed by Zhang Juzheng, who was in power, and Li Zhi also died in prison. Since then, Confucianism in Ming Dynasty has no direction of change.

Academia has become a tool for party struggle, and various "gentlemen's parties" have emerged one after another, cleaning up the vast land of the Ming Dynasty.

As for the academics of the later Qing Dynasty, let’s not talk about it.

Su Ze has found a new direction, the proposition of "one morality" is too big!He not only needs to put forward the theory by himself, but also needs someone to help him practice, and his mentor Wang Daokun is the No.1 of his influence.

This night talk had no less impact on Su Ze than "Longchang Enlightenment".

"Ru Lin came to see me today, what's the matter?"

Only then did Su Ze remember his purpose, and he cupped his hands and asked:

"Teacher, I heard that the imperial court is searching for ambergris?"

Wang Daokun sighed and said, "Yes, His Majesty ordered the Ministry of Households to purchase [-] jin of ambergris, and the Ministry of Households issued a document to all coastal provinces, requesting all provinces to pay tribute to ambergris. The chief envoy is having a headache."

Emperor Jiajing's love for ambergris became obsessive. This was not the first time he asked for ambergris as a tribute, but it was really hard to find, not to mention a hundred catties, not even ten catties.

Su Ze said in a prepared speech:
"Teacher, I know a Ryukyu man, he said they have ambergris in their hands."

Wang Daokun looked at Su Ze in surprise and asked, "Really?"

Su Ze nodded and said: "I have seen it before, and it is indeed as described in the book. The taste is meaningful and unique."

Wang Daokun stood up and said, "Where are the Ryukyu people?"

Su Ze said: "It's in Fuzhou City, but he is a close friend of the Ryukyu king. He brought ambergris this time to ask the court to reopen the Ryukyu tribute."

Wang Daokun was taken aback for a moment, but it made sense after thinking about it.

Ryukyu has always wanted to reopen the tribute. Perhaps the Ryukyu people in Fuzhou heard the news that the emperor collected ambergris, so they notified the Ryukyu king, hoping to use ambergris to persuade Emperor Jiajing to reopen the tribute trade.

That's why they approached Su Ze as a lobbyist, and he, the governor of Fujian, is one of the few officials in Fujian who can submit a testimonial to the court.

Thinking about it, it seems that there is no harm in reopening the Ryukyu Tribute.

Wang Daokun was born in Huizhou Prefecture. There are many Huizhou merchants. Many people in his family are engaged in business. He has no objection to maritime trade.

Ryukyu has always been submissive to the Ming Dynasty, and it can be regarded as quite obedient among the vassal states.

Wang Daokun immediately said:
"I'm like an inscription in the imperial court!"

Su Ze said quickly: "Teacher, if the cabinet discusses it, I'm afraid it will be dismissed."

Wang Daokun immediately understood what Su Ze meant.

Regarding Emperor Jiajing's search for ambergris, on the surface, the cabinet and the Ministry of Households were determined to complete it. In fact, the emperor did not know how much foreign work was done inside.

Otherwise, after a few years, Emperor Jiajing would not be in a hurry to send eunuchs to search the coastal areas.

If Wang Daokun's question book is sent up, I'm afraid it may be directly blocked by the cabinet.

"I understand, then I will go to the Secret Expose!"

After finally convincing Wang Daokun, Su Ze's plan was more than half successful.

Next, based on the pissing nature of the Taoist emperor, for this ambergris, the Ryukyu tribute trade will definitely be restarted.

With the tickets for the tribute trade, Su Ze can openly use the Ryukyu skin to carry out legal large-scale East Asian trade.

In the bulk trade, although the smuggling trade is highly profitable, it is far less profitable than the legal large-scale trade.

The reason is also very simple. Efficiency is the priority in bulk trade. How much raw silk can a smuggling ship transport?
The legal raw silk trading volume is hundreds or thousands of times that of sporadic smuggling. Even if the profit margin is a little lower, the volume will naturally make more money.

In Su Ze's time and space, after the switch of Longqing, many small and medium-sized smuggling bases declined rapidly. This is the reason why big businessmen would rather take the official channel with higher taxes.

The port of the Ryukyu tributary is Fuzhou, which is not far from Changningwei. Once the Ryukyu tributary trade starts, Su Ze will no longer earn money from the few shops in Nanping County.

With money, you can build ships and buy guns.

Wang Daokun agreed to ask for a secret report and reopen the Ryukyu tribute trade.

After all these discussions were over, Wang Daokun said, "Ru Lin will be imprisoned in the next year, where are you going?"

After being admitted to Juren, it is customary to go to the Imperial College to report. The Ming Dynasty had Imperial Colleges in the north and south Zhili, and they were located in the capital and Nanjing.

Su Ze didn't want to take part in the examination, so naturally he didn't want to go to the Imperial College of the Imperial Academy. He said:

"Students are going to Nanjing Guozijian."

Wang Daokun nodded and said, "That's fine. Next year's exam is too hasty. With Ru Lin's talent and learning, he can wait for the next exam in four years. If he wins the second class, he can still participate in the selection."

Wang Daokun thought that Su Ze chose to go to Nanjing to be imprisoned because he didn't want to participate in the next year's examination. This is also the normal operation of many juren.

There is no chance of re-examination for the ranking of the imperial examination. There is a clear distinction between the first, second, and third grades.

Su Ze is from Jieyuan, Fujian. From Wang Daokun's point of view, it is not a big problem for Su Ze to take the examination directly, but it still depends on luck if he wants to get a high rank in the imperial examination. It is better to wait for four years and then take the exam.

Wang Daokun handed a letter to Su Ze and said:

"Nanjing Guozijian Jijiu and I have an old relationship, you hand this letter to him, and he will not embarrass you after entering prison."

The teaching level of Guozijian is hard to describe in one word, and it may not be as high as Su Ze's.

There are very few scholars who are actually studying in the Imperial College. This letter from Wang Daokun can save Su Ze from the trouble of being in prison.

Wang Daokun continued: "It is also beneficial for you to go to Nanjing Guozijian. There are many academies in the South, and Ru Lin can study abroad. If Ru Lin wants to make the words of the world, he will naturally have to travel thousands of miles."

Su Ze also agrees with Wang Daokun's idea that the academy is a feature of Ming Dynasty, and it has to be tasted.

Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, these are the holy lands of Juan Wang in the Ming Dynasty. There are many academies. In addition to studying the imperial examinations, these academies also debate the classics and discuss the political situation of the imperial court. If a scholar wants to make a name in Shilin, he must be in the circle. made a name for himself.

Study tour is the best way, just like Yanping Academy, academies in these places will also invite scholars to give lectures. Su Ze is already Jieyuan in Fujian, so he is naturally qualified to give lectures.

Wang Daokun is not the kind of scholar who is obsessed with studying. He himself has a wide range of interests and has been admitted to the top of the imperial examination. For Su Ze, a proud student, he is not persuading Su Ze to study hard, but to persuade him to travel more to accumulate experience.

After knowing Su Ze's ambition of "one morality", Wang Daokun encouraged him to travel around and learn from other people's academic viewpoints to improve himself.

Su Ze thanked Wang Daokun respectfully, and then left the governor's mansion with satisfaction.

In the next few days, he continued his activities in Fuzhou City, visiting his acquaintances in Fuzhou City.

Sure enough, Yu Zongyuan passed the martial arts exam, and now he has been granted the post of Fuzhou Zuowei Deputy Qianhu, but the military position in the Ming Dynasty was low in gold content, and Su Ze was Fujian Jieyuan at a young age, and his future future is even more limitless.

This time Yu Zongyuan showed the attitude of a younger brother, but Su Ze still treated him as before, and asked Yu Zongyuan to invite his colleagues to drink together.

Originally, Yu Zongyuan boasted that he knew Su Ze in the military camp, and everyone laughed at him for boasting. Now seeing the close relationship between Su Ze and Yu Zongyuan, everyone can only envy.

Jieyuan in a province has a bright future, and if Su Ze has the opportunity to enter the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister in the future, Yu Zongyuan can be regarded as hugging his thigh.

Those who Fang Wanghai left behind letters, Fujian Chief Envoy, Fujian Deputy Envoy, and Fujian Tixue, Su Ze also presented precious gifts, and their skills have improved a lot.

Introduced by Fang Wanghai's letter, Su Ze and Miss Fang already had a marriage contract, so naturally all the gifts from his nephew were accepted according to the order, and everyone praised Fang Wanghai for finding a son-in-law.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was November, and the expedited secret report from Fujian was sent to the Supervisor of Rites.

(End of this chapter)

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