Chapter 233
On April 28, Japanese thief Xu Hai led a fleet to attack Rudong County, the prefecture of Tongzhou.

On April 29th, Japanese pirate Xu Hai led three thousand men westward to Tongzhou City (Nantong City). The magistrates in Tongzhou City defended the city wall.

On May [-]st, the great Japanese pirate Xu Hai attacked Taixing County, the magistrate of Taixing County was defeated and killed, and Taixing County was looted.

On May [-], the giant bandit Xu Hai divided his troops into two groups. He personally led a group of bandits from Taixing County to the west to attack Jiangdu County, the barrier of Yangzhou.

At the same time, Wang Zhi's Japanese pirates attacked Cixi and Pinghu in Zhejiang Province, and Hu Zongxian urgently called Yu Dayou to lead troops to stop them.

Sporadic Japanese pirates landed from the southeast coast, and the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang coasts immediately fell into turmoil.

In the city of Nanjing, the Big Three are in charge of Nanjing's armament.

The three giants are Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai, Sun Zhiguo, Nanjing's garrison eunuch, and Yang Bo, Shangshu of the Nanjing Ministry of War.

Among the three, Cao Guogong Li Tingzhu has the highest status. After Emperor Jiajing succeeded to the throne, he restored the title of Cao Guogong to the descendants of the Li family.

The garrison eunuch Sun Zhiguo also lost the viciousness and cunning of the past, and both of them focused their attention on Yang Bo, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War in Nanjing.

This old official who was the same age as Zhang Jing had to straighten his back. He was wearing a vermilion official robe and was a top official of the Ming Dynasty. Yang Bo said:
"Zhenjiang, the important town of the Yangtze River, the gate of Jiangnan and Nanjing, must be guarded by heavy troops. After the Japanese pirates break through Zhenjiang, they can surround Yangzhou in the north, invade Nanjing in the west, and ravage Jiangnan in the south. They must be defended."

Cao Guogong Li Tingzhu and Nanjing garrison eunuch Sun Zhiguo quickly nodded in agreement. Although before Xu Hai landed, the three of them were fighting to the death, but now they know that they are all grasshoppers on the same rope. If Jiangnan is corrupt, the three of them will be unlucky.

Cao Guogong Li Tingzhu immediately said: "I will send Nanjing Zuowei to support Zhenjiang!"

Yang Bo immediately said: "Superintendent Sun, Nanjing Zuowei has been in arrears for half a year. If they don't make up the payment, they will mutiny if they leave Nanjing."

Sun Zhiguo, the Nanjing garrison eunuch, gritted his teeth and said: "The miscellaneous family knows that Nanjing still has 2 taels of Taicang silver, which is the owed silver just received by Nanzhili this year, and 1 taels of gold flower silver that is going to be delivered to the capital. First, it will be distributed as military pay, and the miscellaneous family will naturally explain to the palace."

Yang Bo nodded. This dead eunuch has searched Nanjing for many years, and he didn't know how much money he had hoarded. Now he has to put pressure on him.

Yang Bo also said: "In the name of Southern Zhili, I issued an order to Zhejiang Governor Hu Zongxian to send Zhejiang soldiers to the north to fight against the Japanese. In addition, I gave orders to all prefectures and counties to organize regiments to fight against the Japanese."

Finally, Yang Bo sighed and said: "I have submitted a letter to Your Majesty, please resign from the post of Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, and recommend Hu Zongxian to take over."

Li Tingzhu and Sun Zhiguo looked at each other. They knew Yang Bo's personality. This old man was definitely not a character who would run away when something happened.

The reason for his resignation was to hand over the dominance of the anti-Japanese war to Hu Zongxian.

Yang Bo clasped the map with his fingers and said, "As long as Zhenjiang is not lost, Jiangnan will be safe, but Yangzhou."

All three were silent.

Yangzhou, the north-south water transportation hub, the confluence of the world's salt transportation, this is the main artery of Ming Dynasty's north-south transportation, and it is also the target of this Japanese invasion.

Xu Hai personally attacked Jiangdu, and divided his troops across the river to attack Zhenjiang. This time the Japanese pirates attacked quite well, and the people in Nanjing could only do nothing to deal with the Japanese pirates in Jiangbei.

Sun Zhiguo said: "Is there still [-] deniers of grain from the capital in Yangzhou City? They are all piled up in the Changping warehouse. With so much grain, Yangzhou should be able to keep it?"

Li Tingzhu and Sun Zhiguo looked at each other, and were a little uncertain. Yangzhou's water transport was directly managed by the Minister of the Nanjing Household Department. The fact that the Nanjing Household Department was able to be in the hands of Nanjing Six Departments was because it had seized the power over Liangjiang's salt affairs and water transport affairs.

Now Fang Dun, Minister of the Nanjing Household Department, is quite a powerful official. Yangzhou Water Transport is also guarded by Cao soldiers. It stands to reason that it is also under the control of the Nanjing Ministry of War.

If there is a mistake in Yangzhou, then the food sent to the capital this year will be insufficient. Guanzhong still needs food for disaster relief, and the north also needs military food to defend Ida.

Looking at Yangzhou on the map, the three of them were silent, but for now the only ability of the officers and soldiers is to stick to Jiangnan, and there is really no way to support Jiangbei.

The cloud of battle in Nanjing was thick, and several groups of guests came from the Shanghai Anti-Japanese Anti-smuggling Headquarters.

The leader was a young man in brocade clothes in his 20s. He rode a tall horse and came to the barracks of the anti-smuggling headquarters surrounded by everyone. His followers shouted, "Mr. Xu is here in Songjiang Huating, open the door quickly!"

At this time, Su Ze was playing chess with Li Zhi in the camp, and the noise of the camp gate could be heard from a distance.

The soldiers guarding the gate saw the aggressiveness of the other party and sent someone to report to Su Ze.

"Xu's house in Huating, Songjiang Prefecture, is Xu Ge's hometown, right?" Su Ze asked.

After all, Li Zhi had been in the Nanjing Imperial Academy for many years, and he knew the situation in Nanzhili quite well. He nodded and said, "Xu Ge's three sons all received the favor of the emperor and became officials. Among them, the eldest and youngest sons followed Xu Ge in the capital, and the second son, Xu Kun, stayed in his hometown in Songjiang Mansion."

Su Ze asked, "What is Xu Kun's reputation?"

Li Zhi left his son behind and said, "Young master from Ge's hometown, what do you think of Ru Lin's reputation? Xu's Banhuating, how did this family business come about, doesn't Ru Lin know?"

Su Ze smiled and said, "A man like Xu Ge who is a great Confucian with a heart and a great mind will inevitably have unworthy children in his family."

Li Zhi grasped the chess pieces and thought for a long time. It seemed that the big dragon could not be saved, so he attacked another way: "In terms of managing the family business, Mr. Xu Ge and Mr. Yan Ge are on par, both have good sons."

Su Ze laughed out loud. He slaughtered the dragon next to Li Zhi, but lost the middle game.

[Failure in the game, Go skill +10, Lv5, 1/1000]

Three cards, one purple, two blue, appeared in front of Su Ze. How could the Go skill become purple?

Su Ze turned over three cards, namely:

[Blue Passive—Own Hand: Obtain the "Yi Li Zhi Gui" chess record, when using the regular opening, Go skill +2. 】

[Blue Passive—Skillful Hand: Obtain the "Danghu Ten Game" chess record, and when using a strange move to start the game, Go skill +2. 】

[Purple Passive - Common Hand: Common hand only strives to be the first, has no old score in mind, and temporarily gains intelligence +6 during the game. 】

Su Ze thought for a while, and decisively chose this [Vulgar Hand] purple passive.

I want to rebel, not to be a Go master!

Both "Yi Li Zhi Gui" and "Danghu Ten Games" are famous Go books, but this intelligence +6 is not just for playing chess!
As long as you play chess, you can get a temporary intelligence +6. Isn't it possible to think about other problems as long as you play chess?

Sure enough, after Su Ze chose this skill, his brain moved very fast. With the blessing of 13+6 intelligence, all kinds of chaotic information came into his mind. Su Ze not only had a new understanding of the chess game, but also had a new understanding of the current situation.

[Remaining free attribute: 1]

Su Ze resolutely added this free attribute to his charm. Without Lin Mojun's humanoid plug-in, Su Ze would lead troops to fight in person, and his shortcomings of low charm value would be exposed.

Look at your properties panel again:
Su Ze, male, 25 years old.

Intelligence: 13 (in games, +6)

Power: 11
Agility: 7
Charisma: 9
Free Attributes: 0
Li Zhi raised his head suddenly and saw Su Ze's eyes. He felt that his eyes were more lively, and seemed to have more vigor.

This guy is such a genius.

Li Zhi put down the chessboard and asked Su Ze, "Is there really nothing to do outside the door?"

Su Ze said to the soldier who reported: "Order Lin's deputy regiment trainer to take the blunderbuss team to the gate of the barracks. Anyone who enters the barracks without permission will be killed without mercy!"

Su Ze's murderous order made Li Zhi even feel a chill. Based on what he knew about Su Ze, he really knew how to kill.

Xu Kun made a fuss at the gate of the barracks, but stopped immediately when he saw Lin Deyang holding a bird gun.

Lin Deyang was one of the earliest musketeers in Changning Guard, and he personally killed no less than ten Japanese pirates. His arrogance of arrogant soldier immediately overwhelmed these pampered young masters.

After a while, several horses came to the gate of the barracks again, but this time the riders did not block in front of the barracks, but got off their horses and walked.

Xu Shixing, who was the leader, saw Xu Kun and was taken aback for a moment. He greeted Xu Kun and immediately said to Lin Deyang who was guarding the barracks:

"Xu Shixing from Suzhou Mansion, please see Su Tuan Lianshi."

Xu Shixing's attitude was humble, so Lin Deyang sent someone to pass on Su Ze.

At this time, Su Ze and Li Zhi had already started a new round. Su Ze made a wild start, which stunned Li Zhi's mind.

Seeing that Li Zhi was caught in the long exam, Su Ze laughed and pushed away the game and said:

"Mr. Zhuowu, follow me to see the guest."

The regiment training regiment is built in the style of a military camp, and there are also simple wooden houses for receiving guests.

The soldiers led the crowd to the meeting place. Second Master Xu looked around impatiently, but seeing the well-disciplined appearance of the guarding soldiers, he didn't dare to get angry.

"Brother Rumo, why did you come to our barracks today?"

As soon as Su Ze stepped into the door, he completely ignored Xu Kun who was dressed in bright brocade, and greeted Xu Shixing instead.

Xu Shixing smiled wryly and said, "Brother Ru Lin, the matter is urgent, so I'll just say it directly. Brother Yuan Yu's family has something to do today."

Xu Shixing stepped aside, revealing the anxious Wang Xijue, he cupped his fists and said to Su Ze:

"Brother Rulin, save my Wang family!"

"Brother Yuan Yu, don't be joking, your Taicang Wang family has a big business, so you don't need me to save you."

Su Ze smiled slightly. He had a good personal relationship with Wang Xijue, but that didn't mean he had a good relationship with the Taicang Wang family.

The Taicang Wang family is also a big landlord like the Huating Xu family, but the Taicang Wang family is in the silk business, while the Xu family is in the cotton cloth business.

And now the leader who led the Suzhou silk merchants to evade the customs duties was the Taicang Wang family.

Wang Xijue also had a look of embarrassment, he stomped his feet and said:

"Brother Ru Lin, I shouldn't have spoken about this kind of scandal, but it concerns the family, so I have to beg you with all my face."

"Our Wang family has several shipments of silk, which are trapped in Jingjiang."

It is no wonder that Wang Xijue is so difficult to speak. Jingjiang and Jiangyin are facing each other, which is a big island on the Yangtze River.

The Wang family's ship was stuck in Jingjiang, it must be because the Wang family used the Yangtze River to transport goods to Yangzhou in order to evade the customs duties.

But by coincidence, the Japanese pirates invaded Jiangbei. Although the Japanese pirates did not attack Jingjiang on a large scale, the Yangtze River waterway was obviously unsafe.

There are several boats full of silk brocade, which is equivalent to a treasure ship full of silver!

Once the news is leaked and the Japanese pirates know about it, the Japanese pirates who are about to attack Zhenjiang will definitely go down the river and rob the merchant ships of the Wang family.

To say that this time the Wang family was also unlucky. In order to rescue this fleet, the Wang family also recruited many people, but now Jiangnan's troops are not strong enough to protect themselves, and they have no strength to go to Jingjiang to save the Wang family's fleet.

The Daming Yangtze River Navy was trapped at the Jingkou of Zhenjiang, and they were not sure about defending Zhenjiang, let alone breaking out to rescue the Wang family's fleet.

After thinking about it, the Anti-Japanese Anti-Smuggling Corps in Su Ze's hands has become the biggest force in the entire Yangtze River Basin.

As for the news of Su Ze's military training in Shanghai County, everyone in southern Jiangsu knew about Wang Xijue's relationship with Su Ze, so the patriarch of the Wang clan sent Wang Xijue to beg Su Ze.

Su Ze sneered, asking your Wang family not to pay taxes, and now the fleet is trapped by Japanese pirates, thinking of himself.

Wang Xijue also understood that this matter is difficult, he said to Su Ze:

"If the fleet can be saved, my royal family will pay the customs duties!"

Su Ze didn't comment, at this time Xu Kun stepped forward and said:
"You are Su Ze?"

Su Ze frowned and said, "Who are you, why did you break into my tent!"

Xu Kun was stunned for a moment, since his father joined the cabinet, no one has ever talked to him like this.

He said angrily: "My father is a senior scholar of the cabinet! I am Xu Kun, the prime minister of Shangbaosi!"

Shang Bao Sicheng is a position often conferred by the officials of the door. The so-called door shadow is an official position that reaches a certain level and affects the descendants.

Although Shang Bao Sicheng is the sixth rank, all the people present are juren, and they are a little disdainful when they hear Xu Kunyao's powerful and powerful report.

It's just that he can't even pass the imperial examination, and can only rely on the shadow of his family to be an official, relying on his father's power.

Su Ze sneered and said, "Sicheng Shangbao can't control my Anti-Smuggling Headquarters, come here! Please 'invite' him out!"

"Dare! My father is a cabinet scholar!"

"Cabinet bachelors are not allowed to trespass in the barracks!"

Su Ze sneered, Lin Deyang had already drawn out his saber and stood beside Su Ze.

"My Xu family has a batch of cotton cloth as a tribute! I will order you, the Anti-Smuggling Headquarters, to escort my family's ship to the north!"

Xu Kun had completely lost his mind, and he directly spoke to Su Ze to order.

"Get out!"

Since the other party doesn't want face, Su Ze naturally doesn't give him face. Lin Deyang doesn't care about the son of a cabinet scholar. He is Su Ze's personal guard, so naturally he only listens to Su Ze's words.

When Lin Deyang raised his saber, everyone around Xu Kun calmed down, and his subordinates immediately surrounded him and ran out of the barracks.

After the farce dissipated, Su Ze looked at Wang Xijue and said, "Tell me about the situation in Jingjiang."

 On time!

(End of this chapter)

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