Chapter 234
Jingjiang belonged to Changzhou Prefecture in the Ming Dynasty, because it is located on the Yangtze River waterway, and its geographical location is very important.

Wang Xijue said: "The Japanese pirates did not specifically send troops to attack Jingjiang County. At present, there is a small army of Japanese pirates on the island, with about 100 people."

"Jingjiang County has not yet been breached by Japanese pirates. Our boats are all parked at the fishermen's wharf behind Gushan, and we have not been discovered by Japanese pirates yet."

Wang Xijue looked at Su Ze nervously. Looking at the entire Yangtze River Basin, only Su Ze could lend a helping hand.

"Lin Deyang!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Beat drums and gather troops!"


Lin Deyang stepped out of the big tent and beat the big drum in the center of the barracks.

When the soldiers heard the drumbeat, they immediately put down what they were doing and rushed to the barracks to pack their luggage.

This was already a movement that had been trained countless times, and when the drumbeat stopped, the soldiers in the entire camp had already brought their equipment and luggage and stood on the square.

Xu Shixing, Wang Xijue and Xu Guo looked at Su Ze in astonishment. The soldiers had already assembled within the time it took for the drums to sound. What kind of elite soldiers are these?

Su Ze had also put on his cotton armor. Lin Deyang stood behind him holding a blunderbuss, and the soldiers lined up neatly to look at Su Ze.


Su Ze turned around and said to Wang Xijue:

"Brother Wang, please come aboard with me."

Wang Xijue froze for a moment, then thought of the boats of silk trapped in Jingjiang at home, gritted his teeth, followed Su Ze, and walked to the pier by the Huangpu River.

When Su Ze led the team away, Xu Shixing and Xu Guo seemed to be having a dream.

Li Zhi came over and said to the three of them: "This is how the regiment training envoys act swiftly and resolutely. You should rest in the barracks now."

The two of them thought for a while, and now that the army is wild and chaotic outside, it is safest to stay in the camp.

Xu Shixing cupped his hands and said, "I'm bothering you."

The boat sailed out of the wharf. Although Wang Xijue is a native of the water town, he has never been a boat on the river, and the shaking hull almost spit out all his guts.

On the other hand, looking at Su Ze, everyone on board performed their duties, and the soldiers in the cabin also sat cross-legged on the ground, checking their equipment.

And Su Ze sat on the bow, looking at the channel map and the map of Jingjiang, thinking about how to fight.

As the first battle of the Anti-Japanese Anti-Smuggling Corps, it is natural to make a name for itself. The Japanese pirates on the island are not difficult to defeat, but the difficulty is how to bring back the Wang family's boat.

Su Ze was studying the battle plan, while Xu Shixing and Xu Guo in the camp were observing Su Ze's camp.

"Brother Xu, I didn't expect Su Rulin to be an all-rounder in civil and military affairs. The Anti-Japanese Corps is an elite soldier."

Xu Guo also admired and said: "There are such people in the world!"

The soldiers staying in the camp performed their respective duties, and did not relax because of the large forces going out to fight.

Although it was just a new barracks, the layout of the camp was very reasonable, and the barracks were neat and orderly.

Accompanying Xu Shixing and the others was an underage recruit. This time, Su Ze took away only 150 soldiers, and the remaining soldiers were also left in the barracks.

"What is this place?"

"This is the cafeteria."

Xu Shixing asked, "How many meals a day?"

"There are three meals in the morning, lunch and evening. The regimental training envoy said that it's only natural for soldiers to eat food. If you don't have enough to eat, how can you have the strength to train?"

"Can I go in and have a look?"

The accompanying recruit froze for a moment, but nodded and accompanied the two into the cafeteria.

It's a canteen, but it's actually a shed with two rows of long tables. It's not time to eat at this time, the stools are all buckled on the tables, and the floor has been cleaned very clean.

Xu Shixing looked around but didn't see any other dining areas, so he asked, "Is the training envoy of Su Tuan also eating here?"

The recruit nodded and said, "Of course, the regimental training envoy eats with us every day. Whatever we eat, the regimental training envoy eats."

Xu Shixing said with emotion: "Su Rulin is rigorous in running the army, and he is worthy of being the queen of the general."

"How's the food?"

"The standard set by the regiment training envoy is to give meat two taels every two days, and the daily staple food is enough. We grow vegetables near the camp. The regiment training envoy also bought chickens and ducks, which have not yet grown up."

Xu Shixing and Xu Guo looked at each other, good guy, this food can already catch up with the meals of the big families in Suzhou Prefecture, and the daily food and drink alone cost a lot of money.

"Ru Lin is really good at training soldiers!"

Xu Shixing sighed again, and he followed the recruits to visit the school grounds, armory and granary, and he was naturally full of admiration along the way.

Li Zhi arranged the two of them in the officer's barracks, and after the recruits sent them to the barracks, he said:

"Two gentlemen, the drum will be played three times during dinner, and the gentlemen can go directly to the cafeteria."

Pushing open the door of the barracks, the two were surprised by the neat environment in the barracks again.

There are neat quilts on the plank bed, and the officers' barracks are shared by four people, and all personal items are neatly placed on the table.

Xu Guoben's barracks in the military camp have always been dirty and messy, but he didn't expect this room to be cleaner than his own.

"Su Rulin's military is strict, I am convinced."

Xu Shixing also said: "With such a strong army, Brother Wang's ship should be safe."

But the two fell silent again.

With such an anti-Japanese anti-smuggling group at the mouth of the Yangtze River, it will be even more difficult for the big households in Suzhou Prefecture to evade the customs duties on banknotes in the future.

When the Japanese pirates are gone, this elite army may become a nightmare for the big families in Suzhou.

Now the westerly wind blowing on the Yangtze River just blew the boat towards Jingjiang. After the weather was getting late, Su Ze and his party had already seen the lonely mountain on Jingjiang Island.

"Flag, follow my boat to shore."

While the sky was still bright, Lin Deyang waved the colorful flags at the four Yong boats behind him, and the flag bearers on the boats behind also responded to the message, and the five boats found a natural harbor and docked there.

The elite gunners headed by Lin Deyang began to sit in the cabin and check the gunpowder. They cleaned the powder room, wiped the gun barrel clean with a cleaning rod, and finally loaded gunpowder and lead pellets before jumping off the boat.


The sky was getting dark, and Su Ze gave orders, and the soldiers still gathered around him quickly. The regiment without blunderbuss held various weapons and lined up in a mandarin duck formation.

Although Wang Xijue had never seen such an formation, but seeing Su Ze's command and order prohibiting the orderly appearance of the army, he also knew that this was an elite, and he had a little more hope for the success of this trip in his heart.

Because it was getting late, Su Ze did not take the risk of marching at night, but set up camp and sent scouts to patrol the night.

Su Ze's [Art of War] skill experience continued to increase, and as he ordered more and more proficiently, the entire camp began to operate in an orderly manner.

Sure enough, practice is still needed. Su Ze felt that leading troops to fight can't be done on paper. Only when you lead the troops yourself can you know that you will encounter so many troubles.

Su Ze's [Art of War] skill has reached Lv5, and he personally trained this army, but accidents of all sizes still occurred along the way.

Su Ze is not as smooth as Lin Mojun in the basic skills of camping and sending out scouts. Thinking about it, how good is Lin Mojun's [Art of War] skill? Lv10?

What about Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang who can lead thousands of people? Lv15?

Just leading such 100 people already gave Su Ze a headache, so what kind of pervert is Bai Qi Han Xin who can command hundreds of thousands of soldiers?
However, compared to the Japanese pirates who made a living by robbery, Su Ze's army was already the best of the best.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Su Ze feels that he is good. It is because he has seen Lin Mojun training for a long time, so his eyes are superior and his abilities are inferior.

In fact, his opponent was even better. Those who fled to Jingjiang Island were not even the elite of the Japanese pirates, but some small groups of Japanese pirates who followed Xu Hai to land and wanted to take the opportunity to rob some.

The more than 100 Japanese pirates on Jingjiang Island were even divided into more than a dozen small groups and scattered on Jingjiang Island to rob.

Early the next morning, the scouts sent by Su Ze found a gang of 20 Japanese pirates. Su Ze attacked decisively and directed the soldiers to rush up.

A goes up, the enemy collapses.

The results of the battle were lackluster. Two real Japanese warriors rushed up with Japanese swords, and were caught by the wolf hands of the mandarin duck formation.

Everyone memorized their own fighting steps, isn't this the same as working in a textile workshop?

Two real Japanese rushed up to deliver them, and the remaining Japanese pirates fired a few arrows and were blocked by the shields of the rattan armored soldiers. When this Japanese pirate team felt that the "idea was stuck", the soldiers behind Su Ze's arrangement had already rushed forward.

Lin Deyang didn't even bother to use the blunderbuss, so he treated it as an actual combat drill and wiped out the Japanese pirates.

Su Ze, the Japanese pirate, naturally did not leave anyone alive. After more than a dozen Japanese pirates were wiped out, someone with a knife and axe would come forward and chop off the heads of the pirates, and send them to Su Ze to record the credit.

Looking at the heads neatly piled up in front of Su Ze, Su Ze just took a notebook to record the military achievements of each team, Wang Xijue felt a chill.

From the beginning of the battle, the entire army was ruthlessly harvesting Japanese pirates. Except for the panic when they encountered the enemy at the beginning, the whole battle was even a bit boring.

There were no passionate slogans, and there was no fierce fighting. Every mandarin duck squad, every soldier in the squad, just did their own thing well, and this Japanese bandit was defeated.

The battle was over, and the soldiers disposed of their spoils in an orderly manner.

Wang Xijue has also seen many troops, he has also seen soldiers fighting for military merit, and he has even seen officers and soldiers who killed good men and pretended to be meritorious.

"Brother Ru Lin, how did you train? Why didn't anyone take the credit?"

After Su Ze recorded the military achievements of each team, he said to Wang Xijue, "Discipline."

"The only ones who are qualified to harvest the heads and search for the loot are the axemen in each formation. If other soldiers snatch the loot, not only will they have no credit, but the whole team will also be punished."

"Each Japanese pirate head rewards five taels of silver, and all team members share equally. If there is a battle defeat, the number of heads will be deducted."

"What will happen if the head is reversed?"

Su Ze said coldly: "Taking the team as a unit, if there is no result in the whole battle, everyone in the team will be whipped ten times."

"If the first level is negative, you will be expelled from the barracks."

Wang Xijue gasped and said, "Brother Su is willing to expel such an elite?"

Su Ze thought to himself, if you know that the real Qi's army has a negative number of heads and will be beheaded by the whole team, you will know that I am very kind in leading the army.

Su Ze said: "Compassion does not control soldiers and righteousness does not control wealth. Discipline is what counts on the battlefield."

After the statistics were completed, Su Ze announced the results of the battle on the spot. Sure enough, there was a team that did not win. The morale of those teams that gained more was high, and the teams that did not win also clenched their fists, waiting to avenge their shame in the next battle.

After winning the first battle, the confidence of the Anti-Japanese Corps rose sharply. Seeing the +100 military experience, Su Ze simply gave up and went directly to Gushan, and began to search for Japanese pirates on Jingjiang Island.

The Japanese pirates, who were originally thought to be invincible, were like killing chickens under the harvest of the mandarin duck formation. Most of the members of the Anti-Japanese Corps came from dilapidated weaving households in Suzhou Prefecture. Many of them lost their land because of the Japanese invasion, and many of them lost their families because of the Japanese pirates.

With deep-seated hatred for Japanese pirates, the Anti-Japanese Headquarters became more enthusiastic about killing Japanese pirates. They followed Su Ze and began to move to the entire Jingjiang Island.

Wang Xijue saw more and more military achievements in the credit book, and the piling up of the beheaded heads of Japanese pirates, he also changed from panic at the beginning to calmness.

By the time Su Ze and his party reached Gushan Town, they had killed 78 Japanese pirates in total, and Su Ze's [Art of War] skill had also been raised to Lv6.

Su Ze didn't relax because of the skill upgrade. Seeing that it was getting late, Su Ze led people into Gushan Town.

The big households in Gushan Town had fled to Jingjiang County a long time ago, and now those who stay here are old, weak, sick and disabled who cannot escape.

Su Ze defeated a group of Japanese pirates outside Gushan Town. Although the people of Gushan Town saw it, when Su Ze asked to enter the town for repairs, the left-behind mayor hesitated.

Su Ze saw the hesitation of the old mayor, and just smiled and said:

"Old man, we are the Anti-Japanese Anti-Smuggling Headquarters of Shanghai County. We just want to camp on the streets of the town and get a cup of hot water. We will definitely not disturb the people."

The old mayor also saw Su Ze's people killing Japanese outside the town, and seeing the blood on Su Ze's body, he was also afraid of the other party's murder, so he had to agree.

Su Ze ordered the soldiers to enter the town, and ordered Lin Deyang to be a military judge. All soldiers who disturbed the people would be severely punished.

That night, Su Ze and all the soldiers camped on both sides of the street. Even though there were many vacant houses in the town, Su Ze did not go in to rest.

The soldiers ate the dry food they carried with them at night, and the only thing provided in the town was some hot water.

Wang Xijue woke up from the morning mist. He grabbed his sleeping bag and saw the lively scene.

The people in Gushan Town set up pots in front of their houses one after another, and the hot smoke and mist intertwined together.

Wang Xijue finally knew what it means to "eat the pot of pulp to welcome the master".

(End of this chapter)

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