Chapter 235
On May 7th, Su Ze led the rested Tax Police Headquarters to completely wipe out the Japanese pirates on Jingjiang Island. Su Ze's military experience was also raised to Lv210, 3000/[-].

When Su Ze piled up the heads of the Japanese pirates on the edge of Jingjiang City, Li Shunyang, the magistrate of Jingjiang County, opened the gate of Jingjiang County City to welcome the "Wang Shi" into the city.

Li Shunyang can be the magistrate of Nanzhili County, and he has a strong academic background and sufficient connections.

This time the Japanese pirates invaded Jiangsu, Li County Magistrate's performance was also remarkable, defending Jingjiang County City, can be regarded as sheltering the people of Jingjiang.

After finding out Su Ze's identity, County Magistrate Li also opened the city gate decisively, and then arranged for the official office to be vacated for Su Ze and others to rest.

The magistrate of Li County forced the big households in the city to send food, and sent hot food to Su Ze and others.

This magistrate of Li County was a Jinshi in his 40s. It was his first time as an official in Jingjiang County. It was also because of the prestige of Li Zhi County that he was able to do this when the Japanese pirates landed on the island.

"Team training envoy!"

Su Ze also cupped his hands and saluted the county magistrate: "Master Zhixian."

Lizhi County immediately supported Su Ze and said, "The regiment training envoy relieves me of Jingjiang's upside-down power, and is our great benefactor of Jingjiang!"

Su Ze was not in the mood to be polite to him, but asked directly:

"How's the situation in Jiangbei?"

Lizhi County is also a smart person. These days, many Jiangbei refugees landed on Jingjiang Island, and he also sent people to collect information.

"It sucks."

Lizhi County said slowly: "I heard from the fleeing people that Japanese pirates looted Taixing County on the other side of the river. I heard that even the county government was burned down."

"Now the giant Japanese Xu Hai is leading people to attack Jiangdu City. I heard that it won't last long."

Lizhi County carefully looked at Su Ze's expression. If it weren't for Su Ze's magical soldiers descending from heaven, the Japanese pirates outside the city would not know how long it would take to wipe them out.

What Lizhi County is most afraid of is that Su Ze is young and vigorous, and leads the soldiers directly to the north to fight against the Japanese. Jingjiang is located at a key node in the Yangtze River Basin, and new Japanese pirates will soon land on the island, so Lizhi County needs Su Ze to stay on the island.

Su Ze said: "The overall situation in Jiangbei still depends on the imperial army. I won't go north to join in the fun with my regiment training."

Lizhi County immediately said: "Su regiment training envoy, can you please send troops to Jingjiang regiment training, the whole county is willing to support the army to prepare Japanese!"

Su Ze pretended to be troubled, and Li Zhixian immediately said: "All the military camp and logistics will be handed over to the county for supplies. In addition, the big households in the city have pooled 100 taels of silver as a reward for your army. From now on, the county will give Baojing silver every month. What do you think?"

Sure enough, the county of Nanzhili is rich and prosperous, Su Ze secretly sighed, and he pretended to be embarrassed and said: "In that case, let's station in Jingjiang first."

Lizhi County was overjoyed, and took Su Ze to meet the squires in Jingjiang. Su Ze proposed to recruit another hundred recruits in Jingjiang who were familiar with water skills, and Lizhi County naturally agreed.

Wang Xijue led people to find his own caravan hiding in Jingjiang Fishing Port, and the shopkeeper of the caravan burst into tears when he saw Wang Xijue.

But without Su Ze's escort, the caravan did not dare to return. Wang Xijue gritted his teeth and found Su Ze.

"Brother Yuanyu wants me to escort your caravan back to Shanghai? No, I just promised Lizhi County to garrison Jingjiang, so how can I leave casually."

Su Ze flatly rejected Wang Xijue's request, joking that it was hard to open up the situation in Jingjiang, Su Ze would not give up here.

The importance of the Yangtze River waterway is unquestionable, and Jingjiang is the largest island in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Controlling this island can control the entire waters of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Now scattered Japanese pirates can be seen all over the Yangtze River. If the Royal fleet were to return directly, they might be robbed by Japanese pirates on the way.

After seeing the fighting power of the Anti-Japanese Corps, Wang Xijue's trust in Su Ze has reached the peak, and he said to Su Ze:

"Brother Ru Lin, I am willing to give out one-tenth of the goods to help the army!"

Hearing what Wang Xijue said, Su Ze immediately smiled and said, "Then wait until Jingjiang settles down, and when the soldiers return to Shanghai for rotation, escort Yuan Yu's family's fleet back to its voyage."

Although Wang Xijue lost one-tenth of the silk, his face was full of smiles. With Su Ze's guarantee, his batch of goods was finally saved.

The Japanese riots in Jiangsu last year took a whole year to settle down. This time, the scale of the Japanese riots was larger than the previous year. People of insight like Wang Xijue knew that the Japanese riots did not calm down so quickly.

In troubled times, the fist is the biggest. Su Ze's two hundred elites are everywhere. The price of one-tenth of the goods is nothing to the Wang family.

Just when Su Ze was rectifying soldiers and recruiting recruits in Jingjiang, Yangzhou City in the Ming Dynasty was at this time.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, Yangzhou was the largest port in the south of the Yangtze River.

The city bridge is brightly lit, and the water Guofan mast is nearly half a cow.

Numerous ships sailed into the Yangtze River from the mouth of the Yangtze River and stopped at Yangzhou for transactions. In the Tang Dynasty, Yangzhou was one of the starting points of the Maritime Silk Road.

At that time, Yangzhou was the triple hub of Yangtze River shipping, canal water transportation and sea transportation, and the most prosperous port in East Asia.

Although Yangzhou is still an important town in southern Zhili, it has become an inland port city without the prosperity of "Yang Yi Yi Er" before.

For the Ming Dynasty, Yangzhou was the center of water transportation and salt industry, and its strategy was of great significance.

In order to ensure the safety of Yangzhou, Daming set up Yangzhou Guards outside Yangzhou City. This is the David's House with [-] soldiers like Yanping Guards.

The Water Transport Office was also set up in Yangzhou, with [-] Cao soldiers under its jurisdiction, responsible for the safety of the canal.

Yangzhou Water Transport was under the management of the Southern Zhili Household Department, Nanjing Household Minister Fang Dun sat in the governor’s yamen of Water Transport, and his fellow villager Lu Dayou, who was in charge of Southern Water Transport, was in charge of Yangzhou Water Transport.

Water transport was the lifeblood of the Ming Dynasty, and there was a warehouse servant under the northern and southern households, who was in charge of the north-south water transport with the title of minister.

Fang Dun was still a secretary in the household department of the capital the year before. He is neither a strict party nor a clean party. If you count him, he should be a Yueyang party.

Fang Dun is a native of Yuezhou Prefecture, Huguang. When he was the secretary of the household department in the capital, he liked to support the township party the most.

As the struggle between the Yan Party and the Qingliu Party intensified day by day, Fang Dun, an important minister who did not stand in line, was immediately besieged by the two parties, impeached by Yan Song and demoted to Nanjing.

This Fang Shangshu's reputation is not bad, and the world praises him as "clean and honest", but he likes to promote and appoint township party members, and he takes great care of fellow township officials and businessmen.

When Fang Shangshu was in the capital, Yueyang merchants built the Yuezhou Guild Hall in the capital, specially for officials of Yuezhou nationality to live for free.

After this Fang Shangshu arrived in Nanjing, the Yuezhou Guild Hall was built in Nanjing immediately, and a large number of officials from Yuezhou were also promoted.

There are also many more businessmen speaking with a Yuezhou accent in Yangzhou City.

Lu Dayou is also Fang Shangshu's Yuezhou Township Party. After Fang Shangshu took office, the fire line was promoted to be the warehouse servant in charge of the water transportation in Southern Zhili.

When Japanese pirates invaded Yangzhou, the most anxious person was naturally Fang Shangshu, the Minister of the Nanjing Household Department.

In the warehouse of Yangzhou Water Transport, there are still [-] dens of grain ready to be unloaded and transported to the capital. These are the autumn grains harvested in Jiangnan last year.

If there is a problem with this grain, Fang Shangshu must not say anything about impeachment. Now that there are Ida in the north invading the border, and the refugees in China need relief, the cabinet has issued several orders, asking the Nanjing Ministry of Households to ensure that the grain is safely transported to the capital.

Fang Dun personally rushed from Nanjing to Yangzhou, just to supervise the northward movement of this batch of grain.

But when Fang Dun entered Yangzhou's Water Transport Governor's Yamen, he found that the atmosphere here was a bit strange.

The Japanese pirates have arrived in Jiangdu, but there is no tension in the yamen of the Governor of Water Transport, and his old subordinate Lu Dayou is still listening to music in the back house of the yamen.

Fang Dun is already 70 years old. He only felt that his blood pressure was high, so he rushed into the back house and cursed in a local accent: "Whenever is it, you still have time to listen to music!"

Lu Dayou is Fang Ton's party member and old subordinate. When he saw Fang Ton, he was afraid at all, but smiled and greeted him and sat him down. Lu Dayou waved his hand and repelled the singers in the mansion. Then Fang Ton said:

"Master, why did you come in person?"

Fang Dun used to be Lu Dayou's provincial examination examiner, and also his old superior, so in private, Zhonglu Dayou is always called a mentor.

"If I don't come again, the Japanese pirates will invade Yangzhou City! Has the food in the warehouse outside the city been escorted onto the ship?"

Fang Dun asked with a thick Yueyang accent, and Lu Dayou also replied with his accent: "Master, please listen to me speak slowly."

Lu Dayou retreated to the left and right, ordered his cronies to guard the back house, and said in a low voice:
"Teacher, this time the Japanese pirates attacked Yangzhou, it's a great thing!"

Fang Dun's blood pressure was going to be high again, but Lu Dayou said the next sentence:

"The [-] deniers of grain in the Changping warehouse outside the city have already been transported out of Yangzhou by the Yueyang grain merchants in the city."

Fang Du's heart relaxed at first, but he soon realized that something was wrong.

"How come Yueyang Grain Merchant transported it? Shouldn't this batch of grain be transported to the capital by gang boat?"

Lu Dayou smiled and said, "Teacher, do you know how many times the price of grain in the south of the Yangtze River has increased these days? How much money can these two thousand deniers of grain be exchanged for?"

Fang Dun was stunned, and Lu Dayou continued: "Master, Changping Cang is outside the city, and now there are more than enough troops in Yangzhou City to defend the city, there is no danger to defend Changping Cang."

"Yangzhou's water transportation has been completely silted up, and there is no way to get the ship."

"Instead of this, how about a fire?"

At this moment, Fang Dun immediately understood the thoughts of himself, a township party member and disciple.

"You are trying to make money for the country!"

Fang blunt scolded angrily.

But Lu Dayou said: "How can my disciple make the country lose money? This food is still left in Nanzhili. This year, the Japanese invaded the south of the Yangtze River and there will be a famine. If we sell it at that time, how many people will be saved?"


Lu Da was not afraid at all because of Fang Dun's anger, but continued:

"Men, these businessmen are all the township party members that you take good care of on weekdays, and those who participated in it are also old officials of your township party."

Fang Du pointed his finger at Lu Dayou, looking at the disciple he had promoted all the way, Fang Du was speechless.

Lu Dayou said: "Teacher, just wait for the Japanese pirates to come, and they will be burned to the ground. Even if the court is to blame, it is not to blame our Water Transport Yamen. It is because of the ineffective defense of Yangzhou."

"This batch of grain was transported to Jurong by official ship, and stored in the granary of our Yueyang merchants. The people who handled it were all our Yueyang Township Party, and there will be no leaks."

Fang Dun interrupted Lu Dayou suddenly. He has been in the officialdom for many years, and immediately found the problem in Lu Dayou's words:
"Official ships? The official ships for water transport are managed by the Yangzhou Branch of the Ministry of Industry? You climbed Yan Shifan?"

Yan Shifan had been appointed Minister of the Ministry of Industry the year before last, and the water transportation in the Ming Dynasty was also a management model of mutual restraint. The management of the wharf was owned by the Ministry of Households, but the ships that transported grain belonged to the Ministry of Industry.

Did Lu Da deny it? Fang Dun, who was a veteran in the officialdom, immediately understood that this disciple had defected to the strict party.

Lu Dayou continued to talk about his plan on his own:
"Just wait until the fire breaks out, and the teacher writes to the imperial court to impeach the Nanjing Ministry of Defense for its poor defense, and then the responsibility can be shirked."

Fang Dun only felt his head buzzing. Judging from Lu Dayou's words, almost all the Yuezhou Township Party he promoted over the years participated in it.

If the matter is revealed, not only Fang Dun himself will be convicted, but also the township party he supports will be wiped out.

Lu Dayou continued: "My mentor is already seventy this year. According to the court's old rules, you are going to retire and return to your hometown. Everyone knows that your mentor has been a clean and honest official all his life. They are willing to help your mentor return to his hometown and build his hometown."

Fang Dun wanted to reprimand Lu Dayou, but now among the Yuezhou villagers in the imperial court, Lu Dayou already had the highest position.

According to regulations, if the emperor does not continue to comfort himself as an official, he will retire and return to his hometown at the age of 70.

Fang Dun had offended Yan Song, and he was not close to Xu Jie, so it was almost impossible for him to be comforted by the emperor. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'll pretend I don't know about this, so you can take care of yourself! When this Japanese riot is over, I will write a letter to resign and return home!"

Fang Dun almost fell down, Lu Dayou hurried up to help him, but Fang Dun swung him away with his sleeve.

Fang Dun didn't look at himself as a disciple, since when did he become like this?

He has been cautious all his life as an official, and the only thing he has been criticized for is that he likes to appoint the township party.

But this is not a bad habit in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, everyone has private letters, Fang Dun just prefers to support fellow villagers.

But as his official position became bigger and bigger, more and more villagers came to see him, and a circle of Yuezhou Township Party was formed around him, and countless people risked everything to follow him.

Fang Dun thought of the township parties he supported, and finally decided to keep silent, and resigned and returned to his hometown as soon as the Japanese riots were over!
On May [-], the giant Japanese broke through Jiangdu County, the barrier of Yangzhou, and rushed to Yangzhou, an important water transport town.

On May [-]th, a fire broke out in Changping Warehouse outside Yangzhou City, and the [-]-dan autumn grain waiting to be delivered to the capital was "burned".

(End of this chapter)

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