Chapter 241 My Money!
Feeling the danger, Lu Dayou went to find his old boss Fang Dun overnight.

"Teacher! That guy Fang Wanghai probably noticed something and detained several fellow villagers from Yuezhou. You have to make a move!"

Fang Dun was getting old, so he could barely read the words clearly when he held the newspaper far away.

But to read the newspaper at night, the whole room needs to be lit. The candles in this room are all sent by Lu Dayou on weekdays, and the monthly light is the candle money of this Fangfu, which is not a small sum.

But Fang Dun hasn't bought anything in person for a long time. Although he is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, he doesn't know how much a catty of grain is on the market today, and how much a candle costs.

In other words, when officials reach the level of Fang Dun, they have long since lost any contact with ordinary people, and they have long been a different species from ordinary people.

This is the same as Emperor Jiajing said that he "can only wear eight sets of regular clothes for four seasons". Fang Dun is not a greedy person, but he also does not know how much candlelight money his house needs every month, and the ancient books sent by his disciples and old officials It is a rare and rare book of the Song Dynasty. How much does one of these ancient books cost.

He also doesn't know how much money he needs for an acre of high-quality paddy fields for his growing property in Yueyang's hometown.

Fang Dun put down the newspaper. After the last time, he didn't want to talk to Lu Dayou again, but after so many years of teacher-student friendship, Fang Dun still softened his heart.

He hated iron and said: "What can you do to find me? Then Fang Wanghai is the servant of the household department appointed by His Majesty. He is a cabinet inscription and appointed by the Ministry of officials. I am not the elder of the cabinet. How can I refute him?" appointment?"

Fang Dun continued: "Now you know that you are afraid? You dare to burn the official storehouses of the imperial court, what else are you afraid to do?"

Lu Dayou quickly said: "Teacher! If something happens, the fellow villagers of Yuezhou in Nanzhili will be implicated, then Fang Wanghai is targeting us Yuezhou people!"

Speaking of fellow countrymen, Fang Dun's attitude became a little softer.

The older he gets, the more nostalgic he is. Fang Dun has always missed the Xiangdang since he became an official. When he first came to Nanjing as Minister of the Household Department, he met a businessman from Yuezhou who failed in business.

Fang Dun not only gave the businessman the travel expenses to go back, but also asked him to mobilize his neighbors to pick a boat from the mountain to Nanjing after he went back.

The businessman couldn't figure it out, but Fang Dun always supported his fellow countrymen, so he went back and followed suit.

It didn't take long, and sure enough, a boat of bitter oaks arrived in Nanjing, and Fang Shangshu immediately wrote a notice for him.

Wrote: "Hunan sent a boatload of Chinese phoenixes, once to relieve the qi, and secondly to replenish the deficiency. Buy one for two taels of silver, and there is no time to miss the opportunity."

Also stamped with the official seal of Shangshu above.Now officials and merchants in Nanjing are rushing to buy it.The whole boat was sold out.

This incident was also passed on as a "beautiful talk". Since then, Yuezhou businessmen have poured into Nanjing City, and the "Yuezhou Guild Hall" has also been built in Nanjing. Listening to local operas, talking with fellow countrymen in local dialect, and eating hometown specialties brought over from Yuezhou, it feels like returning to my hometown.

Lu Dayou really knew his teacher very well. Hearing Fang Dun's tone softened, he knew that he would definitely help out as before. Who told them to be fellow villagers.

Fang Dun put down the newspaper in his hand and asked, "It's like this now, what else can I do? Do you want me to go to Fang Wanghai to find people?"

Lu Dayou lowered his voice and said, "Master, we can strike first."

"You mean? Impeach Fang Wanghai? He was just rewarded by the court. In what name is he impeached?"

Lu Dayou continued: "Teacher, do you still remember Shen Kun, the former Guozijian offering wine?"

Fang Dun nodded and said: "Naturally, Shen Kun was the number one scholar of Xin Chou Ke in the 20th year of Jiajing, right? It's just that his official career was not smooth, and it took him more than ten years to make sacrifices to Nanjing Guozijian. When I just arrived in Nanjing, he came home to Ding You went."

Lu Dayou said: "It's Mr. Shen. Do you know that this Shen Kun has already been captured by Jin Yiwei and sent to the imperial prison in the capital."

Fang Dun took a deep breath and said, "Isn't Shen Kun in Ding You, his hometown in Huai'an? How could he be in prison?"

"Master, Mr. Shen is in Ding You, his hometown in Huai'an. Isn't Japanese pirates raging in Jiangbei recently? Shen Kun used his own reputation to organize Xiangyong to fight against Japanese in Huai'an. A while ago, I heard that he organized Xiangyong to defeat a Japanese pirate. There are hundreds of people."

"In that case, why was he imprisoned?"

Lu Dayou said: "Shen Kun used military law to lead his troops, and all soldiers who made mistakes were punished by military law. Moreover, he forced local big households and gentry to join the army, and those who did not send out their troops had to send food to help the army. The gentry in Huai'an were dissatisfied. After retiring, rumors were spread about Shen Kun 'privately practicing Xiangyong and plotting to betray the court', and officials from Huai'an in the court also impeached him."

Lu Dayou said with a sinister smile: "Your Majesty was furious when he heard that, and ordered Jin Yiwei to take Shen Kun down and escort him to the imperial prison in the capital."

Fang Dun immediately understood what his disciple meant, and he said, "Are you asking me to write a letter to impeach Fang Wanghai? Also accusing him of privately training regiments and plotting rebellion?"

Lu Dayou said: "I have already contacted the officials from the same township in Yuezhou to write a letter together. Fang Wanghai asked his disciple Su Ze to practice in Shanghai in the name of fighting against the Japanese. He planned to do something wrong. I hope that my mentor can also write a letter with us."

Fang Dun hesitated.

Seeing that Fang Dun didn't directly refuse, Lu Dayou said in a tearful voice, "Men, Fang Wanghai is going to wipe out us Yuezhou people!"

Fang Dun thought of his fellow countrymen, and finally said: "I will also write a letter!"

Fang Dun, who was about to retire, had no idea that he had done the same thing as Yan Song, whom he despised the most. He was relegated from the capital to Nanjing because he participated in Yan Song's "Party Unity, Fighting Dissidents, Repelling Dissidents".

Today, he did the same thing as Yan Song for the sake of his fellow villagers in Yuezhou.

Lu Dayou felt that he was pre-emptive, and spent a few days contacting his fellow villagers, and collected more than a dozen letters in a mighty manner, preparing to send them to the capital together.

But he didn't know that Su Ze was much faster than him.

On the day Fang Wanghai met Fang Dun, Su Ze had already obtained the confessions of ten Yuezhou businessmen, confessing that they had moved the grain from the warehouse to Jurong before the Changping warehouse caught fire.

Among them was a businessman who was a relative of Lu Dayou, the servant of the warehouse in Nanjing. He confessed that Lu Dayou ordered him to do this, and most of the profits from it were also donated to Lu Dayou.

In addition to the Changping warehouse, there are several grains that have already been loaded on the water transport ship, which were also swallowed by Lu Dayou and taken directly to Jurong.

In addition to opening confessions, these grain merchants also have the buckets of dendrobium in the Changping warehouse and the bags of grain in the boats. These have official seals and can be used as physical evidence.

Suze also attached detailed transport records, as well as a list of those involved.

The most important thing is a detailed record of the amount involved. Lu Dayou sold a total of 6 taels of grain embezzled by his fellow businessmen, and all the money was divided among Lu Dayou and his party.

These evidences were sent to the capital quickly through Fang Wanghai's secret disclosure channel.

In order to let this secret report be delivered to the emperor as soon as possible, Su Ze also sent a gift to Li Fang, the chief eunuch, through the relationship of Eunuch Tao. This is a box of the most high-end silk brocade fabric. .

Just when Fang Dun finished writing the memorial and Lu Dayou completed the connection, Fang Wanghai's secret disclosure was already halfway through.

By the time Fang Dun's memorial was still on the way, Fang Wanghai's secret disclosure had already been sent to the Prison of Rites.

Li Fang, who had already obtained the brocade in advance, deliberately extracted this secret disclosure and confessed it to Emperor Jiajing in person.

The physical evidence is behind it, and Fang Wanghaimi reveals that the front is an account. Lu Dayou and others used the official warehouse grain to earn 6 taels of silver.

"This is my money!"

Su Ze can be said to have grasped it. Compared with physical evidence, the 6 taels is more shocking.

What is the concept of 6 taels?Just after the fire in the three main halls, Emperor Jiajing asked the royal relatives, Xungui, to donate money to help the great work. The wealthiest royal family members, such as King Jin and King Chu, donated 5000 liang.

The Ministry of Industry estimates that it will cost 30 taels of silver to rebuild the three halls, and the emperor has not yet collected 10 taels of silver.

Lu Dayou and his group made 6 taels in one go during the Japanese Invasion in Nanzhili!

Emperor Jiajing was out of anger. The other evidence in Fang Wanghai's memorial may not be conclusive, and there is not a single witness with weight.

But the account book of "6 taels" of silver was enough to make the emperor murderous.

"Huang Jin!"

"My lord! The servants are here."

"Let Jin Yiwei, and Dongchang, go south to Nanjing, arrest the guilty minister Lu Dayou according to this list, and interrogate nearby to find out the money!"

Huang Jin took Fang Wanghai's secret disclosure, glanced at it quickly and said immediately: "Observe the order!"

"In addition, inform the cabinet that Fang Wanghai, the minister of the Nanjing household department, is blunt, old and incompetent, and allowed to become an official! The errands of the Nanjing household department should be assigned to Fang Wanghai, the servant of the Nanjing household department."

"According to the order!"

By the time the memorial from Lu Dayou and others was delivered to the Secretary of General Administration, Jin Yiwei and Dongchang were already on their way to Nanjing in a hurry.

Fang Dun didn't belong to Yan Dang and Qingliu in the first place, and Yan Song himself hated him very much, so Xu Jie and Qingliu naturally didn't want to protect him.

The emperor's decree was quickly approved by the cabinet, and the decree ordering Fang Dun to retire was quickly prepared and sent to Nanjing.

Just after Fang Dun and others sent the inscriptions on the impeachment of Fang Wanghai to the Secretary of General Administration, Emperor Jiajing became even more furious when he saw these inscriptions.

As an emperor, what I hate the most is this kind of clique formation.

If we talk about the strict party and Qingliu, they are originally the parties that Emperor Jiajing acquiesced and provoked the courtiers to oppose and divide.

Villagers like Fang Dun are the most unacceptable to the emperor, not to mention they are greedy for the emperor's money!

Zhu Qi, a thousand households of Jin Yiwei, traveled all the way south from the capital, and rushed to Nanjing at high speed.

Su Ze, on the other hand, is hunting down smuggling and checking accounts this month, while sweeping up the fleeing Japanese pirates along the way.

By the time Su Ze's Art of War skill reached Lv8, the midsummer in the south of the Yangtze River had already arrived, and his accountant skill had also reached Lv5.
Three blue cards appeared in front of Su Ze.

[Blue Passive—Examiner Expert: Accounting Skill +2 when auditing accounts]

[Blue Passive—Fake Account Expert: When making accounts, accountant skill +2]

[Blue Passive - Tax Administration Expert: When formulating tax policies, accounting skills +2]

Su Ze closed his eyes and chose the third one.

Tax policy has always been highly specialized, because you not only have to consider the legal part, but also account processing.

It is obvious that a country that is moving toward modernization must have a matching modern tax policy.

Especially after the emergence of new industries, if the tax policy lags behind for a long time, it will inevitably lead to some people leaving the national tax system, resulting in greater inequity.

Since he wanted to rebel, Su Ze of course chose this skill.

During this period of time, there were constant turmoil in the officialdom in the entire South Zhili, and Fang Wanghai was generally at a disadvantage.

Fang Wanghai himself has a bad atmosphere in Shilin in Nanzhili, and setting up a banknote gate was originally an offense to others.

Now Fangdun, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing, publicly criticizes Fang Wanghai, and often sings against Fang Wanghai, which makes Fang Wanghai's work very difficult.

Fang Dun only suppressed Fang Wanghai, and Lu Dayou's methods can be called lowly.

All kinds of rumors spread in Nanzhili that Fang Wanghai's reputation was almost the same as guarding the eunuch.

At the same time, as Fang Wanghai's minion thug, Su Ze's reputation in Shilin is not much better.

But outside the official system, Su Ze was praised by scholars in Jiangnan.

"Nan Ke Meng" has been serialized for more than half, this bitter and ironic legendary drama is as popular in Jiangnan as "The Peony Pavilion" again, and troupes in Jiangnan have begun to rehearse this play, and the classic scenes are even arranged into excerpts and staged continuously.

Jiangnan originally had a prosperous literary style, so there were many people who could read, and Nan Kemeng was also spoken in popular vernacular. The sales volume of "Jing Shi Tong Yan" rose again and again, and the supply exceeded demand every time it came out.

The huge sales made all scholars in Jiangnan realize that as long as their articles can be published in "Warning the World", they will become famous throughout Jiangnan overnight.

As the editor-in-chief of "Warning the World", Su Ze's position in the south of the Yangtze River has become more and more subtle, and he vaguely has the meaning of being the suzerain of the literary world.

In addition to "Nan Ke Meng", Su Ze also wrote an article in "Warning the World" called "Research on Confucian Merchants".

The style of this article is also very unique. It uses the simplest form of question and answer. The questioner is aliased as "Yu old man", and the answerer is the second wife of the Wang family in Taicang.

Most of the business of the Wang family in Taicang is managed by the second house. The fool asked questions, and the Wang family answered.

At the same time, the whole article puts forward the morality of "Confucian businessmen", the most important thing is the saying "paying taxes is honorable".

Merchants make money by producing and transporting goods, and businessmen who pay taxes legally, like hardworking farmers, are making contributions to the court.

"Emphasis on trust and despise profit", "feedback to the village", "care for hired workers", these are also mentioned as the morals of Confucian businessmen.

At the same time, "Jing Shi Tong Yan" also fixed the column "Research on Confucian Merchants". In the future, it will regularly interview businessmen in the south of the Yangtze River who can meet the standards of Confucian businessmen. .

"Business has business ethics", this sentence quickly aroused heated discussions among Jiangnan businessmen.

In July, when the weather was getting colder and the weather was getting colder, Zhu Qi from Jinyiwei Qianhu broke into Nanjing City with Tiqi.

(End of this chapter)

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