Chapter 242
Zhu Qi is a hereditary family of one thousand Jinyiwei, and he won the favor of Lu Bing, the commander of Jinyiwei, and is one of the Eight Tigers of Jinyiwei.

The Jinyiwei of the Jiajing Dynasty, because of Lu Bing's existence, had a higher status than Dongchang, and it was a well-deserved number one secret service agency.

The reason is naturally very simple. Lu Bing is not only the child of Emperor Jiajing, but also the first to rush to rescue him when the Renyin Palace was changed. Trusted servants.

For the job of spy, the competition is not about who is more capable, nor who is more senior, but who is more trusted by the emperor.

Obviously Jinyiwei has Lu Bing as his master, and the once famous Dongchang can only lie down and be a younger brother.

This time, Jinyiwei Dongchang was dispatched to search the house, and Jinyiwei was the main force, and Dongchang was the assistant.

Zhu Qi acted properly and won the trust of Lu Bing, so he got the job.

Zhu Qi led Tiqi into the city, and Lu Dayou woke up from the boat on the Qinhuai River.

As the servant in charge of the household department in charge of water transportation, Lu Da will "office" on the Qinhuai River for six out of ten days, so that he can experience the hard work of "water workers shaking the scull".

This time, it is natural that the fellow from Yuezhou pays the bill. During these years in Nanjing, Lu Dayou, like his mentor, loves to support his fellow villagers, but he always feels that the wretched wife at home is aggressive, and the girls from Hunan are still not as gentle as the beauties in Jiangnan.

Before he woke up from the hangover, Lu Dayou heard his subordinates come down to report that Jin Yiwei had gone to the yamen of the household department.

Hearing this news, Lu Da was shocked, came so fast?
Naturally, Lu Dayou didn't expect that these Jinyiwei came to arrest him, and thought that his impeachment had an effect. The emperor sent Jinyiwei to arrest Fang Wanghai, and first came to the Nanjing Household Department to understand the situation.

Lu Da was agitated, he immediately asked someone to prepare a sedan chair, and rushed to the Nanjing household department yamen.

The Nanjing Hubu Yamen is not far from the Qinhuai River. This street is still called Hubu Street in later generations. When Lu Dayou hurried into the Hubu Yamen, he saw a tall and straight, beautiful bearded Jinyiwei sitting Sitting on the chair, and his old superior Hubu Shangshu Fangbun sat in the front seat with a pale face.

When Lu Dayou came in, seeing Lu Dayou's third-rank official robe and patch, Zhu Qi stood up and said, "Are you Lu Dayou, the servant of the Nanjing household department?"

Although Jin Yiwei's Qianhu is not high-ranking, he is an imperial envoy after all, Lu Dayou dared not neglect and immediately said: "It is the lower official."

"Someone! Take it away!"

Zhu Qi didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he waved his hand directly, and two tyrants stepped forward, directly clamping Lu Dayou.

Lu Dayou's body had already been hollowed out by wine, and he knelt down on the ground in an instant, no matter how he could resist Jin Yiwei's capture.

He said in disbelief: "Master Imperial Envoy! I am Lu Dayou!"

Zhu Qi said coldly: "I am ordered to arrest Lu Dayou. You have been reported to His Majesty for stealing grain from Changping warehouse. The evidence is convincing! We are here to recover the dirty money!"

Lu Dayou's mind was buzzing, and he instinctively shouted: "I am wronged! Someone must have framed me! Teacher, help me!"

Fang Dumbly sat on the main seat without any movement.

Lu Dayou said hysterically: "Is it Fang Wanghai! He harmed the people and privately practiced Xiangyong to plot evil! He is the one who took revenge on me!"

Zhu Qi had arrested many ministers.

For example, Yang Jisheng, who was executed with Zhang Jing last year, was a well-known minister who dared to criticize current affairs and confronted Yan Song.

When he was arrested, Yang Jisheng committed the crime calmly, and he died generously when he was in the execution ground.

Even his own boss, Commander Lu Bing of Jinyiwei admired Yang Jisheng.

Another example is Li Mo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials who was arrested this year. When this veteran official was arrested, he was also generous, and he was not afraid of Jin Yiwei like himself at all.

Zhu Qi still admires these scholars.

But there are people like this in Lu Da, and Zhu Qi has always despised them.

On the way, Zhu Qi had collected enough information, he even went to Yangzhou City where the battle was taking place, and basically found out everything.

What Lu Dayou does is not hidden, and there are many people who need to deal with emptying the regular warehouse.

These people have no backbone at all, and they were all recruited without much torture.

Just after entering the Nanjing household department, Zhu Qi had already shown Fang Dun all the evidence of Lu Dayou's crime.

The evidence was conclusive, and when he was about to die, Lu Dayou actually wanted to bite other people.

"Come here, gag his mouth! Send him to the prison of the Criminal Ministry, and wait for Ben Qianhu to interrogate slowly!"

Ti Qi stuffed Lu Dayou's mouth and dragged him out of the living room.

"Lord Fang, the Pedestrian Division is on the way, and His Majesty has given you permission to serve."

Fang Dun seemed to have his soul sucked out. He had been an official for decades, and almost all the Yuezhou Township Party he supported were dragged into the water by Lu Dayou.

From officials to businessmen, this time the case of embezzlement of food grains was so serious that the participants were not dead but peeled off.

The reason why the court allowed him to become an official was to save the court's face for the sake of years of veteran officials, but what face did Fang Dun have to return to his hometown?
Moreover, the six ministers like Fang Dun, who are first-level important ministers, will add titles such as Sangong and Sanbao to show their favor when they return home, but Fang Dun doesn't have any titles, which already shows the court's attitude.

Zhu Qi didn't bother to exchange pleasantries with Fang Dun anymore, because it has not been found out that Fang Dun was behind the scenes. If Fang Dun was found to be deeply involved in the case, he might be arrested when he returned home safely.

Zhu Qifeng hurriedly took the list and started arresting people, not only Lu Dayou's henchmen, but also Yuezhou businessmen in Nanjing. All of a sudden, the entire prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice in Nanjing was filled with people with Yuezhou accents.

Zhu Qi understood that his top priority was not to try and convict him, but to make money for the emperor!
Be quick, don't let these guys transfer the money!
Here Zhu Qi is busy ransacking the house, while the eunuch from Dongchang has arrived at Huguan.

This year, the eunuchs in the palace were suppressed again by the Jinyiwei. Lu Bing secretly investigated at the beginning of the year and thoroughly investigated the abuses in the palace.

Li Bin, the eunuch of the Ceremony Supervisor, and Ma Guang, the eunuch of Dongchang, committed the crimes of self-stealing, accepting bribes and exceeding the limit. Li Bin and his followers were sent to imperial prison by Emperor Jiajing and were finally executed.

After this case, even the chief eunuch of the Rites Supervisor was afraid of Lu Bing, and the three eunuchs working in Dongchang naturally did not dare to compete with Zhu Qi for credit.

But the credit is indisputable. The three eunuchs blackmailed them along the way and made a lot of money.

When they arrived at Huguan, the leading eunuch Tong was well-informed and knew that Lord Fang was valued by the emperor. He originally wanted to tell Fang Wanghai the news in advance and ask for a reward, but he did not expect to be warmly received by Su Ze.

Eunuch Tong is also the godson of the great eunuch Li Fang. Su Ze activated that skill immediately after reminiscing about the past, and presented exquisite brocade, and received the three of them with delicious food and drink.

Speaking of Eunuch Tao who served as the shipping department in Fujian, he quickly drew closer to Eunuch Tong. After a feast, Eunuch Tong wished he could behead his brother with Su Ze.

Not only did he tell the whole purpose of his party, but he also patted his chest and promised to make Lu Dayou suffer and help Fang Shilang vent his anger!
Dispersed left and right, Su Ze pulled Eunuch Tong and said:
"Eunuch Tong, let me tell you that it's not easy for you to excel on this mission."

"Isn't that so, who is Zhu Qi? One of the Eight Tigers of Jinyiwei! He handles things like a tiger, and all the cases he handles are iron cases, and even miscellaneous people can't get in."

Traveling thousands of miles south, the final credit is all Zhu Qi's, and it is Zhu Qi who ransacked the house, so Eunuch Tong is naturally not reconciled.

Su Ze said: "Let me tell you, Eunuch Tong, Lu Dayou's henchmen must be finished, but such a big thing as buying and selling grain, I am afraid that Yuezhou merchants can't swallow it all."

Eunuch Tong's eyes lit up and asked, "What does Mr. Xie Yuan mean?"

"The court's banknote customs law was originally intended to facilitate businessmen to pay taxes, but there are always some criminals who resist and evade taxes, and some of them are also related to Lu Dayou's fraud case, helping them sell stolen goods."

"It's so disgusting!" Eunuch Tong said, "filled with righteous indignation".

Su Ze said with a smile: "Actually, our Anti-Japanese Anti-Smuggling Headquarters already has the list of these illegal businessmen. It's just that some of them are local gentry, and some have some vital connections in the imperial court, so we haven't been able to do anything."

Eunuch Tong immediately said: "That's unreasonable! I also know Mr. Fang's difficulties. You scholars are soft-headed and always have some scruples. If you want me to say these things, we eunuchs have to do it!"

"How can you bother Eunuch, how about this, let our Anti-Japanese Anti-Smuggling Headquarters send out, 'invite' these businessmen to the Yamen, and then ask Eunuch Tong to help with the trial, let them make up the tax, and then you can settle down. How about not getting involved too much?"

Eunuch Tong was naturally satisfied when he heard that, Su Ze said again:
"You can't let the father-in-laws be busy. The stolen money recovered will be sent to Beijing by the father-in-law. This is also the credit of the father-in-law. The rest will be allocated by the father-in-law Tong."

Hit the road!It's so good!

Eunuch Tong looked at Su Ze, sure enough, he was a great scholar.

If Su Ze's brain enters the palace, at least he can compete for a Bingbi eunuch, but fortunately, he and he are not rivals on the same track.

In the next few days, the whole Jiangnan was in a state of turmoil due to Lu Dayou's case.

Zhu Qi's work efficiency was really high. Two days later, Lu Dayou made a full confession and confessed all the people involved in the case.

Zhu Qi deleted Yan Shifan's name from the confession, and reported to the emperor with secret disclosure, and then began to interrogate other accomplices according to the confession, and led people to search the house.

One-third of the people in the Nanjing household department office were missing, and almost all the Yuezhou merchants who came to do business because Fang Dun served as the household department secretary in Nanjing were also arrested by Jin Yiwei.

The trend in Nanjing official circles has changed. People who used to praise Fang Du yelled at him, saying that he let the township party and was not strict with his subordinates. catch him.

Fang Wanghai's reputation immediately rose. Those who criticized Fang Wanghai before praised him for being loyal to the country and selfless in law enforcement.

Immediately afterwards, in the name of Dongchang's thorough investigation of the fraud case, the Anti-Japanese Anti-Smuggling Headquarters also began to recruit people.

For a long time, the cotton merchants headed by the Xu family in Huating, Songjiang Prefecture, have been evading the customs duties on banknotes.

The Xu family even blatantly resisted the tax.

Eunuch Tong is stern and selfless, regardless of whether you belong to Xu Ge elder or not, he will be arrested and interrogated.

The merchants all looked at Xu Kun, the second son of the Xu family.

However, Mr. Xu's attitude was very soft and his posture was very low. When he went to the Banknote Customs Office to pay the banknote customs owed by the Xu family, all the merchants in Songjiang Mansion raised their hands and surrendered.

Xu Kun was also depressed. He had received a letter from his father ahead of time, telling him to act carefully during this time and never get involved in Lu Dayou's case.

Although Xu Kun is domineering, he is also the son of Mr. Ge, so he still has political acumen.

Xu's family is in the south of the Yangtze River, if he is involved in Lu Dayou's case, it will also affect his father's status.

The Xu family's property is all under the protection of Mr. Xu Ge, and Xu Kun understands his position.

After receiving the paperwork from the Banknote Customs Office and Dongchang, Xu Kun immediately paid the banknote tariff without any struggle.

It is said that this Second Young Master Xu smashed several antique vases when he returned home.

Eunuch Tong achieved outstanding results. In Nanjing City, Zhu Qi was trying cases, ransacking properties, and recovering stolen goods. After half a month of busy work, he only managed to recover a total of 3 silver.

It's not that Zhu Qi is incompetent, but that some money is always squandered, and some people desperately refuse to speak, and want to leave the money to their families.

This is after taking into account the fact that Lu Dayou ransacked his property. Over the years, Lu Dayou had collected a lot of money, but the cost was not small.

Lu Dayou paid for Fang Dun's organization of fellowship gatherings and the construction of the Yuezhou Guild Hall. In addition to his extravagant life, his family didn't have much money left.

The 3 taels was real, and only 2 taels were actually handed over to the emperor.

Even if Zhu Qi is not greedy, he can't break the rules.

The subordinates accompanying you should offer condolences, or else who will come out to accompany you on business next time.

The superior needs to take care of it, or else I can give you Zhu Qi the next time I have such a good job?
This share ratio is already the commander of Lu's loyalty to the country, and the emperors of the Yan Party and the Eunuch Party get even less.

In contrast, Eunuch Tong has achieved remarkable results.

The three father-in-laws just drank tea, ate fruit and listened to operas in Huguan, so they stamped a few official documents with the seal of Dongchang, and finally checked and supplemented 5 taels of customs duties!

This money is still paid!It was reported directly to the emperor!

I don't know how much money the three fathers-in-law took privately, and how much money they brought back to the power crotches in the palace.

Zhu Qi was almost envious.

After the investigation of the case was over, Fang Dun finally left Nanjing with his luggage and his family.

When he left Nanjing, the servant bought a copy of "Warning the World".

The newspaper published the full text of the fraud case and the results of the interrogation, and also listed the party members who colluded with Lu Dayou.

After presiding over the Nanjing Ministry of Household Affairs, Fang Wanghai, Fang Shilang, authorized the publication of "Warning the World" for the purpose of "rectifying the style of scholars and warning the world".

Although Fang Dun's name was not on the list, Fang Shangshu almost vomited blood. His reputation, which he had painstakingly maintained all his life, was ruined. This article can be said to have nailed him to the pillar of shame in history.

Fang Dun's old age was unknown, and he hid his face and left Nanjing. The Nanjing household department tremblingly welcomed its new speaker.

(End of this chapter)

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