Chapter 256
By the time Fang Ruolan finished flipping through part of the ledger, Su Ze had already fallen asleep on the recliner.

Seeing Su Ze like this, Fang Ruolan was furious again, but now that autumn has gradually entered winter, Fang Ruolan took out a brocade quilt to cover Su Ze, and then continued to look at the account book.

The more she looked at the account, the more Fang Ruolan was surprised by the property under Su Ze's name.

Fang Ruolan had known Su Ze before Su Ze was admitted to Juren. At that time, he was just a poor scholar studying in a county school.

But now the shops under Su Ze's name are all making more money than each other, and the sum of them is more profitable than the Fang family's dowry business.

But Su Ze is different from those ordinary squires who invaded the fields after being admitted to fame. Except for a tea garden, all his industries are commercial, and each of them is profitable.

Even the newspaper that seems to be the least profitable, under the low price, "Surprise" has also obtained a considerable profit through advertising revenue.

This is also the reason why Paian Surprise can continue to publish more good works with high manuscript fees.

Fang Ruolan used the Longmen Accounting Method taught by Su Ze to check the books. The Longmen Accounting Method is actually in the same line as the ordinary accounting method, but an expenditure must be reflected in the two systems of "in and out" and "assets and liabilities". Account difficulty increased.

When checking the accounts, only a few means are needed, and it is easy to see the falsified data.

The more Fang Ruolan used this method to check the accounts, the more she felt the ingenuity of the Longmen accounting method, and the shop she planned to marry her also used this method of accounting.

Of course, the accounting method is not a panacea, and the technology of accounting is also constantly developing.

Checking accounts and falsifying accounts, even in modern society, are opponents in a cat-and-mouse game, and the two develop alternately step by step in constant struggle.

When the sun was about to set, Su Ze finally woke up slowly. Seeing Fang Ruolan who was still buried in the ledger, Su Ze walked over and hugged her.

"Ma'am, I'm hungry."

Fang Ruolan was even more angry, if it wasn't for the two boxes of ledgers that Su Ze brought, she would have read them long ago, and now she is making trouble again.

"What do you want me to do when you're hungry?"

Su Ze looked at her disheveled hairpin, and said with an itch in his heart, "I want to eat you!"

"Crazy again! I haven't read the book yet! Ah!"

. . .

After Fang Ruolan changed into a new set of clothes while the maid was smiling, Su Ze moved the food outside the house and lit a few lamps. Fang Ruolan didn't have the heart to enjoy the moonlight at all, but just grabbed the food and ate it.

After finally filling the stomach, Fang Ruolan talked about family affairs again.

"There are no problems with the few shops in the city. My husband just won the election this year. These shops are managed by the relatives and brothers of Changningwei, and there are no problems with the accounts."

"At the end of the year, give this brother some more red envelopes, and the buddy will also send some. My husband will go to Nanjing after the next year, and they still need to take care of the property here."

"There's nothing wrong with the newspaper office, but Mr. Chen has said many times that there are not enough staff, and it's better for my husband to come forward and recruit more editors."

Su Ze just ate vegetables to enjoy the moon, and always acted like "my wife is right" to Fang Ruolan's suggestions.

This perfunctory attitude made Fang Ruolan angry again. Su Ze has been tossing her about these days, and she is almost unable to walk.

But whenever he stayed at home, Su Ze couldn't help teasing her.

Fang Ruolan rolled her eyes and said, "Is your husband busy tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? I'm going to find some good engravers for my teacher's book. I should be fine this afternoon, right?"

Fang Ruolan immediately said: "In the afternoon, in the afternoon, I will ask my husband to accompany me to the shops where I married as a dowry."

"Is there a problem with the ledger?"

"There are always some smart guys who think that I can't manage the family business well and do some sneaky things."

After saying this, Fang Ruolan looked at Su Ze lightly, but Su Ze didn't respond at all, so Fang Ruolan said:

"Although the problems in the accounts are easy to see, the husband still needs to come forward to deal with these guys."

"I understand, then I will accompany you tomorrow."

Su Ze stared at the bowls and chopsticks that Fang Ruolan put down, then smiled again and said, "Miss, are you done eating?"

Fang Ruolan immediately said vigilantly, "What are you going to do again!"

"Just a truce, of course we will continue to fight after eating!"

Fang Ruolan was picked up by the waist again, but it was a pity that her struggle had no effect, it was just a waste of energy.

. . .

the next day.

Su Ze finally got down to business. He first wrote a letter to Wang Daokun of Fuzhou Mansion in his study. On the one hand, he thanked Wang Daokun for his congratulatory gift, and asked about Fang Shi's recent situation. Then Su Ze said in the letter:

"The pseudonym Huifu Zhairen is too directional. There are not many people in Huizhou Prefecture in Fujian who are officials. It would be bad if people associate it with the teacher. According to my disciples, it is better to choose a new pseudonym. .”

Su Ze said again: "I have already found a master engraver. I think there are still some illustrations in the book that are more vivid. When the sample book is published, I will send it to you, teacher."

"As soon as this book comes out, there must be many imitations and pirates. The more exquisite the books we print, the more they have the function of preventing theft."

"My disciple wants to publish more. It will definitely sell well if I bring it to Jiangnan next year. Please pay the fee to the teacher first. Please don't refuse."

After writing the letter to Wang Daokun, Su Ze read the letter from Chang Ningwei again.

On the day of Su Ze's wedding, Lin Mojun drove the New World to go to sea to trouble the Japanese pirates who harassed Ryukyu.

Since beheading the Shimadzu family's emissary last time, the Shimadzu family's fleet has appeared near Amami Oshima Island, constantly harassing the main island of Ryukyu.

The King of Ryukyu naturally asked Changning Guard for help, and Lin Mojun helped Ryukyu train a group of regiments according to Su Ze's instructions, blocking the harassment from the Shimadzu family.

The Shimadzu family became furious and sent more than a dozen ships to attack Ryukyu.

Lin Mojun, who got the news, drove the New World to sea and showed great power to defeat the warship of the Wa Kingdom.

In the battle report written by Lin Mojun, the ship technology of the Japanese country is very backward, and the sails used can be adjusted to a small angle, and there is no way to sail when the wind direction is wrong.

Lin Mojun took advantage of the disadvantage that the Japanese ships could not seize the upper hand, slipped along the Japanese ships and fired with cannons all the way. After sinking two Japanese warships, she chased and captured one by relying on the speed of the ship.

If it hadn't been for sailing to an unfamiliar sea area close to the shore, Lin Mojun was afraid that the New World would be stranded, and it is estimated that the fleet of the Shimadzu family could be completely wiped out.

After this battle, the whole Ryukyu became more obedient, and relying on the east wind of Ryukyu's tribute, the Ryukyu royal family also received a lot of wealth.

However, Lin Mojun also said in the letter that as the 36 Hokkien family regained power in Ryukyu, many Ryukyu people also expressed dissatisfaction.

Su Ze took up a pen and wrote a reply letter to Lin Mojun, telling her that the Ryukyu king should handle the matter of the Ryukyu people. The current Ryukyu king is obviously a smart man, he will know how to balance the relationship between the Ryukyu people and the Han people, and the original Ryukyu royal family also has Han Chinese blood, this is actually a contradiction of interests.

The 36 Hokkien families have monopolized the navigation technology, which is equivalent to mastering the largest income in Ryukyu today. Naturally, some people will be dissatisfied. The so-called Fujian people and Ryukyu people are just targets for attack.

In the letter, Lin Mojun only talked about the war in Ryukyu, but didn't mention Su Ze's marriage, which made Su Ze even more guilty.

After closing the letter, Su Ze found a few more gifts from Jiangnan and sent them to Changningwei.

Another letter was from Mr. Tao, Bosi, Fuzhou City. He also received an errand from the palace, asking him to collect Ganoderma lucidum and present it to the palace.

There are many mountains in Fujian, and Ganoderma lucidum is produced daily, but this thing is produced according to fate, and it is difficult to produce large Ganoderma lucidum.

Eunuch Tao naturally thought of Su Ze, and wanted to ask Su Ze to help him figure out a solution.

Since Su Ze got the ambergris, Eunuch Tao has completely trusted Su Ze. After hearing that Su Ze came back to get married and gave him a congratulatory gift, he was busy writing letters for help.

However, artificial cultivation of ganoderma lucidum takes time, so Su Ze could only apologize to Eunuch Tao and express that he had no choice.

However, Su Ze still had an idea and wrote:

"Ganoderma lucidum is hard to find, but I heard that there are unicorns overseas."

"When Emperor Yongle was in power, Zheng He went to the west to buy unicorns from the west."

"The Fulang Jiren in the Zhengde year also paid tribute with unicorns, and they were once rewarded by Emperor Zhengde."

"Now that the emperor wants auspiciousness, he can ask the Ryukyu envoys to contact Fulang Jiren to buy a unicorn as a tribute to His Majesty."

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, there are indeed many records of foreign envoys paying tribute to the unicorn. In fact, the unicorn is a giraffe. Zheng He should have sailed to the coast of the Red Sea and bought it from a local tribe.

Later, the Portuguese wanted to trade with Daming, and they also transported giraffes from Africa.

In fact, there is no need to go to Africa. Giraffes are indeed very popular with the monarchs of various countries. Portugal’s colony in Goa should have a zoo where giraffes are raised.

As long as Tao Gonggong is willing to pay, Su Ze doesn't mind buying him a giraffe.

Su Ze found out the letter to Lin Mojun and asked her to contact the Portuguese to bring a giraffe over. He knew that Emperor Jiajing, who loved auspiciousness, would be satisfied, and Eunuch Tao would definitely support this plan.

Just when Su Ze closed the letter, Fang Aizhu said outside the study door:

"Lang Jun, Miss is ready for lunch."

Only then did Su Ze open the door, and he asked Fang Aizhu:
"How did you find the master engraver?"

Fang Aizhu said: "I found three engraving masters who fled from Jianyang. They are all master engraving masters. However, they need the original manuscripts to engrave the paintings you mentioned."

Su Ze naturally understood what painting he wanted, he thought for a while and said, "Can't you find a painter in the city?"

"Well, I'm afraid the painters in the city can't paint well."

Su Ze thinks about it too. The paintings required for engraving pay more attention to lines, which are different from the popular freehand paintings nowadays.

But Su Ze's own painting skills are only Lv1. He thought for a while and said, "Go ask Father Pierre to have a look and paint with Western techniques?"

Fang Aizhu naturally knew what book Su Ze was going to print, and he also knew Father Pierre.

Ask a Western monk to draw this kind of picture?Is this appropriate?

Fang Aizhu's face showed embarrassment, but she still agreed.

Because Fang Ruolan was going out in the afternoon, Fang Ruolan refused Su Ze's carelessness during the meal. After the two finished eating, Fang Aizhu had already prepared the carriage. Su Ze rode the horse, and Fang Ruolan took the carriage, and started to go to the three shops of the Fang family in the city.

Because there was a regulation in the Ming Dynasty that officials who served in the government were not allowed to purchase acres of land locally, Fang Wanghai did not purchase land when he was the magistrate of Yanping Prefecture.

But after he and Su Ze got married, Fang Wanghai bought three shops in Nanping County for his daughter.

Fang Wanghai was regarded as honest and upright among the Ming officials, and his shops were all purchased at market prices.

That is to say, these three shops were originally purchased as Fang Ruolan's dowry, and Mrs. Li sent several old servants of the Fang family to manage and manage them.

However, when Fang Ruolan checked the accounts yesterday, she still saw the problems of the two shops, so she dragged Su Ze over to look at the shops.

The three shops of the Fang family in the city are all in excellent locations. The first one is the herbal medicine shop. Su Ze still remembers this shop. At that time, Huang Tiju from the Huimin Pharmacy Bureau started making sour plum soup from this shop. Shop into the material.

The shopkeeper and the shop assistants did not expect Su Ze and Fang Ruolan to come so soon. After Su Ze and Fang Ruolan entered the shop, Fang Ruolan put on a cold face and asked the healthy woman to put up a closed sign and locked the door of the shop.

Seeing that Fang Ruolan's visitor was not friendly, the shopkeeper also panicked.

In the past, Fang Ruolan was in charge of the Fang family's property, but people always have a sense of luck, especially when Fang Ruolan is newly married, as long as she relaxes temporarily, the shopkeeper can get some profits from it.

Once some of the store's profits are taken away, it will be difficult to find out in the future.

The reason why Yu Zongyuan's family's shop was in a serious deficit was because Yu Zongyuan didn't know how to read the accounts, and the shopkeeper emptied out the profits bit by bit.

This year's profit is about the same as last year's, and this month's profit is about the same as last month's, so it's hard to see the problem in the books.

So to cheat, the hardest part is the first month.

But I didn't expect Fang Ruolan to kill Fang Ruolan after only making false accounts for a month.

"Ma'am, spare me!" The shopkeeper of the pharmacy also knew Fang Ruolan's strength, so he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Fang Ruolan yelled, she pointed out the problems in the ledger to the clerk one by one, and asked someone to search the inventory to find the medicinal materials embezzled by the shopkeeper, and then said:

"You are also an old man in the family, but if you do such a thing, the family will lose trust in you in the future."

"This is your body contract, and there is still a five-year contract period. In addition to the previously inconsistent accounts, you pay ten taels of silver to the family, and the old accounts will be cancelled."

The shopkeeper's expression changed, but no matter how much he begged for mercy, Fang Ruolan still did not let go.

The shopkeeper also knew that it was useless to beg for mercy, so he obediently accepted the deed, packed up his things and left.

Fang Ruolan promoted another clerk to be the temporary shopkeeper on the spot, but also explained that if he did not do well, he would have to change. There were three clerks in this store, and Fang Ruolan encouraged the other two clerks to supervise, and then left the pharmacy.

Su Ze was too lazy to continue riding, and squeezed into Fang Ruolan's carriage.

Thinking of Fang Ruolan's aristocratic demeanor just now, Su Ze's heart wavered again, but Su Ze still asked:

"Why didn't the lady send him to see the official? And also gave him the body deed?"

"If this kind of villain is sent to the official, he will definitely grab and bite randomly, and it will be a troublesome thing then."

"His annual salary in the shop is ten taels of silver, plus some gray income, he can earn more than 20 taels a year. Losing this job is the most painful thing for him."

"Besides, I exposed his problem in front of the clerk, and he will not be able to find a job as a shopkeeper in Nanping City in the future. This is the greatest punishment."

Su Ze clapped his hands and applauded, "My lady is wise!"

"We're going to Nanjing after the next year. We need to beat these people up. It's fine if they are just greedy. If they use the name of their husband or father to cause harm to one party, then that is the real disaster."

"My lady is right! Let's go to the remaining two families!"

(End of this chapter)

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