Chapter 257

Fang Ruolan took Su Ze to two more shops, but the problems in these two shops were not serious, they beat the shopkeeper and the clerk, and they returned to the house.

. . .

When Fang Ruolan woke up again the next day, the sun was already high.

After being served by the maid Cuiping to get up, Miss Fang, who had been upgraded to Mrs. Su, twisted her face towel hard when she saw the smile on the maid's face. Her body is still crisp.

"Where is your husband?"

"Young master has already gone out, and said that he is going to see some engraving drawings."

Hearing that Su Ze had gone out, Fang Ruolan felt relieved again, but felt a little lost.

But she also knows that it is impossible for a man to stay at home every day, just like her father Fang Wanghai. .

"Miss misses uncle?"

Fang Ruolan blushed and said, "Who misses him? I have to get down to business while he's not at home!"

Cuiping covered her smile with a veil, now everyone in the house knows that the young master and young lady love each other, gossip spreads all over the sky.

As a personal maid, Cuiping, I just feel that those gossips are not exaggerated in reality!It's just that Cuiping's mouth is tight to keep the secret.

Fang Ruolan now looks radiant and prosperous, and her gestures are a little more feminine, which is naturally all thanks to my uncle.

"Why are you in a daze, go and get the map of the house."

This house was bought by Su Ze from a wealthy businessman in Nanping for his marriage.

Although the house is not small, because it is a merchant's house, it is always a bit stingy inside and out.

This is not because rich merchants have no money to build houses, but because the Ming Dynasty also had strict regulations on the style and specifications of houses. Although merchants have money, houses cannot exceed the regulations.

After all, houses are different from clothes. If someone reports that the clothes are out of control, they will take them off and burn them at worst.

But if the house exceeds the limit, it can't be smashed on the spot.

Su Ze is already a Juren, and he is a provincial Jieyuan. Naturally, the gate of this house needs to be remodeled.

Fang Ruolan picked up a pen, drew a few strokes on the map and said:

"Take your husband's post and ask Uncle Xian Yang from the county government office to have a look, and ask the county government office to send a big worker to come up with a blueprint."

This kind of thing is not the privilege of officials and eunuchs, but in the Ming Dynasty when the income of officials was insufficient, most officials would come out to "part-time jobs".

Although it is said that exploiting the people is the easiest way, not all officials are qualified to exploit the people.

There are not many opportunities for the head of a workshop like a workshop to make money, but there are more extra money for producing blueprints.

Cuiping responded quickly, and Fang Ruolan frowned again looking at the garden in front of the main house.

The original owner of this house also paid for it, and the garden in front of the main house is also somewhat designed, but the landscaping is really too vulgar.

Fang Ruolan thought of the loquat tree in her ancestral house in Quanzhou, and said to Cuiping:
"You ask someone to go to the street to buy a loquat sapling, and I want to plant a tree here."

When Su Ze returned home, Fang Ruolan was shoveling the soil herself. Seeing the loquat sapling supported by Cuiping, Su Ze immediately walked over and said:
"Why did the lady plant the tree?"

"I recall that there is also a loquat tree at home in Quanzhou. I often ate the fruit on it when I was a child, so I also want to plant one at home."

Su Ze supported the trunk and said, "Don't plant it, it's unlucky."

Fang Ruolan said suspiciously: "I've never heard that it's unlucky to plant loquat trees?"

Su Ze immediately said: "It's just unlucky. If the lady wants to plant it, we can plant it on a hillside in the tea garden."

"Fang loves bamboo, send this pipa tree to the tea house to plant."

After saying this, Su Ze hugged Fang Ruolan involuntarily and said:
"My lady can plant any tree she wants, but don't plant this loquat tree."

Seeing Su Ze's serious look, Fang Ruolan had no choice but to say, "If you don't plant it, you won't plant it. Cuiping will buy a laurel tree tomorrow and come back."

Seeing that Fang Ruolan had finally changed her mind, Su Ze carried her to the bedroom.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fang Ruolan was hugged tightly by Su Ze.

Cuiping and Fang Aizhu looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

The two performed their duties and dismissed the servants near the bedroom.

Cuiping had to prepare drinks and pastries for the "truce" between the two, and Fang Aizhu called for a maid to guard the gate.

. . .

In this way, in November, Fang Ruolan finally waited for the day of "truce". She triumphantly pushed Su Ze away, which made Su Ze very depressed.

Instead of being unable to eat what you can see and touch, you can't move while cuddling.

Su Ze decided to get busy with business.

Fang Aizhu heard the news from the printing workshop. It was obvious that Father Pierre's realistic style of painting was very shocking, which frightened several engraving workers who dared not move their knives, fearing that they would be arrested by the government for being "immoral" .

However, the character of the old priest is still too western, so Su Ze can only ask the master to do woodblock printing first, and then bind the original illustration and send it to Wang Daokun. The original author of the illustration still has to decide.

I heard that there are embroiderers who are proficient in embroidery in the Jiangnan area, who can embroider vivid images on silk. Su Ze is going to find a way to make a more high-quality version when he arrives in Jiangnan.

Good news also came from Mr. Tao. Through the connection of the Ryukyu envoys, Shibosi really got in touch with the Fulang machine.

Unexpectedly, the Fulang robot actually has a "unicorn" in his hand!
It turned out that the Portuguese transported it from Africa to India, and they were going to sacrifice it to Humayun the Great of the Womor Empire.

It's just that Humayun the Great died suddenly this year, and the throne was passed on to his 13-year-old son.

The Womor Empire has entered a period of powerful ministers, and its foreign policy is more conservative. It rejected the Portuguese's request for an audience and auspicious offerings, so this poor giraffe stayed in the zoo of the Governor's Palace in Goa.

Today's Ryukyu people are an important window for the foreign trade of the Ming Dynasty. All kinds of foreign goods can be sent to the Ming Dynasty as Ryukyu goods as long as they put a sign on Ryukyu.

The Portuguese also wanted to legally trade with Ming Dynasty in their dreams. When the Ryukyu envoy mentioned the "Kirin", the Portuguese ship owner in Langbaisha immediately patted his chest and said that the "Kirin" must be safely transported from Goala to Fuzhou Port!

However, Eunuch Tao is also a prudent person. He said in the letter that he would report the auspiciousness to the emperor after the "Kirin" was raised in Hong Kong.

The mortality rate of livestock transported by sea is extremely high these days. If the "kylin" died on the way, it would not be auspicious, but ominous.

Su Ze naturally agrees with Eunuch Tao's stability.

In his letter, Eunuch Tao mentioned another incident. The first group of grain merchants who set off from Fuzhou to go north to Shanghai sold grain at a high price in the south of the Yangtze River, and returned to Fuzhou Port in exchange for silk from Suzhou.

Eunuch Tao saw the business opportunity, bought the silk from these merchants, and "sold" the silk to the Ryukyu people, earning a lot of money!

Eunuch Tao, who has made a lot of money from the ocean trade, is no longer satisfied with buying from merchants. He directly asks the Fuzhou Shipping Department to dispatch merchant ships to prepare for the business himself.

I have to say that Eunuch Tao is still righteous. He wrote to Su Ze to ask him if he wanted to take a share. At the same time, he also asked Su Ze to provide some suggestions on maritime trade, mainly how to avoid the risk of being impeached by the officials.

Su Ze couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Unexpectedly, Eunuch Tao had such talent in the economy, and he discovered the most profitable route in East Asia without a teacher.

Su Ze picked up the pen again and wrote a letter to Eunuch Tao, encouraging him to explore this route. He also talked about the situation in Jiangnan. The affluent land of fish and rice in Jiangnan lacks food, and the cheap Nanyang food transported to Jiangnan will definitely make a fortune.

Before he knew it, it was November, and the Chinese New Year was coming soon. This year, Su Ze needed to give gifts to more people. Looking at the list of gifts, he couldn't help but feel dizzy.

These matters can also be handed over to Fang Ruolan.

But thinking of taking Fang Ruolan back to Changningwei during the Chinese New Year, Su Ze remembered the figure in Baihu Mansion again, and felt guilty again for no reason.

But recently Lin Mojun's letter mentioned the matter of immigration development, so Su Ze had to return to Changningwei in advance.

At the same time, Lin Mojun is also making final preparations before the Chinese New Year.

These days, Lin Mojun is shuttling between Dong'ao Island and Changningwei.

According to Su Ze's instructions, Lin Mojun has been collecting immigrants who are willing to go to sea.

After the official start of the trade between Fuzhou and Ryukyu, Lin Mojun also followed Su Ze's instructions and asked the Ming Dynasty to "sell goods" in the Penghu area in the tone of a Ryukyu envoy.

In today's map of the Ming Dynasty, the Penghu area refers to an area in general, including the Penghu Islands and Dayuan Island (a certain island).

The Ming Dynasty once set up an inspection department in Quanzhou, which was responsible for patrolling the Dayuan Strait and preventing people along the way from landing on the Penghu Islands and Dayuan Island.

In fact, since the Song Dynasty, many people in the southeast region have spontaneously landed on the Penghu Islands and Dayuan Island. In the early Ming Dynasty, there were already tens of thousands of people on Dayuan Island.

However, after Hongwu year implemented the sea ban, Zhu Yuanzhang forcibly moved the people who had already pioneered on the island back to Guangzhou, Fujian, and at the same time strictly ordered any people to go to sea.

Later, after the implementation of the sea ban was completed, the Penghu Inspection Department was abandoned.

However, during the Jiajing period, due to the invasion of Japanese pirates, Jiajing re-established the Penghu Inspection Department in 20 years. This time the inspection department was set up on Kinmen Island and the Penghu Islands. The main task was to prevent Japanese pirates and also combat smuggling along the coast.

At the beginning of the establishment of the inspection department, it did have a good effect.

But today, after more than ten years have passed, the functions of the inspection department are also rapidly declining, especially for the people who go to sea to pioneer, the inspection department basically turns a blind eye.

Many people who could not survive in the local area smuggled to the Penghu Islands and Dayuan Island.

When Lin Mojun landed on the Penghu Islands for the first time, she discovered a small fishing village not far from the Penghu Inspection Department.

Because of the frequent Japanese pirates, the Penghu Inspection Department basically stopped patrolling the sea. After getting in touch with the fishermen on Penghu Island, Lin Mojun secretly landed on Dayuan Island under the leadership of the Penghu fishermen.

Most of the people who gather on Dayuan Island today are Fujianese and Cantonese, and they gather in the southeast area of ​​Dayuan Island, which is called "Tainan" today.

Led by local fishermen, Lin Mojun entered the port from a small seaport and soon discovered this natural good port.

If Su Ze was here, he would definitely be able to recognize the name of this port. This is the fortress city established by the Dutch after occupying Dayuan Island, and also the capital city established by Zheng Chenggong after recovering Dayuan Island - Anping City, also called Zelan Cover the city.

But now it is just a small port and fishing village naturally built by Fujian immigrants.

Lin Mojun inquired about the news from the local guide. The name of this small fishing port is "Little Quanzhou", which should be named to commemorate the fact that they left their hometown from Quanzhou.

Lin Mojun inspected "Little Quanzhou" in detail. This fishing village has about 3000 households and less than [-] people.

In addition to going fishing, they also opened up wasteland and farmed fields near the port. Naturally, there was no government in Xiaoquan Prefecture. The people on the island gathered in the urban and rural associations and elected the patriarch of a big family named Shao to lead them.

Lin Mojun even saw a Fujian-style Matsu temple in Xiaoquanzhou, and there was a blind Miao Zhu in the temple who was about the same age as the ninth aunt.

For foreigners like Lin Mojun, the people of Xiaoquan Prefecture are still quite vigilant, but as a mature naval officer, Lin Mojun can still see the unique conditions of this port.

The estuary to the sea is narrow, and the fleet can be guarded only by setting up fortresses.

There are many hidden reefs along the coast, and there are also many cliffs. It is not easy for the large fleet to land near here, and it can protect the safety of the deep area.

The only disadvantage is probably that it is too hot here, which leads to frequent epidemics. In the local language, there are many "miasmas".

Lin Mojun asked someone to bring a letter to Su Ze, telling what he had seen and heard on Dayuan Island. Sure enough, Su Ze couldn't sit still after receiving Lin Mojun's letter. He bid farewell to newlywed Fang Ruolan and returned to Changningwei.

(End of this chapter)

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