Chapter 273

In the 38th year of Jiajing, March Spring, Nanjing.

Last year, the Shanghai Anti-Japanese Corps defeated the Japanese pirates in Tongzhou Prefecture. So far, Nanzhili has not been invaded by Japanese pirates. It is a rare peaceful time.

In the alley on the side of Hubu Street, the manager of the Su family went shopping as usual, and met Lu Erye at the entrance of the alley.

"Second Master Lu, didn't you come out of the stall today?"

Erye Lu moved here only last month, and opened a pork shop at the entrance of the alley. Because the pigs are fresh, the business is very good.

It's just that this second master Lu has a personality. He does business for three days fishing and two days drying the nets. Even if he sells meat every day, he sells half a piece of pig at dawn, and he will definitely call it a day and go home after selling.

But he does not have to worry about food and clothing. He hangs out in the alley after the meat is sold every day. Because he is generous, he often sends more meat to his neighbors, so he has a good relationship with everyone.

This Second Master Lu is over 40 years old, and there is no wife in the family, only two distant nephews live with him and sell meat.

The matchmaker in the street broke through the door, but Second Master Lu didn't seem to have any intention of marrying a wife, not even his two nephews.

In short, this Second Master Lu is a weirdo, but a weirdo that the neighbors in the neighborhood still like.

The manager of the Su family was brought by Su Ze from Changningwei. He had no real name at first, but was named Su Yu by Su Ze.

Although Su Yu has not studied, he handles affairs properly. He is now in his 40s and used to be a reserve soldier in the guard. His two sons are both elite guards, so they are also trusted by Su Ze.

Second Master Lu enthusiastically stuffed Su Yu with two pieces of good meat, pulled him to sit at the entrance of the alley and said:

"The weather in Nanjing is really weird. Why is it so hot in March?"

Su Yu said with a smile: "Second Master, aren't you from Nanjing? How can you say such a thing?"

Second Master Lu immediately revealed his Nanjing accent, and then said, "Hey, this is not just coming back from the north, it is different from the Nanjing in my childhood memory."

Su Yu didn't continue to dwell on this issue, he just talked about the affairs in the mansion.

"Hey, after the master came back from the capital, he closed the door to thank the guests and didn't know what he was writing all day long."

Second Master Lu pricked up his ears, and Su Yu continued, "I heard that Master wants to run a school in Nanjing."


Second Master Lu pricked up his ears, and Su Yu said, "It's not the kind of school for scholars."

"What is a school that is not a school for scholars?"

Su Yu shook his head and said, "It's not something that I, a servant, can know. Anyway, I won't talk to me about the master's affairs."

Second Master Lu stuffed a piece of good meat to Su Yu again and said:
"My two incompetent nephews also want to learn something. If Mr. Su really runs the school, I don't know if we can put them in."

"Good talk, good talk!"

Su Yu went out of the alley, bought some more vegetables, and then returned to Su's mansion.

After returning, he sent the vegetables he bought and the meat from Lu Er to the kitchen, and then Su Yu went to Su Ze's study.


Su Ze didn't allow his servants to call him master in the mansion, so Fang Ruolan's dowry was called uncle, and the Changningwei fellow he brought with him was called sir.

"How is Lu Er?"

"I'm still asking questions, but this Jin Yiwei fan is too rash in his work, and he slipped his mouth again today."

"It's not easy for Lu Er, but he still has to sell pork, which is a lot of hard work."

Su Yu also laughed out loud when he thought of Lu Er sweating profusely selling pork, so it seems that Lu Er, who was originally a murderer, has become Lu Er who chops pork and sells it, which is quite funny.

On the third day after Lu Er moved in, Su Ze noticed the abnormality, because when he passed by Lu Er's gate, a [anti-surveillance] life skill appeared.

God tm's [Anti-Surveillance] is also a life skill, so why isn't it skill-based?

Su Ze really wanted to ask the system what kind of harmonious setting this is.

Su Ze can only put that little bit of freedom into the power attribute, but fortunately, it is enough to reduce ten times with one force.

Su Ze, male, 26 years old.

Intelligence: 13
Power: 12
Agility: 7
Charisma: 11
Later, Su Yu was asked to stare at Lu Er, and he really saw his abnormality. From Lu Er's capital accent and his behavior, Su Ze quickly determined that he was a Jinyiwei sent by the capital.

The only one in the world who can mobilize Jinyiwei is the emperor. The emperor who has been in power for nearly 40 years really has a lot of means.

For the sake of a mere recruiter like himself, he even sent Jin Yiwei to monitor him.

However, Su Ze soon realized that his level of surveillance was probably not high, and there were only three people in Lu Er and his two subordinates pretending to be nephews in his family who were watching him.

Being watched can also increase experience, Su Ze thinks there is nothing wrong with it.

And last month, he secretly bought the room next door, and carefully made a secret passage, as long as he bypassed the main entrance, he could get rid of Lu Er's surveillance.

Lu Er's monitoring method is to establish a good relationship with the people in Su Ze's mansion, and ask Su Ze if there is any new book published.

From Su Ze's point of view, Emperor Jiajing didn't seem to have sent someone to monitor him, but rather came to remind him to update the novel.

I heard that Lu Er has no interest in the two newspapers run by Su Ze, the "Warning News". Book lover?

Of course, this is just Su Ze's self-deprecation. He should be treated similarly to Wang Yangming. Is he regarded as a thought prisoner under residential surveillance?

However, Su Ze is not worried. Anyway, his current theory does not contain any rebellious content. Although the scholar-bureaucrats don't like the re-establishment of the morality of the four peoples, the emperor may not like it.

If you can use morality for free whoring, so that soldiers have a greater sense of honor and businessmen have a greater sense of social responsibility, then the emperor will actually be happier.

Only the scholars are not happy, the soldiers, peasants, businessmen and soldiers, and others also engage in morality. Doesn't it reduce the sense of superiority of the scholar-bureaucrats?
But no one can refute Su Ze. After all, what Mencius said is here, the people are precious, why do you still have to be above the people as a scholar?Then I dare not think about what to do next.

Surveillance is just surveillance, Su Ze is not afraid anyway, if you really want to do something, just avoid Lu Er's eyes and ears.

Now his [Anti-Surveillance] has reached Lv4, 277/400. As long as there are few people under surveillance, Su Ze can find it. Not afraid of his surveillance at all.

Helping himself brush up his skills, and even sending his own good pork to eat every now and then, this Lu Er is really a good person.

"How are things going at school?"

Su Yu said: "It was originally an abandoned academy. You can buy it and spend some money to rectify it. According to your instructions, as long as there are places for lectures and accommodation, other places can be expanded slowly."

Su Ze nodded. After returning to Nanjing, he searched for a place in Nanjing, and finally found an abandoned academy next to Yanziji.

This is an abandoned academy in the Song Dynasty, but it has been abandoned because there are always legends about ghosts.

This academy also has no owner, it belongs to the public land.

Su Ze used Fang Wanghai's relationship to buy the academy from Ying Tianfu.

Su Ze invited craftsmen again, and spent money to ask the officials of the Nanjing Ministry of Industry to help out the blueprints. In addition, he brought thirty disciples who were proficient in carpentry from Nanchan Temple, and the academy was quickly repaired.

Su Ze nodded, and said to Su Yu: "This matter is done well, you will be the deputy manager of the mansion tomorrow, and Fang Aizhu will ask him to come see me when he comes back."

Su Yu was a little happy, he had a good salary in the Su family, Su Ze and Fang Ruolan didn't treat him as a servant, but as a relative.

He handles all the affairs outside these days, and he does everything well. Now Su Yu is the second person in the Su family after Fang Aizhu.

What Su Yu was even happier was that his son would be able to be more important if he worked hard.

After a while, Fang Aizhu, who was in a hurry, stepped into Su Ze's study.

"Uncle, the matter in Suzhou has been settled."

Fang Aizhu is Su Ze's usual subordinate, and now he is even more trusted. Su Ze's industries in Suzhou and Shanghai are all run by Fang Aizhu.

Su Ze also gave Fang Aizhu a high-quality Western Region horse. Today he came back from Suzhou and came to see Su Ze in a hurry.

"Is Suzhou settled down?"

"Using Mr. Xu Shixing's post, I saved those wharfs. It's just that these villains are not easy to deal with. I have already asked the wharves to form a guild to protect themselves."

After Su Ze took control of the Shanghai Wharf, although the food shortage in Jiangnan has eased, the low-priced Nanyang food transshipped from Fujian will still be welcomed by the big families in Jiangnan.

The reason is simple, as long as the food price is low, it is a good deal to convert more rice fields into mulberry fields.

More large households in Suzhou have chosen to transplant mulberry trees this year.

And Su Ze mastered the trade of reselling Nanyang grain transshipped from Fujian. At the same time, he also organized Suzhou merchants to sell the goods to Shanghai and sell them to Shibosi silk in Fuzhou.

Although Mr. Tao suppressed the price very hard, the current world is like this, the domestic silk trade is sluggish, and the export is an explosive growth point. Not only is the demand large but also stable.

So Su Ze also bought a wharf in Suzhou Mansion to transport silk to Shanghai port.

But last month, the wharf ran into trouble. Lifu, who was employed by the wharf to load and unload cargo, had a conflict with the villain gang in Suzhou City.

Su Ze asked, "What's the origin of these villains?"

Fang Aizhu said: "Some sons of rich families in Suzhou Mansion do not study or do business. They hang out in the market, and there are also street ruffians who hang out with them. They make blood alliances and call themselves 'Xiongjie'."

"Last year, the government called for group training. These villainous youngsters also claimed to have started group training, and hired people from the gang as helpers. Now they are bullying and dominating the city in Suzhou. Even the officials of the Suzhou government dare not offend them at will."

So that's the case, Su Ze understood.

In fact, economically developed areas such as Jiangnan and Suzhou are already very prosperous. Large urban workshops have also provided a large number of jobs, and the urban economy has developed rapidly.

Just like London during the industrial revolution, after the urban economy developed, a large number of urban gray areas were formed.

London gangsters and the fact that there are few villains in Suzhou City now, in fact, after the development of the times, some occupations that can break away from the land economy and earn a living in the city have emerged. This is also the result of the development of productivity and the development of cities to produce more occupations.

The development of productivity is like this. With the development of society, new gray and black areas will be born, and the lag of government management, which develops more slowly, will further amplify these gray areas.

Su Ze doesn't believe that "officials can't govern" in Suzhou Prefecture, and can only say that some officials have also integrated into this gray area.

Su Ze said to Fang Aizhu: "Send a letter to Shanghai, and bring the letter back to Nanping when the clipper ship comes next time, let Xiong Wu go to Suzhou, and hand over the pier to him. He will handle this matter."


Su Ze put down his pen and said: "There is also Yao Chun, let him come to Nanjing on a flying clipper boat, and let him do the typesetting and printing of this book."

Fang Aizhu looked at the drawings and words on the table, and couldn't help but said: "Master, is this book really going to be published publicly? Many of these are secret recipes that are hard to change."

Su Ze said indifferently: "Can I get involved in all these industries? Impossible, and the more products on the market, the more goods, the more money you can make if you master the channels, and the promotion of these methods is also It is a great thing that benefits the country and the people."

Fang Aizhu has some admiration for Su Ze. He also knows the book written by Su Ze. It includes the production methods of various commodities, as well as the planting and cultivation of many crops. It also includes Su Ze's secret recipes for making sugar ( The salt method is more important, not written).

These are all ways to make money, and it can be said that it is a more comprehensive business encyclopedia than the popular "Nengduo Shishi" on the market.

Su Ze actually wants to write all these in a book and publish them. Fang Aizhu can think of how much money some of these industries can make.

There are even detailed drawings for the production of more advanced cotton looms. You must know that this is a more advanced loom than Huating Xu's home loom, and Su Ze actually wrote it in the book and published it.

Fang Aizhu admires Su Ze's courage, this book can be said to be a treasure book that can make thousands of families rich!

"What's the matter? In order to write "Compendium of Materia Medica", Li Shizhen even contributed her family's prescriptions. By the way, what happened to Li Shizhen's book?"

Fang Aizhu replied: "Master Li has finished the first volume."

Su Ze nodded and said, "It can be published slowly. The first volume is about commonly used prescriptions and herbal medicine identification. It is enough for the convenience of the people and practical. There is no need for too complicated medicinal materials."

Fang Aizhu nodded, and he helped Su Ze pack up the manuscripts. After Su Ze finished writing a chapter, he began to draw the design drawings again.

[Complete drawing, drawing skill +10, Lv4, 200/400]

This is the design drawing of the water conservancy irrigation cart. This thing is not uncommon in the south of the Yangtze River, but Su Ze still wrote down the production method and principle in detail. This is for people in some backward areas to read.

"Grandpa, what's the name of this book?"

Su Ze said with a smile: "Heavenly creations."

Ten days later, Tiangong Academy was completed in Nanjing, and Su Ze began to recruit the first batch of students.

(End of this chapter)

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