My life skills in Daming Liver.

Chapter 274 The Lu who gave the skill 2

Chapter 274
Xu Jie's second son, Xu Kun, was escorted by his servants and landed on Chongming Island.

Chongming Island is located at the estuary of the Yangtze River. Like Yangzhong Island, it is also an island formed by the accumulation of sediment from the Yangtze River at the estuary. Chongming Island was already a fertile island in the Ming Dynasty.

However, Chongming Island at this time is not a large island connected as one in later generations, but several sandbars washed out by the Yangtze River.

Since the early Ming Dynasty, these sandbars have continued to grow, and gradually formed three main sandbars.

They are Sansha, Dongsha and Xisha respectively. Some of these sandbars are only [-] meters away, and they can be walked between when the tide is low.

At the beginning, the imperial court also set up patrols on Xisha, responsible for picketing water bandits and pirates in this part of the waters, but they were removed after the ban on the sea.

Chongming Island was originally a county, but after the Fang Guozhen Group used Chongming Island as a base to attack Jiangbei in the early Ming Dynasty, the Ming court evacuated the residents of the island and the county government in order to ban the sea.

There are also some people on Chongming Island today, and they all came from Jiangbei during the Japanese invasion a few years ago.

These people who opened up wasteland on Chongming Island were all driven out of the thatched huts they had built with great difficulty by the servants of the Xu family and the servants of the Songjiang government. The stewards of the Xu family gave them two choices.

One is to leave Chongming Island now. They are reclaiming wasteland without permission, and they are not allowed to take anything away.

The other is to sign the contract now and become the permanent tenants of the Xu family. From now on, all the land on Chongming Island will be owned by the Xu family, and the land cultivated in the future will be rented to the Xu family.

The people were naturally crying for their father and mother, but in the face of the large number of members of the Xu family and the servants in official clothes, the resistance of the people was of course fruitless. After the leader of the protest was beaten, no one uttered a word. .

Xu Kun didn't care about the wailing of these ordinary people at all. Such things had happened countless times during the expansion of the Xu family's land.

At this time, he was looking at the map with the housekeeper.

"Master, the land on the island has been surveyed, and all the fields that have been opened can be used to grow cotton. In addition, a pier can be built at this location, and a cotton spinning workshop can be built next to it."

"Has the loom been built yet?"

"A thousand looms have been built, all of which are commonly used in family workshops. As long as a few old weavers carry them with them, they can be used. When the thousands of looms start to work, the order from the north will be no problem. "

Xu Kun said with satisfaction: "This year's war in Liaodong is unfavorable, and the court is already very dissatisfied with the governor of Jiliao, Wang Yan. This time, the Ministry of War reported that Liaodong lacked clothing and food, which is why this big order was made."

The housekeeper immediately said: "If it weren't for the young master's management over the years, our Xu family would not be able to take such a big order!"

Xu Kun nodded triumphantly. Over the years, the Xu family's business has expanded, and he presided over it at home.

Xu Kun was also secretly competing with his elder brother, and also complained about his father's ability to keep his elder brother by his father's side as an official.

If it wasn't for me, Xu Kun, how could the Xu family have such a big property.

This is something Xu Kun has always been proud of. Over the years, as his father's official position has grown, more and more places have been used for money.

Xu Kun sends a lot of silver to the capital every year, and his contribution to the family is no less than that of his elder brother!
Xu Kun said proudly: "Isn't Su Ze's father-in-law the servant of the Nanjing household department? With Fang Wanghai building the Shanghai Wharf, do you think it can cover the sky in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"Let me tell you, because of the lack of food in Liaodong, the imperial court has ordered Dengzhou to build [-] sea-going ships to transport grain from Shandong to Liaodong."

"In the future, these ships will also go south to transport the winter clothes purchased by the Ministry of War to Liaodong. Our Xu family will earn a lot of money!"

The manager looked at Xu Kun with admiration, this is the best way to get rich!

The order of tens of thousands of winter clothes for the Liaodong Frontier Army is placed in the entire Songjiang Mansion. Who else can complete it except the Xu family?

This is why Xu Kun wants to open up relationships and develop Chongming Island. He needs to build his own wharf and expand the cotton spinning workshop on Chongming Island.

This time the Xu family also paid a lot of money for the loom, and hired craftsmen from the entire Songjiang Prefecture. Xu Kun was afraid that the order would not be completed, so he asked the craftsmen to build the loom in Songjiang Prefecture, and then shipped it to the island after it was completed.

These looms are old models that have been used in Xu's workshop for many years. Although the speed of weaving is not fast, it is better to let the weavers work an extra hour or two.

"When will the pier be built?"

The steward said hesitantly, "Master, an official from the Songjiang Mansion Workshop said that the soil on the Dongsha side is not firm enough to build a wharf, but it is inconvenient to load and unload when it is built on Sansha."

Xu Kun frowned and said, "It's just that the subordinate officials are alarmist. Is it possible that Dongsha will sink? Just build a pier in Dongsha. It is close to the sea and it is easy to dock ships. The winter clothes will be woven in autumn. Ship it to Liaodong before winter!"


Xu Kun's heart is full of ambitions. After the Dongsha Wharf of Chongming Island is completed, he can also organize a fleet of ships to go south to do business. When the time comes, he will steal all the business from Su Ze's Shanghai Wharf. Let's see who is in charge of Nanzhili!

Xu Kun was very indignant when the incident of years ago was reported back to Songjiang. He wanted to seek revenge from Su Ze, but Xu Jie asked his cronies to bring a letter, prohibiting Xu Kun from making trouble with Su Ze in Nanzhili.

Now that you're out of trouble, beat him commercially!

Su Ze is just a mediocre candidate, and his backstage is Fang Wanghai, the minister of Nanjing household department.

My father is the second assistant of the court, so could it be that he can't do business with Su Ze?
At the same time, the dusty Lu Er was lying on the grass, watching Su Ze walk into the Shanghai pier in the distance.

Lu Er is the deputy Qianhu of the Jinyiwei. He and the commander of the Jinyiwei, Lu Bingzhan, are related. According to their seniority, they can be regarded as Lu Bing's distant nephew.

This time, an order came from the palace to let Jin Yiwei go to Nanjing to monitor Su Ze.

Lu Bing, who was recuperating at home, suddenly spoke up and ordered Lu Er to come to Nanjing.

Lu Er took two Jinyiwei hundred households, servants of the capital to Nanjing, and opened a pork shop at the entrance of Su Ze's alley to monitor Su Ze.

Su Ze stayed at home for two months. At first, Lu Er thought it was a good job. Unexpectedly, since April, Su Ze traveled frequently, and Lu Er, who followed him, was exhausted.

Lu Er really couldn't figure out why he had been assigned such a hard job because he had always treated his uncle respectfully.

These days, Su Ze went to the academy to check the construction site, and went to the newly purchased printing workshop to check the equipment, and then came to Shanghai non-stop.

Lu Er originally sent his two hundred households to the Shanghai Anti-smuggling Headquarters to guard, but he didn't expect that Su Ze would not go to the Shanghai Anti-smuggling Headquarters, but only went to the dock in Shanghai.

Lu Er could only ride his horse to keep up with him, squatting on the grass next to the Shanghai pier.

It's already April now, all kinds of mosquitoes are infesting, making Lu Er feel uncomfortable all over, when will such days end!
Because of entering the dock, Su Ze's system popped up a prompt:

[Evading surveillance, "anti-surveillance" skill experience +10, Lv5, 1/1000]

[Skill 'Anti-Surveillance' breaks through Lv5, gets free attribute points: 1, please choose a passive skill! 】

Sure enough, luck is conserved, and this time it was all three green cards.

Su Ze flipped over the three green cards, and only saw the three passive skills:

[Green Passive - Disguise Master: When avoiding tracking, when using makeup disguise, anti-surveillance skills +1.]

[Green Passive—Drag Racing Master: When avoiding tracking, when using a vehicle, vehicle driving skills +1.]

[Green Passive—King of Secret Spy: When teaching and teaching anti-surveillance courses, anti-surveillance skills +1.]

This, Su Ze thought about it, and chose the third passive.

Feeling the disappearance of the sight behind him, Su Ze knew that Lu Er had entered the state of fishing.

Now he has a certain understanding of this Jin Yiwei.

Lu Er's work seems to be hard work, but when he actually works, he is fishing for fish.

As far as the task of monitoring Su Ze is concerned, as long as Su Ze's itinerary is recorded, Lu Er will not inquire about the rest.

They are all working on imperial food, so why work so hard!
Moreover, there are so many court ministers and key personnel monitored by Jin Yiwei, in fact, no one may read Lu Er's information when it is sent up.

Lu Er only needs to wait until Su Ze comes out of the pier, and then follow him back to complete the task.

Ignoring the follower behind him, Su Ze came to Shanghai Wharf today mainly to check the flood control construction of the wharf.

Although the Yangtze River is milder than the Yellow River, once a flood occurs, it is also very terrifying.

Su Ze's [History] told him that there will be a major flood in the Yangtze River this summer.

This flood swept across the upper reaches of Wuhan and Jiujiang, affected Nanjing and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and raised the water level of the Huaihe River, which has been affecting Shanghai at the mouth of the sea.

Su Ze used the [Water Conservancy] skill to calculate that it is necessary to continue to reinforce the Shanghai Wharf to ensure that the Wharf will not be submerged in a flood.

Watching wharf laborers pile up big rocks on the riverside, this kind of pond and dam is the most effective way to prevent river and sea floods. The only disadvantage is that it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

However, there are still a few months before summer. According to the current construction progress, it is still too late.

The pier is full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, because Su Ze pays high wages.

Lifu, who unloads cargo on the pier, can get two taels of silver every month. Even in Jiangnan, this is considered a considerable income.

Moreover, the dock also manages two meals, which makes Lifu even more motivated.

In addition, Su Ze also solicits labor-saving tools from Lifu, and Lifu who invents labor-saving tools can get extra rewards.

"Su Xianggong, this is a sling that can rotate, and it was invented by Lifu at the dock."

The steward of the dock took Su Ze and pointed to a machine on the port that could turn its head, which was similar to a crane.

Su Ze nodded in satisfaction. Sure enough, the wisdom of the working people is infinite. Some tools don't need Su Ze to invent, and the workers can figure them out in their daily work.

"Participate in the construction of the dam and pay an extra one tael of silver, and it must be completed before summer."

Su Ze ordered to go down and looked at the river where the boats and boats passed. The Shanghai Wharf has rapidly prospered since it began to be used.

The reason is that the natural conditions of this pier are too good.

If it were not for such a superior geographical location, Shanghai would not quickly become the number one port in Asia.

And this port is a good natural port. Many waters don’t even need a navigator, and sea-going ships can enter the port directly. Compared with Yuegang, which requires careful piloting to enter, this place in Shanghai is where God enjoys food.

Fang Aizhu clung to Su Ze's ear and talked about the news he had inquired recently.

"The Xu family bought land on Chongming Island? Do you want to build a pier on Chongming Island?"

Su Ze laughed, this Mr. Xu is a real layman.

The waters near Chongming Island are silted up, and there are many hidden reefs nearby. It is difficult for ships with deep drafts to dock. Therefore, Chongming Island, which seems to be closer to the sea, is actually not suitable for building a harbor.

Not to mention that many sandbars on Chongming Island just emerged from the river a hundred years ago, and they have no ability to resist floods at all.

However, Su Ze would not kindly remind Mr. Xu that after inspecting the flood control construction of the pier, Su Ze went to Suzhou non-stop.

Poor Lu Er could only continue to ride his horse and keep up.

Su Ze arrived in Suzhou Mansion before dark.

The editorial department of "Jing Shi Bao" was moved to Nanjing by Su Ze, "Tong Yan Shuo" remained in Suzhou City, and Li Shizhen also chose to open a medical clinic in Suzhou, where he taught apprentices, treated diseases, and wrote medical skills at the same time.

Su Ze first went to Li Shizhen's medical center. The building was quite large, and there were quite a lot of people coming and going. Su Ze finally found Li Shizhen who was instructing students.

"Feel the patient's pulse."

Li Shizhen asked the young apprentice behind him to feel the pulse, and said, "This is the floating pulse, do you remember this pulse?"

The young apprentice nodded quickly, and Li Shizhen said again:

"The floating pulse only goes up from the flesh, remember the body shape poem on the pulse, now you recite the main disease poem?"

The young apprentice started to sweat, Li Shizhen sighed and said:
"Cunfu has a headache, dizziness and wind, or there is wind and phlegm gathering in the chest; when the soil is weak and the wood is prosperous, the waves in the chi will not flow."

"Patient, do you always feel dizzy and feel like you can't stop coughing up phlegm?"

The patient nodded quickly, and Li Shizhen quickly wrote out a prescription and said:
"This is the prescription. You can buy the medicine here, or you can go back and get the medicine yourself. The method of making the medicine is in this booklet."

After finishing speaking, Li Shizhen handed over another comic book, which was a brochure to popularize the knowledge of decoction, and it was a free gift.

The patient was very grateful, and Li Shizhen said to the apprentice:

"This month, I will copy "Binhu Maijue" again."

The apprentice drooped his face, very much like an intern who was reprimanded by the director in later generations.

Only then did Li Shizhen notice Su Ze. He stood up and said to Su Ze:

"Mr. Su."

The apprentices around also quickly saluted. Su Ze is the owner of this medical center. This is not only a medical center, but also a school where Li Shizhen teaches. Su Ze is also the principal of this medical school.

What's more, Su Ze himself is also a famous doctor. He pulled Li Shizhen and said:
"Mr. Binhu, have you read the sample booklet of the first edition of "Compendium of Materia Medica"?"

At this moment, someone rushed in and shouted:
"Miracle Doctor Li! The wharf is fighting again!"

 At the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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