I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 103 Jasa, the closest place to the sky

Chapter 103 Jasa, the closest place to the sky
Being promoted to a D-level creator means that "Xiaoyao" has a higher "bargaining power".

In the future, you can charge a higher price for writing songs for singers.

However, from E-level to D-level creators, a qualitative leap cannot be achieved.

The "remuneration" of songwriting and the realization of a qualitative leap point lies in the promotion of A-level creators.

Take a very simple example.

B-level creators can still only rent houses in big cities like Jinghai and Kyoto.

A-level creators can buy their own "square inch land" there.

S-level creators can live in villas.

As for the Hall of Glory level creators, writing a song can eat them to death!
It's a pity that a hall-level creator is too far away for the current Zhou You. In Blue Star, no matter how talented a creator is, he has to accumulate points for each song, fight monsters and upgrade, and then he can be promoted to a higher level. .

Zhou You took a look at the points required to advance to each level.

Level E 0 points.

Class D 100 points.

C level 1000 points.

Class B 10000 points.

Level A 100000 points.

S level 1000000 points.

Hall of Glory level 10000000 points.

If you just write songs honestly, and the songs are not on the charts or winning awards, you can only get 1 point each time, and you have to write 100 songs to upgrade to D-level.

For most creators, the entire career may only be at or below the C grade.

C level and above need to compete desperately in various rankings and awards.

Hall of Glory level requires 1000 million points... It's too scary.No wonder there is only one hall-level creator "Bai Hanlin" in the entire Xia Kingdom.

""Summer Wind" was released on the 1st of today, and its reward points will be settled next month. Now it has rushed to the top of the monthly list. You only need to stay on the list for 48 hours, and you will get 100 points again." If songs like Blue Lotus, "Once Upon a Time", "Ordinary Road" and "Chengdu" are all released this month, it shouldn't be a problem to be promoted to C rank next month." Zhou You was thinking in his mind.

Because there have been situations such as brushing the list and rushing to the list, the music network stipulates that a song must stay on the list for at least 48 hours before it can be considered as a valid list.

These are also some measures to prevent cheating.

After checking the information changes of "Xiaoyao", Zhou You switched accounts, and looked at the update of singer Zhou You's deity's points.

The coffee position has been adjusted to a second-tier singer.


Zhou You was watching seriously, Li Yan came over, "What are you looking at?"

"Xiaguo Music Network." Zhou You shook the screen, fortunately I had already switched off the Xiaoyao account, otherwise it would have been exposed.

"Have you been promoted to the second line?" Li Yan asked.

"Well, I just adjusted it today." Zhou You said.

"It's really fast." Li Yan said, "It took only a month to become a second-tier singer. And that teacher Xiaoyao, according to fans, he has been promoted to a D-level songwriter."

"Seriously suspect that he is cheating."

Please remove the word "doubt", I'm really hooked...Zhou Youdao: "As soon as you hit the list, you will be promoted with 100 points... luck is better."

"Singers and actors will become popular by accident," Li Yan said, "but creators won't. Being on the list is a matter of actual strength, not luck."

"The new work dominates the list for the first time, and I don't know what kind of monster your teacher Xiaoyao is."

The two chatted with each other.

The topic turned to the next itinerary, Li Yan said: "Living in Jinguan City is too comfortable~~ Shall we stay for another two days?"

"You can stay for a week," Zhou You said.

Anyway, he just came out to play.

Where is it not playing?
"Two days is enough." Li Yan said, "I yearn for Weizang more than Jinguan City."

"En." Zhou You nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll buy the ticket now." Li Yan immediately took out his mobile phone.

Originally they planned to drive to Weizang by themselves, but when talking about this issue yesterday, Zhou You and Li Yan both thought of one question: it is the rainy season!
There are too many uncontrollable factors along the way to U-Tibet by car.

In addition, driving in the past takes too long on the road.

Although there are nice scenery along the way and they can also enjoy the fun of self-driving, what they really yearn for is U-Tsang!
Don't plan to spend too much time on the road.

It's easiest to fly there.

When I arrived in Weizang to go around, I had a lot of driving time, and it would not be too late to experience the fun of self-driving at that time.

The two bad guys hit it off.

After confirming the itinerary and buying the ticket, the night was dark.

Sleep with the lights off.

Zhou You lay on the bed and closed his eyes, his consciousness sank into the system.

Life points remaining: 13 points.

Travel around immediately draw a lottery.

[Congratulations on getting the "Weather Child Card"]

"Weathering Child Card? What's the use?" Zhou You didn't expect to get such a prize... He thought it was "Weathering Child"!

[One-time props, after using the Child of the Weather card, wherever the owner goes, the weather will be sunny and sunny.Duration seven days! 】

This card is very useful in rainy days.

After the lottery draw, travel around and fall asleep.


Nine o'clock the next morning.

[Sleep until you wake up naturally, life point +1]

As expected by Zhou You, Li Yan hasn't woken up... Li Yan has never lost while sleeping.

Zhou You asked him why he was able to sleep so well, and he said: "This is one of the few opportunities to sleep in. After the show is over, this kind of life can only appear in dreams."

Good guy... You came here to catch up on your feelings.

Zhou You and Li Yan spent the day leisurely in Jinguan City.Take a look at the information on the "male and female guests" posted on the blind date corner.Chat with the uncles and ladies in Jinguan City.Most of the time, I am leisurely drinking tea and staring in a daze.

"It would be great if I could live like this all the time." Li Yan sighed, "Who invented the thing of going to work?"

In the afternoon, Wang Hou found Zhou You and Li Yan. He said that the sponsorship of Wan Jiang had been negotiated. The other party not only paid the sponsorship fee, but also provided four additional drones at different prices.

In addition, Wang Hou also found a camera brand, and got different models of cameras for Zhou You and the two.Lenses, tripods, flash, flash memory cards, etc.

"Cameras in plateau areas have to withstand environmental tests such as high altitude and low temperature. Prepare more cameras and storage to meet your shooting needs." Wang Hou said.

"Thank you Director Wang." Zhou You thanked.

I have to say that the prince is too thoughtful! !
The key is that these equipment are all for nothing! !

Two days passed quickly.

In the past two days, Zhou You and Li Yan have integrated into the lives of the locals in Jinguan City. They even went to the square to dance with the aunts after dinner at night.

The staff of the "Traveler" program group are working overtime to cut the materials shot in the official city, and cut out the content to be broadcast in the first episode.

"Traveler" is the same as most of Bluestar's recording and broadcasting programs. It uses the mode of recording and broadcasting at the same time.

This model is quite mature in Blue Star.

It is worth mentioning that, thanks to the screenwriter-centered system, many TV dramas of Bluestar also broadcast while filming.

The audience didn't respond well, so the screenwriter immediately changed the script and adjusted the shooting direction.

This is also done in many episodes of the stick country on earth.

According to Wang Hou, after arriving in U-Tsang, another episode of material will be filmed, and "Traveler" can be broadcast at an optional time.


25:[-] a.m. on the Fourth of July.

Zhou You and Li Yan boarded the plane from Jinguancheng Airport and flew to U-Tsang.

They saw on the online strategy that the plane flying from Jinguancheng to Weizang must choose the window on the left side.

As long as the weather is good, you can see the King of Shu Mountain and Nanga Bawa Snow Mountain when you fly in the sky.

You can also overlook the entire east of the Weizang Plateau.

Fortunately the weather was great that day.

They saw it.

After two and a half hours, we landed in Jalan Sa.

Zhou You has the physique of a special soldier and does not have any altitude sickness.But Li Yan was not so lucky.

Flying from Jinguancheng to Jasa, Li Yan has not yet adapted to the elevation of nearly 4000 meters in a short period of time.

If you drive by yourself or take the train, you may be a little more comfortable in Jalan Sa.

But Li Yan's physical fitness is good.

No oxygen.

After lying in the hotel for two hours, I got used to the altitude a little bit.

Zhou Youding's hotel is under the Jalan Palace, and you can see the red and white Jalan Palace from the window.

Zhou You took out the camera, selected the angle, and pressed the shutter.

The magnificence of the Jalan Sa Palace was left in the camera.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou You and Li Yan left the hotel.

See the Jalan Sak Palace on the Jalan Sak Palace Square,
The brilliant golden roof embraces the blue sky, and the pure white walls reflect the red painted Bianma wall.It is built on the mountain.The palace and the mountain are completely natural.

The layout is rigorous and well organized.

The azure blue in the clear and transparent sky seems to have absorbed the color of the ocean.

Yunjuan Yunshu.

The white clouds are like snow covering the Jasa Palace.

Under the sun, this ancient building with a history of thousands of years, like a pen of magic, stands there like a miracle, giving people the surprise and shock of the heart and soul.

Zhou You and Li Yan received the voucher for purchasing the tickets for Jarsa Palace.

Because there are a limited number of tickets for each day.

After getting the ticket purchase voucher, their journey seems to have finally opened the tip of the iceberg... However, they need to come here tomorrow to visit.

"Want to drink a cup of sweet tea?" Zhou You said.

"Good idea." Li Yan readily agreed.

Sweet tea is the number one food in Weizang.

It can be seen everywhere in Jalan Sa Sweet Tea House.

You can see a family within a few steps.

According to the recommendations of relevant bloggers and netizens, Zhou You planned to go to the one next to Jalan Sa Palace.Sitting here by the window, you can see the panorama of Jalan Sak Palace.

Seems like a good idea to sit there for an afternoon.

The two walked towards the store.

On the way,

You can see locals in U-Tsang holding prayer wheels in their hands and spinning them everywhere.

They wear traditional clothes.

The wrinkles on the old man's face are engraved with the traces of wind and frost.

The dark skin of the young man shone with a moving luster in the sun.

There are two touches of plateau red on the child's face.

The same thing is that they have simple, hearty and happy smiles on their faces.

Looking at turning the prayer wheel clockwise, Zhou You couldn't help thinking of Tsangyang Gyatso and the poem by Tsangyang Gyatso:
That day, I closed my eyes in the incense mist of the scripture hall.Suddenly I heard the mantra in your chanting; in that month, I shook all the prayer wheels.Not for exaltation, just to touch your fingertips; that year, I crawled on the mountain road with my long head.Not for the audience, just to be close to your warmth; in that life, I turned mountains and rivers and pagodas.Not to cultivate the afterlife, but to meet you on the way.

Li Yan was very curious.

He saw that the locals were spinning prayer wheels, so he just went to a shop to buy one, and then walked and twirled.

"Is it this way?" Li Yan was obviously different, he just learned to imitate from the passers-by next to him.

"Turn clockwise." Zhou You said.

"What do they say about turning the prayer wheel like this? I've always been curious." Li Yan was quite curious.

"The shaft body of the prayer wheel can be opened. After opening, there is a small scroll of scriptures. The scriptures are installed in the small prayer wheel, and each turn is equivalent to you chanting sutras once." Zhou You saw it Relevant descriptions are given to Li Yan at this moment.

"Isn't this just laziness?" Li Yan was taken aback.

"It should be called the quantum chanting method." Zhou You's mind came up with a lot of cuties preparing for the quantum exam~~~
Not long after, Zhou You and Li Yan came to the sweet tea house next to the square of Jarsa Palace.

The store is decorated in pure Tibetan style.

Old but clean.

An old lady sits behind the bar, and a young girl is the waiter here, serving tea and water to the guests.

There is no one in the store at the moment.

The smell of Tibetan incense wafts in the air.

Zhou You and Li Yan sat by the window, poured a cup of sweet tea, which was sweet and delicious, and then quietly admired the Jasa Palace outside the window.

The sun slanted in.

Zhou You and Li Yan sat here all afternoon, wasting their time and wasting their lives... The main reason was that Li Yan was still a little rebellious, and when he walked a little faster, he became tired and panted.

Why not just sit here?

[Taste sweet tea slowly, pass the time, life point +1]

In the past few days, the living points of traveling around have been accumulating without a lottery.

It's already 29 o'clock! !
The purpose is to stock up and have a three or five consecutive draws.

Zhou You and Li Yan sat in the sweet teahouse until [-]:[-] pm, feeling hungry before leaving.

On the first night in Jalan,
Zhou You and Li Yan decided to have a good meal.

So they came to a local restaurant called "Shengxue Tibetan Restaurant".

This store is also full of Tibetan decoration, and the whole room is full of Weizang style.

enter the restaurant,

The first thing I saw was a "yak"!
Of course, this yak is not alive, but it is extremely realistic.

It seems to be able to hear the call of yaks.

After entering the restaurant, at the foyer, the waiter and the boss received Zhou You and Li Yan with their traditional hospitality.

They presented a white khata to the two of them and said "Tashi Dele".

He also signaled Zhou You and Li Yan to grab a little barley in the five-grain bucket, throw it into the air three times, and then eat it.Then dip the ring finger in the highland barley wine and flick it into the air three times.

The strong Tibetan style blows over us.

The two took their seats.

The waiter immediately poured the buttered tea.

Zhou You picked it up and took a sip. There was a foul smell at first, but it soon turned into a pure fragrance.

And this fragrance will linger in the mouth for a long time.

Makes people want to drink.

Zhou You put aside a third of the buttered tea, and the waiter immediately filled it up again.

It is said that local people in U-Tsang always use buttered tea when entertaining guests, and add more as they drink. After the guests drink a little, the host will fill it up and keep it full.

"It's so fragrant!!" Li Yan praised after drinking half a cup.

When the waiter poured the tea, Li Yan asked, "What is the butter tea made of?"

Before the waiter could answer, Zhou You said, "Ghee."

Then the waiter and Li Yan were instantly amused.

Then the waiter explained that yak milk is used to extract ghee, then add salt, mix it with strong tea and stir it into a milky form, which is ghee tea.

Zhou You and Li Yan ordered a dish of "Kangba man", hand-caught mutton, fried yak meat with sour radish, Weizang pickles, and roasted mushrooms with butter.

Two people ordered five dishes.

In the process of waiting for the meal, Li Yan's talkativeness came up again, and he asked the waiter: "How long has this restaurant been open?"

Waiter: "14 years."

Li Yan: "Is there any story about your store? It feels quite special."

At this time, the proprietress began to tell the story of this store.

She said that opening this store was mainly influenced by her parents-in-law.The father-in-law and mother-in-law were the first climbers of Zhufeng, and their stories were made into a movie.The proprietress's natal family once opened an escort agency.Under such influence, she wanted to open a U-Tsang-style restaurant to let more people know about U-Tsang.

So that's how it started.

Serving soon.

The "Kangba man" came up first.

Made from beef tenderloin.

It's a big hard dish.

Zhou You tasted a piece, and the beef tenderloin melted in the mouth, "It's so tender."

The soft and delicate taste is endless aftertaste.

In addition to Kangba men, mutton is also a must!
Zhou You and Li Yan put on gloves and ate with their hands. They ate heartily and were quite satisfied.

[Taste U-Tibet delicacies, life points +1]

The cameraman who was following him swallowed when he saw Zhou You and Li Yan's eating...It was a torment to take pictures of them eating.

It was nine o'clock in the evening when we left the restaurant.

And Wei Zang's genius has just been blackened.

When returning to the hotel through the Jalan Sak Square, Zhou You and Li Yan were amazed by the sight before seeing the Jalan Sak Palace at night.

The Jasa Palace at night is like a bright crystal palace rising from the bottom of the sea. The dark blue night sky is like the sea water in the depths of the sea, surrounding and surrounding this "luminous palace".

Zhou You couldn't help but took a few photos.

That was the end of the first night in U-Tsang.

When they were downstairs in the hotel, the director Wang Hou called them both, "Your car is ready for you."

The prince pointed to the red "horse" next to him.

This is the "Mustang Series" of "Wrangler" off-road vehicles.

Its appearance is similar to the Jeep Cherokee of the earth.

It has a classic seven-grid grille, a wide front bumper, and an exposed engine cover clip... Its front windshield can be folded down, and the doors can be disassembled.It still retains these characteristics of military vehicles.

It seems that the uninhibited and wildness of gunfire and gunpowder can still be seen on it.

After all, this model was originally born for war.

There is a saying that "Jeep veterans will never die"!
It's as versatile as a swiss army knife.

It can do anything, go anywhere, and it's as faithful as a dog, as strong as a mule, and as nimble as a goat!
"This car is cool!!" Li Yan stroked the car body, "I can't put it down".

Zhou You sat in the cab directly.

Sure enough, it is still off-road in Weizang! !
With Zhou You's hand on the steering wheel, he already had the urge to drive it to visit the sacred mountain and lake in Weizang.



5000 word chapters.

Just one update today.It is not easy to write, and the required information is too complicated.Let me stroke it~~
Ask for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and tips.

(End of this chapter)

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