I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 102 Promotion to Class D Creator

Chapter 102 Promotion to Class D Creator
After the release of "Summer Wind", the popularity continued to rise.

Easily occupy the No.1 list of Yueting Music's new songs list.

at the same time,

Xiaoyao, who collaborated with Li Qingyao for the first time, also gained considerable popularity.

Li Qingyao is a popular first-line female singer after all, and she usually releases new songs with enthusiasm.Singers with higher coffee status will also be quite cautious when seeking cooperation from creators.

Usually well-known singers are "upwardly compatible".

That is to look for creators with higher status, or at least the same status as yourself, to cooperate with.It's rare for Li Qingyao to choose the work of an E-level creator as the title song of her new album... It's rare!

It is also because of its rarity that it has a very high degree of topicality.

For a while, Xiaoyao became the focus of discussion.

"What's the origin of Xiaoyao? Li Qingyao chose to cooperate with him."

"Every song is above the standard! It's really awesome."

"I think it might be the vest of a certain boss."

"Which big guy is too busy to write songs for 'newcomers' like Zhou You and Orange Band? Can the unit price of writing songs be dropped like crazy if you open the vest?"

"Haven't you heard of private orders? Bosses usually sign contracts with entertainment companies, and it's not a new thing to open a vest for private orders. Moreover, Xiaoyao also joined Dayu Studio. Now Dayu Studio is in the initial stage. Xiaoyao should be one of the partners... If you start your own company, then you have to open a vest."

"I feel that this Xiaoyao is not easy, I suggest you check him!"

Netizens on the Internet speculated about Zai Xiaoyao's identity.

Because Li Qingyao cooperated with him,
Now the saying that Xiaoyao is the vest of a certain boss is prevalent again.


Jinguan City.

After eating Bobo Chicken, Zhou You and Li Yan returned to Tingzhuge B&B.

According to the original arrangement,
They went down to visit Jinguan Street and Xingren Lane.

But after visiting the Giant Panda Breeding Base for a whole morning, the two walked almost 15000 steps each.Li Yan said that he was tired, so go back to the hotel and lie down.

Since it's a trip, and it's at public expense, the picture is for relaxation and pleasure.

Don't tire yourself out too much.

Sometimes eating, drinking and having fun is also very tiring.

Zhou You thought it made sense, so he went back home.

Take a nap.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up.

[Afternoon nap, life point +1]

When Zhou You woke up, Li Yan arranged himself in a big character, just like seeing the little panda sleeping on its stomach in the sun's delivery room in the morning, still sound asleep.

This guy can really sleep.

Perhaps because of the physique of the special forces, Zhou You has been in a particularly good state of mind recently, and his sleep quality has improved significantly.

Shorter sleep, but better mental state.

It's really refreshing to feel so energized.

He didn't wake up Li Yan.

Instead, he found the director Wang Hou.

"Director Wang, have you found the recording studio yet?" Zhou You asked.

He had planned to record a song tomorrow.

As a result, plans have changed.

I have nothing to do this afternoon, so I just went to record the song.Get one thing done for one less thing.

"Get in touch." Wanghou sent a location and phone number to Zhou You, "Are you going to record a song?"

"Idle is also idle, go out for a stroll." Zhou Youdao, "Well, the cameraman should stop taking pictures this afternoon."

"No problem." The prince said, "It just so happens that we are also on vacation."

"Huh? No filming this afternoon?" Zhou You was surprised.

"When you come to this comfortable place like Jinguan City, you can't justify it if you don't pretend to be bad." The prince said with a smile, "Have afternoon tea."

As he spoke, he unhurriedly picked up the tea in his hand.

Good guy... Director Wang!You were not like this before.

When Wang Jia heard Wang Hou say that he had a holiday this afternoon, he immediately flew up with joy.

He dragged Xu Feifan and went out.

Xu Feifan: "Hey~~ Take it easy."

Wang Jia: "Does it hurt you?"

Xu Feifei: "That's not true. Girls can't be gentle. Where are you taking me?"

Wang Jia: "Sweep the streets!"

Xu Feifei: "Isn't that the work of sanitation?"

Wang Jia: "Do you seem stupid~~"


Zhou You went to the recording studio and recorded four songs: "Chengdu", "Ordinary Road", "Once Upon a Time", and "Song of Trouble".

There are ready-made accompaniment tapes provided by the system.

With the addition of 100% song proficiency, Zhou You recorded all four songs in one pass.

The four songs were recorded in less than an hour in total.

The female sound engineer was stunned and even said: "You are the fastest I have ever seen."

Don't talk nonsense... You haven't seen me draw a gun, how do you know I'm a quick shooter?
Leaving the recording studio, Zhou You went to a nearby "Wanjiang UAV" directly-operated store.

In the past few days, he has been watching drone purchase strategies.

It seems that the Wanjiang brand is more reliable.

When I went to the directly-operated store of Wanjiang UAV, the purpose of traveling was very clear.

Directly name Wanjiang Air ultra-thin... No, Wanjiang Air 2 and Wanjiang Air 2s, these two models.

"Have a vision," said the boss when he took out two models, "These two models are our star models, and they are selling very well."

"Are you planning to take a video while traveling?" the boss asked.

"En." Zhou You nodded.

"Then you can choose these two models." The boss said.

"How did you sell it?" Zhou You asked.

These two models Zhou You have already understood quite clearly on the Internet.

What attracts them is that they both have obstacle avoidance in three directions: front, back, and down.With the obstacle avoidance in these three directions, you can use them to take some smart follow shots.

In addition, netizens commented that they are more secure than other brands and models when shooting short videos with one button.

The most important thing is that the maximum take-off altitude of the two is 5000 meters.

Zhou You and Li Yan are going to U-Tsang, and the average altitude of U-Tsang is about 4000 meters.

There is no need to worry about the failure of these two aircrafts on the U-Tsang side.

The difference between the Air 2 and the Air 2s is that the latter has an upgraded camera and a larger sensor than the former.It is clearer in darker environments or when shooting distant objects.Hmm... There is also a master lens that is more friendly to novices.After selecting a shooting target, the plane will automatically fly, automatically shoot, and automatically edit, which is a fool-like operation.

In addition to the three obstacle avoidances, front and back, it also adds up obstacle avoidance... Zhou You thinks it doesn't matter, but it's better than nothing.

Zhou You is actually more inclined to buy the latter.

But here they are, let’s take a look at both.

"Air 2 is priced at 4999. Air 2s is priced at 6499." The boss said.

The price is the same as online..."Can I take a test flight?" Zhou You asked.

"Yes." The boss brought the remote control and guided the operation of Zhou You.

Zhou You has already read a lot of operation manuals and got started quickly.

Since he was only testing the flight in the store, Zhou You had the feeling of playing with remote-controlled airplanes and remote-controlled cars when he was a child... This damn childhood memory.

The result of the test flight is that the Air 2s is more comfortable in all aspects.

The upper obstacle avoidance function automatically hovers when it is about to touch the ceiling.

"Air 2s are cheaper." Zhou You said.

"We all have a uniform price across the country." The boss said in the most idiomatic way.

"I'll buy two." Zhou You said.

After all, he is a novice, and there is a possibility of blowing up the machine, so Zhou You plans to buy another one.

Be prepared.

Not bad for a few thousand dollars.

The boss looked embarrassed, and said after a while, "I will give you a discount of 100 yuan for the two sets."

Weekly tour: "100 discount for each set."

"This..." The boss had so much expression on his face, pretending to be very tangled, and said for a while, "Hey~ that's fine, let's make friends."

In the end, Zhou You bought it at a price of 6399.

It is 50 yuan cheaper than using coupons online.

[Bagging makes me happy, life point +1]

Oh, can this work too?

"Add four more batteries." Zhou Youmei said happily.

The drone's battery life is usually only about 30 minutes, so it is necessary to prepare a few extra batteries.

"Okay." The boss packed Zhou You, "A battery is 999."

At the request of Zhou You, the invoice should be made payable to Big Fish Studio.

When Zhouyou scanned the QR code to pay 16794, the moment the payment was successful, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Buy the first drone in life, life point +1]

The last time I got a living point for consumption was when I bought a Leica q2 camera, and I never got a living point for consumption again.

Now it's showing up again...

Do you get living points only by spending a lot of money?

Sure enough, spending money can make people happy.

It was six o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to the homestay with two drones.

Director Wang Hou is drinking tea and chatting with the boss Yu Shuo in the lobby of the hotel, and the chat looks very speculative.

Seeing Zhou You back, the prince asked, "Go shopping?"

Zhou You: "Stroll around."

Prince: "What did you buy?"

Zhou You: "Drone. Take pictures of the scenery when you go to U-Tsang."

Unexpectedly, when the prince heard this, he had no interest in drones, and only asked, "How much is it?"

"Ten thousand yuan." Zhou You said vaguely, nearly seventeen thousand is also ten thousand yuan.

"Has the ticket been issued?" the prince asked.


"Give me the ticket, and I'll reimburse you." Wang Hou said, "Why do you need to pay for this? You and Li Yanzhi only need to be responsible for eating, drinking and having fun."

"Is this... okay?" Zhou You felt that he was being pampered.

His purchase of the drone was entirely a personal item... Unexpectedly, the prince would also be reimbursed for the money.Another savings!
After giving the ticket to the prince, the prince then asked, "Which brand did you buy?"

Zhou You: "Wanjiang."

Prince: "Let Wanjiang pay tonight."

Zhou You: "Huh?"

Wang Hou: "Call for sponsorship, otherwise it will be a mosaic for its no one."

This could be... Zhou You said, "Why didn't I think of that?"

Prince: "By the way, I'll get you two more expensive machines."

This operation is very coquettish! !
Director Wang, you play the word "whoring for nothing" clearly!
And according to this method, not only can you prostitute drones for free, you might even earn a sponsorship fee or ad placement fee... Give you a thumbs up and a thumbs up.

After Zhou You returned to the room, the little cameraman next to him said, "Director, just spoil him."

Prince: "I don't pet him, do you?"

Brother cameraman: "It's not impossible."

Prince: "Go away."

When Zhou You carried the drone back to the room, Li Yan slowly got up.

This guy slept all afternoon!


As soon as he arrived in the room, his phone vibrated, and Wang Hou had already transferred the four batteries of the two drones, a total of 16794 federal currency, to Zhou You via WeChat transfer.

Whoring two drones for nothing, I am flattered.

Li Yan leaned over to look at the drone that Zhou You carried back, "This thing is so cool."

Zhou You: "Let's drive to Weizang to take pictures."

The two then began to study how to operate drones more gracefully.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, the sky gradually darkened.

Li Yan, who slept all afternoon, was hungry...Zhou You felt that he might have woken up from hunger.

Zhou You was dragged to Jinguan Street to look for food.

The cameraman brother who took half a day off was "forced to open business".

Jinguan Street is a famous food street in Jinguan City.

Jinguan Street is very lively at night.

Crowds of people.

Snacks from all over the country can be found here.

Linliang was full of eyes.

Mutton kebabs, grilled squid, stinky tofu, dried bean curd with sweet potato skin, ice rice balls, tofu brain, grilled brain flower, crispy potato, fried pork ribs...

Walking in feels like falling into a gourmet den.

Jiang Chuxue, that foodie who came here, might be able to eat an angry little puffer fish, and his stomach would immediately bulge...Zhou You thought of Jiang Chuxue.

Li Yan let go of eating when he came to Jinguan Street.

Zhou You: "No body management anymore?"

Li Yan: "You have to be happy to be happy in life, as you said."

Zhou You: "I feel like you're playing it off."

Li Yan: "I also learned from you. We have tasted it one by one?"

Zhou You: "Good idea."

Seeing men and women passing by constantly, smelling the aroma of various delicacies wafting from the shop, Zhou You's appetite was greatly mobilized.

A family eats next to each other.

What impressed Zhou You the most was the dried bean curd with potato skin!Dried tofu is baked with chopped green onion and chopped ears.One bite is full of scallion and houttuynia fragrance.

An instant burst of happiness.

Tofu nao and crispy potatoes are also delicious.

On the way, Li Yan ordered a cup of milk tea, and Zhou You bought an ice powder.What's worth mentioning is that this lady who sells ice powder made Zhou You really appreciate the power of Jinguancheng people's mouth.

While preparing ice powder for Zhou You, she hummed a "little song": "This bowl of ice powder is a collection of heroes, and it's not expensive at all if you sell it for [-]~~~"

"My boy, let me tell you, my ice powder is very brittle!"

"You can't find another such delicious food in Jinguan Street, and you can't find a second one in Jinguan City."

"I'm not bragging."

"I've never been white, I've tasted it (shang) before I know it. After eating it, I feel comfortable, and I feel so comfortable~~"

"Look at this ice powder. It's different from other ice powders. The ice powder must be yellowish, with irregular air bubbles. Regular air bubbles are not hand-rubbed ice powder..."

His lips slipped into the air.

Li Yan was dumbfounded, and asked Zhou You for help: "Royal translator, translator, translator."

Zhou You: "What the lady just said is: the ice powder she sells is hot."

In front of this lady who sells ice powder, Li Yan, who has a chatty nature, instantly bowed down.The official words of the blunt lady are completely out of line for him.

But her ice powder is really delicious.

At the checkout, the lady specially gave them a discount of two yuan, she said: "Your cameras are shooting here, so I will pay you two yuan for advertising."

"The director wants to photograph my signboard."

The prince was amused when he heard this, and joked, "This is another price."

Madam: "Oh, please have an ice powder."

Wang Hou was bribed so disappointingly that he asked the cameraman brother to take a picture of the signboard.

eat all the way down,

Zhou You and Li Yan were very satisfied.

[Eat all over Jinguan Street, life point +2]

It was already 10:30 when we got back to the homestay.

After washing up, Zhou You studied the drone for a while, then lay on the bed and swiped his phone.

The song "Summer Wind" has exceeded 3000 million VIP views on the Yueting platform.

Li Qingyao deserves to be a popular first-line singer.

Although there are a lot of black powder.

But there are many fans who like her.

Less than 24 hours after the release of the prelude song, there were 3000 million VIP views, which is completely incomparable to Zhouyou's current celebrity status.

With the fan appeal of traveling around now, reaching 24 million VIP views in 1000 hours is already the limit.

Blue Star is ruled by the Star Federation.

Unified and interoperable in many ways.

After the music work is released, in addition to Xia Guo fans can see it, listeners in other regions can also see it.

It's just that the influence in areas other than Xia Kingdom will be weakened a lot.

Unless it is a world-class superstar, most of the singer's works are generally only popular in the said area.

Li Qingyao already had a little reputation abroad in Xia.

So 3000 million VIP views on the first day is not an exaggeration.

Xiaoyao and Li Qingyao are using the sales sharing model, with 3000 million views, Zhou You can earn millions from it...

Suddenly it felt easy to make money.

Turn off Soundtrack.

Zhou You discovered that the Xiaguo Music Network APP had pushed him a notification.

He hasn't had time to read it yet.

Open the Xiaguo Music Network APP, there is a red dot at the bottom message icon of the APP, marking 1.
Click to read.

[Dear creator Xiaoyao, the points have been settled in June 2023, please go to the personal information interface to check, or click the link to jump #jump link#]

Points finally settled?
Today is October 7th.

Li Yan mentioned that "the wind in July is lazy." Zhou You didn't even think about it.

Click the jump link now.

The page jumps to the information page of "Xiaoyao".

ID: Happy
Occupation: Creator
Grade: D grade

Points: 355/1000
Representative works: "Find Myself", "Mojito" (arranger), "Big Fish", "Sunshine Otaku", "Summer Wind"

As Zhou You expected, he was upgraded to a D-level creator.

Got 335 points?

Settlement rules for roaming curiosity points.

Check out the details now.

A total of 5 works created by him have been released and 5 points have been awarded.

The three songs "Find Myself", "Big Fish" and "Sunshine Otaku" all ranked No.1 on the monthly new song list.

The work that ranks first gets 100 points.
A total of 300 points.

"Mojito" Xiaoyao only participated in the arrangement.

Although the highest ranking of this song is also number one on the monthly list, Xiaoyao only got 30 points.

According to the rules, as long as you enter the top 100 on the monthly list, you will get points.

No.1100 points.

No.299 points.

No.398 points.


1 point for the [-]th place.

Otherwise, only 1 point will be awarded for the issued point reward.

It's cruel.

In addition, there will be quarterly rewards, annual rewards, award point rewards, etc.

The overall composition is relatively complex.

in short!
The longer the song dominates the charts, the more awards it gets, and the wider the influence, the more rewarding points it will get.

In Blue Star's creative circle, the hierarchy is very clear.

But it is precisely this hierarchical system that has created the prosperity of Star Federation's entertainment industry.

There is a vast world in the future.



The second change, 5000 characters.

Ask for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and tips.

(End of this chapter)

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