I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 101 Summer Wind, Explosion

Chapter 101 Summer Wind, Explosion

Zhou You and Li Yan wandered around the Giant Panda Base for three hours.

After seeing all the giant pandas from the moon delivery room on the top of the mountain to the final adult giant panda villa, the whole process was relaxed and cheerful.

Zhou You found Li Yan's traveling companion more and more interesting.

There are stalks.

will play.

"Is this the end of your shopping?" Li Yan glanced at his phone, it was almost twelve o'clock, "Did you go shopping for three hours? I feel like it took only three or ten minutes."

Li Yan looked unsatisfied.

"Happy time is always short." Zhou You said, Einstein's theory of relativity really does not deceive me.

In addition to the giant panda villa, the little panda villa, and the panda delivery room, the panda base also has a large area.

But Zhou You and Li Yan didn't want to go shopping anymore.

Because what they want to see most is the giant panda.

Now the giant panda loses interest after watching it.

The most important thing is that you are hungry, and it is already meal time.

"You, what shall we eat?" Li Yan was very concerned about what to eat every day.

"Matcha-flavored youth balls." Zhou You said intentionally.

"Mustard flavor is also fine." Li Yan agreed.

Just like that, Xiaoxiao drove away from the giant panda breeding base.

Wang Jia: "The two of them are really enough."

Wang Hou: "It's very CP, isn't it?"

Wang Jia: "Yes~~"


It was almost twelve o'clock at noon.

The release of Li Qingyao's new album's prelude has entered the countdown.

Li Qingyao's fan circle "Youth Tuan" are eagerly waiting.

"There are 60 seconds left, so excited!!"

"It is said that this new album has a collaboration with Guo Pinsheng, the youngest A-level gold medalist. The title song "Summer Wind" should be written by Guo Pinsheng."

"Where is Guo Pinsheng! I really like the songs he wrote. Pinsheng's products must be high-quality goods."

"10 seconds left!!"

"9 seconds!"

"8 seconds!"

Li Qingyao's "Youth League" began to count down nervously.


Jinghai, a certain villa.

Guo Pinsheng, the youngest A-level gold medalist in Xia Kingdom, is also paying attention to the release of the prelude song of Li Qingyao's new album with the same name.

He frowned slightly as the Youth League guessed that the prelude song should be composed by him.

Because this song "Summer Wind" is not his work.

Although the two songs he wrote were also selected into Li Qingyao's new album "Summer Wind", they did not mix into the position of the first title song.

One of the songs, "Midsummer", was only selected as the second title song.

Moreover, when Guo Pinsheng learned that Li Qingyao had another choice for the first title song of the new album, he was always embarrassed to ask who wrote the first title song.

He has his little tsundere.

It's no big deal not being picked as the first title track.

I'm just the youngest A-level gold medal creator.

Xia Guo also has many A-level gold medal creators, as well as S-level masters, as well as Bai Hanlin's pyramid-like "Hall of Glory".

It's normal for Li Qingyao to find other A-level creators, or even S-level master creators, to write songs.

However, I would like to see who took the position of the first title song, and which big guy's work has compared me to Li Qingyao's favor.


When he saw the timer reset to zero, the time jumped to 12:00 sharp.

Li Qingyao's new album's prelude song "Summer Wind" was released on time on Yueting Music, the largest music platform in Xia Country.

By then,

Li Qingyao's entertainment company Jiahua Entertainment's official account, Li Qingyao's personal Weibo account, and Yueting Music's official Weibo account also released the Weibo of the release of the prelude song of Li Qingyao's new album.

Widely advertising.

For a while, Li Qingyao's fans became active.

They flocked to listen.

"Summer Wind" is the title song of the new album with the same name. Before the release, Li Qingyao spent half a day shooting a MV.

To release the prelude song, there must be a MV to be a card.

This is the standard configuration when Blue Star singers release their prelude songs.

I don't know when this trend was formed.

Guo Pinsheng clicked on the MV of this song as soon as "Summer Wind" was released.

The MV just played.

The soothing melody played by the guitar floated into the ears.

It sounds very comfortable.

Then the song information appeared in the MV.

"summer Wind"

Lead singer: Li Qingyao
Lyricist: Happy
Composer: Happy
Director: XXX
When he saw "Xiaoyao" written in the two columns of lyrics, music and arrangement, Guo Pinsheng's body shook slightly.

"It's him?" Guo Pinsheng exclaimed.

He thought that the song "Summer Wind" was written by other more powerful A-level creators, or S-level creators.

But I never thought it would come from Xiaoyao's hands.

Xiaoyao is just an E-level creator.

And Guo Pinsheng is the youngest A-level gold medal creator.

he asked angrily in his heart.

Li Qingyao chose the work of an E-level creator as the first title song of the new album, the first song of the album, and also changed the title of the song to the same name as the song.

This is very unscientific!
You must know that in Blue Star, content creators have always been valued.

This also leads to the creator's status being higher than that of the singer.

Therefore, if an album has a heavyweight creator participating in the cooperation, many fans will buy and listen to the creator's fame.

On the contrary, if the co-creator is not heavy enough, the sales of the new album will be somewhat affected.

It is actually very risky for Li Qingyao to choose the work of E-level creator Xiaoyao as the title song. A little carelessness will cause the album to hit the market.

Li Qingyao's career is on the rise, why does he take risks?
Is this song really good?
Guo Pinsheng felt an imbalance in his heart.

He is very respectful.

In his opinion, the work of an E-level creator was selected as the first title song, and his work, the youngest A-level gold medalist, was only used as the second title song.

Very disrespectful.

Very inelegant.

My work is worse than Xiaoyao's?


The comment area of ​​the song is full of fan comments.

"Qingbao actually found Xiaoyao to cooperate?"

"Is it Xiaoyao, Zhou You's exclusive creator?"

"I thought Guo Pinsheng was the creator of the first title song...Why didn't you choose Guo Pinsheng's work?"

"That's needless to say!! Guo Pinsheng was beaten by Xiaoyao."

"No way, Xiaoyao is only an E-level creator, and Guo Pinsheng is an A-level creator."

"Isn't it common for protagonists to leapfrog murders in novels?"

"Okay...listen to the title song of this E-rank powerhouse first."

It's okay if you don't read the comments, but the more you read the more you get annoyed... What do you mean Guo Pinsheng has been compared to Xiaoyao?What is the protagonist's leapfrog murder?Xiaoyao is not the protagonist!
With an extremely unbalanced killing spirit, Guo Pinsheng continued to listen to the song "Summer Wind".

Li Qingyao hummed softly in the prelude.

The hum is as gentle as the wind in a summer morning.

The melody is mediocre... I can only say that I can listen to it.

The arrogant and respectable classmate Guo Pinsheng commented unfairly in his heart with dissatisfaction.

"The wind in July is lazy
Even the clouds are getting hot

It will be boring soon

After a cloud, it rained, woo yeah~~”

After the prelude, Li Qingyao's singing floated into her ears.

The wind in July is lazy... Guo Pinsheng didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he seemed to really feel a lazy wind blowing across his face.

It gives people a feeling of summer afternoon, listening to cicadas singing, and lying under the eaves for a nap.

Lazy wind, lazy large clouds like cotton, sultry heat, showers... In just a few words, the feeling of summer is written into the DNA of the listener.

Lyrics barely~~
The respectable Guo Pinsheng still refuses to admit that this song is good.

"In the scene, two people are walking together

My face is also lightly against your chest

I hear my heartbeat woo~~
I care about the same temperature as the weather”

A sour smell of love came to my face.

This Xiaoyao really knows how to write about summer... "Looking for Myself" is crashing, it's raining, the melody arrangement of "Summer Soseki" has a summer feeling of orange soda, and the sunny beach bikini of "Sunshine Otaku"...

But among all the works, Guo Pinsheng feels that this song "Summer Wind" has the strongest sense of summer, and the lazy feeling is quite comfortable.

A passable work.

Guo Pinsheng threw out a little bit of recognition.

Soon the song enters the chorus.

Li Qingyao raised her voice a little.

The summer wind is blowing, and the summer comfort is coming.

"I will always remember the summer wind
say you love me clearly

I see your cool smile sometimes shy

The summer wind is blowing warmly

through the hair through the ears
You and my summer wind are talking softly"

The chorus part is like the warm wind blowing by in the summer evening. It sounds so comfortable and emotional... Even Guo Pinsheng can't help but fall into the melody and lyrics of this song.

But as arrogant as him.

He will not admit that this work is better than his own "Midsummer".

He said to himself: "The lyrics and music are barely good. Li Qingyao's singing skills are very good, and I have gained a lot of points... If someone else sings this song, the listening experience will not be so good. Li Qingyao's interpretation is very good."

She attributed the good sound of this song to Li Qingyao's singing skills.

rather than the lyrics of the song itself.

But no matter how stubborn he is,

When the song entered the "Interlude" part of the rap, the strong R&B style still convinced him.

"The gentle, lazy sea breeze blows to the high peaks

The warm wind, the mountain wind blows into a mountain wind


Why don't you ask Shanfeng that you will come back"

Lazy R&B, unhurriedly bringing out a sense of jumping rhythm, pleasant and comfortable.

With the melody and singing, Guo Pinsheng's memory about summer seems to surge... Can the song be written like this?

He loves this rap.

This rap also made his eyes shine.

Instantly distinguishes "Summer Wind" from most music works on the market.

"Li Qingyao can still control this R&B style? And he did well." Guo Pinsheng probably guessed why Li Qingyao chose this song as the title song.

Because it is different from her previous works.

It is easy to give people a refreshing feeling.

Every singer has his own fixed style, and at the same time, he also needs to break through his own inherent style, so that he can develop for a long time and go further.

"Happiness is just a matter of style." The arrogant Guo Pinsheng still does not admit that Li Qingyao chose this song because it was better than "Summer", but only because of the R&B style of this song, which Li Qingyao had never tried before. passed.

The song "Summer Wind" was written by Tiantian, composed by Jay Chou and sung by Wen Lan.Included in Wen Lan's fourth album "Wen Style Effect" in 2004.

On this album, the label actually pinned its hopes on the song "Happy Birthday to Me."But I didn't expect that after the album was released, "Summer Wind" performed particularly strongly.This song is now 19 years old, but it is still a classic.

After all, it carries the memories of many people's youth...

The arrogant Guo Pinsheng pushed the rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose, leaned on the sofa, and listened to the whole song.

Then drag the progress bar to the beginning and listen again.

The main reason is that Li Qingyao sang so well... Well, especially the harmony in the second chorus, it's amazing!
When listening to it for the second time, while listening, he flipped through the comments of Li Qingyao's fans.

"It's so nice~ I feel like my ears are pregnant."

"It turned out to be R&B style, and I found a new posture to open Qingbao."

"Qing Bao's R&B is very good."

"The lyrics and music are well written!! It is worthy of being a cutting-edge creator Xiaoyao."

"It really feels like summer! Great song."

"It seems to have returned to the summer of my first love."

"So lazy and comfortable."

"I love that rap."

"I like it too!! It sounds good."

"It's fallen and I can't get out."

"Only the summer wind knows the ambiguity of love."

The numerous reviews are all positive.

Seeing Guo Pinsheng's desire not to watch it... At this time, can't there be two happy black fans?
Let's just listen to the music.

Seeing the comments is annoying.


Jinguan City.

A street bowl chicken shop.

Li Yan was eating Bo Bo Chicken, boasting that Bo Bo Chicken was delicious, while scrolling on his phone.

I saw that Li Qingyao released a new album single at the number one position on the Weibo Hot List.

And the creator is still at ease.

"Li Qingyao's new album has released the prelude song." Li Yan said.

"Yeah." Zhou You just hummed lightly, I knew it a long time ago.

"It turned out to be a song written by your exclusive creator, Teacher Xiaoyao." Li Yan looked at Zhou You rather gossip.

"En." Zhou You just hummed.

"Do you feel out of favor?" Li Yan continued to ask.

"It's up to Teacher Xiaoyao to write songs for him," Zhou Youdao, "There's no such thing as falling out of favor."

"The comments seem to be pretty good, listen to it." Li Yan said and pressed the play button.

Turn up the volume a little bit, put the phone on the table, listen to the song, and pat the chicken.

The wind in July is lazy~~~
"The melody is very catchy." Li Yancai couldn't help commenting on the first line, "The first line of the lyrics is very interesting."

"Why is it interesting?" Zhou You was curious.

"What's the date today?" Li Yan asked.

"July [-]st." Zhou You said.

"That's right." Li Yan said, "The wind in July is lazy~~ Don't you think the timing of the release of the first song is very interesting? It's not June NO.30, but July [-]st. I'm afraid it's just to correspond to the lyrics. Li Qingyao is very thoughtful."

"Maybe it's a coincidence." Zhou You said.Hearing what Li Yan said, the wind in July, July [-]st... seems to have some meaning.

"How can there be so many coincidences in the entertainment industry?" After Li Yan finished speaking, the two quieted down and continued listening to the song.

In the summer of July, a cool breeze blows in the alley, eating Bo Bo Chicken and listening to "Summer Wind".


Zhou You didn't expect that under such circumstances, he would gain some living points.

Soon "Summer Wind" was played again, and Li Yan praised: "It's amazing!"

"With this song, Li Qingyao may hit the throne of the little queen."

"What do you think of this song?"

"It's okay." Zhou You said.

"Okay? Why do you feel sour?" Li Yan said, "Are you jealous that Xiaoyao wrote such a powerful song for Li Qingyao?"

"Am I the kind of narrow-minded person?" Zhou You said.

"Yes." Li Yan grinned.

Not far away, Wang Hou dispatched a videographer to record, and when he heard the conversation between the two, he sighed in his heart: "Li Yan, Li Yan, Teacher Xiaoyao is sitting opposite you!"

At the same time, he also heard the song "Summer Wind".

Zhou You is so talented.

Every song written is so sweet.

It's a pity that his ambition is not here, and he retreats behind the scenes... Otherwise, how popular would he be?unimaginable.


Jinghai, Jiahua Entertainment, Chief Broker's Office.

Dong Wenshu, Li Qingyao's agent mother, has been paying attention to the various statistics after the release of "Summer Wind".

The number of VIP views in one hour of release exceeded [-] million.

The VIP broadcast volume exceeded 2000 million within three hours of release.

At the moment, the number of views of "Summer Wind" is approaching 3000 million.

Dong Wenshu was very excited to see such data.

"Yaoyao! "Summer Wind" is on fire! Exploding!" Dong Wenshu excitedly said, "We hope to reach a higher level this time."

"En." Li Qingyao's reaction was rather cold.

She is very happy to see fans like "Summer Wind".

But she wasn't excited at all.

Take your career to the next level...and then?Earn more money?Are you busier?I was very happy at first, but when I saw my mother Dong Wenshu so happy, I was instantly unhappy...

She doesn't care if the album is popular or not.

I don't care whether my career can go to the next level.

What matters is,

She likes this song "Summer Wind", likes the song that Xiaoyao created for her, and likes to share good music with fans.

She loves music.

But she is not keen on becoming the much-anticipated queen of songs that her mother is looking forward to.

Dong Wenshu saw Li Qingyao's indifference, "Why are you not happy at all?"

Li Qingyao: "There's nothing to be happy about."

Dong Wenshu didn't know what to say for a while... "The first song became popular, and our new album is half the success."

Li Qingyao: "Yes."

Dong Wenshu: "All our efforts are worthwhile."

Li Qingyao didn't even bother to say yes this time.

Pick up the phone directly, open WeChat, find the game world, and send the link of the song "Summer Wind" to the game world: "This song is not bad."

Soon Game World replied: "Aren't you Li Qingyao's black fan?"

Prison Bird: "But I am a true fan of Xiaoyao."

Game world: "...you won't become a fan of Li Qingyao because of Xiaoyao, right?"

Prison Bird: "Maybe. Does Mr. Shudong like Xiaoyao's works?"

Game World: "Yes."

Prison Bird: "Sure enough, we are like-minded people."

The game human heart said: Don't, when it comes to fellows, I always feel that you are a big guy who picks your feet!
The prison bird is waiting for the game world's reply.

However, there has been no news from the game world.

Dong Wenshu saw her daughter holding the phone with a happy smile on her face, "Who is Yaoyao chatting with? So happy?"

Li Qingyao: "I saw a joke."

Dong Wenshu: "Show mom too."

Li Qingyao: "Broker Dong is working hours."

Dong Wenshu's heart was lightly beaten, and it took a long time for her face to recover: "Mr. Xiaoyao's "Summer Wind" was a great success. We have to thank Mr. Xiaoyao. Teacher Xiaoyao has great potential, we have to maintain this layers of cooperation.”

Li Qingyao had a look of expression on her face, "Then mom, please prepare more gifts."

When mentioning Xiaoyao, Zhou You appeared in her mind, "I'm going to Dayu Studio to visit Teacher Xiaoyao in person."

By the way, I happened to travel around.



The first update, 5000 words.

The tickets are coming to the bowl soon... Monthly tickets and recommendation tickets are all very important!Just the motivation to update.

(End of this chapter)

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